
"Ah, sorry." Su Yunjin said as she placed her hand on her lap.

[Host, he is trying to avoid you. Good luck!]

Su Yunjin secretly rolled her eyes.

"What is your name? My name is Su Li" Su Yunjin continued to make him talk.

Lu Ji Han knew he had heard of that name before. Then it clicked to him. she is the CEO of Nanjing Corps. She rarely goes out and attends the meetings. So, nobody knows what she looks like. It is said in the financial world that if anyone out there that can compare to Lu Ji Han is CEO of Nanjing Corps, Su Li. She is said to be the female version of Lu Ji Han. That is why Lu Ji Han had remembered her name. He looked at her and saw how she was looking at him to respond.

"Ji Han." Lu Ji Han replied slowly and Su Yunjin smiled making his heartbeat even faster.

Her smile was beautiful. Lu Ji Han thought as his heart kept racing.

'No, no, this is just their second time meeting each other. Well, to be exact it is their first time actually. He shouldn't think like this. What is wrong with him.' he thought.

Su Yunjin noticed his frown and she panicked. She removed the blanket from his body and gasped. She was horrified.

Lu Ji Han was surprised at her actions and looked at her horrified face. Su Yunjin looked at him. Lu Ji Han's wound was bleeding and his white t-shirt was already dyed in red.

"You-You-! No wonder why your face looks so pale. Why didn't you tell me? Why-wait? Where is the first aid kit? You stay right there. I will be right back." After saying this Su Yunjin ran out of the room.

Lu Ji Han felt a bit happy when she said that. He was happy that she cared about him. it was weird. Why is he happy that she is caring for him and nursing him. Did somebody curse at him? His heart was jumping all over the place.

Cute. No. that woman might be cute and beautiful but she is dangerous. My heart keeps beating every time when I am with her. I never had this feeling before. Lu Ji Han thought.

He heard footsteps coming and looked towards the door. Su Yunjin stepped in and ran and sat on his bed with a first aid kit. Lu Ji Han felt uncomfortable. He could smell her fragrance. Su Yunjin took out the bandage and kept it aside.

She began to take off his shirt and her action shocked Lu Ji Han. He was stiff as he felt her hands lightly touching him as she took off his shirt.

Su Yunjin set the shirt aside and looked back at the stiff and uncomfortable Lu Ji Han. She giggled cutely which made the man look up at her.

Lu Ji Han saw her giggling and frowned. What is so funny? He thought.

Su Yunjin noticed his expression and cleared her throat in order to suppress her laughter.

"Sorry I should have startled you when I took off your shirt. I should have warned you or should have taken your permission." Su Yunjin apologized.

"No, it is fine." Lu Ji Han said. Su Yunjin smiled and grabbed the bandages.

"Alright. I am going to take off the old bandages and replace them with the new ones. Excuse me." Su Yunjin scooted closer to him and raised Lu Ji Han's arm up.

She leaned closer to him and put her arms under his arms and started to unbandage the old ones. Lu Ji Han could only be stiff and still trying not to move. His brain was filled with her touch and her fragrance which was scratching his heart in a sweet manner.

She was really close.

Lu Ji Han could smell her fragrance. It was a peachy and pleasant smell. He felt his heart beating really fast. His mind was telling him to push her away, but he couldn't. somehow, for some reason, he couldn't push her away. His heart could only beat when she was close or when she does something. He felt warm.

Su Yunjin was done unbandaging the old ones and was putting on the new ones. She leaned one more time on him and felt his warmth against her skin.

After a few minutes, Su Yunjin left the room to go to do some of her office work and left Lu Ji Han alone in the room.

Lu Ji Han put his hand against his heart to feel it still beating and then it gradually slowing down on its own to its normal beat.

'Why does he feel like this? Why it is always with her? his questions were unanswered.

All he could think was that Su Yunjin was dangerous. His heart was not functioning well when he is with Su Yunjin. She was dangerous and he knows that. But somewhere in his heart, he earns for her.

She helped him and he should probably return the favor.

After Lu Ji Han heals and returns the favor to her secretly, he will never ever see her again. Well, maybe sometimes in the café.

[Male Lead feelings: 45%. Host, Lu Ji Han is still confused with his feelings. He is still thinking about staying away from you. You are a good person for him, but also is dangerous.]

Su Yunjin laughed when she heard the system speak.

{Oh, okay. Let's see if he can stay away from me or not.}

Up~~~ date!!!!

Here ya go! I know I'm awesome (narcissist author here, hehe)

*flutters my tiny lashes that you can't see*

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