Chapter 230: The Night King is making his first move!!!!

His situation devastated Edward since he did not think of anyone as his opponent in this realm any longer. When Edward returned to Storm's Eye, he did not leave the Keep for the half-year Lyonel and Sansa took to take back Winterfell.

Edward decided that there was nothing that he could do in this life after Tywin's death. After staying by himself for all this time, Edward could only think of leaving Westeros for good. He planned to go out and find a new thing for himself that he could enjoy after solving the Night King's problem.

Edward did not know that his life would take a dangerous turn in the near future. Until this moment, he did not realize how strong the Night King had become because of him. Without his interference, everything would have gone normally without any problem.

But due to Edward's actions that made the Night King's plans fail one after another, the Night King did the impossible, and he found a treasure that he would use against the realm soon. Even Edward, the man who did not experience defeat once in his life, would risk everything in this war.

Not only that, but Edward did not realize that Cersei had someone on his side that would betray him. Plus, he thought that his plan had worked against Varys, and he died in Bravos. Edward ignored the fact that Varys went through a lot in his life on the sorcerer's hands.

After that accident, Varys had prepared himself for various situations. And although the green onion was fatal enough to obliterate a city in a day or two, Varys still managed to survive with some sorcery. He still sustained a lot of hidden injuries, though.

The author could only pray for Edward's future from this moment. Edward had let his guard down because he lost interest in this game after Tywin's death. That alone would bring him much trouble and many dangers. He would not know the consequences until the big thing happen.

Even after they took the North, Edward did not make any movement after that, which was a little disturbing since Edward was always on the move.

Everyone even had thought Edward was preparing for something big to take King's Landing and kill the last Lannister. Even his children believed the same thing since Edward did not stop for even a second after starting the war in Essos.

But the reality was the opposite. Edward's hidden goal in this world was to enjoy the game with those old foxes like Tywin Lannister and the others, but they all died in the end or turned crippled like Tywin. Only Cersei, the bitch, could give him some enjoyable time, but she was not the bitch yet, and he would have to wait for her.

Even if he wanted to admit that this goal had changed since the birth of his children, things were different deep in his heart, and he knew it. That was why he lost interest in this world and did not bring himself to continue his conquest.

For another half a year, nothing changed at all, and everything stayed the same way it was. Edward's kingdom included all the other kingdoms in Westeros, and only King's Landing remained in the Lannister's hands. Edward was only a step away from unifying Westeros, and his silence confused many.

After seeing that there was no change in the situation they were in, Raymont decided to interfere and ask his father what was going on with him since it was the first time that he saw his father behaving like that. That was not the father he knew.

Edward's existence was what made Edward do and train himself all this time to surpass his father, and Raymont did not like to see him act like an idiot. But Edward always asked him to wait when he asked.

Edward thought that he would not get out of this state for some time himself, but an event happened in the following month that woke him up from his daze and startled him greatly. Yeah, it was finally the Night King that made its appearance since the start of the war.

According to the letter that came from the North, Jon Snow told him that they lost Hardhome in the battle that happened a week ago. At first, Edward did not believe it since he was the one that supervised the building of that fort, and it was unpenetrable in his eyes.

Hardhome should even withstand a full attack from the Night King with his dragon, so how could it fall easily like that. Edward could swear that Hardhome was more powerful than Winterfell, and he even wondered if he could take the battle to Hardhome instead of the south.

Not only was the fortress sturdy to withstand a dragon's fire breath, but the number of weapons and war engines placed on its walls was enough to stop Edward's armies themselves if he wanted to invade it, so how could they fall like this?

But what he read next in the letter made him regret waiting all this time. Edward was still thinking of whether he should fight the Night King in Hardhome or down in the south.

Edward thought about the south because he wanted to create a suitable environment for the battle for his soldiers. Although he would send a part of his armies north to train there, they were not enough to fight the Night King's army in that cold.

Actually, Edward tried to fight to Hardhome and fought a battle there, but his men could not maintain their stamina to fight in that cold. Only the Night's Watch and free folks could do that because it was in their blood. Edward's men fought in hot places most of the time. Just look at Essos, The Reach, and Dorne. You can't expect them to change that in a few years.

That was why Edward decided to take the fight down to Winterfell or even more south. But he did not imagine that foiling the Night King's plans from the start would make the Night King use those drastic measures.

The North had witnessed a fight with the Night King during the age of the first men. The Night King must have used his army to excavate those remains and add them to his armies.

The problem was the creatures that fought during that battle. Not only were the first giants, who were more than fifty meters tall, there, but there were more creatures like a behemoth and other magical creatures. But the real headache that fucked everything up was the dragons of the ancient times that died in the North.