Chapter 231: Fall of Hardhome and the second Wall

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's first chapter.

Thanks for your support.

If you wanted to see the end of this book, you know where to go...




It seemed that the Night King did not wait all this time for nothing. He managed to fucking turn those dragons into his army, and the dead army was powerful enough to threaten Edward's position himself. If Edward did not make a move to stop them, it would be a game over for everyone.

Fortunately for Edward, he had made many war weapons. Those weapons were suitable to take down a horde of dragons if required. But the unfortunate thing was they were down south in Storm's Eye, and Edward would need some time to ship the weapons to the North. But if Edward waited, it would be a game over for the North and his son, Lyonel, who stayed there with his new wife, Sansa.

According to the letter, which Jon Snow sent him, the battle in Hardhome was disastrous, and they lost many free folks who could have helped them in that war. Jon Snow said that they could not burn the bodies of more than half of those who died in that battle, and those guys were probably a part of the dead army at the moment.

Even Mance Rayder fell in this battle with most of the fighters the free folks had. Jon Snow himself was about to die with Ygritte in that battle if his uncle Benjen did not appear and risk it all to save the few of them who remained.

In the end, they managed to reach the Wall and join the Night's Watch, who helped them to get rid of those who followed them. They were waiting for Edward's orders there. Out of fifty thousand fighters from the free folks, only a thousand or so remained alive while more than Twenty-five thousand joined the Night King's army.

After knowing what happened, Edward could not sit still anymore. He even blamed himself for waiting without paying enough attention to the Night King's movement. If he had done that, he would have managed to get rid of him before any major loss.

At the moment, Edward did not know how many dragons and creatures the Night King had anymore. According to Jon Snow, they only saw three dragons, but Edward could not say that this was all that the Night King had since god only knows how many dragons stayed and died in the North since the age of dawn.

If Edward did not move his ass to solve this situation, he would not lose only his kingdom that he built over the years, but he would lose his children too. That was why Edward was restless after reading the letter. Everything changed in a moment.

After seeing that Edward came out of his room and started giving orders again, Stannis and Edward's children finally heaved a sigh in relief since they finally thought that Edward recovered from whatever he had been through in the previous year.

They would take the final piece of Westeros. But after hearing Edward's orders, their expression changed again because what Edward ordered was for the North.

"What is going on here, Edward?" Asked Stannis after the outsiders left the hall. He did not understand what was happening with Edward in the past year or why he acted like that.

"Just read this, and you will understand..." Said Edward as he passed the letter to Stannis to let him have another look to see for himself. Edward himself could not believe that the Night King had done something like that. He had been asking himself how the Night King that Arya killed was an idiot while the one he was facing was a badass like that.

After taking the letter for Edward and reading it for a few seconds, Stannis's expression changed, and he stayed silent for a few minutes because he could not believe what he read just now. Stannis's silence made the other worried since Stannis's expression was grieve enough to make everyone realize how the situation was bad.

Oberyn Martel could not wait any longer and came close to Stannis to have a look at the letter as well. But after only a few seconds, he gave a hellish scream.

"That can't be right, can it?" Said Oberyn in an unbelieving voice as he shouted out loud. The problem was that he had seen many things in this life and more miracles with Edward. That alone made him believe that what was happening beyond the Wall was real.

Stannis got out of his daze after Oberyn's question and passed the letter to the others to see for themselves what happened. And everyone's expression or reaction was different, but what was common was the horrified look on their faces after a few seconds of reading the letter.

"Is that what you were preparing for in the North, father?" Asked Raymont as he finally understood why Edward was making those measures and strengthing the North. During the construction of the second Wall, he objected since he saw that as a waste of resources, but Edward went with it anyway.

"And it was not enough..." Said Edward with a grieved look on his face as he remembered how sturdy Hardhome was, but it got destroyed in the end. They were not even able to put on a good fight against the Night King and his army.

Before anyone could say anything to express their opinion or give their suggestions to Edward, the main door opened, and a messenger came in, running with a horrified look on his face. It seemed what he heard affected him greatly that he started to stutter.

"Your grace, Bad news. The second Wall is down..." Said the messenger with a horrified voice since he himself did not believe the content of this message. The second Wall was something the king had supervised himself, and how could it be taken down?

After hearing this, everyone's expression changed again since they all knew who did that at the moment. The group did not even have a chance to discuss a suitable solution for this matter before more horrible news came. If they did not take action against this calamity, the realm was going to its end.

"Hand in that letter." Said Edward with a grieved expression on his face as he instructed the guard to hand him the letter.

It was Jon Snow's letter with another one from Jeor Mormont. It seemed that the situation is grief on the Wall, and he had to act if he did not want the Night's Watch to turn into wights and join the free folks. After reading the letter, Edward's expression changed a lot. Things had escalated more than he expected it would be.

The Night King's did not stop and started their attack on the second Wall that was not protected with enough magic.