The hidden evidence and the accomplice

When we arrived at Charlie's room I was dumbstruck by the scene placed in front of me. Damon was holding on tightly to Charlie's collar and Charlie did the same. I could hear both of them breathing heavily accompanied by a low key growl

"Hey- Hey stop it both of you" Gabe walked over to them placing his hands over their shoulders in an attempt to calm them down but they remained unmoved, not even their eyes were yielding

"What is going on here Damon?" I asked in a low tone, all that has been going on lately seems to have been seeping off all my energy and being in a room with two guys ready to go off on each other wasn't very energizing

Damon finally let go of Charlie's shirt "while I was walking I bumped into Charlie over here and see what I found" he lifted up a cellphone

"Whose cellphone is that?" It looked familiar so I'm sure I have seen it before and the butterfly glitter design tells me it belonged to a girl

"This is Kara's phone. Now it makes me wonder what Charlie was doing with it and why he chose to hide it?"

"Wait as in dead Kara's phone? Well that isn't creepy at all" Gabe took the phone from Damon looking at it very closely

"Maybe if you had let me explain myself and not just assume i was some freakish killer you would know why" Charlie came to his own defense. I was staring at a version of Charlie I had never seen before, the flirty but funny boy I once knew as Charlie was now gone and all I could see was someone with a lot to hide

"Then explain yourself. Tell us the truth about what really happened" I hope he listens to me and tell only the truth

"Okay so after the party I was a bit wasted so I was on my way back then I received a very weird message from Kara saying she was scared and alone and I should meet her near the woods so I texted her back that I'll be there but when I arrived no one was there well except from Kara's lifeless body. I wanted to just run away and just pretend I didn't see anything but that was when I heard a phone ring, it wasn't mine it was covered in blood feet away from Kara. I fought against every reasonable thought telling me to just walk away so I went to pick the unknown call at first I heard nothing except for a heavy breathing I asked who it was then whoever that was told me congratulations that I have been chosen to be part of the game and now I was his accomplice. He gave me two options. It was either i took the phone or leave it for the cops to find it and figure out I was the last person who texted Kara" he stopped placing both his hands on his brownish hair

"So you hid that evidence" I stated an obvious fact

"Yes, I was planning to destroy the phone just now before he caught me"

"Well good thing you didn't" Gabe said "I believe maybe there might be some kind of clue in this little Pandoras box"

"Thanks again Gabe" I tried to give a smile but the sudden sound of my phone ringing robbed me of the opportunity. Everyone tensed up and gathered around. We all knew who was calling. I hesitated at first but finally answered the unknown call with shaky hands then put the call on loudspeaker

"Hell-o" I looked at the faces around me as we all waited in anticipation for the other side to speak I felt Damon's warm hand touch mine. It came with a very comforting sensation, a sensation I haven't felt since my mom died eleven years ago during that robbery gone wrong. The sensation that I wasn't alone and I had someone by my side

"Hello Veronika, did you miss me?" The other side said

"What do you want?"

"Not in the mood for games huh? Well too bad cause I am"

"I'm not going to play your games anymore" I declared but deep down I knew I didn't have any choice or control over that

"This game will interest you its called, drumrolls please... wait for it..." He was clearly enjoying this "SAVE CHARLIE BEFORE I RIP HIS HEART OUT. Do you like the name?" Charlie eyes blew open showing raw fear, Gabe mouthed to me 'ask him to tell you more'

"Tell me more about this game?"

"After twelve hours I guarantee that Charlie my little accomplice would be no longer alive"

"He isn't your accomplice. I know what you did to him, you played with his fears and used it against him"

"Well give the girl a prize cause she isn't as dumb as she looks, you know what you are exactly like your mother always thinking they know everything but in the end know nothing but you got one thing right, I used his fear against him just like I'm gonna do to you and your pathetic little squad" I could feel his confidence rise and that scared me "one by one I'll come for all of you saving the best for last. It will happen right before your eyes but you won't be able to do anything and every time you will always lose. That's a promise" as he burst out in a maniacal laugh I gulped down my own fears

"We will find you and make you pay and that's my promise to you" I gathered up all my courage

"Well good luck cause your really gonna need it. And remember game on" the call was disconnected with a beep

"Wow that was intense" Gabe broke the silence

"He wants to kill me" Charlie moved back fear spelt all over him

"We won't let him hurt you cause you are innocent and he pulled you in all this" I tried to comfort him. He was innocent and forcibly dragged in all this craziness we had to win this time to save his life

"Why do you guys say 'he', 'him' like its surely a guy. It could be anyone boy or girl?" Gabe said with a indifferent shrug

"Well it sounds like a guy" Damon said

"Yeah but there are millions of apps software these days that can make that happen" what Gabe said was incredible but could be true

"So you are saying that a girl could be the red ghoul killer?" Damon asked with a puzzled look

"Yeah just have the software and ta-da you can sound just like a creepy dude with a bad sore throat" this was new information. Another female red ghoul wouldn't be a impossible theory. And the voice was changed just to throw us off the trail. This looked like one of the many mysteries we are yet to uncover at Caston college.