Enter Venus

As much as I wanna joke around and all, this chapter puts just about everyone through the ringer so get ready for all that. Keeping it on the shorter side of length proves great for this case, cuz this chapter would easily reach the 8k word mark if i were to continue any further from where this left off. I'll let you guys go ahead and judge for yourselves about pacing, chapter structure and all that good shit, so put those optics to good use and start with the readening.

Chapter 4: Enter Venus -

The dust settles after turbulent waves occur on the battlefield, that became flatter due to the chaotic explosion from well...The Chaos attack Shadow prepped. "*Cuts through the heavy dust in front with a swipe of the hand* Hmph! Looks like your attack was wasted with a single fire of my particle beam cannon" said the big boar with a smirk, "Look up and think again" Shadow said back to him, "*looks up and sees the sphere is still in the sky, size marginally unshrunk* W-what?! I could've been sure it exploded!" he said in awe, "It did. It was layered with another shell. I didn't train my chaos abilities for nothing so don't think you can deal with me as easily as you'd figure. *takes the second limiter ring off* Before I beat your ass, what's your name?" Shadow asked, "Ryde. Ryde The Boar" he answered while suiting up with more armor, and more of Shadow's power disperses, hitting the ground around him. "Heh. Your name is as dumb as you look. Hope you're ready to die" Shadow said as Ryde takes out a laser-edged axe out of his armory, then swings at Shadow, and it breaks upon contact, shocking him. "I wanted to pace my power outage but Im tired of you" Shadow began while absorbing the chaos sphere in the sky above, "(Good thing I put the Chaos Dome up there to help sustain this state now) Let's End This! Chaos Control!" Shadow called out, stopping time, seemingly teleport behind him, placing his hand on Ryde's back, "Chaos Impact!" Shadow called out again, blowing apart the armor from the back as he stood still, as well as broke his back with a tremendous amount of concentrated force, leaving a big bloody scar on his spine as Ryde shouted in agony. "*collapses, lands face first into the ground, seeing big chucks of armor fly further up* Y—y-you blasted t-through my armor...! How in the hell..?" Ryde commented in surprise, fear starting to raise in him as Shadow walked to the limiter ring he dropped, putting it back on. "That armor may've been incredibly durable but if I used enough force into one point, it'll come right off" Shadow explained, "*looks back at him*.....I t-thought..You were gonna kill me!" said Ryde, "If a certain cohort of mine didnt specify to just beat you guys down, I would've. But she wants me to slow you all down for the time being and I intend to do the same with all the others . Next time you will not be so lucky" Shadow briefed, "Chaos Return" he then called, the first limiter ring flying into his hand from the seas. "So you're just..Gonna leave me here like this? What if an Elite finds me and I tell them of what you did?" he asked with a daring smirk, "Go ahead. It's not like you will be able to walk for a while. What matters is that I got away, not you" Shadow replied, "C-celebrate while you can..Y-you will never stand up to the latest addition to the Elite..She has h-her own way of being formidable" Ryde warned, "and why is that?" Shadow asked, "Heheheh..You'll find..o-out" he said while grunting but with a smile. Shadow then knocks him out with ground-quaking chop to his head, making him shake his hand afterwards and flies off into the distance with his air shoes.

Me and Perle wake up front our cat nap, feeling refreshed from our fun earlier..or would it be from her passive moisture? Either way we were ready for whatever time we could spend together. "Up for a date, Perly?" I asked, "Y-you don't have to say it like that" she replied, looking down with her brows curled inward, "What's the matter?" I asked, "It's just..I wouldn't figure to go out after doing it..I still can't believe I hurt you when we first met. Now look at us" she replied, "Yep, got busy in the bed and everything" I said suggestively. "*tries to ignore that comment* Anyways, where would you wanna go?" Perle asked, "She said to take our time, but it's not like we're going to an amusement park, so let's see.." I began, "I say we should see about helping this one lil' girl I saw. She seemed to be having trouble with finding her mom..and I may've gave her the wrong directions..." I admitted, "_V_* Ok...Let's try to help her out..And when was this..And why am I hearing about this now?" she asked, "It just..slipped my mind..and I figured that she would've found her mom by now" I replied, trying to laugh off the situation, faking my innocence, "(He's lucky I like him or I'd really hurt him by now..!) *clears throat* Ok..But let's eat a bit first. It's been a while since I grabbed a bite" she responds. "I was thinking about us going to a restaurant with Bat-Tits' help, but I thought it'd be a bit boring. She still has to pay me for the first day at work" I said, "So you telling me you're poor too?" Perle asked, sound frustrated, "...Having 25$ isn't the worst, right?" I asked, "*sighs* Let's get something the fridge before I beat you" she said to me, sounding tired of talking to me, getting out of bed and starts dressing. "(I may regret asking later but..) *gets up and gets dressed* So..What do you think of Shadow?" I asked, "Oh yeah he's hot. If I didn't meet you, I'd try to be with him. You could learn a thing or two from that guy" she admits, "Im not too mad about that. Im sure he has many girls that want his thingy. Though I don't think your his type" I replied, "And I am to you?" Perle asked pessimistically as we exit the room, and I stayed silent, making her look at me skeptically with narrow eyes as I thought about my answer...Carefully. "Well..Dont take it the wrong way, but there's..not a ton of guys who like the aggressive type" I began, making her growl at me, "L-let me finish! Im not the best either. Girls don't usually like a perv like me either so..It'd help if we act like the opposite now and then" I said to her, then she sighed before we made our way down the kitchen. "You should know that just telling me do something isn't enough..Im still minus a Dad, and Mom coming on to you so often isn't helping anything. Do you like being toyed with her or something?" Perle asked, "Of course not. I think she even plays too much" I replied, "Well start minding more when she does something, ok?" asked Perle, "Don't worry, I will. *curls her split ends into a ball when we get to the fridge* You should cuter for me more often. Remind me to do something about your hair later" I said to her, and she blushes. Perle gets some leftovers for us, consisting of big burgers and wedge fries in a plastic box, putting it in the microwave. I hung my arms around her as we wait for it cook, "Yknow..I don't think you need a dad. You may lose some privileges here and there, but what matters is what you do and if you can reach others without one" I told her, "But.." she said while holding my arms tighter, "It all depends on you how long you want to cope with not having one. However long it takes you, don't miss out on appreciating things in life" I said, comforting her. The microwave finishes with a ding, and we sat next to each other at the table to eat together. "Did..you mean all of that?" Perle asked, "Well duh. I just thought about it over time and saw you were hung up with daddy issues, so I wanted help there..As your boyfriend" I answered, "(..Maybe I was hard on him for no reason..I mean, he does seem to actually want to help me and all..) A-anyways, let's eat" Perle said, giving me my burger. "*looks in the box* Wow, there's four big ones in the box? One helluva leftover here" I comment, "Mom is pretty rich from the thievery thing, so good food is not a problem for us" Perle shared, taking her first bite of the burger. We both ate our filling of the leftovers, sharing the fries and Perle putting on a smile while finishing her portion.

"What're you smiling about? The food's that good to you?"

"There's that, but you helped clear my head earlier..Like a good boyfriend would. ^ ^"

"Heheh, well your welcome, Perly."

"(I also like how he's being less pervy with me. Maybe he's learning after all.)"

"Say. Ever tried to control ice too?"

"No. Why?" she asked, "It'd open the scope of what you can do."

"Hmm..I never tried so I'll have to practice."

"I think you mentioned about this city being floated once..? Would you know the cause of it?"

"Mom would know more about it, but she said that it was caused by Chaos."

"The shit the Shadow has?"

"Not the energy but Chaos itself."

"Itself..? How so?"

"It has a body, a water body. Mom told me that Sonic dealt with it when he turned super."

"Well figures that much, but wow. Chaos is like a personification too."

"She also gathered that it is a God."

"WAIT WAIT WAIT, HUUUH?! THAT'S EVEN MORE NUTS! Man, turning super really is something. How could I not know about any of this? Im totally missing out."

"*giggles* Thinking about it is a bit unbelievable huh? I heard Shadow did went super himself a few times. Mom told me lots of crazy stories about those two."

"So Shadow too huh? There sure are some amazing Mobians out there. I wonder if you can turn super as well."

"I say Im more likely than Mom, so it's worth a try. *eats the last of the burger and several more fries* Are you done yet?"

"Yeah. Food was good! Especially with you, Perly. *sees her blush a bit* Now where're the drinks? I forgot to get myself one since this food was so good."

"I got 'em" Perle replied, getting up from her seat, handing me a bottle of apple juice and she drinks one herself. "What're we in pre-k now?" I asked with a smirk jokingly as we make our way to the door, "Shut up. It's still a good drink for us" Perle replied, hanging at the front door with me. What was a bit more peculiar was that the bottles were three times bigger than the canned sodas. They really got it all here. "Let's take these with us since you gave us big bottles" I suggest, opening the door, "Sure. If you're ok with people thinking we came from pre-k" Perle joked with me to my surprise, "Wouldn't that make us look that much cuter together?" I replied half-jokingly, a big smile taking her face. We then began our lil' journey among the streets of station square, looking for the rabbit kid. "When you said little girl, was she an orange rabbit?" Perle asked, "Yeah" I affirm, "Then you mean by Cream" Perle replied, "Ok, Cream it is. Oh man, this means she's been looking for her mom for like a day straight. Aw damn" I commented, feeling a bit guilty. We soon saw that Cream was flying through the air, looking (of course) worried. So wait, she can fly..due to her ears? These Mobians sure are weird. She then saw me and descends to where we were. "Mister! Mister! I still can not find my mommy! Did you see her anywhere?" Cream asked while crying, "We aren't doing good either, Cream.. Maybe she's outside the city" I replied, making her cry more. "....Maybe we can..Have the Freedom Fighters babysit her? *Perle looks at me angrily* (really?) *sighs* Or we can take care of her til we finds leads..e e" I said, not sounding too enthusiastic, "*pets her head* We're sorry we can't find your mom, Cream. We'll take care of you for the time being, alright?" Perle assured to her, "O-ok.." Cream replied lowly, still crying and holds Perle's hand. On the way home, Rouge pulls up next to us in her car. "Hey, you bringing the kid with us too?" Rouge asked, "We're gonna have to, mom. She cant find her mom and she'll keep looking if we don't help her" Perle said, concern written on her face, "Hmm, I suppose. Get in" Rouge replied, the three of us getting the car, as well as her Chao. Right when we arrived at our house (or more like, my new house), a pink blob exits out of the tailpipe, unseen and small. After we entered inside, the thing morphed into a voluptuous beautiful form...or it would be beautiful if she wasn't without a few black soot and oils in her liquid body. "*picks out the blacks spots* She really needs to clean up in there. Putting myself through all this trouble of getting myself dirty better be worth the fun I can have" the pink blob says to herself. The malleable creature goes to the top of the house, making it's way through the pipelines, killing all the insects in her reach, awaiting her time to strike, stalking us through the various vents. Cream was given a few dolls that Perle played with when she was first taken in. I pulled Perle to the side, "Do you really want us to take care of her instead of the Freedom Fighters? Im sure they're much better with kids than us" I asked, "We'll head there in a bit. For now, let's get her feed, ok?" Perle replied. Which makes me wonder. How are the Freedom Fighters now? (Well about them..)

Sally goes a few inventory chambers throughout the Freedom Fighter base, finding more parts for Tails, then finds hears moaning from the third chamber. Opening upon curiosity, finding something gruesome..or rather someone. Vanilla being webbed up and suspended by pink goo the chamber, forced to deepthroat the pink tentacles while naked, her tits growing to F-cups. "*shudders in awe, backing away from the sight* What..What on Earth is all this?!" Sally screamed in shock, then a pink tentacle slings into Sally's mouth as well, making her wince, but she closes the shutter, cutting the tentacle, making a run for it. "(I need to tell Sonic and Tails about this! I can't take that thing on)" Sally thought to herself, not feeling a pink blob getting stuck to her hair. Once she got to the rest of the central room, she sees Tails with a box, already containing a piece of the pink menace. "T-tails? You encountered it too?" Sally asked, feeling less panicked, "Yes..It almost really got me, but I conducted some research on it" Tails began, "HmmHmm, and you put up quite a good fight with your toys" it said from the box, reduced to a green eye, still eying him lustfully, "What could you gather?" Sally asked, "It goes by the name of 'Venus'. It is incredibly pheromonal and seems to be able to temporarily increase the maturity of a host. It's very interesting stuff but very dangerous" Tails informs, "Is..Is there a way to kill it?" Sally asked, "I need some more time to look into it, but for now..I got nothing" he replied, "I...I found Vanilla in one of the inventory chambers..Alot of Venus got to her.." Sally lowly tells Tails, making him feel down. "I'll keep researching, but we'll have to..Delay the attack on Eggman" Tails says, and Sonic enters the room. "Sup Tails, Sup Sal. Hey, what's with the long faces? You two look like you came from a horror flick" Sonic asked, "N-not a time to joke about that, Sonic.." Sally lowly said, "HmmHmm, then this is quite the erotic horror flick" Venus said from the glass box,

"Let me guess, this lil' thing causin' trouble?" Sonic asked, "More like big thing..It got Vanilla" Sally informed, "*cleans ears and gives an overconfident smirk* Should be no prob for me right? I'll set her free and-" Sonic almost finished but Tails cuts him off, "Not now, Sonic! If you try, you'll get either tangled up or infected!" Tails urged, "It's infectious now?" Sally asked, "Well...You know what I mean" Tails replied. "...Well, looks like Vanilla's gonna have to hang tight a bit longer till we find a way to deal with our flubber buddy" Sonic said, still trying to joke but sees things getting serious.

Rogue puts down the groceries she brings in on the table. "Wanna try that idea I had about freezing water?" I asked Perle, "Guess it wouldn't hurt to try" she replied, "Freezing you say? I have a government-issued equipment that can help her with that, but if you wanna try anyway, knock yourself out" Rouge said, overhearing us. "Well you'd have a better idea of how that'd go, so let me know how that goes" I said, "Alright, I'll give you a holler if I got it down" Perle replied, going upstairs to Rouge's bathroom.

"*sees Perle exit the kitchen and Cream play with her toys in the other room* (HmmHmm..I got him right where I want him ewe) *drops a can of soup* Oh no, a can dropped, let me get that on my own. *bends over in front of me*"

"*looks at Rouge's ass, getting a good view of purple panties from under her tight mini-skirt* O O;; Uh..Uhh, I-I can help with tha-"

"*falls forward, landing on knees in a sexual position, showing more of ass with skirt pulled over hips. Looks back, puts knees together and wiggles booty at me* Oh no I fell, hehe eue. My rear has been feeling out of shape from that driving. Mind giving me a rub? ~u^ "

"*looks away while blush* I uhh..S-sure. *rubs her ass while she's bent over, gets hard*"

"Mmmm There we go, big boy. Now, if you don't mind, make me more bare.."

"...U-uh huh *pulls down her panties, revealing her beautiful tan, white and pink asshole. Also sees her pussy dripping* Y-you've planned this, huh?"

"MmmHmmmm, now come on and give mamma some cock please" Rouge playfully ordered, making me even harder, and I poke my tip at her hole, "Mmm! Don't be shy now" Rouge encouraged as I slid my dick into her loose rectum, which instantly tightened on me, "Aaaaauuugh~..Mmmmm, you're an anxious thief-in-training, aint ya? Well don't stop, baby" she moaned with a lusty wink. I then pulled her ass to my stomach as I entered deeper into her, which Rouge enjoyed every inch of, arching her back inward and laying her head on her crossed arms. "Ooooh boy~. Enjoying me being on you like this?" Rouge said as her nice, round ass sat against my body, and I started to bang her. Rouge's eyes direct upwards, her expression loosens from pleasure and I start to beat off and pump into that bat-booty with my hard cock. I wince, trying to keep the love-making hard and fast as her mind enters a very pleasant bliss with me, but before I could even pre-cum into her, "EEEEEKK! WHAT THE FUCK?!" we all heard downstairs and I stop the fucking, stunned at Perle's voice. I quickly unplug myself from Rouge's hole and try to zip up, but my zipper was fucking up. I heard Perle coming down the stairs, making me panic as I try to zip up as fast as possible while Rouge already pulled her undies and down her mini-skirt. Perly then came from the stairs, "I SAW SOME PINK SHIT AND...and..." she initially yelled, then saw that I seemed to still be in heat while I was zipping myself up, "Mom, STOP SUBDUCING MY BOYFRIEND! THIS IS SERIOUS!" Perle yelled some more. Cream storms in the kitchen with us after hearing some yelling, "W-what's wrong everyone?" she asked with concern on her face, then we see Perle dragged up the stairs by pink tentacles by her mouth and limbs, "*gasps* Pearly!" Cream shouted, rushing up the stairs with Cheese, her Chao. Dammit! It's too dangerous for her to go up here! Me and Rouge run up the stairs to also try to save Cream.

Once we entered the restroom, we see a tangled Perle, who is able to resist the pink substance with her Hydrokinesis, but only to not get raped by it's tentacles..Unfortunately most of her clothes were ripped off, her pussy, ass and tits were exposed. Cream and Cheese (....Really funny, Sega) were also wrapped up in the pink goo, "Help me! I can't break free! *body grows at an exponential rate, forming an hourglass figure and a pair of knockers* W-what's happening to me?!" Cream panicked, getting older by the second....Not now penis! "Like what you all see? I know our male friend does by the look of his pants" a voice echoed, forming into a voluptuous and beautiful body out of the tub, smiling at everyone lustfully. "W-who the hell are you?" I asked, trying not to blush, "HmmHmmHmm, Im simply your greatest pleasure, the woman of every living thing's dreams, but you can call me Venus, sweetie" it replied attractively, staring me down with it's beautiful emerald eyes. I try to go out the door but see that the knob is covered with pink goo as well, "That's gonna be your 'knob' pretty soon" Venus said, staring at my uncontrollably growing dong, "And look at that knob grow as we speak. Human cock is such a delicacy" she said while licking her lips. I mask my mouth and nose with my hand, trying to keep the pheromonal scents away from me. "*sees me get lifted up by Venus' tentacles* PUT HIM DOWN, YOU FUCKING THOT!" shouted Perle, who then suddenly had pink tentacles shoved up her ass, and one got in her mouth, "Ooo what a potty mouth on this one. You wait your turn, missy" Venus said, rather entertained by her rudeness. "*kicks through the tentacles that held me up, tosses me in the closet that was a meter pass the tub* (I know I can't do anything about..Whatever this thing is..Only Perle can possibly control her. I'll have to distract this time) Yoohoo, I'll be your plaything if you let them go yknow" Rouge offered, waving at Venus. "...Me too" I said from a distance, getting out of the closet. "Mmmmmm, I like 'em when they're submissive too. Alright then, let's have some fun my two lovely specimen" Venus said, accepting the offer, webbing us up in her pink oozes, but we see that Cream and Perle aren't down, "Hey what the hell?! How come they aren't coming down?" I asked, "You really think I'd pass up on this sort of opportunity? Besides, I wouldn't lose on 3 at the expense of two" Venus replied, "(Wait..Perle..Cream..Who's third?) *feels a pair of heavy tits on my head, looks up* Is..Is that Cream's Chao?! They can have tits?!" I shouted, "They can with me. *makes the Chao blush while moaning lustfully* and then some.." Venus finished, an evil grin coming to her face with narrowed eyes. "Cheese! No..." Cream cried, gaining attractive red lips and sexy eyelashes, then gets her pussy stretched by a clone of Venus, forcibly moaning. I get closer to Rouge with the slime carrying me, our limbs now being tangled, and Rouge's legs open up to me as Venus lowers her panties to me. "Now let's have a fuckfest. Im through toying with you guys" Venus said, "As much as I'd like to (and how hard I am), can I decline?" I asked innocently, "Nope, too bad" Venus replied, making me enter inside Rouge's pussy, making Perle watch, "N-no stop! Stop making him fuck my mom!" Perle yelled, trying not to blush, "Oh it's your mom now? Even better" Venus said, making me thrust into Rouge's cunt faster, our moans being forced out, "D-dont..L-look..Ah! Perly" I said to her, and Venus spanks my ass, making me jump, "Faster boytoy. Put them hips to work" Venus ordered. "*closes eyes but rage builds from hearing me and rouge's moaning* I...SAID...STOP!" Perle hollered, making Venus bat her eye to Perle, her hydrokinesis crank into high gear and she controls Venus' gooeyness, shrinking her into her hands. "What's...! This..!?" Venus questioned, all of her being getting sucked and balled into the palm of Perle's hands as she tries her best to hold onto the floor. Perle then suddenly falls on the ground, bent over and letting Venus go. "(Shit! She was getting it too)" I thought. "*catches breath* If..Only..I could..Kee- Gah!" Perle said before getting suddenly penetrated by a stray tentacle to the asshole, starting to get fucked by it while fatigued "Hehe, nice try little girl. You gave me a scare there. Looks like you don't like the sight of your boyfriend go to town on your mom..Ok then. Let me compensate" Venus deviously said, none of us liking what she had in mind. Venus then hung Perle from the ceiling with a dangling pink glob also suspended from said ceiling, preceding to make her grow a full-blown cock. "*stares at throbbing penis* W-what the hell?! I can't have an actual dick!" Perle complained, "You can with me" Venus replied, "Please..Im begging you, don't make her fuck me now e.0" I pleaded, "Well, you're next" Venus said with a smile, continuing to dangle Cream on her swollen dick, then putting her Chao on mine, "(Dammit! I should've fuckin' guessed she could do that after giving this Chao a sex change, as well as some tits!) *hips uncontrollably thrust into the Chao's small but widening pussy* Y-you sick bitch!" I complained, starting to unwillingly fuck the Chao as Perle does the same to Cream, making her cry from her first unfortunate anal penetration, "When I said I wanted a fuckfest, I wasn't joking around" Venus said while smiling at me. "Fuck! Fuck! I-Im sorry, Cream!" Perle said while fucking Cream's ass, only responding with more crying as she was almost going to cum into her. "(Goodness! Cmon Shadow! Where on Earth are you?!...Wait..Hmm? Heh. About time) Enjoy your small victory while you can. This party's gonna be cut short in a second" Rouge said while her already-big tits were growing, "What do you mean by-" Venus said before being cut off by Shadow's Chaos Spear blowing up the tub, blowing everyone into the bedroom. "*lands in front of everyone* What a shameful display" Shadow apathetically said , seeing everyone either naked or their privates exposed with a dazed Venus. "*Covers tits and gets a grip of Venus with hydrokinesis, making all her blobs converge into her* HAAAAAAH...!" Perle uproars, starting to freeze Venus to her surprise, "Do that move again!" Perle ordered Shadow, "*charges Chaos energy into hand* Chaos..! Spear!" Shadow called, throwing a big bolt of Chaos energy at the frozen Venus, blowing her icy pieces through the wall and ceiling. Everyone could then finally take a breather.

"Phew..That was really close guys..I almost literally got fucked" I said, zipping my pants, and everyone reverting back to normal, "*sees penis shrink down, turning into a clit*...Yeah..Almost" Perle said, quite disturbed. "*sees tits shrink slightly, but only to an F-cup size instead of DDs, still pushing to an FF size* Well at least I kept the best parts" Rouge said almost jokingly, shortly playing with them. Cream didn't seem all that reverted herself, looking like she's 16 instead of mid 20s earlier. "If I didn't come here, this place would've been a mess for days on end. Everyone here should count their blessings" Shadow said, making us feel down. "But Shadow, what took you so long? My intercom was the only thing that was unaffected" Rouge asked, adjusting her panties and skirt, "I just so happened to check in on the Freedom Fighters. They said that they've had a similar run-in with our pink friend. They also told me that they had to postpone their attack with this recent invasive encounter..*looks at Cream* and that your mother at the center of it" Shadow informed, making Cream shudder. I hug and pet her..She went through alot as it is.."So Venus is at the Freedom Fighters' place? Great..You can't do anything about it?" I asked, "They didn't trust me with where it was" Shadow replied, rolling his eyes, "At any rate. Keep your eyes peeled for the other Elites. I've really only taken down one of the five, and they're still out there. I suggest everyone lays low. I'll deal with any that come my way" Shadow added before taking his leave.

Damn.....He's fuckin' cool. "It sounds like the Freedom Fighters handled themselves well and no one got...screwed" I pointed out, "Their attacks seem to be randomized now, so we'll have to take action ourselves. *looks outside the hole where Venus was thrown through, seeing the sunset* Tomorrow" Rouge suggests, "Mom, if we're gonna stand a chance against her..I'll have to be able to master my powers next time" Perle said, "Hmm..(I can do some real damage myself if I had my hands on this thing called 'Tempest') Alright, how's this? You do the oversea traveling for us when getting these government-issued equipments, but until you can, we aren't going anywhere. Besides these old wings need a rest" Rouge proposed, ".....*sighs* Alright mom! It's a deal" Perle said, taking up the offer. "Good. Cream will be in my care from now on. *takes cream's hand and looks at the damages that Shadow caused*...and I'll need a repairman while Im at it" Rouge said, going to Cream and holding her close, then sees me and Perle off to her room. I held Perle's hand as we descended down the steps. The two of us went into her room. I see that Perle's hair has lost it's swirl that I gave to her from earlier in the day. "*watches her lay in the bed* Perle..Im sorry that.." I began, "Leave me alone..I don't wanna talk about it.." she said passive-aggressively, making me feel worse about our crazy evening, "and you're not getting any tonight..Not after what happened...." she said very lowly.. "Perle..Didnt you say that you could control the flood itself some time ago?...Then what happened back there?" I asked, "*gives a long sigh* I don't know..I just.....It was different that time..So much easier for some reason..I guess I can't control water-based lifeforms or something.." she replied, "Let's..Let's try finding a lake for you to practice on..We have to start somewhere for you...." I try to plot to her, but Perle felt so defeated and ended up sleeping, not replying. It went without saying how hurtful..Awkward..Weird..What happened was alot of things, but nothing good was a part of those things. I, for the most part, saw all that happened, and..It makes me wanna stay with Perle that much more. The best thing I can do is just keep going being there for her, especially now.. Though at the same time..It makes me feel even worse about the secret I've been keeping from her..Not only do I feel like she'll take my head off if I tell her but..I felt so close to telling her about it earlier, but now I feel much further from telling her and maybe even to where she'd forgive me..For now..All I can do is just hope for the better, and keep my head on straight. There's so much to plan for..I held Perle close to me, and had a well-deserved early slumber. We'll definitely need it for tomorrow.

I will deliver on more lewdness in the next chapter, so look forward!