chapter 6 : None of your business

Alexis POV :


Oh sighed I turned off alarm clock

Sit up and out of the bed

Walking to the bedroom, off my pj clothes and inside to shower.

While finish shower and out of bathroom and walked to my suitcase and picked out to my favorites clothes

Im on wear to my clothes and on light make up

I grab to my phone and check to time at 8.30am

I grab my backpack and head to downstairs and walking to the kitchen

I stopped at my idiots siblings in kitchen

"Good morning little sister and how to sleep " datxon said and I pass to him

Went to grab to orange juice to pour to mug and sip to my mug.

I felt strongly stared at my back

"What!" I harsh said at them

"Alexis, we ready to go school soon" Clara said

Scoffs and i roll my eyes on Clara

"I'm not going to school for today,and so i have work. Oh next Monday at going to school."

They're shocked at me when I said work

"WWWHATT?! WORK !? guys said at yell at me

"Oh Alexis, you're 17 years old can't get work, you need to you're senior now and you need to graduate if you must passed at exams." Evie said

Daxton and Clara nodding to agreed with Evie

I roll my eyes again and "I dont care" harsh said to them

"I did already finish to junior and high s dont carechool in England and with live uncle John" said with gritted teeth

I know my family didn't trust to his brother and our uncle John because he was problem with my father in each hate. And they're didn't know uncle John is gangster

"Oh wait, you live with uncle John in London and our father told you away from him!" Evie said with shocked

Daxton's head shake and not happy with me because I live with my uncle John and I roll my eyes at him.

Clara want to something say of her open mouth and cut by my moblie to interrupted

"Excuse me, I can call now" said

They are nodded at me

"Hello, is Natalie Parker in CEO of Rose Fashion" said with Britain speak ( I make up to name company)

Continue to British speak in phone with my assistant and I hang up at my phone and turn to them

They were shocked and mouth open

"Your mouth closed now, excuse me I have work" said and roll my eyes at them

"What your business of work?" Clara said and can't believe me

"Oh I'm CEO of Rose fashion company, oh your business of none! Said with harsh

"Don't shout at us and we're trying to ask you" Daxton said

"Oh whatever, I can't be late at my work now." Said

Walked out of kitchen and grab my bag

When called my name and turn at them. "What!" I said with gritted teeth

" where's you going to? " Evie said

"Work" i said with no emotion at her

"Natalie, you will stay live here" Daxton with worry

Scoffs at him

"I didn't live here no longer and I have my own house." Said harsh. I walked out of house and on way towards my car and on way to my work.

I felt to following me and check see to mirror at my brother's car following me

You kidding me Daxton!