Chapter 75: Working with Tywin

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

Thanks to everyone who supported me.

You could read up to 15 more advanced chapters on my pàtreon.


For the next mass release, if we reach 65 pàtreons, I will upload 8 more chapters.



Tywin looked at Edward with some dissatisfaction. He did not like this suggestion. He did not know if he would have a granddaughter in the future or not. Plus, he was worried about his daughter's marriage at the moment.

"I thought you are smart, but it seemed that you did not know how to play this game." Said Tywin with some disappointment. He thought that Edward was smart enough. That was why he offered his daughter to him. In the show, Tywin never discussed his daughter's marriage with anyone besides Rhaegar and Robert. He only married his daughter to Robert after he became the king. He would never think of him if it was not for that.

Tywin could only shake his head as he prepared to stand up and leave. He did not see any point in staying in Edward's tent anymore. He wanted to have part of Edward's new wealth by marrying his daughter to him, but it seemed that luck was not on his side.

"Wait. I might not have agreed to your request, but I have another proposal to discuss with you. I think you would like it, Lord Tywin. So please, return to your seat." Said Edward with a smile. He knew he would get Tywin's attention the minute he mentioned the destruction of the Targaryen.

Tywin turned his eyes back to Edward but did not return to his seat. He wanted to hear what Edward had to say first. If the topic not to his liking, he would leave at once. He was not ready to stay and listen to any nonsense from Edward like back then.

"Taking down House Targaryen." Said Edward with a smile. He only said those words as they were enough to convince Tywin to sit back on the chair. No one wanted the destruction of The Targaryen's House more than Tywin. He hated them to the core for all the previous humiliation.

Tywin even hated them more than Edward did. And although Edward hated the Targaryens and especially Rhaegar, his hate could not even compare to a drop of Tywin's.

After hearing Edward's words, Tywin's eyes lit up. Although he was the hand-of-the-king and he should kill Edward after hearing such words, he still suppressed his urges to listen to him. And although he could use such an opportunity to destroy Edward, the Targaryen's destruction was more significant to Tywin than killing Edward.

But still, Tywin decided to test the water at first before deciding on anything.

"You know I am the king's hand, and I could kill you for treason for saying such words." Said Tywin trying to see any change in Edward's expression.

"You know you could not do anything without a witness. Plus, who would the king believe more? Me of you? The son of his close friend and cousin or the friend he hated more than anything? Plus, you are smarter than that, Lord Tywin. So please sit down." Said Edward while smirking at Tywin. He knew that Tywin was bluffing with him, so he had to retort back.

After hearing these words, Tywin looked at Edward deeply before returning back to his seat. It was as Edward said. After Edward's little tricks in the past few years, the relationship between the Aerys and Tywin reached the red line.

"Speak." Said Tywin after sitting down. He would not waste time here. He wanted to hear if Edward had a more useful plan or not.

"I know you are the one who hates the Targaryen the most, Lord Tywin. So let's not play the blame and guilt game." Said Edward as he saw that Tywin started pretending that he had nothing to do with what he had to say.

Tywin gave him a look that said. 'I don't know what are you talking about?'. He was a little surprised as he always tried to hide it. He would always act as the victim to Aerys's hate and would not retort or say anything. He did not even resign his position as the king's hand after all that time.

Seeing the look on Tywin's face, Edward decided to continue what he had to say. Tywin was shameless and would not admit such a thing in front of Edward.

"Let's play a game, Lord Tywin. All we want is to sully the relationship between the king and one of the great houses. What do you think?" Said, Edward. He was sure that Tywin was smart enough to get what he meant and would not require further explanation.

Tywin could only shake his head after hearing Edward's word. Was not that what he was doing already? Would he wait for Edward to tell him something as trivial as that?

"Don't shake your head like that. I knew you are already doing something like that behind the scenes. Plus, Two heads are better than one. If we could combine our methods, we would be able to spread rumors and more dissatisfaction. What you are doing is targeting all the great houses at the same time. That is why you are not getting good results fast enough. We should target either the north or the Riverland. Those two are the ones with the most ties to other houses at the moment." Said Edward with an innocent smile, shocking Tywin a little. No one knew how far the scale of Edward's intelligence network built by the shadow legion had spread. He could already see and hear everything in the great houses by now, so it was normal for him to catch a spy or two working under Tywin's.

"You know a lot, do not you? Come on. Continue." Said Tywin after a little pause. What could Edward do anyway? If Edward used those spies or words against him, he would pretend that he did not know anything and Edward was trying to smear his name.

"Do not worry, Lord Tywin. We are just having a nice chat here. So what do you think? Should we work together?" Asked Edward with a smile. He knew Tywin would agree in the end, even if he pretended otherwise.

Tywin was looking at Edward's eyes. It seemed the brat from the other day had grown a lot that he could not stop him anymore. Tywin was thinking of every way possible to marry his daughter to Edward. He thought of making Edward the king after getting rid of the Targaryens and then force him to marry his daughter if he wanted to stabilize the seven kingdoms.