
Thank you! It is all because of your help.} Su Yunjin smiled.

[Heh, thank you it's nothing.]

{Also, the ML has lost his consciousness, system, can you text our family doctor to come to the villa soon?}

[Yes, I am on it.]

Su Yunjin made it to her villa and supported the man's body into her house with great effort. She placed him gently on a nearby couch in the living room and ran to her room to get the first aid kit. She knew she probably had to save this man in the near future, so she had already prepared the first aid kit in advance.

She came back and knelt in front of the couch right next to Lu Ji Han.

She treated his bleeding head and his bruised cheeks. Meanwhile, her doorbell rang and the doctor came inside. Su Yunjin left her place so that the doctor can do his own thing. She stood by their side and occasionally helped him with the cotton and bandages.

When the wounds were completely treated, Su Yunjin with the help of the doctor took the man to a guest room.

The doctor prescribed some medicines and told her that he needs 4-5 days of rest. With this, he left the villa.

Su Yunjin sighed. She looked at Lu Ji Han who was sleeping peacefully like an angel.

Even with the bruise all over his face, he was looking incredibly handsome. Su Yunjin's heart thumped just by looking at him.

"Geez, stop it Su Yunjin. This is your mission, you don't have to fall in love with him." Su Yunjin scolded herself.

'Oh well! I guess I will sleep too.' whit this, Su Yunjin went to her room to sleep.

Today was quite a tiring day for her and she was exhausted. She was mentally prepared that Lu Ji Han would be hurt, but seeing the extent of his wounds and bruises by her own eyes really made her panic.

Two days went by in a flash. in these two days, Su Yunjin personally looked after him and nursed him to health.


Lu Ji Han woke up in a different room.

'Where is this?' He thought as he looked around. He lifted the quilt that was placed over him and looked at his bruised hands and bandaged stomach. He noticed, he was wearing new clothes and all the wounds in his body were treated.

He was wearing a regular t-shirt and pants. He then remembered the accidents and his dream about that woman.

Is this….

Lu Ji Han looked around the room. The room has a lavender scent and had white and blue walls. The bed was in the center of the room and the window was on his right. There was a nightstand next to him. Everything was clean.

Whose house is this?

…. Is this that woman's house?

His heart was beating heavily in his chest cavity.

I should leave now.

He moves the blanket away from him and sits up…. Too quickly. He clutched his stomach and looks down. His stomach was bleeding through the bandages, making the shirt that was purely white, dyeing it red.

Oh crap…. He thought.

He hissed in pain.

Then he heard footsteps coming outside of the door. It was light. In an instant, he quickly wrapped himself in a blanket and was back into his same position this morning.

The footstep stopped at the door. Su Yunjin knocked twice on the door before entering the room.

A melodic voice rang inside, "Excuse me." The door opened and it revealed the pure white legs and then a beautiful curvy body. This time his eyes were clearer than that accident day.

Her eyes were brown and her lashes were black, long, and curled. Her cheeks had a pink-tinted color and there was a small dimple on her left cheek. Her nose was straight and pointy. Her lips were full and plump with red in color.

Su Yunjin's eyes widen at the figure that was staring at her. she smiled brightly and showed excitement in her eyes.

The doctor had said that he will wake up soon.

As their eyes met, Su Yunjin felt a strong suction power coming from his eyes that were so strong that she felt her soul suck into it. His eyes were dark and were looking at with a strange emotion that she wasn't able to decipher.

Su Yunjin controlled herself and averted her eyesight.

"Oh my! You are awake!" Su Yunjin quickly walks to him and sat on the chair next to his bed.

Lu Ji Han was startled by her action and his body unconsciously stiffened at their close space.

His heartbeat accelerated and his mind screamed of danger.

"How are you feeling? Ok? Good? Is there any pain? Should I get you something?" Su Yunjin softened her voice and looked at him.

Lu Ji Han shook his head

Su Yunjin smiled and took his hand that was beside the blanket.

"Thank goodness you are alright. I was so scared that day. I had just gone for a drive in that area when I saw a few men exiting out from that dark alley. I got suspicious and then I decided to go inside the alley to check upon them and inform the police. That is when I found you lying there and bleeding. You were severely hurt and the hospital was too far, so I decided to take you to my place. There is one more reason why I didn't take you to the hospital was that you were not safe. Your life would probably be in danger again if they knew that you were admitted to the hospital. So here you are, at my place." Su Yunjin explains everything hurriedly so that he would misunderstand her intention.

Lu Ji Han avoided looking at her sparkling eyes and looked at the wall as he listened to her explanation.

Su Yunjin frowned and then looked at her hands. It was then she realized that in excitement she had held his hand. She quickly released his hand and tucked a loose hair behind her ears in embarrassment.