The Blackstone Tribe

"Well do you want to do this voluntarily, or should we do this the hard way?" Zaka stood in front of two black-robed men.

He had brought those guys to his hidden place and he wanted to use [Soul Manipulation] secret art to search for their memory, but there is a problem.

He could use a forceful method by making them unconscious or making them unable to move by using his dao domain on them and then search for their memory.

The first method would make their minds much more inactive, which made it harder to search, while the second method would be more troublesome since their minds were actively hindering Zaka's attempts to search for their memory.

He could use both the methods just fine, he was able to get their memory it was just a bit more troublesome.

However, doing either method would have a high chance of damaging their soul which could make them retarded.

He still needed one of the guys for infiltration purposes so he offered to search their memory with their consent. It would not damage the soul in any way.

He could search their memory easier while they could keep their soul undamaged. It was a win-win solution!

"But you will not kill us after this won't you?" The skinnier man was still hesitating.

"Why would I do that? I still need you guys to infiltrate the base right?" Zaka tried to keep smiling to ease their anxiety. He still needed to search their soul after all!

"I'm still not convinced, swear an oath to the heaven!" The skinny man stared at Zaka.

"Fine." Zaka sighed and then swore to heaven that he will not kill them after searching for their memory.

He also made both of them swear an oath to let Zaka search their mind voluntarily.

Zaka had heard about swearing an oath to the heaven on one of the books inside the five-element school's dao repository.

It was said that when one was swearing an oath to heaven, one made an oath to the heavenly daos. Heavenly daos are omnipresent, no matter where you are, whether you are in this dimension or another dimension.

The moment one broke their oath, heaven would exact the punishment according to the oath to the person. The punishment couldn't be broken by anyone.

After Zaka had searched their soul, he put them to sleep. Zaki flew out from Zaka's body and willed a rock to hit at the skinnier man's throat at high speed, putting him to sleep forever.

"Boss, I think it isn't proper to do this kind of thing." Zaki looked at Zaka. He was after all a philanthropist system!

"What, haven't you see their memory too? You can see all the things they had done. I even got two karmic points from him." He could share everything he saw and experienced at Zaki.

Both of the black-robed men originally a low-level servant of the Blackstone Tribe. It was a medium-sized tribe with the chief being at the peak of the divine sea realm.

One day, a red-robed man with blood-red eyes appeared above their tribe settlement which was located in the valley.

The red-robed man said that he wanted to take over the tribe and asked them to surrender willingly.

The chief didn't want to surrender because he had sensed that the cultivation level of the red-robed man was the same as his, peak divine sea realm. The chief strength coupled with the defense formation of their tribe made the tribesmen confident for their victory.

However, it was when the nightmare began. The red-robed man took out a red pearl and then a massive pale-skinned, black-robed wraith wearing a bloody crown appeared.

Its body was transparent and it could change from a spirit form to a physical form. While in its physical form, its attacks were at the level of an early golden core cultivator.

The scariest part was when it was in its spirit form. No weapon could damage it, and it could attack the enemy's soul!

It continued to reap lives at its every sweep of its claw, while the chief and formation attack could not harm the wraith at all.

The chief had wanted to attack the red-robed man, thinking that after killing the controller, the wraith would disappear as well. However, the red-robed man was protected by a sphere-shaped protective treasure, which the chief couldn't damage at all.

When some people wanted to escape from the valley, the red-robed man waved his hand and fog suddenly enclosed the valley, preventing people from escaping the place.

After the red-robed man knocked all of the high ranking members out, the skinny and chubby men were the first to surrender. Gradually everyone surrendered to the red-robed man.

The red-robed man ordered everyone to erect pillars from wood in the middle of an empty field. He had put all the men who wouldn't surrender into the pillar and made some people abuse them to death.

The women who wouldn't surrender had been put inside a hall in which all of their clothes were stripped off. The man told everyone to rape and abuse the women as they pleased.

He only put a requirement that everyone had to make sure that the men and women had died of extreme grievance.

They, who was once a low-level servant, also everyone else was excited since the people who wouldn't surrender mostly came from the main tribe members.

The beautiful women of the tribe had it worst, all of the servants vented all of their frustration on their body, resulting in most of them were played to death.

When the people who were abused died, the special formation placed on the floor of the empty field and the hall would suck their soul.

The formation would then transferred the soul, which had turned into a vengeful ghost, into a transparent pearl placed on the wall.

The pearl would then be brought to the red-robed man.

The man also brought his disciples to help supervise the extraction process. After a month, all the prisoners had died.

The man assign groups of people to each of his disciples and told them to collect more people from the smaller tribes which were under the protection of the Blackstone tribe.

These chubby and skinny guys have gained some good impression from the red robed man, so they were put under the command of a disciple whose job was to supervise the torturing process inside the base.

With their sucking up skills they were able to get the job of bringing food and refreshments from outside into the base. They would use this chance to get fresh air because the air inside the base was thick with the smell of blood.

No one was allowed to go out, the only chance to go out was when the red-robed man told one of his disciples to buy refreshments.

The disciple was too lazy to do that so he ordered some of his underlings to do the task.

"This fat guy must have tortured about two hundred people, for him to give out two karmic points." Zaka glanced coldly at the chubby guy, "This guy was no better than him either."

"No, it's not that, haven't we promised not to kill them? Isn't this too shameless." Zaki's voice became smaller in the end.

"I fulfilled my promise, didn't I? I only promised not to kill them myself, that doesn't mean others can't. Besides, what's wrong with being shameless? Can shame help you get karmic points?" Zaka's face was extraordinarily thick. He didn't even blush after affirmed his shamelessness.

"It was their fault not knowing that I still have a companion," Zaka said smugly while stripping the clothes and the storage ring from the skinny man's body.

'Forget it, we still have to work together in the future. I have to get used to this.' Zaki sighed and decided not to say anything.


"Dale, Dale!" a skinny man shook his companion's shoulder.

"Huh?" Dale's dazed eyes regained their focus.

"What's wrong Dale, you didn't respond to my question just now." The skinny person looked worriedly at Dale.

"Oh, Sorry Doran, I just lost focus for a moment. It seems like I have to tone down my 'treatment' of those women. Hahaha." Dale laughed lewdly.

"Serves them right! In the past they look down on us servants so much, they didn't even treat us like a human!" Doran's eyes turned bloodshot.

Zaka had turned into Doran to infiltrate the base. To act like Doran, Zaka used one hundred percent of his acting skill.

Thankfully, when he had checked Doran and Dale's souls, they didn't have a soul tablet. If Doran had the tablet and died, his soul tablet would shatter, informing the enemy of his death.

This was why Zaka dared to kill Doran.


Zaka and Dale had continued their task of buying food and refreshment from a nearby largest tribe and then go back to the base. The journey took up two days before they came back to the base.

When Zaka and Dale arrived in front of the valley, an entrance automatically appeared in the fog.

According to Doran's memory, the fog formation had a soul aura recognition which allowed it to open an entrance to a person who had his soul aura recorded.

When practicing [Thousand Mask] divine ability, runes made from divine power would envelop the soul in the form of a sphere. By changing the arrangement of the runes, Zaka could change his soul's aura as he pleased. It could give out the aura of a beast, old man, little child, and much more.

He could even prevent his soul aura from leaking which when coupled with [Turtle Breathing] secret art to hide his life force could simulate the state of the dead!

Behind the fog, there was a ten meters stone wall that covered the entire valley's entrance. The wall was covered entirely by formation runes.

There was only one gate which was four meters tall and six meters wide. Above the wall, guards were wearing a full silver-armor and a war bow.

The guards were relaxing their bow because the newcomers were someone they know. "Haha, Doran! How is it?" one of the guards waved his hand at Doran.

"Relax, I got everyone's favorite wine, Rainbow Wine," Zaka shouted back.

All of the guards' faces showed excitement. The wine rations for the guards had been empty since two days ago.

The guards know that Doran and Dale were in charge of buying the new refreshment including wine. Since the guards' captain knew Doran, he had specially asked Doran to buy the guards' favorite wine with his and other guards' money.

After giving the wine to the guards, he went to his supervisor, the red-robed man disciple.


In a luxurious three-story building, a middle-man wearing a black robe with gold edges sat on a soft chair. Many beautiful young women were flocking around him.

Some were massaging his shoulders, arm, and legs. Some were feeding him with all kinds of fruit. He was enjoying a dance performed by a scantily-dressed beautiful-woman in front of him.

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" The man lazily said.

"Milord, it's me, Doran, and Dale, we have completed the task." A voice came out from the outside.

"Oh, enter then." The man didn't even glance at the door. He continued watching the dance performance.

Doran and Dale entered the room without making a sound and stood behind the man respectfully.

Suddenly, a nearly indiscernible wave of divine will spread out from Doran. It became stronger and stronger until everyone fell asleep.

Doran put his hand on top of the man's head.

"Whew, thank goodness." Zaka continued using [Soul Manipulation] secret art to alter the memory of the man and everyone in the room.

Everyone would remember that Doran and Dale had entered the room and stood respectfully behind the black-robed middle-aged man and hand out the goods before getting out of the room. Meanwhile, the man continued to enjoy the show until he got tired and sleep on the sofa.

Zaka waved his hand and then a chain made out of runes flew out and wrapped around Dale's body. The chain continued to cover Dale's body until he looked like a cocoon.

The cocoon flew and shrinks to the size of a fist above Zaka's palm. Zaka put the cocoon inside his storage ring which he recently gained from Doran.

After searching through the black-robed middle-aged man's memory, he found out that the man's master, the red-robed man, was the head of an evil sect, the ghost refining sect. The sect didn't have a strong connection to other power.

However, he had to make sure that the information was correct by searching the memory of the red-robed man. If it was true that the red-robed man didn't have another connection with someone strong, he could kill him!