
A few days later...

In the living room, Su Yujin was sitting on her chair that she had bought recently. She had her eyes closed and her head was facing the ceiling. Her silky, long black hair was tied in a bun. She was wearing a casual t-shirt and jeans. Her butterfly eyelashes were fluttering lightly and a smooth ray of sunlight was falling on her body making her look eternal.

Su Yujin bought the building that was on sale a few days ago and now she was putting new furniture and other things that will be needed for her workers.

She had registered her business and everything was going on smoothly.

She needed a right-hand man or in other words, an assistant, then she could open her business after a few weeks.

Her business building was almost done because of the hired special workers that her father had hired, even though she had said no to his proposition.

After thinking a lot, Su Yujin decided to name the company Nanjing Corp. It sounded pretty good.

Su Yujin drew her business logo. It was like a phoenix flying in the cloud. She looked at it and smiled.

[Host is very talented. It looks very beautiful.] the system complimented.

Of course, it will look beautiful. Su Yujin was taught painting and calligraphy by the best masters of her world since she was a child. It was said that she had even surpassed her masters in this field.

{En. I think so too.} Su Yujin nodded happily.

She put the drawing on an expensive mini table and grabbed her phone to call her dad, not forgetting that she needed an assistant.

After the line was connected, she spoke, "Dad, I need an assistant to help me carry the workload. Do you have any recommendations?

"Okay, I will send the most talented people of our company over to your place right now." Father Su said instantly and then continued, "Have you come up with a name for your company yet?"

Su Yujin replied, "Yes, it is called Nanjing Corps. It's going to be a masterpiece. Don't worry dad, I can handle it."

Mr. Su laughed at her cheerful voice on the phone. "Alright, alright, I believe in you. Don't stress and also eat your meals daily. Take proper rest. Remember that nothing is more important than your body."

Su Yujin smiled and said, "I know. I am eating well. Take care of yourself dad. Love you." With this, she hung her phone and started organizing the remaining work.

When the works were organized, Su Yujin sat on the chair to take a rest.

{What is male lead doing?} she asked the system.

[Driving to get coffee in . Is Host planning to meet ML early?] System asked when it saw it's Host getting up from the chair and grabbing her purse.

{Yes, let's go.}

At the Café Express.

The door opened as the bel placed over the door lightly chimed. A tall handsome man just walked in which made every young lady look at him without even blinking.

Some college students as well as high school girls present in the café screamed excitedly. They start calling him 'Hubby'.

The man ignored their stares and walked towards an unoccupied table. He sat down elegantly. His jaw was sharp and his lips were thin and pink. His eyes were cold and beautiful. One look in his eyes can make any body's heart flutter. His eyes were deep as if he was staring at the soul of a person.

A female waitress came up to him with a shy and bashful expression. She thanked God for giving her an opportunity to serve this handsome man. She blushed as she shyly put her loose hairs behind her ears. She was clutching her notepad in her hand and was fluttering her eyelashes towards the man bashfully.

"W.. What would you like to have today, sir?" she shuttered and gently said to him. she smiled sweetly at him but the man didn't respond to her smile.

"Black coffee." His uncared and attractive voice echoed in the café.

All the girls sitting in the café were listening to their conversation. They were jealous of the luck of the waitress. But when they heard his cold voice directed towards the waitress, all of them snickered.

"A sparrow is trying to be a phoenix, huh. Who gave her such guts?" one of the customers said.

"Exactly. She is such a hypocrite." Another one said.

"Yes, had she seen her face. How can she be compared to this male god."

"Hahaha, she is so shameless. She thought that she was able to seduce this handsome male god."

"She is so flirty and shameless."

Hearing the male lead's response, the smile on the face of the waitress stiffened. Her face turned dark when she heard rebukes and comments from the other customers.

But she ignored their harsh comments and soon maintained a fake smile on her face and asked, "Anything else, sir?" she asked eagerly to hear more of the male's voice. He didn't answer and the waitress sadly left under the mocking gazes of other customers after she expected reality.

As she walked back, she pouted.

"Hump! He didn't even look at me."

She was angry.

The waitress could be said to be beautiful, at least she was one of the most beautiful girls in her small-town school, and she was very confident about her figure, looks, and charm. Even though she was a high school girl, she has a voluptuous figure, which was a subject of envy for many females.

All the females in the café were attracted towards him. they wanted to get to know him and wanted to be close to him. They were sure that they won't find such handsome species anywhere else if he leaves.

Their thoughts were interrupted when the café door opened and the bell once again rang. Next, there was a sound of heels clicking on the ground. The footsteps were light, hinting that it was a girl.

The gentleman that was drinking his black coffee was instantly attracted to the sound of her footsteps. He couldn't help but listen to the faint sound of her shoes colliding with the ground. it sounded so light with each step she took, that it seems that a divine goddess was walking down in the mortal realm.

He was attentively listening to her light footsteps until she sat at the corner table which was by the window.

Sunlight poured on her skin, making her skin glow like white jade.

The previous waitress walked up to the beautiful woman's table and greeted her with a professional smile. Looking at her beautiful face, her eyes flashed with jealousy but when she noticed that the beautiful woman didn't even take one look at the gentleman, she calmed her jealous heart and was somewhat relieved.

'If this beautiful sister is not interested in the gentleman, that will be good for her. she is too beautiful and has a perfect figure. Maybe she had a boyfriend.' She thought and calmed herself down.

The waitress then put on her friendly smile and asked her to place the order.

"Black coffee." The beautiful lady replied instantly.

The waitress blinked. 'Isn't that what the gentleman had ordered previously? The waitress thought.

'Is she here to seduce 'her man'? What is with the same order as that of 'her man'? her eyes flashed in annoyance and her face turned dark. She looked at the girl as if she was going to kill her. her posture soon turned into one of the possessive girlfriends guarding her boyfriend.

Hearing her response, the gentleman didn't raise his head to look at her or showed any surprise on his pace, but his eyes did.

'She likes black coffee too?' he thought in his heart and unknown to him, his beautiful, thin lips automatically stretched into a smile.

[Do you like black coffee?] the system questioned her.

{No.} she replied in frustration.