Lost Arm


Adonis said only one word to the Elven.

Elven just sighed thinking it will be hard to make him agree.

Zeph just felt the incredible awkwardness sitting there listening to the straight-out rejection. He thought it would be good to excuse himself from this meeting.

But before he could think of an excuse for leaving, Elven helped him out.

"I think Zeph, you should go outside to explore the capital. It's not every day you can visit the capital.

Our Discussion is going to last longer as I can predict from its flow."

Zeph stood up and nodded towards Elven. He looked towards the Adonis and said,

"I hope you can teach me, not because Boss is pushing me towards you,

But because I felt only Respect to a Warrior like you who despite facing huge physical setbacks never limited himself to stop pursuing his goals."

He exited the shop and began walking towards the market to explore the shops of Capital.

He had fewer hopes regarding his acceptance but he didn't mind that. He also didn't regret the tour made with Elven. For him to experience the difference in strength from a physically handicapped person was enough to make this visit fruitful.

Despite his loss of an arm, he was produced such a terrifying aura just alone by a gaze. This proved Boss's words that he had indeed attained a much powerful stage than ever.

This example is great motivation to Zeph who himself is on the losing side in terms of physical fitness and chronic pain. If a warrior without an arm can do this why can't he?

Hard work is all there to do, rest is comprehension by a strong mind. Zeph clenched his fist and soon faded away in the bustling streets of the city.

The door closed with a bang sound as Zeph exited the shop. Elven sighed and narrated the whole of Zeph's story. He even told him about him having some physical weakness due to unknown reasons. Elven looked towards the Adonis,

"You at least shouldn't have said 'No' this directly."

"You shouldn't have asked me this directly. Moreover, he is not a child that you have to make sure that nothing hurts his feeling.

And from his words, he looks more mature than you."

Elven took the coffee jug he was stirring,

"Look here, I am serious. Why are you not taking him as a disciple? Do you need someone with exceptional talent? "

"No, I just think I am not qualified enough to teach someone. Moreover, why can't you take him as your own?"

"Believe me I would love to. But he is exactly opposite to my specialization. He is a weapon user, while I am an Elementalist. He has a weak physical body, whereas being an Elementalist means having rough and tough energy veins.

Moreover, he has a lightning attribute that does not have a relation with me from miles away. It will be unfair if I am unable to teach him something."

"Seriously Elven I am not looking for a disciple currently. And…."

"Ok, let's change the topic. I understood." Cut off Elven as he raised both hands expressing his acceptance to his answer.

Both of them began to indulge in various topics ranging from their comrades to the memories and from current human society situation to discussing almost nonexisting love life of each other.

Suddenly while drinking coffee Elven raised the topic he hadn't talked about in past.

"Adonis, How did you lose your arm. What happened ?"

Adonis was taken back by this question. He knew he hadn't told anyone about this because he was too absorbed in its implications.

"Guess, it was the most life-changing experience for me. You knew after we went back, I decided to clean out some major Beasts and demons who were long causing human disasters but somehow managed to escape every time.

It was after few months I got news about a Yaksha demon rare hybrid who was active in that parts for almost a decade.

He was known for his crimes in the abduction of babies and young children from human villages. On record, he had abducted nearly 2 million children in a decade.

But he was able to escape every time from authorities. It was at that time I got news about him.

I managed to track down him to his lair and found out why he was needing so many human children.

Even today memories of those visuals give me goosebumps. He was a mad researcher performing extreme implantation experiments. Several human monsters were crawling in a cage, devouring each other.

Some babies had their mouth replaced by spider fangs, some had eyes implanted of demons. Some were half human half yaksha. etc and then they were left to devour each other in a closed cage.

I was extremely enraged at the cruelty enforced on Children. I went forward and to my utmost anger found that he was doing business of these monsters with the human warrior.

I lost my all sense of reason and attacked both of them. I was an idiot and as expected was defeated by them.

I was captured to be a prisoner but as they were subduing me I quietly managed to send a sound signal of my location to 1200 km range. I was not sure if anyone was there to receive it but it was my last effort to save myself.

I gained consciousness a few minutes later and terrible pain overclouded my senses. I opened my eyes to see they were sawing my left arm to torture me.

I saw with my own eyes as they sawed off my arm and threw it to the baby monsters cage for them to devour. They hearty ridiculed me saying my every organ will have the same end.

I have very much lost all my will right then. But probably luck was my side, as my master happened to be in the same area for some work. He arrived and obliterated all the lair and rescued me to his place."

Elven shakes his head over the tragedy faced by his friend. He too felt he would have also left all reason seeing the terrible monster who is the cause of such evil is working with human warriors.

Adonis sighed and continued his story,

"I lived at his place in extreme depression. You can understand what a loss of arm meant to aspiring warriors. He saw the young me who was on verge of committing suicide due to trauma. Then he gave me an offer to be his disciple.

I was confused at first. What will a weapon warrior do without an arm but he taught me by his means. He was harsh in training but he made me stronger than I was previously in just a year.

He often said 'A man should learn to work on himself, not with the circumstances. "

Adonis who was clutching his iron prosthetic arm had a slight smile on his face.

Elven patted his back and chuckled,

"So in tough times, your master gave you chance to make come back.

So what's wrong with passing your master's legacy of creating wonders to the Zeph. You reached this stage with help of a master so you should at least pass his techniques and legacy down."

Adonis removed his hand with a jerk and said,

"No need for your advice. You don't have to fit your request like this in my story. This kid is strong, he will succeed with or without me you don't have to worry."

Adonis looked towards the setting sun. He didn't make that statement up to false assurance to Elven. When he leashed his killing aura, most of the young warriors would be unsuspected towards it.

But that kid not only sensed it but also managed to withstand full burnt of aura without fainting.