Chapter five : my sister is back as bad attitude

Chapter five : my sister is back as bad attitudeDaxton Pov :

*The high school Party at my house*

We're the drink of alcohol whiskey, rum, vodka and tequila shots.

I sip my beer and tequila shots "whoops"

Hey buddy, there's a great party in have alcohol" Ash said

"Haha, we're hooking up with girls lots so fun," Zion says

I turn to gang boys and they're making out with girls and trying to sex with them who's virgin

I shook my head and laughed

I was back sitting and my eyes were closed

I thinking about my twin sister

How she's eating well, I am worried at where's she stayed at somewhere and her health.

I wanted to my sister's back now so it's my faults and thinking of her lots

I was interrupted by Elise

I woke up and turn at her

Elise is looking slut and wants to sex with me

I rolled eyes at Elise and her slut clothes were too show

"Daxton come on have fun with me! Elise said

"No Thank" hatred said with gritted teeth

Elsie reach her hand on my arm with rub sexy

My arm away off her hand and she was angrily and stomped out off

Oh sigh I'm sick to them

I sit back and close my eyes at thinking minutes

I hear BANG BANG like a gun shooting and everyone was screaming yelling

I fast my eyes are opening and turn at boys was shocked and faces look "what hell happened "

I and group running in the entrance hallway

I girls and my sisters are scared and screaming

And went to meet them

" guys, you are okay! "

Clara and girls are nodded to they're okay now

Evie points "look at Bitch" to the girl on standing on the stairs

I looked up at the girl is standing on the stairs.

Oh wait I think to the girl looks familiar before

My mouth open and when I say to girl, interrupted by clara

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU BI*TCH said Clara yell at her

Sighs, you're kidding me!

"YEAH BI*TCH" Evie yell at her too

Come one, you too you

"WE'RE WILL KILL YOU BI*TCH zion yelling and groups too

Oh snap you're not softly boy snap

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE ! I yelling at her and harshly

"Oh hurt my heart" said the girl and her hand hold on her chest

I didn't recognize her familiar voice before I hear

"Ah you're didn't recognize me and I live here, SONS OF BI*TCHS ! and her smirks at us

I and group are eyes widened and turn other one and mouth open at her

ALEXIS! I and group yelling and shocked

"The only and one" said Alexis smirks

*Flashback *

Big incidents of the cafeteria

When high school as finished and my sisters went shopping with her friends

I went to the home and walked into the house

I was shouting at called her


I hear no answer at me and now quiet in the house so weird

Went to upstairs and towards to Alexis' room and I slammed my fists against the door and yelling "BITCH ASS, I KNOW YOU HEAR ME!! And no answer to me and inside Alexis ' room and empty room and search for Alexis

She's no there and I check to her closest is empty at her clothes gone and some things are gone too

I noticed that notes on the bed and take note and read :

Dear haters family

I couldn't take it any longer

I'm no one loved me

I decided I'm going to Stay Somewhere else for while

I don't Know when I'm coming back

I don't care and don't fuck to look for me

I'm sorry for be was worthless sister

Now you guys also beat and bullies me lots

My haters siblings wanted me to die

You never wanted me as in family or sibling

Hope you're good lives without me


Nobody sister or daughter

End read

I was shocked and Alexis left hometown now

I was cried and sit down on the floor

It's my faults to bullying at my twin sister and she's left now gone

Oh no I want to my sister back

*cries* oh I'm sorry Alexis

*flashback end*

I'm shocked that my sister who left (run away at 3 years ago) is back now

Alexis was with bad whole attitude, different style and body tattoos

She's cold hearted and no emotion

"Oh tired and i need to sleep" yawning "Goodbye Bitchs and she went back to her room and I hear slam door.

"Oh my God Alexis is looks different now and bad attitude" said Evie

"I think to we did wrong with bad happened to Alexis and we will very trouble now! I yelling at my sisters

"Oh shit, how's we're telling to our parents and will they're disappointed said clara with hesitation when her mouth open

I cut her "oh remember they're didn't care Alexis! I shouting.

"PLEASE LEAVE NOW TO MY HOUSE NOW " Shouting at Emily and groups

And they are left now

"Lets go sleep now and on tomorrow we're will talking meeting and Clara and Evie are nodding and left

I went to my room and change pj and went on bed and thinking

Oh damn

I could think about was my sister and how much regret bullying her.

I will find a way to make it up to her and I will get little sister back!

I promise

I went to sleep

Daxton will his twin sister back and Alexis will be or won't forgive him?