Twelve hours

The killer had said we had just Twelve hours before Charlie dies. I really didn't know what to do but at least Gabe had gone to his room to try to hack open Kara's cellphone in the hope of getting anything like as little as a clue meanwhile Riley, Damon, Charlie and I were heading find Jason hoping to get help from maybe he could give us some idea at this point any help was was something. We strolled in silence till we arrived at Jason's dorm. Damon stepped forward and knocked on the door. When the door opened we met a pair of teary blue eyes. It was Sophia's. She looked different, but not the good kind of different. Her black hair was combed straight, her face very moist, it was very obvious that she has been crying. She wore black mourning clothes

"What are you doing here?" after a minute of looking at our faces she finally said in a angry tone now her eyes had only one target which was me.

"We just came to see Jason" Damon said briefly

"No! There's no way I'm going to allow this murderer in" she had a bitter look. If eyes could dagger someone I'm pretty sure I would be dead by now bleeding on the floor

"Veronika isn't the killer but if you don't let us in someone will die" Riley came to my defense

"Everything was all okay before she came here so whatever is happening is all her fault" she continued assaulting angrily

"I know you are angry---" I was cut off

"Don't act like you know how this feels. I had to attend two of my dorm mates funerals this week plus my boyfriend was attacked trying to save you and now he is the hospital so don't give me a speech"

"You think your the only one who's angry cause your not, Caitlin was like a sister to me and she was murdered so instead of standing here counting your losses and being a bitch as always try doing something about it" Damon looked angry, this hasn't been easy for anyone of us. After what Damon had said Sophie fell silent

"Gosh so dramatic, like y'all should think about going into the acting game" Jason walked up to the door wearing a ash colored T-shirt underneath a folded ash and brown check shirt. He was looking really calm as always, I think that was the only thing that freaked me out about him. He was always calm even after the death of two dorm mates he still looked unmoved not even disturbed even the slightest. This always made me wonder what reasons he had to always stay calm

"Come in guys, Sophie you really need to take care of yourself try resting" he lead her to a cushion sitting her down very carefully

"Do you know where Scott is?" Sophie asked looking up at Jason

"He is a big boy, he is gonna be fine" Jason smiled at her "just rest now" after talking Sophia to sleep he gestured to his room with his hands as he led the way. His room was dark, the windows were covered with thick curtains just like how a vampire whose weakness was sunlight would and apart from the complete darkness his room was really chilly

"So what do you people need?" After pushing the curtains away he asked moving closer to us

"I got a call from the killer"

"Aah interesting" he chuckled as though it was funny

"He says we have just twelve hours before he try to kill Charlie" Riley spoke from beside me

"Hmmm so Charlie's life is on the line here. But that doesn't still explain what you want from me"

"Are you slow or what? We need you to help us save Charlie" I could hear the annoyance in Damon's voice, I knew Damon never really liked him

"Yes we need a plan" I said softly staring at his eyes

"Okay I have a plan. Its risky but if we do it right we won't only save Charlie but we would have our killer in a bag" he clapped his hands as he made a wild smirked

"What's the plan" Charlie seemed to eager to know about whatever Jason had in mind to keep him safe, his life was counting on it

"The plan is doing nothing" I would think he was joking if his face didn't look so dead serious

"Your kidding right. A very psychotic killer who hates losing is after Charlie and your brilliant plan is doing nothing" Riley sounded really confused even I was confused on how doing nothing was even considered a plan

"Face it your boy Charlie is doomed even if you guys call the cops, call his parents or even if he makes it on a fucking flight to the moon the red ghoul will always find him but if we do nothing other than set a trap and keep our fingers crossed Charlie might just make it"

"Fuck no way... No way I'm gonna be used as bait for your trap" a very rattled Charlie declared

"Sorry dude but you don't really have a choice" Jason still kept his calm smile

"Please tell me there's another plan" Charlie looked at Riley, Damon and I

"Its seems risky but Jason is right we can't call the cops, if you try to run it will only make killing you easier so let's just face him and make sure we do this right" Damon tried to sound comforting

"I promise we won't let him win this time" I assured him determined not to lose again. My phone rang and it was Gabe

"Hey Gabe" I quickly set it on loudspeaker

"Hey Veronika so I hacked open Kara's phone and I discovered something

"What did you find out?"

"Ten minutes before Kara died she received some very weird text from Charlie like flirty kind of weird to come meet him in the woods"

"But that isn't what Charlie said" I looked at Charlie and he looked really confused

"Exactly. I noticed that Kara's phone was hacked and believe me it wasn't easy for me to hack this so our killer is not only extremely criminally good but also a extreme computer genius" this was new information but was bad news for us. This meant we weren't safe at all from the red ghoul.