
2 years later…

"Ms. Su, you have a meeting in 2 hours and then there is a campaign party to go to at 5;30, and then –" Chen Mu was interrupted by his boss's hand.

"Cancel them all. I have something to do. Tell them I am saving a damsel in distress'. And we will reschedule the meetings for next month. Anyone who disagrees, tell them we won't have any relation with them in the future. If they create some kind of pressure or blackmail you, use these documents." Su Li said casually with her hand in the air and passing some files to Chen Mu. These files contain the darkest secrets of their business partners.

But where did she get those pieces of information though?

Su Yunjin placed a ton of files on the table and crossed her arms, feeling proud of her research and hacking skills.

Chen Mu's eyebrows raised in amusement and admiration. Although he was working with her for two years, she still amazes him in many ways.

Their eyes met and Su Yunjin winks at him with a proud smile. Chen Mu's eyes twitch. This wasn't the first time she winked at him but he couldn't get used to her behavior.

Chen Mu took the files and put them in his bag and walked out after saying bye. He was desperately trying to hide the blush formed on his cheeks.

"Alright. Then I bid you farewell." The door closed and Su Li laid on her office chair, laughing at his reaction. She likes to tease him very much.

{System, where is Lu Ji Han's location? When will he get injured?} Su Yunjin asked the system.

[His location is near the primary school in a dark alley. The host should be there 10 minutes before the female lead appears after she got kicked out of the orphanage.]

{Why will she be kicked out of the orphanage?} Su Yunjin asked with interest.

[She got kicked out of the orphanage because of stealing from someone. The orphanage had always supported her and had always given her a chance to change her behavior but in the end, they kicked her out. Well, it was reasonable because soon she is going to turn eighteen.]

"oh, I see…"

{System, what's the original story?} Su Yunjin asked once more.

[In the original story, she saw the male lead lying unconscious on the ground and was about to steal his wallet and phone. But seeing how handsome he was and how loaded he was, she decided to act on her plan. She was going to seduce him and marry him. when the male woke up, she lied to him about her situation in the orphanage. She said that they were going to make her do prostitution and when she rejected them, they threw her away. The male lead got angry and wrecked the whole orphanage, making the owner, as well as the children, go homeless. It was very pitiful. They weren't able to get any food or clothing in the winter and one after another they all died due to various diseases. The host is not only saving ML but also the helpless children and the orphanage.] the system told the whole story making Su Yunjin fall into deep silence.


Su Yunjin was in the car, driving while she was listening to the system and following the directions told by him. she parked the car near the primary school in the front of the dark alley. She waited and then saw men in black clothing going out of the dark alley.

Su Yunjin quietly got out of the car and walked a little bit closer to the dark alley. Under the faint light of the street lamp, she saw a figure lying down. She knew it was Lu Ji Han because of his weak and fragile figure.

Lu Ji Han slides down on the wall and sits on the floor with a bleeding head, bruised cheek, and bleeding stomach.

Just as he sat down, he heard the sound of footsteps coming towards his direction, lightly stepping on the floor. He found these steps very familiar and felt the thumping in his heart. He was reminded of the scene two years ago of that woman in the cafeteria. He has vowed to stay away from her but he somehow kept thinking about her. he kept visiting the cafeteria again and again to see her one more time but as the time passed, he slowly started to forget her.

Closing his eyes and holding his bleeding stomach, he never thought he would be thinking about her when he was on the verge of death. He opened his eyes to see clearly. But his vision was blurry and he couldn't see the approaching person clearly.

He just saw a figure. It seems to come closer and closer to him. when the figure was very close to her, he realized that it looked exactly like her.

He must be going crazy.

But for some reason, he didn't mind going crazy for her.

The figure crouch down and touched his face with a worried look.

"Hello? Can you hear me? Can you hear my voice?" the figure talked and took his face in her hands to examine.

His face was burning hot which was in total contrast with her cool skin.

Lu Ji Han felt comfortable because of the coldness and sighed.

"Wow, I am even hearing her voice too. I must be insane. I am turning insane because of her. Am I dreaming or am I in a coma? I need to get away from this place before it's too late." He thought.

"Don't move! You are bleeding. Do you want to die from blood loss? Can you tell me about your family so I can contact them?" Su Yunjin said.

But when she saw him closing his eyes and going into a coma, she panicked.

"I will take you to my car. Hang in there."

Her voice echoed in his mind.

Soon, they were in the car and driving towards Su Li's house.

[Side mission: Save ML before FL' Completed!

Reward: 5,000 points!

Host, good job on completing the side mission.]