Grand Omega and Venus Strikes Again

Chapter 6: Grand Omega and Venus Strikes Again -


Eggman sees the Freedom Fighters closing in on his estate from a window, starting to panic, "Curses! *calls the other Elites* What in the devil is happening?! I could've been sure I told you all to handle these fools!" he complained at one of them, "We have one group of them busy, thanks to our associate, but we had issues with locating the Freedom Fighters when Shadow got in the way" Avvy informed, "...We had an associate?" dumbfoundedly asked Eggman, "Minnavera..The Megabat...We hired her a week before your.. usurp to power" gruntly informed Ryde, "...That's not important now! *dodges Bunnie's blast inside the office* I need everyone here! ON THE DOUBLE!.. Except him. He can stay where he's stationed" Eggman ordered. Sonic slides into his room through the window, "Fun's over, Egghead! I rather that you stop what you're doing so you dont have to get beaten" said Sonic, "Oh ho, Sonic. Dont seem as if this is the first time we've met. *presses a button, missiles fire from the ceiling, and Sonic dodges them by jumping back* You know how underhanded I can be. You think I didnt prepare for this?" Eggman replied. Briefly puzzled, Sonic sees that more missiles were being fired at the ship, "Hey! My ride back home!" reacted Sonic, jumping back out the window and homing attacking said missiles, then dodges a laser in midair, turns around, and sees the now elevated estate, now having a multitude of bots around it. "Are you sure you wanna keep up your resistance?" asked Eggman, "*catches Sonic and puts him on the ship* What's some weak robots to us?" said Bunnie, who zips to the bots as they fired many lasers at her, but the shots were deflecting off of her metal body parts. Bunnie proceeds to blast shots out of her arm, which blew away most of the bots, "Nice work, Bunnie! My modifications were really effective, huh?" exclaimed Tails, seeing her now land on the roof. "*rips one of the bots' arms off with metal arm and it explodes* These bots aint nothin'! *activates watch com (built in her metal arm)* Try to close in on 'im!" Bunnie said, "Where ever those missiles are coming from, take care of them too" Sally ordered, and Bunnie nods, looking serious. Bunnie then tosses several other bots out of the way, but one of them shot an electric gun behind her, making her tumble. "(Darn! With the enhancements I gave her, she's more susceptible to alot of charges) BUNNIE!" Tails worrisomely reacted, "GGERRRR..!!!" Bunnie then grunted, turning around, grabbing the shooter's head and crushing it to make it explode in front of her, with her metal arm going limp afterwards as it dangled downwards as she barely stood on one knee. Determined, Bunnie crawled to the edge of the roof, seeing a few launches for the missiles, then the roof itself suddenly rose, making her aim harder but, aiming with her normal arm, she shoot a beam out of her metal arm, destroying a missile launcher. She was about to be happy to herself, but a bunch of spider webs clump up on her back, pinning her down. Looking back, Bunnie saw that it was none other than one of the hired Elites that've arrived, "*takes Bunnie's cowgirl hat* Nice hat you got there. You're a cute lil' rancher, aint ya? You can call me Avvy...Partner" Avarice taunts, "I never would wanna be your partner! Now gimme ma' hat back!" Bunnie tried to order, "Oh no...Tails she needs my help. Send me down!" Sally ordered, "It really wouldn't be a good idea.. And if we send Sonic or Shadow, Eggman may bring out even bigger guns" Tails suggests, "*sees Bunnie wrapped up in webbings then hung up in the air by a few aerial webs, then Avarice putting on a lewd smile as she makes the webs poke out and squeeze Bunnie's big boobs, scaring her* TAILS!" Sally ordered, ".....If something happens, you know what I'll do" Tails said, giving Sally a rope to slide down with. "*Floats up to Bunnie with a net of aerial webs, seeing Bunnie struggle then shuts her mouth tight by wrapping it with more webs. Watches as Bunnie struggles to get out, but starts bleeding, making the webs turn red* Heheh, how do you like my sharpening webs? Oh how I love to see them struggle. I dont swing that way, but you really are a beaut. Dont struggle like that" said Avarice, faking an innocent tone while torturing Bunnie (what a jerkass). The Mobian arachnid dodges to the left to avoid getting stabbed by Sally's extension of her bracelet energy blade, "Oooooo, that's a nice lil' toy you have there" said the eight-armed foe, pretending to be amused, "Let her go! Or else!" Sally ordered, obviously not happy with what she's seeing, "And if I dont?" Avvy replied, Sally was about to swing at her, but Avvy makes her stop by wrapping a bunch of webs on her arm, tugging at her very forcefully. "*looks around, seeing more aerial webbings floating around* (H-how's this even possible? Does she really have this much control over them?) *sees Avarice point her finger at Bunnie, gasps* NO, Please! Wait!" Sally tried to order, but Avarice shoots through Bunnie's body with a hardened shot of her web, "HHHHHHHHGGGGN!!!" she tried to scream through the web wrappings, scaring everyone else. "*puts a web noose around Sally's rope* If anyone moves, I'll cut this rope and you all may lose your squirrel friend here. I'll let everyone off if you guys simply leav- *a cold, hardening sensation occurring from the leg up* Huh?! *looks down* Crystals?! But how?!!" Avvy surprisingly said, "That'd be from me! *snaps off the crystals from my gauntlet*" I said with a serious stare, being held up in the air by Rouge. Dodging missiles while riding waves of water that have been made on the ground, with Cream in her arms, Perle races up the building to get closer to me, "Do something about those webs too!" she ordered me, "Join your ladyfriend down there, I can take it from here" Rouge said, looking composed with her smile while putting me down, "Will you now? Then how about this?!" Avarice said, using the net of webs to attack Rouge, but Rouge easily counters by blowing Avvy and her webs away with heavy gusts of wind after a multitude of kicks from a distance away. "*sees Sally and Bunnie being blown away as well* Oh no! They're getting carried away too!" Sonic worriedly said, "I got 'em!" said Perle, heavily concentrating for a moment, then two large water arms arise from the nearby shore with hands, catching Sally and Bunnie, bringing them to towards Perle. Avvy, on the other hand, is sent flying into a building and caves into the wall, on it's top floor. "Way to go, babe! *sees Perle glaring at me* Uhh, Perly! 'Course I meant you, heheheh ^^;;;" I said as innocently as I could, and she rolled her eyes.

"So...The cavalry has come to dethrone me, eh? Well, LOOKS LIKE I'LL HAVE TO DO THIS!" yelled Eggman, catching everyone's attention as he presses a button, making the whole establishment slide back, allowing a large, eggheaded, Gundam-esque orange bot arise out of the ground, "Behold! My Egg Conqueror! But that is not all! Look behind you!" proudly shouted Eggman,"Pfft. As if we're gonna fall for that trick, Eggh-" said Sonic, "No Sonic, actually look behind us!" Tails interrupts, "*sees Sonic turns around and stare in awe* My Egg Carrie MkII!!!!!" Eggman also shouted as the huge flying ship starts to shadow all over us. Like Damn! What are we gonna do? "I have a backup too. Eggman" Tails said, picking up a remote and pressing it, making their entire area shake, "Cmon out, Omega!" Tails added with a smile. Omega huh? If he's someone that can take out both of these things, Rouge left out a ton of details. I turned to Rouge and even she was surprised to see Omega...Especially like this. We all heard a massive rush of ocean opening up, further down the shore, and up came Omega, but Huge As Fuck, equipped with a giant, flickering beam broadsword, an even bigger arm cannon, massive spiked shoulder blades, and an even bigger chest cannon hole that we could see through...Then it walked towards us as we stared in astonishment..I may've pissed myself. "Grand Omega! Go!!!" Tails yelled to him, "DESTROY EGGMAN. DESTROY EGGMAN." said Grand Omega, swinging his massive beam sword through Egg Carrier MkII, making it explode into many pieces, "WORTHLESS CONSUMER MODELS." commented Grand Omega, "Alright, Tails!" Sonic cheered, "*bites and stretches nearby napkin* GRRRRR! G-get him, Egg Conqueror!" Eggman ordered, looking very stressed the fuck out. Egg Conqueror rushes at Grand Omega with a huge laser cannon (think 100ftx100ft) over it's head, then fired it's shots of lasers at Grand Omega, which only gave him minor scratches, then he turned on the thrusters on it's back to fly towards him, and activates his elbow blades, which made an explosion upon impact, that was 300ft in diameter, bigger than it's own body, on Grand Omega's chest. "A direct hit! This'll teach you for betraying me, Omega!....Huh?" reacted Eggman, seeing Grand Omega's hand come out of the smoke, tossing Egg Conqueror behind him, then he turned around, transforming his hand back into an arm cannon, "DIE. TRASH" simply said Grand Omega, shooting Egg Conqueror with a few large energy shots from the barrel, making a powerful explosion that blew back the shore behind it that flew away from the city....Like, Shit. My jaw was at the floor after that. "*turns back to where Eggman is, eyes glowing red for an instant* EGGMAN. YOU ARE NEXT" said Grand Omega, soon followed by a cheer from those around him, "*runs out of the building, trips and begs Omega* N-no! Please Wait!!!" Eggman pled while on his knees, "TOO. LATE" Grand Omega replied, then rose his giant blade into the skies, making even larger, "Woooow, that's so fuckin' sick!.....Wait we're in front of it, guys! We should scram too!" yelled Perle, and the rest of us get out of the way of Omega's attack, with me carrying Bunnie and Rouge carries Sally. "DESTROY. EGGMAN..!!!" Grand Omega roared, swinging the sword down to the ground, but when it did, the handle was the only thing that hit the ground. Fortunately for him, Grand Omega seems to have ran out of power, and Omega starts to shrink, then the real body of Omega falls to the ground. Feeling that he was close to being killed, Eggman also collapsed and fainted from shock, "Phew..Just as planned. A bit better than expected, even" said Tails in relief, "W-what happened there?" asked Sonic, "Omega only has a Chaos Emerald in him. It could only get him so far til he overheats" explained Tails, "Uhhh...Guess you want me to take him to jail?" asked Sonic, and Tails nods affirmatively before making the Freedom Fighter ship descend. With everyone else 100ft away from the government building of the President, we stopped covering our heads and look back, seeing that Eggman's been KO'd. "Well. Omega sure saved our asses there. Has he ever had that form before?" I asked, "N-no. Im really surprised that all this happened..But more importantly. *stands up, looks at the building that Avvy was flown through, and sees her swinging away to the right. Sighs and snaps fingers* Drat! We could've taken her in if we acted fast enough. Well we have other fish to fry" Rouge replied, "Can y'all give me a break though? Seeing all that amazing shit tuckered me out" I said, dangling my arms, then Rouge pats my head, jealousy followed up by Perle's petting, making her chuckle. "Shadow, come in. You there?" Tails tried to call out through an earpiece, "*warps in front of the door, turns on intercom earpiece* I just got here. G.U.N. told me about this whole giant robot fiasco" Shadow replied before entering the building to check on the President, meanwhile Sonic grabs Eggman and takes him to the police. Cream looks up after burying her face Perle's stomach the whole time, "Is the fighting over?" she asked, "*pets her head* Yep. It's over for now" I assured her, and she gives a warm smile. A minute afterwards, Shadow walks out of the building.

"Wait, Shadow right?"

"Yeah, an- What's a civilian doing with you, Rouge?"

"You know me, I like having some fun on the side, here and there, but this guy's a keeper."

"I heard about what's been going on with this fox girl you have here. G.U.N is keeping a close eye on her too, so if I hear any trouble with her, Im bringing her in."

"Yeah yeah. She can be a real brat at times, but I got it."

"*looks at my arm equipment* Hmm..Doesnt seem to be issued by G.U.N...I see you're making your own little team without me."

"Sorry that all seats are filled."

"...So what's the hold up?"

"(Rude much?) Sooooo I've been wondering..Could you teach me some of those Chaos moves? :D"

"...*sighs* Meet me at Angel Island tomorrow, then we'll talk. If you dont bring a Chaos Emerald, Im taking your ass back home."

"Ok ok, chill."

"*looks at Perle holding my hand* (I see how it is) Does she have a name?"


"Perle.. I'll remember that" said Shadow before warping away...Yknow what. I walk over to Sally, who was getting done with cutting through the tough web with the sabers. "Sal, right?" I asked, "Uh huh?" she said, "Would you guys know where Vanilla is? Cream's mom?" I asked, ".....Yes. We do.." Sally said heavy-heartedly, Cream hopefully looked at her, "Like where'd she be?" I asked. Sally and Bunnie look away hesitantly. "At...Our base" said Sally, "Oh? Well let's get on over there!" I said joyously, "It's not as simple as getting her back.." Sally informed, "There's some pink goopy gal that's held her there for who knows how lon'. We dont have any good idears on us for her" Bunnie added, "Oh...'her'. We've..Had a run-in with her too" I told them, surprising both of them...After having a moment to ourselves, they knew what I meant.. "You sure you wanna go get her yoursaelves?" Bunnie asked, "...I think we're ready. Perle had some good control over her, and you saw what she was doing against Eggman" I try to convince them. The two look at each other for a moment. "Land it, Tails" Sally ordered on a walky-talky. Once Tails lowered it to ground level, he stared into Sally's eyes and she simply nodded before the five of us got onto the aircraft.

The travel back to the base was silent, yet tense as we all stared outside the windows, the environments passing us by. They really are putting alot of faith in Perle's abilities to control Venus...And if she fails again..It's my ass....No seriously, I think she's gonna dick me down or something. "We're here" Tails lowly said, we step out of the ride and Sally led us to where she is.. "When I was checking inventory...There she was..In nothing but pink webs..I could've been..." Sally said with a weighted heart, "*pats Perle's head* We're counting on you" I said to Perle, who didnt wanna look at me. We shortly approach the inventory vault. After we all took a deep breathe, "Open it up" Rouge said, more seriously than usual, and Sally did as much, then immediately, I get grabbed and yanked into the pink mess, with everyone looking shocked. "*gasps* L-let him go!" Perle shouted, casting her hands out, trying to control Venus, "Ooo! You've gotten quite strong with that liquid control, didnt you? Well you'll still have to do much better than this. Look at me, not even budging" Venus said, taunting her by proceeding to kiss my pelvis then closing the shutter, gesturing a goodbye. Cream sees Vanilla strung up by pink liquids, naked and drooling from the constant pleasuring, "M-mommy..What has she done to you...?" she said, trying not to cry. "*desperately runs to the shutter* YOU BITCH! YOU BETTER NOT CLOSE THA- *sees the shutter close completely, and bangs on the door* NO, OPEN UP! I SAID OPEN THE FUCK UP!!" Perle tries to demand, then drops to her knees in tears. "You better think of a plan soon, or else Im gonna have a party with your boyfriend in here" said Venus from the other side, "SUCK ME!" Perle shouted, kicking the door in rage, then Rouge grabbed her by her shoulders, "Let's talk this over with Tails. On the double now!" Rouge urged before the four of them ran to his lab.

I find myself in Vanilla's position, hung up in pink globs, and naked, like some porn game I've tried out before...Or a few times. All these pink drippings from the ceiling are, for one, creeping me out, and Im not exactly liking how they're running down my face. "I sense your discomfort. What's wrong, boytoy?" Venus half-heartedly asked, "(ignoring that last part) Well let's see, you got me hooked up here like some criminal or a guy with an S&M kink, and you got a lil' girl's mom right in front of me. You see nothin' wrong with this picture?" I replied, "Hmmmhm, I'd control that mouth if I were you, or else I'll plug up every hole in your body" Venus threatens with obvious anticipation, "Before we have a trip to poundtown, you seem to have something else on your mind. Cmon now~" Venus added, "Well I was wondering, how long has she been cooped up in here?" I asked, "Hmmmm I say foooor~ about a week" she answered, "And she isn't dead?!" I reacted, "You see, my being is made of many nutrients that any organism just cant get enough of. More than enough for me to keep doing this forever to someone, but the more the merrier, especially for me" Venus explained, "Ok, now that's just scary...o_e" I comment and get my thighs slapped, making me flinch and grunt, "I didnt ask for your opinion. Now let the sex fest begin" Venus said, licking her perfectly perky lips with eager. Vanilla's gaze went towards me, and she started eying my extending dong...Especially after seeing them massive knockers she has OxO.."Mmmm, someone likes what he sees. Come now, 'Nilly, tell him how much you want him" Venus said, "Care to bring this darling over here? For a bit of intimacy?" Vanilla asked with a light smile, "*giggles* With pleasure" Venus complied, bringing me over to her, with her face growing more lustful by the second as she opens her mouth for me.

Now five inches away from her face, she tells me "Mmm, I miss being with a man..It's ok, big boy. Cmon to mommy" Vanilla said breathily before our lips locked, which felt very soft and sensational to the touch. It quickly turned into a makeout as my sausage gets longer, extending below her pussy, "Mmm..*unlocks lips, giggles* You may not be Mobian, but you really are a catch, and a good lover..I want more" Vanilla flirts, then kisses my cheeks....This has to be the hottest rabbit I've ever seen, and that brown eyeliner looks as good as bat-tits'..Makes me not wanna leave. Her tongue tasted so good in my mouth.. I couldn't help but blush when she looked intensely in my eyes..Just hot damn, 'nilla. "Let's lower our new love birds" Venus said, putting us on the wet ground, overtaken by many juices. "*crawls to me* Show me..*tugs at my cock, then kisses me* I want your dick..Satisfy me, big boy" Vanilla lewdly lightly orders. My heartbeat rose when she started stuffing her mouth down her throat, "GNNM! *fixes hair, opens webby mouth* You're taste...I didnt think Human penis would be so good. Did you like it?" Vanilla asks, "...D-did you?" I asked back, she giggles and goes back to tenderly sucking down my cock, as if we were in a very loving relationship.. It makes me wish Perly was this gentle with me...Fuck, how am I gonna bring this up to her? Vanilla closes her eyes, making her head suck up and down with bigger strokes, each gulping getting deeper into her esophagus as she gently pushes me back with her large ears. "*moves over my head as I began to ecstatically moan, staring down into my eyes* You enjoying the blowjob of your life?" Venus asked, with a lewd glee coming to her face, "You can cum faster, yknow. Or maybe you need my help" Venus adds before lowering her perfect pussy on my face, rubbing my body. Little did I know, she seeped her pink liquids into my body during the rub-down, and orally as I started licking Venus' pussy, which was very tasty..."*continues sucking me off* Mmm...Mmm..mmMMM? *opens eyes, looks down at my cock, feels it growing, takes it out* O-oh my..You became a really big boy? Didnt you?" Vanilla comments, "*giggles* Even better" she added, this time starting to clamp her tig-ol' bitties together on my cock, giving me a paizuri, and Venus joined after enlarging her busts as well, squeezing them against Vanilla's to assist in the double titjob. The two slam their tits up and down, all over my pelvis as my growing cock (now 11.5 inches) is quickly getting satisfied, with Venus' liquids helping as lube, "HAaaagh..Oh fuck...Why's my dick feel so tingly?" I asked, squinting as I was close to my climax, "*giggles* You're welcome. It's one of my many specialties" replied Venus, "Come on, 'Nilla~. Dont you want his hot sperm on you?" she asked, "Mmmmm yes..I want it all over my face.. You have it in you, honey..I can feel it throbbing" Vanilla responds, their mouths hanging while speeding up the dual titjobing with Venus as my cock flails wildly. A moment later my cock couldn't handle it anymore, I finally my dick started erupting, releasing my streams of jizz into the air, making it rain on the two seducers, "*aims head upwards, opens mouth wide, letting the raining white goo land inside on it's own* Ahhhh..*twirls the sperm around with tongue for a bit, then swallows* Mmmmhh..Nothing's better than the real thing..." said Vanilla, staring at me with a soft smile, but, despite me looking exhausted with my heavy breathing, I can tell she had an overwhelming sex drive for more from me.

"Oh damn..I..I think that burst emptied me out. Is it alright if I- *sees my dick re-erecting and emerging out of both of their tits, but bigger than before* Wait, what the hell?" I reacted, "That's right, boytoy. My fluids are in your body now, and I control alot of things that make your privates tick. I can keep you horny as much as I want, even after cumming 9 times. Speaking of which, let's 'shoot' for that" Venus said, ".....I think you know what Im gonna ask" I replied, "Either you get to pumping milf of the year over there, or I'll have her pump you and I tag-team" Venus prefaced, making me shudder a bit on the inside, "Option B does sound more fun, so you better do some real damage in her, give her babies and put a good show for me" she adds, and Vanilla gives me an intimate smile.. I would be excited myself, but I really dont wanna be here all day... The two stand up, back away and bend over on their knees, then Venus spanks Vanilla's ass, making it bigger. "You know you want it. Get yourself some of that" Venus encourages, making me still feel hesitant, "*slowly shifts ass left and right at me* Please, big boy..Rut my naughty bottom" Vanilla pleads, looking at me tenderly, making my cock grow some more (now at 18 inches), and my heart race so fast that it felt like it was burning..My lust was never so strong.. I went up to that beautiful, luscious, creamy-colored booty decorated with that cute tail of her's..Grabbed it, wrapped my other hand on her curvy waist and gave her silky furred vag-hole my first plunge, "HuHAAAUGH!" Vanilla moaned as I thrusted into her, making her eyes roll back from intense pleasure, making her blush. "*starts getting fucked from behind, body thrusts back and forth* Mmmmmmmmm~.. You know how to make a mamma feel great, dont you?" Vanilla moans, looking back at me with a soft yet wonderfully lewd look, "*feels a tighter grip on tail as I go faster* Ah! Ah! Ah! Mmm! Yes, squeeze mommy's tail some more" Vanilla also moaned out, brushing her tongue on her teeth while giving out more audible, breathy moans as I pound out her very soft pussy. "There ya go, boytoy. Now faster!" Venus ordered, slapping my ass with several pink whips from the goopy walls, making me look back with a frantic stare, "If you want me to stop, you better stuff her real fast" Venus then adds, and I did as she desired, pounding Vanilla as fast as I could, making our moans fast as her big ears flop wildly. The squishy sex noises filled the damped room, and my cock ever urning for Vanilla's deep, wet womb. "Haaaaaaau~~..Cum for me, big man. I want to be impregnated by a big, strong man like you" Vanilla lightly ordered, as her ass got redder by the second and her started looking wilder from all the rough sex, "I-Im gonna cum!" I warned her, "Mmm! Give all your love, big boy. Im ready for all the babies we'll have together! Aaaahh!!" Vanilla moans, arching her back as I lean over her, now spreading her pussy with both hands as I locked my pelvis into her ass, plunging my whole dick inside her before spewing my large load into her vag, plastering both of our pelvises in my cum goo as we shared an ecstatic, pleasureful moan. "Ooooohohoo, bravo you two. *makes my cock hard again* Now round three" Venus ordered some more, "H-huh?" I react, "That's right. You're my love machine now, so do your job" Venus replied. What the hell man? I'll be taking it up the ass in no time at this rate.

Tails and the others go where the ring fountain is, to help the worrisome Perle practice her aquakinesis some more. "Dont stress yourself so much, Perle. You'll be able to get him back once you-" Sally tries to advise, "Im not waiting any longer! He's probably getting fucked by her by now and Im just out here, doing other shit! We gotta go back, NOW!" Perle exclaims loudly, and the water she was controlling soared into the air in the form of a huge sphere (imagine 100x70ft), surprising everyone. "It seems you have greater control when you get emotional enough" Tails surmises, "This is good enough! Let's hurry back! *looks at sonic* TAKE ME THERE!" Perle ordered sonic, making him jump back for a second before he swept her off her feet and sped back to the infested vault, with everyone else following...Well..Everyone but Amy, who found herself wondering down that area's hallway (a minute before Perle's return), then noticed pink goo leaking out of the vault's shutter. "Ewww, who forgot to clean up here? I guess I'll wash for a change" Amy said to herself, opening the shutters with a button, then a pink tentacle wraps around her waist to her surprise and she gets pulled in, getting herself in a sticky situation (quite literally) by landing in pink mesh face first. "*raises head out of the pink glob and spits it out* Eww what is this stu- *looks around, seeing the pink and white goo on the walls* T-this place is scaring me.. *sees me banging Vanilla in missionary position quickly, dropping my dick down her hole while on top of her as she thoroughly enjoys it...and pink tentacles rub my ass cheeks* OH MY GOSH!" Amy shouted, not believing what she's seeing, making me slow down while looking back, "W-wait, who're you?!" I reacted. "*appears in front of her in a voluptuous form* Oooooo, seems we have yet another plaything. A very young one at that. I like 'em young and spry too" Venus comments, "I-Im no one's toy, blob! *takes out the Piko-Piko hammer* Dont make me hurt you!" she threatens, "*giggles* Try it" Venus taunts, then Amy swings at her, which makes Venus seemingly explode in a gooey mess, but consumes Amy's body, soon morphing into tight, bulky pink ropes, making her fall on her stomach. "*keeps her restrained while coming out of the ropes, reforming into a busty form, giggling some more* Im going to have some fun with you, little girl" Venus said, swiping her hand across her ass while she's bent over, "*wimpers* H-hey! I didnt tell you to slap me back ther- *sees Venus growing a spiky, pink dong* H-huh?! You can't do that!" Amy exclaims in surprise, "I can, and Im gonna make you mine now" Venus replied, rubbing Amy's booty before lowering her undies, showing her nicely shaped pink ass, making Amy intensely blush as she sees Venus starting to enter into her, "P-please don't! Im trying to save mysEEELF!" she tried pleading but (no pun intended?) Venus plugs herself into Amy's anus, before pounding her cute booty, her bangs shaking with every thrust. "Ahh! Auugh! S-stop!" Amy weakly pleas some more, "Too late, child. Just let me take you" Venus said, enjoying her time with Amy, who soon felt an odd sensation, as if something was dragging under her while getting banged out, "W-wait, what's..? *looks underneath, between legs and sees a pink, fully erect penis come out of pussy* NO! STOP! I don't want that!" Amy pleaded some more, squinting while taking the anal pounding as her cock flops all over the floor, "I like it when they beg. It really gets my labido going" Venus said with a smirk, kissing her head from behind, making Amy feel dread, and regret that she checked in the area. Venus hears me cumming inside of Vanilla another time as her legs were wrapped around my back as she rubs her hand down her body slowly while moaning, "*unplugs from Amy* Hey since you're done with your rabbit friend, how about you get with this pretty little thing?" Venus said to me, moving out of the way to show me that Amy had a shaft and a pair of balls, "O-of course I wouldn't want her like that" I replied with a scared look on my face, making Venus stare at me in anger. Venus proceeded to step on Amy with high heels she formed, then made her ass a few inches bigger and rounder, "Now?" she asked, seeing my cock get bigger, but I looked away with an intense blush, "Close your eyes then, cuz you're gonna have your fun with this pre-teen anyway" Venus adds, but suddenly we hear the shutter open. "I DONT THINK SO!" everyone heard suddenly heard as the light from the shutter came in, sucking everything pink in the room out of the area and into a large tube, "HAAAAAAAAH!" she loudly yells, with enough force to make it seem she was forcefully making a windy tunnel, "There's no way! My fun cant be over so soon!" Venus said while filling up the big glass tube, and Perle becomes tired afterwards, heavily panting as she hung her arms. Amy's privates now return to normal. "She got you in here too, huh?" said a smaller portion of Venus in the small box Tails had (which is now floating in the container with the main Venus).

Everyone else in the vault was also feeling exhausted from all the intercourse that was going on, yet felt more defeated if anything. I felt especially bad for Vanilla...She's been cooped up in here for like a week, and now look at her..She's almost as sex-crazed as Venus..."*looks at everyone in the vault, shakes head* Oh my oh my, Im really sorry that she...yknow..That all this happened" Sally empathizes, "*tries to get up but stumbles and falls* Cant...Move.." I weakly said, "How...Bad was it?" Rouge asked, "5 times..In-" I tried to say, "N-never mind, tell me later. Let's get them wrapped up" Rouge interrupts, "Poor thangs.." Bunnie comments, carrying the big container into Tail's lab, as Sally and Sonic get towels. Despite how undignified I looked while in the nude and being tired from putting Venus away, Perle held me in her arms, I then return the embrace. 10 minutes pass (everyone's fully clothed now) and we were being flew back by the Freedom Fighter's aircraft. Soon we landed in a nearby neighborhood with Rouge's place in it, Sally drops us off at ground level with Vanilla and flies off, to take care of business in Knothole. "We'll take her back tomorrow to your house, ok kid?" Rouge said to Cream, "Can...Can we stay a bit longer?" Cream lowly asked, trying not to cry, "...Stay as long as you have to, lil' girl" Rouge replied, petting her head. Rouge then turned to me, "So...How bad was it?" she asked me, "...5 times in Vanilla..3 times in Venus..." I lowly said, "Well then. I guess me and my little girl each owe you four, huh?" Rouge tried to joke, but she starts feeling bad herself as we then start walking back home.

The night fell as me and Perle were getting ready for bed.

"So...What'd she do to you?"

"She pretty much raped all of us..It was really bad..."

".....Im really sorry.."


"I bet you got your fill, huh?"

"I..Dont think I'll be doing anything sexual for a long time.."

"...But what if I want to?"

"Then...I wouldn't mind?"

"Would you.. Still wanna be with me?"

"I...May need some time to myself..Ok?"

"Will you still be able to come to school with me?"

"Well yeah. Anything for you, Perly."

"As far as the whole sex thing, that's ok. All that matters is.. That Im with you" Perle said before we kissed and got in the bed together.

We'll see where this relationship goes..In the next chapter, thanx for the waiting but laters!