Seeing Shadow and Perle's First Time

Chapter 3 -Seeing Shadow and Perle's First Time:

Sunlight creeps on us as if it were Rouge, and I find my conscience coming back from it's trip from dreamland. I also found myself comfortably spooning Rouge, her soft tail pressing my stomach. Her hand brushes on my face graciously. My morning wood beat me to greeting her for the new morrow, as it grew between her legs. I can't see it, but I know she's smiling from it's size between her thighs. Rouge then plays with the tip with her fingers, "Whoa there, cowboy. This rodeo opens a bit later" she playfully greets me, "Morning to you too" I greeted back before she gives me a refreshing, cool kiss. The scent was as beautiful as her.

"Did our fun help you take your mind off things?"

"Must you really ask? *sighs* To some degree, sure."

"I just wanted to ask."

"Alot happened yesterday."

"I know, as if a week was fitted into a day even."

"That being said, here's the plan. Slow things down a bit."

"How're we gonna do that? Eggman seems to be far ahead of the game."

"I understand, but let's cut down his chain of commands for the time being. I wanted to get the Freedom Fighters involved first, but to the test the waters, we'll have Shadow get things done."

"Shadow? That's it?"

"Hear me out. Eggman said he has elites at work, right? Shadow once showed me what he's like when he takes off his limiters."

"Limiters? Then..How strong do you think he'd be?"

"He felt extremely powerful, dare I say invincible."

"Really? Alright, call 'em with that intercom thing you got."

"Not yet. We still need to know where his 'Elite' goons are."

"Damn..Any ideas?"

"Well..When he made that announcement, he didn't show all 5 emeralds he allegedly has, so let's bet on him giving it to these elite members of his."

"He can't be that dumb, right? Well what ev, it's worth a shot. Got a radar?"

"...Something like that."


"Ever heard of a guy named Knuckles?"

"Sounds familiar. Where's he fit in?"

"He can sense the emeralds due to his kind's heritage. You can say he's pretty strong too."

"Maybe have him join Shadow?"

"He might not be that reliable. Not exactly what you call 'team player' material. I have contact of Shadow, so he can at least search for him, then possibly snag an emerald or two from these elites."

"Alright alright. Sounds solid. I didn't think..Wait how's he gonna do all that anyway?"

"Chaos Control."

"Ok..Now what the hell's that?"

"Hehehe, a trump card, to say the least. It allows him to stop time and move through time while it's stopped. I say that, but it is like teleportation when used."

"...Did..Eggman ever consider this? He sounded super confident in their ability. That move alone can probably solo these guys."

"Thinking about it, I hope he knows what he's doing now, saying we'll need more than Shadow and all."

"What about us?"

"You expect me us to have a hand in all this?"

"...WELL YEAH! Doc seemed really serious to me, so who knows if he has a contingency plan or some shit!"

"I dont want to be too reactionary either, but.. Well actually, there's one thing."

"Uh huuuh?"

"There's a base the government recently built for me, and through there, I can find things like a number off special equipments."

"All there?"

"All there."

"Sounds more like it! Cant wait to try 'em out!"

"Oh and before I forget.."


"I want you to be Perle's boyfriend. Officially."

"Wait what?! B-but I-"

"Hold it. You also have to hide the fact that we've been having sex. Keep it up, and Im practically all your's. *winks*"

"*takes a long sigh* You both need me despite you thinking so ahead like this. Perle also needs to get be more effective with her powers."

"With the special equipment I have, that should be no problem. Now throw on some pants before your 'girlfriend' catches us naked like this. Check on her for me."

"..Yeah, I might as well" I replied, getting out of bed, putting my pants on before wearing my shirt. I then go downstairs, knowing that she may get mad at me when I approach her.. No.. It's not even that possibility that Im being hesitant, it's also the pseudo-polygamy (harem) thing that's getting to me and how I have to keep it a secret. I never done anything like this before....And I don't know how she'll..She won't take it well at all. I don't think there's anything that I can do to soften the blow if she finds out. For now, it's the least I can do and keep Perle calmed down. The door to her room soon stares back at me, I grasp the handle. "....Come in" Perle said from the other side, and I preceded. I saw her staring through the window, slightly angry-looking. The weight of the situation became more apparent. I wasn't sure about what to say, but I tried anyway.

"..G-good morning."

"There's nothing good about this morning."

"You seemed.. as though you wanted me to come in."

"That's cuz we need to talk."

"Well spit it out, what is it?"

"The relationship's not gonna work out. You can't even protect your own girlfriend, or mom. Do you think I'd wanna be with a guy like you?"

"Don't be so harsh on me. I'll start doing better."

"What's your wimpy, human ass gonna do?"

"I'll...I'll come to school with you, and-"

"We have bullies like Shark and Lion Mobians at our school. You think you can stand up to them for me?"

"Well yeah.."

"You're full of shit."

"D-dont say that! Give me at least a chance to try."

"..Look..I just don't want you to get yourself hurt out there."

"When it comes to you, I don't care."

"*looks back at me* Are you sure?"

"If they got a nurse's room, I don't see a problem."

"The nurse doesn't really treat any of your wounds, dumbass."

"That's better than nothing."

"Wouldn't you have a better chance with a human girl? Go find one.."

"I don't think any of them need me as much as you."

"....Dont blame me if you die."

"I won't. Not even an ounce of regret will cross my mind."

"You're no hero, yknow."

"You're right, Im your boyfriend."

"....*sighs* You're so insi- *shoulder is grabbed* Hey! what're you-"

"*Kisses her lips, holding her slim back as an embrace* No matter how many times you say no.. I will love you, and you'll learn to appreciate it."

"*touches lips* ....But I kicked you off the bus..and hurt you..and.."

"That doesn't matter..I decided on you. I know you need me."

"....I gotta get dressed now. My bus will be coming in a few."

"*lets her go and sits on the bed* Go ahead."

"You aren't gonna step out?"

"I don't have to. I like your company like this. You can do that when your with someone..Am I really your first boyfriend, Perly?"

"*blushes, looks away* N-no..There's..Uhh.."


".....D-dont stare so intently."

"Guess I'll look through the room" I said, getting back up, walking around her pink quarters. Perle had one of those switches that slides up, slightly controlling the brightness of the room. I turned it up a bit, able to now see her dark pink diary, "You have a diary?" I asked, "Yeah. Don't touch it" Perle responds. My gaze turns to her toy box, which was stuffed with children's toys, "Do you..Play with those toys anymore?" I asked, "....No.." she lowly replied, "I know you're not a kid anymore but..Is there some other reason?" I asked, "What the hell are those gonna do for me?" she asked back, "Then why keep 'em?" I asked her, ".....The bus is gonna be here at any second" she said. I saw Perle struggle with putting on her shorts, so I pulled them up with her, holding on her hands for a moment afterwards. ".....I gotta go" Perle said, throwing her bag over herself before running out of the house. I wish I at least got to see her put on her clothes a bit more. Hearing the door slam, Rouge walks down the stairs in her robe. "Is she alright?" Rouge asked, "Yeah..For the most part. It's gonna be hard to get through to her, but I said I'll go to her school" I answered, "Then I'll take you there and we can go to that base afterwards" she replied, going back upstairs. Waiting in the living room for a good minute. "*comes back downstairs* let's get a move on" Rouge said, taking my hand, making us step outside before soaring into the skies. Rouge had the red business suit on like yesterday. "How long've you been taking care of Perly?" I asked, "Oh? How long? Hmm.. I remember she was 11 when I first found her, but I had her at this orphanage for 2 years, till I decided to take care of her myself" Rouge answers, "What made you wanna take her in?" I asked, "She always got herself into some sort of trouble with that attitude of her's. Im sure you could tell as well" she replied, "Huh. I really need to spend time with her to help with that" I comment as Rouge's wings cut through the clouds.

After a slow descent down to the school, Rouge lets go of my hands when we were several feet off the ground, "I'll be back by 3:30pm, Ok? You'll have to sneak inside by going through the back door. It's always unlocked" she said before winking and flying away. Guess she was in rush to get back to work. I walked my way to the back of the school, seeing some no-good Mobian students who were giving me looks, but I ignored 'em. Looking aloof, the backdoor was soon in my sights. Entering took no problem, but figuring which room she'd be in was the hard part. I wished Rouge told me what room number it is. A scared-looking, frail panda Mobian bumps into me from behind, "S-sorry! I didn't mean to-!..Hey, y-you're human. What're you doing in a Mobian school?" she asked nervously, "Doesn't matter. Know a girl named Perle?" I asked back insistently, "O-oh, she's...At the cafeteria. She wants to come to class late" she answered, "Are you her friend?" I asked, "I..Tried to be her friend but..She wouldn't want to due to her m-mood. I..Was bullied and she stood up for me, and still.." she lowly said, "Well then. Say, what's your name?" I asked some more, "R-rebbeca..L-look, I have to get to class!" Rebecca hurriedly said, rushing to her next class. I say she's just a victim. Sounds like this school needs some help with it's rougher students, but more importantly, let's get to Perle.

....Yknow what, where'd the cafeteria be? Something as big of a place as that should be easy to spot. I walked a bit more through the halls, only to have my shoulder be caught by a staff member. "And what brings a human here?" he asked, "I dunno, you tell me. Maybe I just wanna check on someone" I replied while turning around, seeing that he is a moose Mobian, "and who would that be?" he asked, "Does Perle ring a bell?" I answer, "Oh! Her? Alright then, carry on" he said, walking away quickly. I couldn't help but give him a confused look before continuing my walk. If I think about it, cafeteria should be a straight shot, so let's..Just go straight from here. With a few more teacher and other staff members getting out of the way as I got closer to the place, I soon was able to see her, looking more aloof than me as she sat by herself at her desk. Perle saw me after a minute, and I sat next to her as the bell rung. A handful of delinquent students looked at the two of us coming in contact with each other as I held Perle's hand to attempt to comfort her.

I paid them no mind though.

"What's the issue now? Im here for you, aren't I?"

"I hate coming to school.."

"That's news. Any reasons?"

"There's just no one exciting to see come here, and I get so tired of babysitting the small fry students..Then yknow..The whole dad thing I guess..and the thing with mom.."

"But hey, now Im here, so isn't that exciting?"

"It would be if only I also weren't behind."

"*sighs* you did that to yourself."

"*leans on my chest* ....Yeah, Im sorry.."

"What's scaring the teachers?"

"..My powers may've activated on their own and..Let's say it got ugly from there."

"Well look, I'll take off as much weight off of you as I can, alright? *holds her*"


"*looks at the watching students, then kisses her* Get to class in a few. I'll be in the halls for you."

"*acts hesitant* Don't think you're..Ok..Wait for me."

"If you want anything, let me know."

"I'll.. Ask you after school, ok?"

"Deal. Pay attention for me" I replied, and Perle nods, walking away. I see that the watchers are already starting to try and gossip about us. If they try anything funny, I'll deal with it myself..And hopefully with Perle as well. I grab her hand "About the whole 'babysitting' thing. There's this one girl named Rebecca. Do you know her?" I asked, "No, I mean.....She's probably the one I fend for the most. Really wish she had more of a backbone.." Perle lowly replied. Sounds a bit tiresome.. After seeing how Rebecca is, bullies are sure to be on her, but...I can also see the same case for me. I feel like I understand more now. Perle doesn't want me to be someone like Rebecca.

"*rubs up my arms* Say..I'll go to class now, but after school, we'll talk more. You just..Wait in the Library or something" Perle suggestively said, making me blush, and I nod "Yes". Perle walks after I let her go, and I headed to the Library..Then it hit me. Everyone's an anthro in this school, so I might as well wait on the roof. By the time I got to the roof, I see a different gang of delinquent Mobian students. Dammit..They're just at every corner..I entered, walking up to them to see what I can do. "Hey hey! No damn humans allowed up 'ere!" They yelled. ".....Im with Perle" I said, making them shocked, and they scurry away, hesitant for a sec, mind you. I chilled there, looking up at the clouds passing by. I couldn't help but fantasize about how Im gonna fuck Perle's brains out. Even if she's a bit iffy on how she feels about me, I could tell she wants some of my cock, heheh eue.

I fell asleep, tempted to jerk it then and there from all the fantasizing, but the school bell rang. So let's see.. Checking my phone aaaand yup, it's 3pm now. I'll meet her in the Library since she thinks I'll be there. After going down to the bottom floor, turning to the Library, I entered inside it's rather large room. Perle was looking annoyed while in a chair, with a leg over a table. More than likely this way due to boredom from facing a computer, waiting. I placed my hand on her shoulder, making her turn to me. "Oh, 'bout damn time you came" Perle quietly said to me, "Not gonna be the only thing you'll see 'coming'. Anyways, let's take this somewhere..Private" I suggested, "Private? Whaccha got in mind?" Perle asked, "Maybe the restroom?" I asked back, "You crazy? There's students that stay after school. Let's try...The roof?" she suggests, "(Dammit! I just came from up there!) Ok, sure thing. We may have to keep it down" I respond, "What you mean by that? We were gonna just talk in private, right?" Perle replies with skepticism, "W-well uhh, in case anyone from the staff hears us a-and.. yknow tells us to leave" I answer, "*rolls eyes* Uh huuuh. Well, you shouldn't worry about that. Im a huge thorn in their asses, so last thing they'd wanna do is piss me off" Perle reassures. We held hands then proceeded to reach the stairs to the roof within a few minutes.

Rebecca crosses our path, and the sight of Perle made her power-walk frantically with a blush. ".....Did something actually happen between you two?" I curiously asked, "*sighs* I often hold her head to help her be hid from assholes..between my tits..And maybe sometimes she happens to fall on me when we turn corners" Perle answers, giving me a strange boner, which Perle gave me a mild angry look. Crap, may not get to tap that on the roof at this rate. By the time we set foot back to the roof, I noticed that Perle started shaking a bit. "What's wrong Perly? Is it cold up here?" I asked, "N-no, just...We're so high up.." she responds, holding herself. "Is it.. A fear of heights?" I asked, she doesn't answer for a moment, "But you suggested this.." I said, "S-shut up!" Perle reacts. I have to settle her down or she'll lose it up here. Stepping closer to her, I saw that she backs away, "D-dont.." Perle lowly said. I then held her eventually after a few more tries, "It's ok, Perle. Im here" I assured, "Please..Let go.." she pled, "Im not letting you go. Ever. I'll hold you as long as I have to" I reply. Perle tries to break free by walking backwards to the exit door, but finds herself pressed on it, with me holding her head close to my chest. Soon Perle closes her eyes, imagining a better place to herself. "Were you..Always this scared of heights?" I asked, "Ever since I was a kid..Mom does help by flying me to places..But I still close my eyes..Please don't let me fall" she said while gripping my shirt, "Don't worry. Like I said, I'll keep holding you" I replied.

"..What'll help is probably this" I said, sliding down her shorts with her hand instinctively cuffing around mine, "N-not here..I..I..*looks around* just for a bit" Perle replies, helping me pull her shorts down to her knees, revealing her black panties. I notice her looking away while blushing, I turn her gaze to me, gently kissing her. As it turned into a make-out, she made me slide her panties do as well, then preceding to my pants. Our tongues thrashed against each other's, soon meeting our eyes and her other hand slid down my chest. "You in the mood now?" I asked as she felt my heart beating faster, "You said you won't let me go, right? Nothing else matters.." Perle replies, eyes becoming lustful as her warm breath caresses my face. Perle takes my cock out of my pants then puts it against her cunt, making her stretch ecstatically, "Is this gonna be you're..First time?" I asked, "Yeah..Come on..Be my first" she pled, slowly inserting my dick into her wet pussy, making her yelp at first. Perle leans forward, aligning the entrance better and I hold my hardened member up to her tunnel. I really wanna hear her moan for me... With one thrust, we heard a loud splat sound, followed by her shock and a moan as she stretched her upper body slightly backwards. "Holy shit..Y-you got really big..I fuckin' love it. Fuck me, stud. I want more!" Perle pleads, looking into my eyes, squirming my cock around her insides, starting to make continuous moans. "Y-you got it" I replied, thrusting my dick into her pussy as she moaned, pulling me in by pushing my lower back into her, making me go deeper inside her. With the help of my hand, I squish around my hardened, soaked dick around inside her pussy, stretching it as she moaned more erratically. "Yes! I want that cock inside me! Give me more!" Perle pleads as she slobbered down my neck, holding on to me tighter. As I was starting to near climax, we heard "You two having fun there?" from Rouge, behind the exit, making us stop in surprise, "Moooom! I-I was giving him a good time" Perle shyly complained. Perle looked down at our conjoined privates, feeling very embarrassed and pulled me out of her, taking some breathers, looking away with a redder blush than before. I know..Hard to believe we were doing that..Then get interrupted.. I checked the phone and Oh yeah, well look at the time. "I uhh..Forgot to tell you that she was gonna..Be here by 3:30pm..It's 3:32 so-" I was informing, but Perle interrupts, "Tell me about t-that kind of stuff beforehand! Especially BEFORE we do it!" she shouted with an angry face. "Oh no, you two can keep going, I'll just be watching" Rouge joked, "And you're supposed to be my 'mom'? You'd be a terrible parent" Perle scoffs, frustrated, rolling her eyes, "Terrible parent...?" Rouge uproars, then dashed at Perle, stretching her whiskers in a fit a rage "Would a terrible parent be able to feed you?! Stop acting so ungrateful, brat!" she followed. Perle tries pull her off of her whiskers, but Rouge persisted. "Ok you two, break it up. We can play when we get back home" I said, "Ooooo that's not a bad idea" Rouge replied suggestively, "No not tha- uugh yknow what i meant (it'd sound fun as hell though). Anyways, I forgot to tell you that Rouge planned for us to go to her other place, right?" I mentioned, "What for? We have Eggman's goon to beat" Perle said, "He isn't strong like us, lil' girl. So he'll need some help for any fight in the meantime" Rouge enlightens. "*looks at Perle* will you be ok?" I asked her, "...As..long as I'm with you, I should be fine" Perle replied, looking away in some frustration. Rouge then snatches us by our hands and precedes to fly high, heading eastward.

Seems like Rouge knows where to go. I notice that Perle is still closing her eyes, and I hold her with my free arm as we were bunched together, making her blush a bit as Rouge smiled. "Aww what a lovely..*sees a shimmer of thread-like lining Hold tight!" Rouge urgently yelled, stopping on a dime. I wasn't even touching it and I found my face bleeding from a cut. A Spider Mobian rose up next to me, licking my bleeding cheek while letting out a sinister, yet soothing hiss, which made Rouge flap her wings away from with a gust. "Hmph, so you must be one of the tough goonies that Eggman cooked up" Rouge said as she saw the Mobian like her glistening lips, "Heheh, and that's Avarice Arachnid to you. Or Avvy for short" she said with lusty wink, making all three of us wince. I notice floating saucer-like webbings supporting her altitude and moving about..She must be able to control them but they're really far apart. "Weeeellll nice to meet you, Avvy. But can you let us off, we have somewhere to be ^^;" I said as innocently as possible, "Too bad, the doc said if I found any of you, I have to off you on sight" Avarice said rather coldly with a dark expression, "(Fuck! Thought that'd work too!)" I mentally complained, "I thought Eggman wasn't gonna sick his search party on us. Is he trying to screw us?" Rouge asked, "He only gave us that one order. Well aside from guarding the emerald we each have. He let us do whatever from there" Avarice informed, thinking a bit more to herself. "Is there something else you aren't telling us?" I asked, "Just thinking of how I'll kill you all" Avarice responds, still thinking to herself, shocking us with her answer, making Rouge dart off pass her but is quickly met with a wall of sharp web in front of her, batting her eye to Avvy, "You aren't going anywhere. I haven't killed you yet" she said rather plainly. "If you want a fight, then bring it, bitch!" Perle yelled while gathering water around us, "The mouth on this one. I don't swing both ways but you sure are pretty" Avarice creepily said, "....Wait, use your water to cut through the webs!" I shouted, which she did as I said, and thrusts a burst of water at the webs, which works to our surprise, "Huh?! What kind of water is that?! Drrrgh! I wanted to have my fun, but seems as though I cant with her alive!" Avvy shouts, wrapping herself in web, getting ready to fling herself at us. "Eat this shit! éclater la poussée (burst spurt)!" Perle said, turning to Avarice, aiming her hands at her and a powerful stream of water comes from her palms, halting her momentum she was trying to build while carrying us upward, then Perle bursted the stream in her hands to not only shoot Avarice down but exponentially make us speed away from her as well. Perle held me tightly so I don't fly off from the increased speed as Rouge maintains her altitude control with her wings as we made it over the set of webs. "Nice thinking there. Avvy seemed a bit much for now. Those webs are really lethal and she can make them so fast" Rouge comments, noticing me holding Perle, setting her shaking from still being high up.

The flight took much longer than I'd figure, ending up not seeing the place in sight after 9 minutes of flying. "How far is this damn lab or whatever?" I asked, "Hey, be patient will you? I never said it was close to me" Rouge replied, "Well Perle's already falling asleep in my arms. *pets her* You did well for us too" I said, "Ever thought about us both me and her being in a relationship with you?" Rouge asked with a lewd smile, "Aren't I already in the middle of that? *Sees a pointy spire up ahead* Hey, is that your place?" I asked while looking ahead, stronger gusts of wind suddenly picking up. I know I'm flying pretty fast at this height, but it didn't feel this gusty before. "Oh good, it is rising up on time" Rouge said, "What do you mean by rising?" I asked, "It hides itself as an underwater base, but comes up by using tons of blown air. It has a remote communicator so that it comes up when me and my comm is near it" she answered. Rather simple for this big-ass base. The roaring air wakes up Perle from her nap. "Whoa! Did we make it?" Perle asked, "Yup, we're here" I answered as we swooped inside from an opening window.

Looking at the interior as Rouge let us down, me and Perle see all the tech that goes into this place. Tons of locomotives and mechanines that systematically carry tons of air, all under frames of glass. That being said, we are welcomed to a bunch of clean, cool breeze that swirls throughout. "Alright you two, follow me here" Rouge ordered, and we followed her to a 30ft supercomputer that was glowing. "Is the shit overheated?" I asked, "No, but the air here should prevent that. Now then, your own personal equipment" Rouge said with a hint of excitement, bending over in front of it, digging through it's compartment that was underneath. Perle looked at me skeptically, which I played off not trying look by looking everywhere else. Rouge then shakes her ass for me, "Mooooom! S-stop screwing with him! Do you have it or what?!" Perle raged, "Ah here we g- Oh! Be careful there" Rouge comments, turning to us and we see a pair of moving, crystal-ornamented gloves, each with a bionic red arm, swinging seemingly happily in Rouge's cleavage. Perle was more puzzled than pissed this time. "Hmm, they never gave me a name.. How's 'The Sunder Brass' sound?" Rouge asked, "Hmmm, think you're onto something with that. Plus, sounds like 'Sunder Ass' to me" I comment, and Perle gives me a hard nudge.

"What now? We get to the Freedom Fighters or we search for the elites?" I asked, "Did you forget already? We take it easy, and if one of them finds us, we scram. If one was alot for us, we're just not in good shape to take 'em on" Rouge briefs, "What the hell? What's with loss in momentum here? Aren't these guys trying to take over wherever they go?" Perle asked, "I sent Shadow out to combat them for us. It's to buy us some time as we find to train up to their level" Rouge replied, "(Then I can train with him and use some sweet-ass chaos powers)" I thought to myself. Now problem is, how could I find him?....Oh yeah, he seems responsive through that intercom she's got, so I'll steal it off of her, and ask if him and can meet up.. Ok, another problem, she's a..Wait, I can just take off of her after I do the usual, heheh~ eue. I hear a thud coming from her while I was thinking, then look back at her, "Shoot! I can't believe they can so lousy at their job! *groans* Seems as if we need to get the rest of the parts" Rouge said, turning to us, "Parts for what?" I asked, "Your Sunder Brass. They can become much stronger and handier (no pun intended) than what they are now" Rouge answered, "Uhhh what happened here?" I asked, "My guess is that they were derailed by Eggman's forces and couldn't have the rest of the parts here, so they should be at the other bases" Rouge explains, ".....Anything else you forgot to mention?" I asked, "Well~~~, it seems the same deal for Omega. They made an upgrade station exclusively for him. They only mentioned that it'll make a massively help" she informs. "Massive" huh? Better become a big ass robot. "*stretches* How about we just head home and get some food? All this planning is working up my appetite" Perle said, "Say no more" Rouge replied, sweeping us off of our feet and flying us back out. Not long after exiting, we see the skies becoming purple and the lighting itself becoming more purple as we flew. "Who the hell could be doing this..?" I asked, "I have a good idea on who'd it be" Rouge said, looking to the right towards a light, which soon became a moving giant ball of energy, and it caught my attention, "WHOOOOOA That shit is touching the clouds too! That can't be Shadow, could it?!" I asked in amazement, "No one else but him can do something like that. Though I never seen him do a chaos attack that was this big" Rouge comments. She takes a closer look at it and starts to flap her wings faster, "Just to be safe" she thought, starting get more nervous at the sight of the attack. Daaaamn, if he's gotta teach me that!

"I didn't put the past behind me just so you can ruin everything with the doctor" said Shadow, holding the massive sphere of chaos in his palm, "Just give it up. There's no way you're taking me out with that. I know it's going to be slow" replied the hulking boar in green metal clad, jetting through waters with Shadow, "Who said I was gonna hit you with this?" Shadow corrects, surprising his opposition. Shadow's opponent sees the sphere of Chaos energy rise into the skies, making him stop and land on a nearby island with him. "Finally decided to stop running?" Shadow asked, "You got me curious is all. We're settling things off here" he said, "(Just as planned.) Don't cry if I win, and you can't walk after this" Shadow warns, before starting to match the elite member blow for blow, there at the shore. After punching each other at the same time, blowing each other back. Shadow regains his footing then tackles him to the ground, charging a chaos spear but is blown back by the opponent's rather powerful shoulder laser, which the explosion cover the island. Me and Rouge were able to see the explosion, hell, even felt the shit, but the chaos mass was still looming in the air. "It's like something I read in an action comic..Well we're not touching that for while, right girls?" I comment innocently, "I never seen him fight before. No wonder you said he can buy us some tim-" Perle almost finished due to explosion from the chaos mass abruptly blowing us very far away to our surprise. Once we regained consciousness, we find ourselves on top of a random building, and I try to get up, feeling dazed. I slap myself to regain more of my senses, but I forgot the brass was still on me, so my head soon had bumps, "OW OW! Get this shit off me!" I yelled, angrily throwing one of the Sunder Brasses to the ground. I hear Perle chuckle at me for a bit from behind, "Whacchu laughin' at?! That actually friggin' hurt!" I yelled at her, "Hehe sorry, but that's what your dumbass gets for forgetting. Hold on, I'll help you" Perle says, walking up to me and massaging my head. I know she saw me do something kinda dumb for a sec, but she's a bit more happy than usual. Ahhh What ev, it's nice to get a massage to the dome by girlfriend #2. Well, now that we're.. Are Rouge's boobs out...? "*stands up, pats off the dirty* That explosion really did a number on..*sees breasts flopping about for a second* Oh my! *looks at both of them*.....At least only you two can see. How do I look? *winks, striking a lewd pose, bending towards us*" Rouge said, "Mooooom!" Perle exclaims while blushing, "T-they l-look grea- I mean, you look great..N-no I mean! Uhh" I tried to formulate, then I notice that Perle gets mad at me, then raises her shirt to me, popping her white tits out as well, "ARENT MY TITS BIGGER?! HUH?! YOU LIKE 'EM MORE, RIGHT?!" she yelled while blushing redder, "*shivers from sexual excitement and sweats, franticly looking at both of them* Y-yeah Perle, I-I gotta go w-with your's" I tried to say innocently, "I don't fuckin' believe you! Stop looking at mom's tits!" Perle yelled, "(The shit I get myself into..)" I thought to myself, palms covering my face in frustration. "Look! I'll fuck you, ok?! Can this shit wait till we get home?!" I outraged, ".....Fine" Perle says while looking away and lowers shirt, still blushing. "What..What the fuck came over me? Showing my boyfriend my tits in front of mom like that..Dammit!" Perle thought, growing angry with herself. "*tucks breasts back into clothes, then lightly chuckles* Goodness, you two can be just too much. Sorry to say but I don't know where we are, so you two might as well do your 'business' here and now" Rouge said suggestively, "*rolls eyes* Real funny. I know your phone has a GPS, so use that" I replied, "Alright alright, let's head home so you love-birds can settle" Rouge said, taking her phone out of an area that was deeper below her tits. "*pulls up GPS on the phone* .....Ok, we're not far from home, so let's take off this way" Rouge says, taking both of us by our shirts, flying us off towards home, passing buildings.

Man..Flying does get boring after doing it so much. I see that Perle already fell asleep, so she must feel the same..That or she's k.o'd from being so high up...Oh. "Even if we take Eggman's goons at the forefront, what about his rule over the government?" I asked, "Geez, you sure are stressed out. You really need Perle to fuc- Oh I mean to relieve you" she responds, still suggestively, "Im sorry I care about what happens, Bat-tits! What're we to do?" I insist, "Awww look at you, making sure my lil' girl is safe with us. Well as you can see, civilization hasn't fallen yet. More than likely the Freedom Fighters' under-cover work holding Eggman back. Tell you what, we won't take initiative unless Sonic and them contact us, ok?" Rouge reassures. I think she likes the idea of me sticking it to her "daughter".. I kinda do too, but not for 100% the same reason.

Barely being able to see shit didn't help the trip, but we got to our place within minutes. As soon as we touched the ground, Rouge stretched, cracking can be heard, "Pheeew, may make it look easy but carry you two all day sure does wear me out" she sighed, "*yawns, rubbing eyes* We're finally home? 'bout damn time" Perle comments, "I'll get us some food. You give her a good plowing while Im out, ok? *walks to the car*" Rouge said, "Wait what was that other part?" I asked with a red face, "Oh nothing, haha" Rouge chuckles and enters the car. Aaaaanyways, time to attend to the fine specimen I first drooled over. I held Perle's hand, walked us to the door, and opened it for her. "D-dont think this puts us on good terms" Perle shyly said, "We'll see how good we are when we get to your room" I respond suggestively, making her blush but still look skeptical. The two of us walked to her room. "I..When we were doing it for a bit on the roof..I did think it was pretty hot" Perle mentioned with a blush, "Im sure it was. And with her gone..Yknow..We could finish what we started buuuuut..I kinda wanna sleep after learning all this stuff" I said when we reached her room, "(.....I didn't think human cock would feel so good..I gotta have..more..) No no, you go to sleep" Perle responds, lowering my suspicions as we entered her room. "*yawns, flops onto the bed* Well, Imma rest if you don't mind" I said, falling asleep. Perle's plan to do me as I sleep makes her now hesitate to go about it. "I'll just..wait till he..huh?" Perle thought, then saw that not only flyer was open, but...My penis was poking through it. She goes for a touch but my hand bumps into it, opening my eyes and catching her in the act. "I-I wasn't going for anything" Perle said while looking away with a blush, then I put her hand back on my pelvic area, making her rub it. She gets a bit panicked, "keep going" i ordered. Perle still doesn't react. I grab one of her big tits, making her abruptly moan and she jumps back, "D-dont fuckin'...." she pauses, then after a few seconds she reaches for my other hand and puts it on her other tit, "Here..ya big damn perv. Get your fill" she said while blushing, "Speak for yourself, and you're the one that's gonna get filled" I replied, making her blush and look a bit more angry. Perle then slowly crawls on top of me, trying to enjoy herself as her boyfriend gets a better grasp at her jugs. I then start stroking them up and down, making her shiver with her moans and even drool on me, "Haaaah~..I..I never tried that b-before.." Perle moans some more with her eyes now shut from the pleasuring, slowly rocking body up and down. My dong starts growing from sight of satisfying her, and her moans are really damn hot too.. Perle opens her eyes at me as I let her drool into my mouth, "You..nasty fuck.." she cursed, then descends her head for a kiss on my lips. It quickly became a lip-locker, where our tongues were doing some 'rassling with harmonious moaning into each other's mouths in between. In the midst of that shit, I lowered her shorts and panties as she had her ass arced in the air. I gave her a good wallop on the ass with my palm, "MMM! D-do it more!" she ordered, then I gave her some more spanks, making her booty bounce up and down as she laid her head on me, biting her lip. Perle eventually grabbed my wrist and rubbed up and down her asscheeks with it as her breaths brush engulf my face. I can see that her cheeks are quite red, and the white fur didn't hide the color at all. "Heheh you're such a bad lil' girl" I egged on, "Ready to fuck out this bad lil' girl?" Perle asked, "Hmm..Let me think" I teased, "Maybe this'll help you think.." she said suggestively, lowering herself down on me, going pass the ledge of the bed.

Perle spreads my legs apart, lowers my pants and undies, then assaults my half-chubbed penis with her mouth, with her tongue curiously stroking up on my pubs. "W-what're you doing?" I nervously asked, "This aint helping your dick?" Perle asked while dragging her tongue on more of my pubs and looking at me, "..It is" I answer, "Then shut your ass up and watch me work" she said less aggressively, starting to suck on my nutsack. Each suck makes it bounce about and recoil, helping to stiffen my cock upwards, "Mmmm..Your balls are so big..I can't get enough of 'em" she moaned, drooling all over them, looking more like a cock-lover than ever. "I can't wait..I want it in me now!" Perle pleaded before she wolfs down my hardening cock into her mouth, deepthroating it in seconds. She choked several times but it didn't stop her from gulping the whole thing. Releasing her dirty pillows from her shirt, she dangled them down on my cock as she was getting a mouthful of my dick. I also moaned a whole lot myself, cuz she kept improving with each swallow, and eventually rest her mouth on the tip while licking around my shlong, wanting me to cum into her throat so desperately. "Mmmmmmm...You're real fuckin' horny, aren't you?" I rhetorically asked, "Of course! Look at this cock! It's so fuckin' good" Perle loudly moaned, snatching my shaft with her hand, slapping it around her big knockers then at her tongue, "Cmon you big fucker! Cum in your dirty girlfriend's mouth! Cum like you mean it!" she loudly ordered before throating me again. "Just a bit more and....!" I said before feeling my load starting to erupt down her throat, and Perle felt my cock pulsate in her throat, making her breathing quaky and her eyes lower slowly. I then pumped her mouth full of my white, pasty love juices, with some coming out of her mouth, dripping on her tits as she had a look of ecstasy and joy from experiencing such goodness. Perle swallows, saying "This cum..It' delicious.." as she falls back in happiness, catching her breath.

I then get on top of her, poking at her tight cunt with my still hardened cock, pleasantly surprising her as she moaned, "ready for round 2?" I asked, "Y-you're still hard? Then oh yes, baby! G-go to town on my pussy!" she ordered, spreading her legs to me, and start slowly shoving my dick into her soaping wet vagina, her moans uproaring. "M-my pussy~~! You're s-stretching it! You're stretching it!" she cried, giving out quick moans afterwards, "A-are you ok?" I asked, "Fuck it! Just get to fucking!" Perle yelled, and I did so, thrusting into that teenage, foxy cunt of her's. As I was plowing down on her, Perle's whole body was rocking, taking my genital pounding pretty well, and moaning loader than ever, eyes rolling to the back of her head. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuck!" she moaned, drooling due to entering a new level of pleasure she never thought possible; Perle holds her legs back with her hands behind her knees, so that my entering was that much better. Our juices getting all over our bodies from her pussy being pounded in and out, some splashing on my face, which I eagerly licked off my face. To finish things off, I took the rest of our clothes off, then sat her ass on her dresser, then plunged my cock deep into her coutter, "AAAAAHHH~~~! It's curling..! FUUUUCK" she loudly moaned as I continued our fuck fest on the dresser. "Im..Gonna cum, baby!" I warned while drooling, "Cum for me now! Impregnate your fox girlfriend! Do it now!" Perle wildly ordered and pled, then I released the rest of my seeds into that pussy which lately squeezed on me, draining the contents of my balls that much more intensely. Each pump spilling over the counter top more and more, but I held onto her waist to make sure she feels the full force of my climax, "YEEESS~! SO DAMN WARM! AH!..AH!..AH!..AAAAHHH~~!" Perle moaned with her eyes still rolling to the back of her head from such incredible pleasure. Our minds go blank and we find ourselves on the bed together.

We still had to take some deep breaths to recover from fatigue as she lays on me in her bed. "*exhales* You gotta admit..I fucked your brains out, didn't I?" I asked with a smirk, "Not now, fucker. Not now.." she said, exhaustedly as I still smile, eyes drifting to the love-stained dresser and a few of the scattered clothes. "We made quite a mess, did we?" I asked her, "You two sure did" said another voice, "W-what the-?! Da hell said that?" I asked then looked up at the ceiling and I see Rouge hanging upside-down above us. "When'd you get start staying up there?" I asked, "Hahahah, maybe when you two were having sex on the counter top. I'll clean it up later, but what a show" Rouge said with a chuckle, surprising both of us with a jump. "Mooooom! Let me spend some proper time with my boyfriend for once!" Perle complained, "*drops down* I can't see my lil' girl have some fun?" Rouge suggestively asked, squeezing Perle's breasts, "Moooom..!" Perle uproared, "Uhhh, did you come tell us something?" I asked, "Actually, I did get word that Shadow's on the run now. He could only output so much of his latented power, but is fast enough put up quite a chase. We may need to contact the Freedom Fighters *gets hands slapped away by Perle*" Rouge replied, seeing that my girlfriend is mad at her.

".....Do you do that to her often?"

"How else do you think they got as big as mine? *giggles*"

"...Aaaaaaanyways, we're finally gonna pay those Freedom guys a visit?"

"Uh huh, so get-"

"Well..can me and Perle have an hour to ourselves?"

"Oooooo such a man, take your time then. *exits*"

"Dammit mom..Always gotta embarras me."

"You're not the only one."

"What do you mean?"

"N-never mi..Well there was the first time I was here. I felt pretty embarrassed too."

"You didn't like how she walked on us?"

"Did you?"


"Well I was thinking more about..yknow after I came on your face..on accident."

"Like hell that was on accident..eVe"

"Well think of it as uhh.....Merit to your head-game."

"Was I..really that good?"

"Yeah, for your first time."

"...Was it your's?"

"Uuuuh..(Remember the deal, man) y-yeah, like Im one to talk, right? *innocently giggles*"

"I don't like the sound of that. You've been with someone else, huh?"

"(I remember seeing this one girl in the street, but she looks no older than 6. I aint going down that road, so..maybe an old friend I had?)..Does Amy count?"

"You mean you fucked Amy? The pink girl?"

"(pink girl? who the hell?) Uhh yeah, I did her before."

"Dude, she's like 13."

"Whatever! Like doing you makes it any better! At least Im experienced."

"I..Did wanna get fucked by an experienced guy, but this wasn't what I had in mind. The sex part was more than expected though.. I can only imagine what you did to her."

"*hides erection* Uhh..Let's say she screamed almost as much as you."

"So you're also saying you just fucked two Mobian girls?"

"...I still don't discriminate."

"*sighs* Well you satisfied me pretty well earlier.. I think Im still oozing from you."

"And your welcome."

"Heh. Well..Let's just take a rest here, ok?"

"Go ahead, babe" I replied, as she rested on me, both of naked and her boobs press into me. They still feel really nice and squishy. The fur makes it all the more warmer eue....Oh shit, I fucked up anyway, cuz I only meant by a past friend I knew. Is Amy really a common name like that? Hmmmmmm..Does this mean I gotta fuck her now?..Ok, I'll do that aaaaand..Say I meant I was planning to do her? Or maybe say I forgot to correct myself? Either way, Im smashing a trifecta of anthro chicks..And I may have to tell her about doing Rouge in the first place. Better than her finding out (again readers, don't do any of this). That lil' girl said she was looking for her mom, so depending on how her mom looks....WHATEVER! I need to rest. Got a feeling shit's gonna go down today. At least I have something to combat these fucks with..Speaking of which, hope that Avvy girl doesn't end up fucking me...."*rubs my face* (I'll see what I can do..)" I thought to myself before I go to sleep.

Meanwhile at the base, a small pink blob enters the room with Sonic and friends accumulate at, who were scheming their approach to the Government estate that Eggman recently took over. "Hmm, who to hide inside of?" the creature wondered, then looked at Sally and launched itself inside of her hair. It formed a pair of beautiful yet lustful green eyes, some sexy smiling lips and a round head for a brief second, just to giggle, then reverted into her formless, smaller shape. Ready to deploy her debaucherious plan when the time is right. She then tossed a piece of herself on Amy's hair, which blended in much better since she's already pink. "Everyone's good on the plan?" Rotor asked everyone, "You bet! We'll show ol' Egghead that you don't mess with the people of Mobius" Sonic encouraged, "Remember hon. Two days from now, since Tails said he needs time tomorrow to upgrade Bunny and we'll mobilize the day after" Sally reminds, "We'll see how all that goes when Im in the picture" the blob thought to itself, playfully giggling.

I will deliver on more lewdness in the next chapter, so look forward!