Chapter 74: Tywin offering his daughter

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's first chapter.

Thanks to everyone who supported me.

You could read up to 15 more advanced chapters on my pàtreon.


For the next mass release, if we reach 65 pàtreons, I will upload 8 more chapters.



"You are still here, Lord Tywin. I thought you came here with the prince." Said Edward trying to act friendly as much as he could. He was acting completely different than their first meeting.

Although Edward could not wait to kill Tywin, he thought that there was a chance for them to work together. At least, they could help each other in putting an end to the Targaryen.

"Not at all, we just met on our way here." Said Tywin with the same haughty attitude that he always had.

"Oh, then what could I do for you, Lord Tywin?" Asked Edward. He wanted to know the reason why Tywin came all the way here.

Tywin looked around the tent before he shifted his eyes back to Edward.

"I think we should discuss this alone." Said Tywin telling Edward to send everyone out for some time.

Edward looked at Tywin's eyes, but after seeing the seriousness in Tywin's eyes, Edward could only sigh.

"Clinn, take everyone and wait outside." Said Edward without turning back. Clinn nodded his head and signaled the rest of Edward's men and Tywin's to follow him.

After they left, only Edward and Tywin were in the tent. Edward shifted his eyes towards Tywin.

"You can say it now, Lord Tywin, Right?" Said, Edward. He would do this anyway as he wanted to discuss a plan with Tywin but wanted to know Tywin's motives at first.

"I can call you Edward. You are fine with that, right?" Said Tywin as if he cared if Edward refused or not. He was only trying to act nicely as Edward had changed his attitude towards him. If Edward had spoken like before, he would not mind calling Edward a brat.

Edward sighed and nodded his head. Since he wanted to hear what Tywin wanted to say, he had to endure his arrogance and haughty attitude.

"Why are you marrying that Dayne's girl?" Asked Tywin as if he found Ashara disgusting. Actually, Tywin hated Dorne to the core at the moment. So whether the person is a Martyll or not, Tywin would not stand him. He would rather see Dorne burn to the ground than anything else.

"What do you mean by that, Lord Tywin?" Asked Edward, who got a little annoyed by Tywin's attitude.

"Don't act stupid in front of me. You know what I mean. The Daynes are just a rural House from Dorne who resided in Starfall city. What would you get from marrying from them? Would you get any benefits from them? I bet they were the ones who got all the benefits." Said Tywin, who wanted to put an end to this marriage. He came to this tourney for a reason. Would he get out of his way for nothing? He did not attend any tourney since the one he held in Lannisport.

"Lord Tywin, when you married, Lady Joanna, was you expecting any benefits in return?" Asked Edward. He always wanted to know the answer to this question. Tywin, who married his lover, Joanna, would force his children to marry for the sake of the family. Why did not Tywin do the same? He could get more benefits by marrying a daughter from a great house.

After hearing Edward's question, Tywin's expression changed a little. Edward's question had reminded him of his dead lover. He was always feeling regret when it came to her.

"It was the best and the worst decision in my life. Now, I am living with only my memory of her. But I thought you were smarter than that. I thought you would choose a powerful house to get more benefits." Said Tywin as he remembered the past at first, then he focused on what he came here for.

"And who do you think I should marry then, Lord Tywin?" Asked Edward, who started thinking of the possibility that he had thrown away.

'Tywin is really trying to make me marry his daughter. You really had to be this shameless to win the game!!! We had rumor battles not long ago.' Thought Edward as he was giving a weird look to Tywin.

After hearing Edward's question, Tywin looked at Edward as if he was telling him. "What do you think?" He was giving Edward a weird expression. He did not want to play this game with Edward anymore. Edward's acting was bad in his eyes.

"You know who I am talking about here. So stop acting dump and give me an answer." Said Tywin when he saw that Edward would continue acting like that if he did not say anything directly.

He was not desperate to offer his daughter like unwanted products, but after the humiliation he had taken from the Targaryen, he wanted to marry her to the most influential family after them. Tywin could not find anyone better than the Targaryen and the Lannister except the Baratheon, especially with Edward as the lord.

Edward thought for a minute. He wanted to give Tywin an answer that would not offend him much.

Edward was not thinking about Tywin's feelings or anything, but he had to act shamelessly. He had learned that from Tywin, who had put down their grudges and came here today. Tywin was the best in the game, and Edward would have to pick a thing or two from him.

"I can not agree to your request, Lord Tywin. I have already given my word, but I can give you another promise. If you still wanted in the future and there were no disputes between the two of us, I can marry my first son to your future granddaughter." Said Edward with a smile. He started to play by the rule of the game. So although he did not like Tywin and still hated him for his assassination attempt, he saw the benefit in doing that.

After he got rid of the Lannisters in the future, would not it be much easier for him to control Westerlands if he had a Lannister as a granddaughter? Plus, he would not play by all the rules. Who said that he would appoint his first son as the heir to Stormsland? In fact, Edward was thinking of a devious plan to attract all the benefits to Stormsland. He would announce to everyone that every one of his sons had a chance to succeed him. That would make it a competition, especially after Stormsland became the Kingdom of Storms and he became the Stormking.