Thieving, Bat-titties and Roomies

Hello once again, to readers old and new. I've return this time with a new story, which I am a bit shaky on but I like where it is going thus far. Still thinking about how I'll treat the abilities that were introduced further up ahead, which I plan to not be an elaborate mess, but what's more important is the fact that some sex is still happening here, which im more than satisfied with (eue) and hopefully everyone else feels the same. I dont really see this other character as an OC I would make, but just someone for this type of story, which I planned for more developing purposes than stimuli (though later on here, you could say otherwise lol). Dont be shy to tell me how yall feel about this one. Hope you guys also like the early sexual tensions this time around.

Anyways enjoy eue

Chapter 1: Thieving, Bat-titties and Roomies -

"Fuck! Missed that damn bus again!" I angrily yelled to myself. So peep game (or lack there of), I got no car and I decided to leave my parents ever since I got a decent job at a fast-food joint. What type of shit was I on? Yeah I make like 200 bucks a week and all, but not nearly enough to get bills paid, then my parents started to go into a retirement home all of a sudden on me. What fucking luck! UGGHH! Anyways, I hang around the transit station doing nothing..For a bit, then I got back to doing what I do best: Snaggin' pics of some hot-ass chicks. Even some good lookin' anthros, I don't discriminate. Since it's night-time, and a good amount of girls are walkin' around, felt like the perfect opportunity for this lonely-ass guy. So I acted aloof while taking some pretty snazzy ass-shots, and, the hardest to do, titty-shots. Now what I do is walk up to signs with bus numbers on them, hold my phone up to my face as I walk in front of her, as if my GPS is fucked or some shit, then chink. After waiting for about 30 minutes, trying to resist the urge to play with my meat in public, my bus came up...Then I saw a fine specimen walking inside it, with a real nice ass and big tits calling out to me. She was white-furred, had the top of her knockers showing, and had brown, tight shorts. Also had like three big split-ends falling over in front her face. Speaking of the face, she was a pretty lil' thing, but she seems a bit mad about something..Imma take a closer look at her with my dic- ahem phone...Yeah, I'd ram that.

"(What's this pervy bastard doing by following me?)" she wondered, looking back at me with a hint of disdain and irritation. She sat, looked out the window to take her mind off of whatever she has on her mind, leaning up on it. I sat next to her, trying not to look as sus as possible to her, til yknow I felt it was the time to take pics of her hot ass. "(First ride and Im already getting sleepy? What ev..)" she thought after a minute later of the bus moving, so that's my cue! I got some good shots, 10 of 'em even! Mmmmm, Im so jerking it to 'em tonight! I chuckle to myself, which was apparently enough to make one of her eyes look to me, catching me in the act, "Hey! STOP FUCKING TAKING PICS OF ME!" she yelled, which stuns me for a moment and the other passengers look at us, then she suddenly snatched the phone, scrolling through my pics. She was stunned at what she saw then I took the phone back. "...You...Damn...PERVERT!" she yelled, kicking me through the somewhat flimsy door, and rolling onto the grassy part of the sidewalk. I land my head on the hard concrete, and I curl up upon reflex, "OOOOW! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT BITCH'S PROBLEM!" I shouted in pain and anger. Then I stand up, realizing Im in the middle of Station Square, "Dammit! Anywhere but here..Looks like I'll have to walk the rest of the way to the next station" I said to myself, and pissed about how I gotta walk this late at 9:00pm.

After walking down the street for a good hour, and see a really fine piece of anthro-ass running at me...or from the cops, rather. "(Hmmmm, looks like I found a possible accomplice)" she thought to herself, "Oh hey there, mind helping a lovely lady tonight?" she asked, "Uh sure, whatcha nee-" she interrupts me after putting the bag of jewelry into my hands, "Thank you, sweetie! Let's meet at the bench on the other side. Good luck with losing those cops ;)" she said to me before picking up her pace....WAIT, They'll think Im definitely working with her now! I gotta run for it! After a minute of tiresome running, I ended up running around the building as the hot-ass, white-furred anthro wanted.

Catching my breath, I took a seat at that bench. A shady woman in...well shades and a black trench coat struts up to my bench, sitting down next to me. Of course, being the lonely perv I am, I notice them big round melons that stand out, looking like one of the Mobian (anthro) citizens...Or so I thought. Seems we threw off the fuzz though, they're nowhere in sight. "Hello there, handsome. You look a bit tired" she said to me, in a rather sexy voice, as if she wanted to blow me in public...Which I wouldn't mind honestly. I looked around, making sure she meant me, "Yeah.. I got kicked off the bus earlier.. Literally. Now Im out here, trying to walk the rest of the way home. Shit really sucks" I briefed to her, giving her the bag of jewels, "Oh my. You poor thing you. I cannot imagine why anyone would kick out such a fine youngster like yourself" she says with a smile, "(Is she really horny or something? Even with those glasses on, I can see that makeup, which has gotta be the best I've ever seen on a girl. I wanna guess she's a prostitute or something, but she's dressed rather professionally. Though this is the city..)" I thought to myself, trying to figure her out.

"Say, we can use a young man like you at my workplace. Are you up for it?"

"...How much we talking?"

"Four figures weekly, working at the office. Under me ;D"

"Under you? Sounds like a steal to me. When can I start?"

"Tomorrow. You should know the drill about dress code."

"Yeah yeah, I know what to wear. Heheh, I won't even tell my current job that Im done flipping burgers."

"Ooooo Do we have ourselves a rebel? Just my type" she said with a wink.

"A-anyways.. Got a name?"

"My name is Rouge the Bat. Nice to meet you, my lil' outlaw."

"Look, you don't need to make me feel bad, alright?"

"Hehe, you're so fun to pick on."

And she called me a youngster? What is she, pushing an age of 30? In fact should I ask? Nah, that usually burns a girl's ass when you ask for age. "There's one small condition before I hire you" Rouge suddenly says to me, "A catch? Whatcha got in mind?" I asked, "Can your house wait, 'cause Im taking you home with me" she answers. WHAT? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd wanna go with her and all, but I just met her. Then again it's for the sake of a better job, with weekly four figures as pay, mind you. I know, way too good to be true. "Even if I said yes, how would I get to-" before I could finish my sentence, she grabbed me, flew high into the sky, "W-w-w-what?! You can take me this high up with no prob?!" I asked loudly, holding onto her legs, "Don't worry, lil boy" she said teasingly. We'll see who's little when she gets a load of my dong. Im so giving it to her when I get to her place. Then again, she's an anthro bat sooo.. Not sure how to feel about that, but all this sure does beat the piss outta walking home. She's going at quite the height and speed.

Upon landing at her house, which blinds in rather well with the others, she asks "Mind if I tack on one more condition?", "Really? Uuuahgh, what is it?" I ask back, "Well, you will have to find out when you come in for your first day, hmmhmm eue" she somewhat teased. "Why bring it if up if you want me to find out?" I asked, "I dunno, maybe Im gauging how much curiosity I can get out of you" she answered. I sighed to myself, thinking "(Am I gonna have to help with crime just to get in her fine-ass? What ev, I am already committed to go down on her anyway)".

Rouge opens the door for us and I follow, but she suddenly stops. What's up now? "Mind taking my coat off for me, doll?" Rouge asked, and of course, I slid it down her rather smooth shoulders. This orange skin is really silky and just beautiful.. Slowly doing this is making my mouth water. "Enjoying yourself?" she asked teasingly, helping me take it off with her hands on mine, "What do you think?" I rhetorically asked back, trying not to look like Im getting rock-hard now. I take the rest of the coat off before another piece of her dialogue makes me cream my pants, then I hang it on a rack as she puts down the bag. "Aaaahh~ All that stealing and work really got to me today. It's nice to bring a man home for once" Rouge teasingly said while stretching, "(I really feel as if she wants me to cum on her several times now. Like could you sound any hornier)?" I thought to myself, "Seems as if I am not the only one that needs some resting" she comments, "Well help yourself to the fridge. I will be upstairs" she adds before walking upstairs.

After getting glimpse at the finest booty I've ever seen as she went up the steps, I hear a gasp spoil my fun as I was starting to picture her orange ass, so I batted my head. Then I saw her, the pissy bitch that kicked me off the metro bus. Expectedly, she rushed up on me, pinning me to the door, looking at my erecting penis, "WHAT. THE. HELL!" she angrily grunts, now intensely looking into my pupils. "Before you hit me, Rouge pretty much invited me here" I try to explain, "As if I'd believe that!.....Fuck!" she said while letting me go and running upstairs. By the time I got done fixing my collar, and massaging my neck, she turned back around and socks me in the jaw, "Get out now! I don't wanna see you again, you damn perv!" she shouted. "Look.. Im sorry, ok? Here, I'll delete those pictures if it makes you feel any better" I sincerely said, ".....Then delete all of them, or Im beating your ass" she demanded, "Ok ok ok ok, Damn! I-I mean, Im on it" I reply. As I stood there, deleting each pic as if my screen was covered in nails, a puzzled face appeared on her, then she looked away, ".....Perle.." she murmured, "Huh?" I questioned, "Perle..That's my name" she answered. "Perle? Heh, if only your attitude was as nice as your nam.....You didn't hear that" I tried to retract, "No no, go ahead. See what happens...!" she coaxes, "D-dont worry about it.. Anyways, here. Did as you said" I reply, showing her my emptied images folder, turning my head in hopes she doesn't hurt me.

"Do my name..?"

"...Oh? What was that? Y-yeah. It's quite pretty."

"T-thank you.. I wish I got that more often.."

"But wait...Are you...Her.....?"

"Adopted daughter, yeah. Got a problem?"

"Phew, good thing.."

"The hell's that mean?!"

"N-nothing, I just.. Wait, what's with the pissy mood of your's?"

"I.. Im not talking about it!"

"You're actually nice when it comes down to it. You don't have to put up a front for me. Im trying to make up for..yknow..Earlier."

"....I don't know who my real parents are..And no one would stay with this one here, since she always gets in trouble with the cops.. I dunno what it's like to have a dad, then I see everyone else.."

"Well.....I don't think it's nothing that special, but it's nice to have someone always be there for you from birth."

"...I saw you giving her looks.. Are you gonna be my new pops, or what?"

"Well I wouldn't say pops but.. Ok, here's the deal. Starting tomorrow, Im gonna be working with your mom, but she brought me here to seal the deal."

"...Does that mean you'll have to be a thief with her too?"

"...Uuuh yea-" she kicks me to the ground before I could finish, and walks away, with a rather pouty look. Oww..Still a bitch..Not sure if I'd hit now.. Eh, I'd still hit if she gave it up. Im so not sleeping alone tonight, got two babes to choose after all. Now let's see..Rouge or...Aw who am I kiddin', Rouge would totally be down. I precede up the stairs to claim my prize, then a thought popped about. Why she, of all people, would have an adopted daughter..What ev! Bat-titties here I come! Im eager to hear her moan too.. I knocked on the door, and she answered back with a knock of her own, then I hear her unlocking the door, fueling my privates with anticipation to brimming levels. I knew I wasn't gonna sleep tonight till I got me some.


Then I saw her lying there, swaying her legs that were already opened to me and her arms behind her head, "It's been soooo long since I had a man inside, if you catch my drift. I feel a bit out of practice even, so mind being my partner for the night?" Rouge asked me teasingly, "Aint gotta ask me twice, sugar-tits" I replied with a lusty smirk. Rouge pulls on the heart-shaped part of her getup as I climb up on the bed to her, "If you pull hard enough here, you can see my glorious hooters and undo me from there" she reveals, "Imma do more than undo you..eue" I said lustfully, which makes her blush and excites her. I started tugging at the heart piece then looked into her lovely eyes, "Ooooh? You like looking into an older gal's eyes like this? Sooo intimate you are, hmmhmm ;)" she comments before I started kissing her red, glossy lips, as she closes her eyes and my dong starts growing on her stomach, making her look down at it with one eye and smirking. "Mmm and you're a good kisser? You are just full of surprises tonight" she compliments, "Same for you too..Now let's see these girls" I reply, pulling off her heart piece, and her big breasts come popping out. "There you go, boy.. These freed gems are all your's.." Rouge said more sensually than usual, in which I didn't hesitate to get a mouthful of them big brown nips, digging my face in them while sucking, making her start to moan as she watched me suck on her breasts. "oooooh~..Is an older lady like me really satisfying you?" she rhetorically and teasingly asked with a smile, which I ignored due to my mind consisting of nothing but her tits, "Mmmhmmhmm, alright then. Feast to your heart's content. Im starting to enjoy myself too" she added, going back to moaning. After I took my pants off to get more comfy, I then put both of her boobs together and started sucking on them at the same time, making her moan more as her face looked a bit more stressed and lewder from the pleasuring..Her warm pants cover my head.. I really like that face of her's.. Means Im doing wonders to her, despite her apparent sexual prowess. "Well now. You're a real fan of my big breasts, aren't you? Let's see what you can do down here.." Rouge suggestively says, lowering her black rubbery suit, but I stop her hand with my own when it got to her waists, "Oh?" she said in surprise, "I wanna try something.." I said.

I then plant my hardened dick on her clothed cunt, put my hands on the walls, and stroke my member on her rubbery cunt slowly. "Oh my. You got much bigger down there, huh? I like that.." Rouge whispered, then lays on her back, holding her breasts and letting me show her pussy some love. Mmmmmmm, this is really getting all my orgasmic nerves going.."Ah..Ah...Ah..You're a real naughty boy at foreplay. But enough of that, I'll let you play with me more after we're done.." Rouge says, finishing with undressing herself by sliding off the rest of her rubbery suit and taking off her slim footwear. My eyes couldn't help but watch as she unveiled more of her smooth, luscious body to me. Her orange legs caught my attention.."Im not much of a leg man, but here.." I said before licking down her legs slowly, "Ooooo such a man you are. Take your sweet time, stud" she says while enjoying her service..I did taste some sweat from her tits and legs, but that's the least of my concerns..I actually started to like it a bit. Giving her a wink beforehand, my tongue drifts to her pussy, "Uh huh. Little closer, outlaw" she teasingly said, and my tongue reached her wet, tanned pussy. I used my arms to drag her thighs closer to me, to hug up on my shoulders, "Whoa my, quite an eager one here" she comments, then I started licking her whole cunt like the deprived guy I am, making her pussy throb upon contacting my tongue as her moans filled the room, to where Im sure her "daughter" can hear. I even licked around her pelvic region several times, before getting back to the genitalia, which it was all so scrumptious that I feel as if I could do this all night.. Really gives the tongue a good workout too.

Over time, Rouge's face has gotten redder along with her body becoming steamy itself, "Haaaah.. Mmmm.. I think you're ready..To take me _q_" Rouge said in a really lusty tone, which I was more than willing to oblige to dick down her drenched bat-pussy.

"Cmon now, boy. Show me what it's like to be screwed by a man's cock. Don't be shy" Rouge encourages with a lewd smirk and winks. She then spreads her pussy for me as my tip makes contact with her vaginal lips, covering the entrance, and it finally happened.. I started fucking this bat's brains out. Giving her the thrusting of a lifetime, making our moans louder than before. "Au! Ah! Ah! Mmmmmm, that's right, fuck me some more..Haaaaaaaaah~" she said while opening her legs all the way apart for better entering and exiting on my part, as she sticks her tongue out from a few orgasms and getting dicked down really hard before I climax. I start plunging my dick into her faster, making her moans faster as well, "Ah! Ah! Mmmmm! Haaaaah!.. Ready for the sexiest bad-girl to take your virginity? Huh?" she asked from whatever part of her mind she was able to gather, which I didn't reply to, "Well?" she insisted on asking as she squeezed on me with her vaginal walls, "YES! Yes Im ready to burst in your bat-pussy!" I yelled with a blushing face as I drooled. I hunched down to her, so my face is in front of her, and I make out with her as I was about to release my loads of semen into her warm womb, moaning into each other's mouths, then I suddenly released and pumped her sweet insides with alot of sperm, making us release our locked lips for a long moan. Both of our genitals were throbbing as I finished releasing into her for a minute, then she rested her head on a pillow with her eyes closed and catching her breath while holding her breasts.

I make out with her as she enjoys my cum oozing out of her after I exit myself from her vaginal entrance, her ears flop down from overwhelming orgasmic pleasure. "Oooh my, you sure are a handful, huh? Im sure that is not all you brought with that package down there" Rouge says with a sly smile coming back as she blushes, "Hehe.. As if I'd stop there. Give me some of that ass" I lewdly demand. Rouge turns around, putting her fingers to the wall, poking that big brightly orange booty at me, even slowly shaking it a bit for me, "You really enjoy my rear, don't you? What a naughty boy I picked up. I'd expect as much from such an outlaw" she teasingly said while looking back at me, then I press my pelvis against her smooth, big ass and the short tail rubs against my stomach, "Oh, easy now, big boy. Don't wanna lose your balance" she comments with a wink. "(Hmm, you're right)" I thought, then I put one leg out to the side of her, to be more prepared to give her an ass-pounding of the century while she bites her lip from anticipation, but we hear the door knock, "Hey.. Can we talk for a bit more?" Perle asked from behind the door. Fuck! And I was about to take her ass to poundtown! "We can always finish tomorrow night, ok big boy? ;)" Rouge reassures, and I smiled back for a moment, then headed downstairs after putting some clothes back on.

I find her sitting on the couch, looking as if she's had alot on her mind. I mean, she always seemed that, but it looks more apparent on her face this time. My feet carry me to sit next to her. It was pretty hard to tell if she wanted me to do so or not. "Did you just fuck my mom?" Perle asked, "N-no..It is pretty tempting though" I lied, "Then what were you two doing? I see you don't have as much clothes now" she asked, "What, I can't get comfy when Im about to sleepover? Don't worry about it" I assured, "But with her?...*sighs* Well..I was thinking things over and..Let me just say Im sorry for what I did on the bus earlier..And how I came at you an hour ago" she apologizes while looking away, "I think I still have a bump from it. Kinda left a number on me..I could've fuckin' made it to the station, and not get dragged into your mom's dirty work if you didn't do that!" I uproared, "Well I wasn't gonna let you do that, so are you sayin' you regret meeting me?!" she shouted back. The reaction made my guts swell momentarily, but I reply "....Well no..I probably came off wrong there, but thinking about it now, maybe there really is a bright side to it. I got to meet you and Rouge", ".....Heheh, yeah that's where I wanted to get at. Don't ruin the mood, jackass" Perle replied, fixing her hair with a faint smile and looking the other way. "You sound more friendly this time. What happened?" I asked, "Like I said, I was thinking. Specifically about..Us being.....Together" she tries to explain, "Like..Boyfriend and girlfriend? That type of thing?" I asked, then she sighs "Don't get ahead of yourself. I wanna test the waters and see if you really aren't a bad guy. So let's say close friends to friends with benefits..Will it be a problem that Im..a Mobian?" she asks in a more serious tone, "Hmm, nah, Im down" I reply, and she gives me a light smile. "Good.." Perle says while staring at my pelvis a few times while blushing, "Uh...speaking of the friends with.. *sighs* Here, I'll give you some head" Perle offered while lowering my unzipped pants, "Y-you really wanna make it up to me, eh?" I asked a bit nervously, then she slaps me, replying "Shuddup, don't ruin the damn mood..Just enjoy this for now". Perle then holds my stiff cock up, and inserts it into her mouth while lowering her head with an eye closed, blushing more, "(Holy fuck..She's really starting to throat me after I came from banging her mom..Mmmm, her tongue feels really moistened and warm..Im such a good-ass player)" I said in my head with a deviously yet pleasured smile that she wasn't aware of. Perle then shifted down to her knees on the ground, spreading my legs further apart, "Get fuckin' comfortable" she said while jerking me off for a bit. she then looked at my veiny dick for a sec, opened her mouth, and rubbed her soft cheeks on it, which just feels wonderful..Then she continues with her dick-sucking, starting to almost lovingly look into my eyes, with her usual angry face disappearing, "(If his dick's this good..Might as well stay with him anyway..I think Im getting the hang of this)" Perle thought while blowing me, "Mmmmmm..Keep sucking that cock, baby" I said as I held her soft head, which she held on to with one of her hands, coursing down my chest with the other hand..Damn bitch, it's like you were lookin' forward to my dick all day.. "You're really taking forever here, pal. Just cum already" Perle said while slapping her face with my dong, getting a bit impatient, "Try going faster then, hot-stuff" I replied, then looks back at it and works the whole schlong down her esophagus, initially causing her to choke, but got used to my girthiness and went faster on me. "Oh yeah..That's it, babe..Faster...!" I said while starting to reach my climax, squishy sounds filling the air. "Im...gonna cum...!" I warned, then she takes her mouth off of me, and slowly swirls her tongue around my tip, with enough anticipation for her to look like she's really enjoying the whole oral session. "Aaaah..Your cock is throbbing all over my tongue..Fire that sweet, steamy load I've worked for, you sexy fuck.." she teased, still stirring her tongue around my tip, making me blush from her...oddly stimulating vocab. Perle watches my hard sausage sweat and start to erupt, "That's right..I want it all over my fox face.." she lewdly says to motivate my willy to burst for her, "Well look at you. That's my dirty little girl. Learning from the best I see" Rouge compliments, standing next to the stairs.

Perle bats her eyes back at Rouge after hearing what she said, "M-mom, go away! Im trying to finish my boyfriend here!" Perle said in a frustrated tone, but I came all over her cheek, and when she turned around, she puts on an angry face. "Phew man was that great..Best..Head..Ev..Uh oh" I said, realizing her anger towards me was becoming apparent, "Yeah! 'Uh Oh' is fuckin' right! You blew your load too early! Do it over now!" she angrily yells and demands, "Well..Im kinda out now.." I reply, but she sucks my now flaccid penis aggressively, even biting it a few times and stretching the skin of it with her teeth, making me slap her face to make her stop, "J-just wait till tomorrow or something! Stop, please stop that!" I ordered and yelled out loud. "Heheheh, what a pair you lovers make" Rouge teased, "We're not lovers!" me and Perle say simultaneously then look away from each other, then she wipes off the white stain on her face with my T-shirt. "If you're trying to get him back up, you should let me show you how it's done" Rouge suggests, "N-no way, you old bat! I got this!" Perle refused, trying to jerk me off ferociously, making my floppy willy pretty tender, "Old...Bat...!?" Rouge said a bit angrily, walking up to her from behind, pulling Perle's cheeks with her hands, "What've I told you about manners, brat..!" she added. Like, can you two get along when Im exposed like this? I was kinda getting hard, but now I've never been so dead-wooded.

"Look, if you two are going to fool around, I'll.. be upstairs in Rouge's room" I said while getting up, "Hmph! You would go up there.." Perle scoffs, "...Alright, where's your room at then, Perle?" I asked of her, "O-oh? You wanna..Sleep with me for the night?" she asked back, "I might as well since I'll be spending the night. Rather be here than my room at the apartment anyway" I answered, "W-well..I'll show you" Perle replies, holding my hand and leading me to her room, which was several steps from the stairs. "(I really can't wait to have him work for me now. Hope he'll get his stuff ready, cuz he's not the only one who's gonna feel right at home. Hahaha, having a young man around the house and at work is exciting to think about. If he thought I was a knockout earlier, wait till he sees my office outfit)" Rouge thought to herself for a moment with a slightly devious smile and rubbing her glossy lips, before going back to her room.

"(I got a few things I gotta ask bat-tits, but I'll save it for tomorrow..This all seems too good to be true though. I'll stay on my toes)" I thought to myself, "I guess case we just happen to run into trouble..I'll use my powers if I need to" Perle mutters while blushing, "Powers? You mean you know a few handy moves?" I asked, "Yeah but.. I never had to use them in a fight..cuz I clobber people too fast before I get to using it" Perle replied. "Well don't hide behind the bush, whaccha got?" I asked, "....Dont laugh, but it's water.." Perle answers, ".....Yeah, no wonder you never use it.. Alright, I'll think of ways you can use it. Just show me tomorrow, ok?" I assured, trying to not discourage her potential in...That ability. "I think I had it since birth, and never got anywhere with it, so I guess we'll see..I was able to help with the flood that happened once" Perle said lowly, then we step into her room, which has a computer, bed and toy box, "...Don't laugh at that either.. I'll get rid of it" she said, "...How old are you again?" I asked, "Im 16, ok?!" she loudly answered, "We'll..worry about that tomorrow too [we didnt]. Wow, I got quite a bit to look forward to tomorrow, huh?" I said with a light smile, "We sure do, but let's head to bed" she replies. "..Don't look..I still feel.. embarrassed about what happened..down there" Perle ordered, and I looked away as she took off her brown shorts, then puts on some pajamas. I chuckle to myself, deviously thinking "(Being in a house with nothing but hot babes..I think my life just turned around today)" after getting in bed with her, "You better not be thinking about fondling me while sleeping, perv" she tiredly ordered as she slept. Like you're one to talk, after saying all that sex-talk to me downstairs. Granted, I was still the guy that took ass-shots and tit-shots of people, so yeah, I am sorta dirty in that regard (To anyone reading, don't do this). I sigh to myself before drifting off to sleep, with a lighter conscious than usual, from looking forward to doing quite a bit of shit the next morrow..And yeah, totally finishing Rouge's fine-ass too.

More about these thrilling, carnal relations to come in the next chapter, so look forward!