Killing The Red-Robed Man

Inside an underground room, a red-robed man was sitting in a lotus position in front of a large cauldron.

The cauldron was floating above a ball of eerie green flame. Strangely, the flame didn't radiate heat but a piercing cold aura.

Inside the cauldron was a blood-red liquid which on the surface you can see the faces of screaming ghosts! The man was holding a transparent pearl in which a bloody red fog was swirling about.

One vengeful ghost after another flew out from the pearl and then entered the liquid inside the cauldron. His other hand was controlling the intensity of the flame.

"Hahaha! After refining this two thousand vengeful ghost into a wraith pellet and feed it into my wraith king, it will have the power of a peak golden core realm!" The red-robed man's face was ruddy because of excitement.

He hadn't realized yet that there was a skinny black-robed youth standing behind him. The youth was Zaka disguised as Doran.

Zaka had withdrawn all of his aura, including his soul's aura. Now, he could be said to have turned into one of the dust in the air!

He had found this underground chamber according to the memory of one of the disciples of the red-robed man. Surrounding this chamber were a lot of formations, including defense, detection, trap, and killing formation.

However, who was Zaka? Because of his study involving the formation gate he had to learn some of the dao of the formation.

'Some knowledge' about the dao of the formation that had been comprehended by Zaka was way more advanced than the level of comprehension of the red-robed man.

Even the source of his study in the dao of the formation was one of the core knowledge of the Five-Elements School, which was one of the best sects in the ancient era!

As a result, he could bypass all of the formation placed around this chamber. He could even isolate the entrance to the underground chamber from the whole web of formation, easily allowing him to enter the chamber.

Of course, as a backup plan, he had brought the identifying token from the red-robed man disciple. The token could keep him from being attacked by the formation in case he made a mistake.

Zaka had been quietly observing the red-robed man and the interior of the chamber. After making sure there weren't any hidden traps he released his domain.

There wasn't any explosion or a loud noise, only a sudden silence. Everything inside Zaka's domain froze.

The only thing moved within the domain were dust-sized colorful-particles. Red, blue, golden, yellow, green, and brown.

The eerie green glow from the fire underneath the cauldron shone upon the slowly-moving colorful-particles, making the scene looked dreamy.

This domain was different from an ordinary domain. When a person summoned a dao domain, he made a contact with a dao located deep in the void.

After making the contact, he summoned the dao into the material world forcefully seizing the control of the space in the summoned area from other dao.

The dao domain summoner could use the summoned dao to suppress the enemy or boost his attacks.

Zaka's domain was created from summoning six-element daos. Instead of pushing other elements from his domain he instead took control of all the elements inside his domain.

His domain wasn't just simply summoned all of his dao domain one after another. He seamlessly merged all of the dao domains into one and made each type of the element-daos to control its element inside the domain.

This could happen because he had comprehended six-element daos which made up almost all the component nature, including living beings. He only lacked lightning, light, and darkness.

This domain was called [Primordial Domain], just like the very first form of the primordial world that contained only the basic elements.

From the basic elements, myriad life forms were born. Theoretically, once he mastered all of the element-daos he could create at least a basic life form inside his domain!

However, that was still a faraway dream.

Back to the domain, the suppressing effect of [Primordial Domain] was extremely powerful because it affected the very component of every life form.

An opponent at the peak nascent soul realm would find it difficult to circulate their qi and divine power. While an opponent at the peak golden core realm couldn't even move their muscle!

Unless the opponent has also completely comprehended the same six types of element-daos as Zaka.

The red-robed man was only at the peak divine sea realm, he couldn't even breathe without the permission of Zaka!

The red-robed man turned his body under the Zaka's control. He looked with his trembling gaze that was full of terror at Zaka.

Zaka only smiled, "Sleep."

The man felt extreme exhaustion that seemed to come from the depth of his soul. He screamed in his mind to keep himself awake, but, alas, he couldn't stop his eyelids from closing.

The last look on his gaze contained rage, unwillingness, helplessness, and despair!

Zaka put his hand on top of the man's head.

A moment later, Zaka took the red-robed man's storage ring from his hand.

Zaka punched lightly at the red-robed man's chest. Suddenly, the man's body including his clothes disintegrated silently into countless tiny particles.

Ding! Zaka received notification.

[Gained 1000 KP for eliminating Edgar of The Ghost Refining Sect]

[All Element Destruction]! The power of this move was further amplified when executed inside [Primordial Domain].

The red-robed man didn't have any special background. He found an inheritance left behind by an evil cultivator and changed from a weak roaming-cultivator into a powerful evil cultivator.

He founded a sect to help him gather resources for his cultivation. All the people surrounding the territory of his sect had died and then refined into ghosts by him and his sect's disciples.

As a result, someone reported them to the Marcus Empire which had dispatched Daemon guards to exterminate the sect.

The red-robed men knew from one of his connections inside Daemon guards that his sect was going to be destroyed so he ran away with his direct disciples.

He arrived at this place and continued his evil practice.

Zaka observed the blood-red pearl which he took out from the red-robed man's storage ring. He smashed the pearl at the ground.

A massive wraith king flew out from the fragments, its eyes radiated terrifying killing intent. With no master to control it, it would start to attack the nearest life form it could see.

The wraith king's heart was filled only with the desire to kill.

Zaka daringly absorbs the wraith king inside his sea of consciousness, but, right before the wraith king started to wreak havoc, the paintings of mother Nuwa and Shennong appeared.

The two paintings gave off a warm glow, which purified the wraith king from its vengeful desires. The wraith king turned into a burly bearded-man who then bowed gratefully at the direction of the paintings and Zaka's soul.

A circle of light appeared and grew larger above the bearded man. After the circle of light was large enough, the bearded man turned into a ray of light and then flew into the circle of light.

Ding! Zaka got a notification from the system.

[Gained 100 KP for helping the Wraith King to reincarnate]

Zaka's eyes bulged from its socket. What?! He knew that the visualization technique could purify a corrupted soul but the karmic points were a pleasant surprise.

Zaka's burning gaze landed on the cauldron. Zaka first created a giant rune-net made from the divine will and then covered the cauldron with the net.

Next, he blasted apart the cauldron with a single punch. Suddenly, countless vengeful ghosts flew out from the remnant of the cauldron.

The ghosts were trapped inside the net and then Zaka pulled the net inside his sea of consciousness along with the ghosts.

He made the paintings of Nuwa and Shennong appear which then purified the ghosts. The ghosts turned into their original form and bowed at the paintings and Zaka's soul.

After all of them entered the cycle of reincarnation, Zaka received notification.


[Gained 2000 KP for helping 2000 vengeful ghosts to reincarnate]

'Awesome!' Zaka smiled so widely that his mouth threatened to split. He didn't expect to acquire an enormous benefit just by purifying souls.

Zaka swept his gaze around the chamber and saw no more valuable things besides the ball of green flame.

'If I'm not wrong this is an earth fire. Eerie green color and emitting intense yin energy,' Zaka put his hand on his chin and pondered, 'Right! Yin Ghost Earth-fire!'

'No wonder that guy hadn't yet absorb it inside his body.' Zaka's face revealed pity.

Yin Ghost Earth-Fire was a top-grade among rank one earth-fires. Normally, a cultivator at the divine sea realm could absorb all rank of Earth-fires.

However, there was an exception which was top-grade among rank one of Earth-fires. They have an extreme characteristic which only a golden core cultivator's body could withstand.

For example, Yin-Ghost Earth-fire emitted extreme yin energy which could easily freeze the body of a divine sea realm cultivator.

The Yin-Ghost Earth-fire had formation runes surrounding its body which could be used to control the fire temperature externally. Judging from the strength of the formation runes, it was made by a nascent soul cultivator.

'Maybe the guy found the Earth-fire from the inheritance he got. I think he is lucky that the evil senior who left the Earth-fire had put a formation runes so he could just barely control the fire.

Go inside!' Zaka waved his hand and the Yin-Ghost Earth-fire was pulled into his storage ring.

'Now that I got the formation flags of the formation surrounding the valley, I can locate all the disciples of that guy. What was the name again? Edgy? Whatever he had died anyway.' Zaka stretched his body lazily

'Time to hunt!'


A man wearing a black robe with golden-edges woke up from his sleep, he found that the dancer had stopped dancing and stood respectfully by his side.

Some of the servants were gently fanning the black-robed man.

'Huh? I fell asleep?' The man confused, 'Maybe I was too tired.'

When he stood up he found that all of the servants were looking at him with shocked eyes.

'Huh?' before the man was able to think anything else, his vision turned black. He had died. The man's body disintegrated into tiny particles including his soul!

This also happened to all the red-robed man disciples. Shocked cries rang out from all over the place in the valley.

In the field where pillars of wood for torturing the male prisoners were erected, the air around this area solidified.

The torturers and the prisoners turned their gaze at a skinny black-robed man who had appeared in the middle of the field.

"Disintegrate!" The man mumbled and then all of the torturers and the pillars turned into dust. The prisoners rejoiced but their feeling of terror exceeds their joy.

"You are now free. Those from the same tribes, don't forget to bring the women from your tribe. Don't do anything funny by taking advantage of those women while they are weak, or you will suffer the consequences." Zaka, disguised as Doran, stared at the male prisoners.

He had used his superior divine will to evoke the feeling of terror from the prisoners. He was afraid some of the prisoners would take advantage of the situation by harassing the female prisoners.

His heart would feel a stab of pain every time he thinks back about the situation of the female prisoners. He had summoned numerous flowing stream in the hall, in which the female prisoners were abused, to help the prisoners to wash their body.

He summoned the wood essences from the dao of growth to help them heal their body. He also brought clean fabrics for them to cover their body.

'This will be the last time I am this nosy.' Zaka sighed and disappeared from the valley. The fog surrounding the valley also vanished, bringing back the warmth of the sun into the valley.