The First Day

Chapter 2: The First Day - —

The air felt cooler than usual, tempting me to go to back to sleep. It was hard to keep track of how long I slept since I got so comfy with sleeping this close to Perle, who I kept my arms wrapped around. My eyes took a quick gaze upon her peaceful, drooly face. She looked so pretty, making me forget how pissed she acted towards me yesterday. me or..does it feel like the bed itself got wetter? "Yo, Pearly. Did you wet yourself?" I asked as I shook her, "mmmnn?...oh that..Just my powers leaking out..Get used to it" she replied before going back to sleep. Well, I kinda can't sleep knowing this. Makes me wonder how much Perle can do just as passively..Let me see another thing..My hand drifts down from her back, to her ass, and got to lightly squeezing. Hehehe, can someone say 'Junk in the trunk'? cuz I'm getting a bit of a handful here. "...rub it.." she lowly said after a few moans, and I did as she ordered. "You two enjoying yourselves?" said a voice in a suggestive manner, "W-wha- Who said that?" I react, pulling down the sheets, and Perle shouting while sitting up with some covers on her, with a frustrated look on her face, "Can you knock first, mom?! I wanted some more sleep, dammit!". "I didn't want him to get too tired for his first day...Or busy with you" Rouge informs with her usual devilish smile, wearing a purple robe with her cleavage and shoulders showing, "and you lil' girl need to get ready for class today. Your boyfriend is coming with me" she added. "Uhh..Sorry for-" I tried to say to Perle, but she went out of the room a bit rashly while looking down and blushing. I wanted to get a bit mad too, but I gotta get dressed myself..Aw shit that's right, "Hey Rouge, mind getting me some clothes?" I asked, "Maybe if you take your clothes off, I can give you a surprise" she replied while looking at my pelvis...This aint the time for that, Bat-tits! "Anyways, It seems I'll have to steal a fitting suit for you" she answered for real this time, "Im sure, you and stealing shit. If it aint jewels, it's another" I comment, "Well let's get a move on before guards or employees get a chance to buy their coffee" Rouge said half-jokingly, while dressing herself. "Here's the plan, we arrive and I use this handy beam from my heart piece to melt open the door, but if anyone shows up, I'll just show 'em the goods" Rouge schemed to me while finishing to dress in the outfit she's known for, taking my hand, "and by goods you mean...?" I asked hesitantly, "Uh huh, what you saw last night. and of course, you head in from there" she finished before we took off to the skies.

I wanted to ask several questions about this plan, until I started thinking how she's practically a professional thief, so I felt as if she factored many things in more than me. Knowing this, it still didn't take away my worries. The dawn wasn't even in sight as we flew above some buildings. Not only was she sort of racing against time, but Perle still had school to get to, so let's see what you got, bat-tits. We began our descent to in front of the clothing store, and fortunately no one in sight. "There's a backdoor I want you to exit through with a suit, so make it quick and we take turns with this" Rouge informs and handed me a small device, "What's this?" I asked, "A camera jammer. Once we step inside, it will screw up every camera in the building" Rouge further informed, making me nod. Huh, seems like she really thought ahead here. Knowing her, all this is retrospectively a small thing to her. I acted aloof on one side of the door as she lasered the middle of the door down with a small device from her wrist, then went inside and did the same on the other side of the building. Upon watching her running back, I heard flapping and a little bunny girl approaches me, "Excuse me mister. My momma went missing not too long ago..Can you help me?" she asked. Crap, of all damn times to ask me! I turned to her, lying "uuuh yeah, she must've uhh went this way", "Oh? and she looked like me?" she asked, "O-of course, but you're going the right way" I answered. I watch her stroll on down the darkened sidewalk; poor kid though. Now then, back to Rouge giving me my suit that she hands to me...Wait what?! "Change of plans, partner. We're a bit short on time so let's get back home. You already attracted some attention to yourself" Rouge said, carrying me out of the area, making me hold my soon-to-be attire.

"S-stick 'em up!" a rather slim guard ordered me, holding out his pistol, and I couldn't help but put my hands up. "(Hmm, I suppose he came from the corner..Oh well, time for plan B. Right when we were gonna escape scot-free)" Rouge thought, then stepped in front of me, "A-are you working with him?" he asked nervously, shaking in his shoes at the sight of her curvaceous body. "Don't worry about details. Just keep your eyes on me, k?" Rouge said while pulling down her bra to the guard, making him freeze up and get weaker in the knees. "You can't resist such a great, experienced woman like me. Cant cya?" Rouge said with a wink, resting her back on the glass window sexually, pulling her glove off and tossing it to the side as the guard is overcome with her sexual prowess, nodding in excitement. I...starred as well, but then I realized our situation, especially with the glove on my foot. I threw the suit over my shoulder. "(Ok..I-I got it..Now just point..aim...aaaaand....Fuck! Where the hell's the button?!)" I thought to myself, with Rouge seeing how Im fiddling with the glove for a bit, making her roll her eyes in frustration. My partner-in-crime here turned herself around, bent over to the guard, and caught his gaze, buying me some time as he drooled. Damn was it a ni- Not now dammit! Button, button, cmon! Still aiming, the moment I felt the button, the beam shot through the glove, firing at his gun, heating it up and making him drop it, "PHEW PHEW PHEW! HOOOT!" he shouted and jumped, swinging his hands. The second the gun dropped, Rouge snatched me up and flew our ass away from the situation.

"You could've done better back there, but are you ready for your first day?" Rouge asked as we soared through the skies, "Ready as I'll ever be" I commented. I looked back down, and see Perle going on the bus, "Good, right on time" Rouge gleefully comments. Makes me wonder how much of school she has left. We descend down in front of the house, and enter. "I'll drive us to the place, but let's dress so see ya in a few, handsome" Rouge said, while heading upstairs. I went into the downstairs restroom and put the suit on in a matter of minutes. Fortunately, it fitted me. My feet carry me to upstairs, "Come on in~" Rouge coaxed, and I opened. Welcomed to a sight of her in a rather dashing, tight red professional dress, completed with yellow buttons in her breast area, right below her cleavage. I was droolin'. "You can get back to admiring my body later, we got a job to get to..I mean who knows, maybe if you're good enough, you'll see more of my goodies" she hinted as we exited, making my willy a bit more noticeable. Uh anyways, we get in her car and got on the road. Looking through the city, more and more people appearing on the streets, I thought back to what Perle said. "So..Who's this Eggman guy?" I asked Rouge, "Oh, just some mad scientist bent on conquering the world with robots. We take him down all the time" she answered, "All the time? And who's this 'We' you mean?" I asked, "There's this team Im with, Sonic and his gang, as well as the government" Rouge answered some more. Heh, he doesn't sound too smart, let alone really threatening. I bet I can solo him myself. A good ten minutes pass, and we were here, a very tall building towering over us, making me look forward to getting inside. Call me a bit crazy, but there's something a bit 'exciting' about the thought of being under Rouge's sexy ass. Getting some good pay is a great plus too.

We got out of the car, starting to walk through the doors.

"So, you don't know about Sonic or Shadow?"

"I've heard of Sonic, but not Shadow. Why ya ask?"

"Hmm, I wouldn't be surprised. Shadow used to have a grudge against humanity, but he works with the government, so it's ok if you don't know him. He's also quite equal to Sonic."

"Equal? But how?"

"He does have an edge in using chaos powers, and can keep up with Sonic's speed."

"The hell's chaos power?"

"Oh? I really have to explain alot to you, don't I? Just know that with Chaos Emeralds, you can basically do anything."

"Hmm....(I need to find Shadow so I can do some cool chaos attacks..hehe!) What was his deal anyway?"

"Long story, but I work with him, and one of Eggman's greatest creations, Omega. Let's say he's not a fan of the doctor either."

"So what's the rest of this deal you were telling me about?"

"Good memory. Something on the lines oooof..Being my sidekick while I go treasure hunting and stealing jewels. I want All the gems in the world, hmmhmm~."

"Sooooo, does that include Chaos Emeralds?"

"Oh.. I never thought about that really, but when you gather and use them, they scatter after you collect them across the globe."

"Sounds familiar..something to do with dragons...?" I comment, and Rouge guides me through the wide, lit hallways. I'd say the place is 20 floors. Speaking of which, we head to the elevators, and Rouge presses the Floor 15 button, apparently being the highest floor. I was close enough. "Ok, what's the deal here? What're you working as?" I asked with a curious look on me as she leaned on the wall, arms resting on the railing, "Hmmhmm, I wondered when you'd ask. I had to stop being a full-time thief to take care of this girl, so I can work with this cubical. Eventually, I was able to become an assistant CEO" she reveals with a playful smile. "...But wait...How do know that Shadow works with the government? Would that explain how you were able to get the position?" I hypothetically asked, "Ah, you're quite sharp, aren't you? Let's say they really liked the idea of a girl like me having some government involvement" Rouge answered. Now an even bigger question..How the hell could she get involved with the government? Before I could ask some more, we arrived at the desired floor, greeting us to a tamed room, sectioned off into walls. "Since you are working under me, just do whatever I say. And I mean, WHATEVER I say, hmmhmm~" Rouge informs me, making me follow her to her office.

"Now first off, get rid of this paperwork" she ordered, putting a pile of paper on her desk, "Welp, this'll take all day" I comment, "Exactly, now get to it" she urged. I carried the stack out of the office, trying to find a shredder. Dammit! Where the hell's the thing at?! A yellow-haired mouse anthro girl saw I was searching, and came up to me, "Shredder's in that corner" she pointed to the right, and I went in that direction. Coming up to it, I turned it on, putting one sheet at a time in it..Then another..Then another..Then.....Zzzzzz..WAKE UP DAMMIT! I looked around and I was in the clear.

After a good hour of shredding, I was on my last 10 sheets, then Rouge catches my eye. She was picking up some more paper that was dropped on the floor, and I ended up watching her bend over, her ass pointing at me and everything. Rouge looked back for a second and raised her skirt slightly upwards so I can see her panties, then winked at me, but it was interrupted with the shredder slowing down a bit loudly, making me bat my eye back to it. "(Fuck! I was getting a good angle too! Don't tell me this shit's full now!)" I mentally complained, starting to check the machine..Then..ZING, a sharp piece of metal shoots across my face, making me back up. What the shit?! Uhh, shredders don't do that...I dropped the rest of the papers then power-walked to Rouge's office. I opened her door, "Hey Rouge the shit.." I said while entering, getting a welcoming sight of Rouge in her red office attire but..With more of her bra showing, then gestures me to come to her, "Forget that, let's finish from where we left off" Rouge said to me lewdly, and my feet carry me to her. We locked lips and I found myself fiddling with her big knockers...Her tongue was so delicious.. Rouge then carried us to the door, and she locked the door.

Just when she was about to grab my cock, a big metal claw bursted through the window, above our heads. "Seems we gotta save our fun for later, and take care of some bots" Rouge said confidently, quickly redressing herself, kicks through the flailing mechanical arm above us. I backed up from the action, honestly a bit scared, but she seems as if she got this taken care of. What a woman. "(What is going on out there?)" Rouge thought to herself, running out the door, and sees various dangerous robots tearing through the walls of the room, making her frustration turn into anger. "I'll show you what happens when you ruin my workplace...!" Rouge started uproaring, then precedes to drill through the seemingly bulky orange mechs with guns and bladed robots. Explosions soon filled the room as she took out one after another, and the robotic employees revealed themselves when they jump on Rouge, but their attempts were futile due to Rouge's boots impacting their heads and chests in seconds. "(The doctor's been stepping up, hasn't he?)" Rouge thought to herself. Just when it came to me that maybe Eggman is behind this, I hear "HOHOOHOOO I'VE DONE IT NOW!" from the monitor behind me, showing me the face of a large-nosed old man, making me turn to it. "What the hell are you talking about? Are you Eggman?" I asked, "E-Gad! How could you not know of the greatest scientis-" he was cut short by Rouge throwing a stapler at the screen, "Cut to the chase, what's going on this time?" she asked, "Ok Ok, let me get down to business. You see this man here?" Eggman asked, turning the camera to the president, wrapped in a chair, shocking both of us. W-when the hell did he do this?! How am I just knowing about this now?! "Oops, maybe I should explain myself. I have breached through the President's defenses with my army of new and improved eggbots. Had fun with the lowly toys of yesteryear over there? Well..Let's say these won't be as fun to deal with" Eggman said rather grimly, "Shadow! Omega! Come in!" Rouge shouted in distress upon activating her ear-comm, "Im afraid you will need more than them, because.. I already have 5 of the Chaos Emeralds! Harnessing their power to my new machinations!" he revealed, "And Hoho it doesn't stop there! I have a new squad of elites that are currently searching for the rest of the Emeralds, but do not test me, 'cause I will have them find you as well! HOHOHOHOHOOO!" he followed. W...Wait..Dammit! We gotta get moving! "And One more thing.. I have basically conquered the world, but all is left is...Sonic and his tree friends..! Anyways, if you are going to try and oppose me, better do it fast before I robotize every citizen. Tata!" Eggman ended the communication rather playfully, cutting off the screen.....SHIT!

I look closer at the human-like robots..and saw blood running from them..When Rouge was starting to notice, she kneeled and despair was starting to overcome her. "D...Don't give up, Rouge..There's still a chance! He said nothing about Shadow and Omega so.." I tried to encourage her. Rouge gave me a face of guilt and looked away in frustration, generally feeling down. Without a word, she whisks me away upon flight, but after a moment she says "So much has..Just went wrong today. It's now up to me to pull everything together..I hate it when that happens". I started to feel for her a bit.. Seems that she doesn't ever take a leader role at this scale. It seems as if we're flying away from the house..To Perle's School..? ....Oh right, she might be in danger too! We descend to where the school is, and all of a sudden, PWOOOSH tons of water shoots up from the roof..Oh no.. We cautiously start to enter the school, which had empty hallways, lights flickering frequently..Gave me the creeps..Damn, I hate feeling so bitch-made in these situations..If that happened a moment ago, then robots are in here. I took the lead for a second, then see a big turtloid mech with missile launchers on it's back, making me go back into a corner. "Uhh, I'll let you handle this one" I said with an obvious scared look on my face, "Ooof course" Rouge replied while rolling her eyes, and faces the mech. Rouge starts out by throwing out a bat-bot at it, exploding on it's head upon contact, messing with it's detection system and drops on the ground, damaging the sizable cannons. However, the back was starting to glow red below her, making her heart skip a beat and hops off of it before it's back explodes. The smoke clears and it stares at her with an evil smile. "I'll try to go for the head this ti-" before she could finish her sentence, a water spear drops on the bot's head, with Perle landing on the ground while it was starting to explode from the move. "And Stay Down!" Perle yelled in frustration as it's body parts scatter everywhere, and she shields us from the debris with a water shield. "Good job, Perle! Your water powers are pretty helpful!" I commented, "There's more in here, and we gotta take 'em out before they find the students..HEY! CMON OUT, BITCHES!" she yelled out, getting the rest of their attention. Several fast foot steps roar down the hallways, and we see 3 robots drop down from the second floor in front of us, who had long, intimidating claws and black round heads. They were oddly purple and orange too. "I don't know what's going on, but I'll take you all down! Fountaine! (Fountain)" Perle shouted, thrusting an arm upwards, and a spring of water from the floor shoots the bots into the air, jetting through their bodies. "Déchiqueter!(shred)" Perle said as an order, with more water shooting through their bodies, but in more bladed forms, and within seconds, all of their body parts fell to the floor. Holy shit! She's really good with her abilities, more than I thought. "You just annihilated them in no time! They looked like they could give us some real trouble too" I commented, "That's about all I know though. Y-you..Dont think it was too uncool to see..Right?" she asked, "Are you kiddin'? I rather see that than fireworks!" I replied. "It looks like we're all good here, so we should head home" Rouge said, sweeping us off our feet and flies us into the air with her. Perle notices her 'mom' having a concerned look on her face, making her wonder what was really up, but was hesitant to ask.

When we got home upon the skies starting to glow in oranges, we followed Rouge to her room as she was notably upset. Rouge knew that we were following her too, but she let us follow her to her room, so we found ourselves sitting on her bed as she looked off into the window on her side of the room.

"So...What's wrong...Mom?"

"...I failed.."

"What do you mean?"

"Eggman has the President..I was supposed to make sure that doesn't happen."

"Then what're we waiting for? Let's get him?!"

"Not now.."


"I wanna...Take my mind off things.."

"Wha..Hey dude, what happened?"

"Eggman has also started robotizing people..and some were in the office with us..Who Rouge got rid of with the other bots.."

"....Did she..Ki..Kill..?"

"It got...a bit.. bloody back there.."

"Damn...So that's what happened...Eggman really has done it now.."

"You know about Eggman too?"

"Well yeah..Alot of people know about him nowadays."

"Odd..Is he as well-known as Sonic?"

"Pretty much.. Look..Im really sorry you got dragged into this.."

"Don't be..If I'm gonna be this close to y'all, I'll have to pull my own weight and start rolling with the punches."

"But how..?..You're just a normal human..You'll get in the way alot."

"Ever heard about faith?"


"Let's say it's...You believe in something even if you don't know about it working out."

"...That's dumb..Why should I ever have that?"

"It'd make you feel alot better than if you knew something would work out."

"...I..W-whatever, don't think this means things will get better.."

"Cmon, let's at least try our best here. We still have folks that we can count on" I reassured, then see Rouge going in the restroom with her pajamas in hand. "Looks like she's really out of it from Eggman practically taking over the world, and seeing the president tied up like that..." I said, "HOLD ON! HE TOOK HIM?! NOW WE REALLY GOTTA FUCKI-" I shut her mouth with my hands, "Hold your horses now, he's still in pursuit of the other emeralds so we don't have to rush. His elite goons are a main issue though" I inform her, "Then what do we do?!" Perle asked in concern, "Start rounding up, but let's try tomorrow. He said we're gonna need more than Shadow and Omega, so we're gonna give 'em just that!" I said with a flicker of determination in my eyes. "Then.....What about me?" Perle asked, "You'll need more useful and stronger moves. Ok?" I replied, "Fine..We got alot ahead of us.." Perle says, then I hold her hand, "And I need you for it.." I said to her while looking into her eyes, making her blush quite a bit. "I wanna fuck you so bad.." Perle said, "Then let's get it on.." I replied, going in for the kiss, our lips caressing, "Hmmhmm, having fun without me?" Rouge said out of nowhere, with her good ol' lusty smile back as she watched us stop lip-locking. "Really mom?" Perle said, a bit annoyed, "Yknow, I hate being left out, so maybe we can share him?" Rouge asked suggestively, undoing the coat part of her pajamas, "Cmon, let's get to my room before she steals you" Perle says while taking my hand, "I wasn't gonna steal him. I said share him" Rouge calmly and half-jokingly replied, making Perle leave the room with me faster with a blush hitting her face.

Perle rushed us downstairs, to her room. "So she was always like this?" I asked, "Don't play dumb. I know you've noticed...I know you wanna fuck her.." Perle said lowly, approaching her room's door. Is that really how she feels about me? I mean, after seeing how helpless I was back there, wouldn't be hard to imagine myself as chicken-shit. "Look..Even if that was the case..I'd prefer you.." I try to reason with her, which she bats at me angrily at first, but looks away in brief thought, "*sighs*...Because of that being the case..It's hard for me to do it with you, and believe me..I want you" Perle replied. "You saying you want time to yourself?" I asked, "....Basically..Maybe when you're not a bitch out there" Perle honestly said, striking my emotional gut a bit. Didn't have to be like that, but it's just as I guessed..

"I know that.. Alot's happened an-"


"..Is that what you want?"

"Did I stutter? Go.."

"...I'll make all this right, just you wait. Ok?"

"Says the guy with a thing for a mobian..A school-girl at that."

"I dont discriminate."

"Look.. Later, alright?"

".....If you insist" I complied, turning around, with the impact of the door hitting my spine, even as I walked away. Dammit..It feels like Im at square-one with this bitch. Really convincing, man. Making her have some faith in me..Welp, seems like I really need to wait for the right time to lay it on her. At least I came out unscathed this time...And I can finish up from where I left off! Rouge, ass, titties, here I coooome~! My feet swayed with my body up the stairs with the grace of dancer's footwork, but the reward is knee-knocking goodness eue. I fix my shirt and feel the doorknob, which was luckily unlocked, so I opened. My eyes witness Rouge turned around on her side, with a leg prompted up on her bed, as a hand caresses it gently. Something about the sight of it made me feel pretty sexy as well, making my feet feel lighter than before, seemingly gliding closer to her in silence and anticipation. Even her rounded ass was visible in that robe eue. "*sighs* Even doing the most minimal tasks as flying folks around has strained my body. Is my age really getting to me?" Rouge comments to herself, then I place my hand on her's, helping her sooth her tensed leg, slowly sitting next to her, "Not to me, sexy. You're just as ripe as ever" I said to her, comforting her as she looks up at me. A pleasant look becomes her face, smile and all. "Oh? I suppose your lil' friend didn't occupy you enough and you came to the next best thing?" Rouge teased, "Let's say there's..Differences that are still being discovered" I hinted to her, "Not surprising. She can be a handful at times. Speaking of surprises, I can't believe I didn't notice you coming in on me so suddenly. Of course, it was a pleasant surprise nonetheless, but maybe my lil' outlaw has potential after all. I hope you weren't just saying all that about my age, just to kiss up to me, Hmmhmm~" she further teased, "Speaking of kiss up.." I said before landing my lips on her's softly, bringing our hands closer to her pelvis. As we locked lips, I untied her robe the rest of the way. "I suppose you deserve a bit of a treat for what happened today" Rouge said before getting up, hands holding her robe as it slides off her shoulder, "Ready to drool?" she asked, and I nod a yes, trying not to act as if my boner isn't throbbing, "Don't say I didn't warn yooou" she said a bit playfully,

then she dropped her robe, showing me her big orange melons, and glorious hourglass figure, waiting to be dicked down. I was almost literally blown away by how great she looks, finding my back almost halfway into the bed, and her sexual prowess doesn't cease to please. "Don't think you're off the hook. What I say still goes, til of course I say otherwise. Now, spread those legs" Rouge ordered while throwing off my pants, a-and I did so, opening my legs apart, which she rolled her eyes to, holding both of my legs, making them go up in the air, "There, now 'em up for me" she said with a wink. I kept 'em up for a moment, and my dick was stiffening from more anticipation..Im not the submissive type, but there's something oddly arousing about this. Granted, I am bottomless with Rouge, who's naked in the same room with me. As I got comfy in my position, I see a dildo above my privates, making me panic, "K-keep that away from me! Im not into that!" I complain, "Oh hush. If you don't keep them up, I will..Let's say get your attention with this. You should feel fortunate, cuz my oral skills are much better than my lil' girl's" Rouge says, then engulfs my whole dong in her moist mouth. "Hoooooh Rooouge~.." I moaned, letting her gag reflexes continue to work on my member, feeling as if I am gonna cum already..I fortunately don't see the dildo, so I must be doing good myself. I then feel her knockers wrapping around my cock, and I continue to watch as she keeps swallowing my cock up and down, slobber surprisingly dripping down my pelvic area. The room was filled with her throat noises as she kept blowing me, sounding like a real pro..and I was starting to enjoy letting her do me. A few minutes go by and she looks at me with a lusty smile, licking my now fully erected boner, "You're starting to last I see. I'll be really impressed if you can handle my cunt" Rouge said in a more sexual tone, "(Oooh boy, I get to really fuck her again! I feel too lucky right now)" I excitedly thought as she crawled over me, her breasts rubbing up my body as she kept her hungry smile.

Rouge brushes her hair back before she starts, "Ready for round 2 of some more Bat-pussy?" she asked, "I-I.. came in here for a reason" I tried to say as cool as I could, "Hmmhmm, entertain me like this more, and maybe I'll do you every night" she teases, more breathy than ever, with her exhales heating up my body. My legs still in the same position, Rouge aligns her vagina to my cock, using her hips to bump into my legs as a guide, "I love an obedient man as well..You really do want me after all. Screw the kid, right?" Rouge comments, making me look away a bit.."Oooo sorry about that. Let me take your mind off of it with this..!" Rouge said before dropping her ass on me, making my cock slide into her pussy as she takes my cock's entry, "Mmmmmm..Bigger than last time, eh? Alright then.." she said in a more pleasant tone, practically fucking me, making the bed rock and it took my entire being to not loudly moan, making sure Perle doesn't hear me downstairs. I started to move my hips her to increase the pleasure from both of us, "Aaaauugh~ Your cock is so gooood~" Rouge moaned, making me honestly feel pleased myself, "Cmon, baby.. I know you got alot in you..Cum inside this good bat-pussy.." she started to order, seeing the strain on my face from my nearing climax. We went pretty fast in the bed after several more blissful moments of fucking, and she had her tongue out the more I was hitting deep in her womb as she was on top, but kept a composed yet lusty expression on her face. Rouge then hung her huge tits above my face, making me lick on them as she moaned some more, "Mmmmm, I can feel you leaking..Cmon big boy, don't hold back on me" Rouge said in a still pleasing tone, squeezing on my dick with her cunt to coax my love juices out..and fuck was it so wet and tight in there..It was irresistibly magical to be inside her, so I then released my contents and nutted inside her, making her go faster on me, "That's right baby, give me all you got! Ha..Aaaaauuuh~~~" She orgasmed with one last thrust down on me, her back arching inward as I emptied myself into her. We caught our breaths together, did some kissing even.

Moments later we found ourselves under the sheets, with her finger caressing my chest. "I thought I was supposed to be the animal around here, but you on the other hand. Phew. Go get it, Tiger" Rouge egged on, "Well, we'd be sitting here being really technical about that. Anyways, glad we satisfied each other..More so you than me" I comment.

"..How'd you know I needed you?"

"You both seem to need me, but what happened today really got to you."

"As you can guess..I never killed anyone before, and I felt uncomfortable doing so..MY team may be called 'Team Dark' but I aint all that bad you know. I just wanna collect all the jewels in the world and steal and such."

"Eggman is starting to go too far with his plans..Blame him if anything, not yourself.."

"It was still an experience that took me off guard..And Im usually one step ahead with the government's aid. Now that help is basically gone.."

"Don't be down, you at least got me, Perle, Omega and Shadow, right?"

"I suppose..Then there's the Freedom Fighters."

"The who?"

" 'Sonic and his tree friends'. They live in a forest town called Knothole. It is alright if you've never heard of them either. Sonic never talks all that much about his time in there, even if he is basically 2nd in command."

"How do you know again?"

"The Government."

"Of course.."

"They've helped and plotted with the President a number of times before, so I would get word of them.. Oh so you really aren't from around here?"

"Nah, I live a dozen towns away from Station Square, so I never see much action. Trust me, getting to-and-from my house and my old job really sucks ass."

"Hmm, you gave me an idea for what we can do tomorrow."

"Aaaanyways, what're the Freedom Fighters like?"

"They live quite a distance from the city themselves, but we'll see about contacting them tomorrow. Now, they are incredibly aware and have a really good networking system. Saying that, I should be able to just contact them with a few more tools at my disposal."

"You have a phone, right?"

"I use it more as a last resort, because people like Eggman easily jam it up."

"Hmm..Do what you gotta then."

"Well, Im gonna go to sleep, outlaw. That really was fun. *Yawns* heheh."

"Yeah...That took a bit out of me too."

"I really appreciate everything you are trying to do for my.. lil' problem."

"A bit off-topic but...Can you get pregnant by me....?"

"We'll see, hmmhmmm~"

"Really informative..e e"

"Sweet dreams. Hopefully of me" Rouge teased before stretching and falling asleep. I slept along with her, casting the sheets over us. I close my eyes, exhausted from sexual engagement, and released my grasp of my mind. "That was..Uuggh, degenerates these days..Berrrgh, Anyways! Hmm, he doesn't seem to be much of a threat like the other two. I am not one for human experimentation but.. In case he causes any trouble, I have a special plan in mind..!" Eggman said to himself, watching us sleep through the window with an evil smile, holding a vile in his hand, with a blobby pink lifeform in it, who ominously glanced at me with it's pretty eye. He stood there watching for a moment, chuckling to himself as he begins to fly away in his egg shaped hovercraft.

"(Maybe I was too harsh on him..I should say sorry, at least..)" Perle began to think, trying to sleep in her bed, "If I don't do something about us, he really will start porking my mom..And it'd be all my fault when he's trying so hard for me.." she continued. Perle, being frustrated about her occupied mind, grabbed one of her toys, and plunged her privates, but still couldn't help thinking about me. "(.....I really wish he was here..To comfort me..Play with me..Am..Am I really starting to want him..?)" Perle thought before getting into her session of the night. An hour goes by but Perle found it hard to climax, tiring herself out and finally lost grip of her conscious, "(Dammit....At.. least I can rest..)" she said mentally, shutting her eyes. Even without her consciousness, Perle knew deep down that her love for her roomie was present..And yeah, the fact that she wants to get stuffed by him. "Yo..Sorry for what happened back there" she heard, looking around a light meadow, finding my hand touching her thigh, "I should be saying that to you...Maybe it was cuz I've never been with a human before.. or anyone...I mean..I really do like you, y'know" Perle said, giving me a soft and sincere smile, holding my hand. She went in for the kiss and continues the dream.

I will deliver on more lewdness in the next chapter, so look forward!