Avvy's Deal & Practicing with Shadow

With what's been going on in the story thus far, I'll be lucky if I reach 10 chapters with this, cuz it really feels like Im getting towards the end. Since we're talking about me, I could still surprise myself, but even that's a 50/50 now. I wanted to fit in a few more things but I was already reaching 7k words and I honestly wanted to work on another fic, so I wanted to wrap it up here. This is more of a build-up chapter, but dont worry, sex still happens (and..another scene setted up for next chapter..eue) so there's something for everyone here, and hopefully yall will look forward with how the ending...well ended. May need a bit more time to make up my mind on who the new antag is, so maybe it was good that I stopped here after all.

Chapter 7: Avvy's Deal & Practicing with Shadow -

The night began to fall as I was still there, asleep in the moistening bed and covers..."Climax..Climax" I eerily heard in a eager tone, making me heavily breathe..and not in a good way. Perle held the covers tightly for a moment and turns to me. "H-hey, you ok or- *tries to touch my shoulder but heard me gasp, jerks hand away, sits up* Dude, don't freak me out!" Perle reacts. I look back at her, and we exchange a concerned stare..."*holds my head* Im sorry...I...Dont think I can sleep.." I lowly told her, "(What happened earlier..It's really getting to him..He'll keep losing his shit at this rate...So..) *sighs, looks away* What if I gave myself to you?" Perle offered. Does she mean..If I..."*sits back against the wall, lifts long shirt up, shows cunt to me* I'll..Let you do me, ok? Just get it over with" Perle said a bit impatiently with a hint of a blush. Upon seeing her white entrance, my vision began to fade, "That's right..Get nice and erect~" said Venus' voice in my head again, making me get grasp my cranium again and hunch over, my breathing becoming heavy once more. "...o_o...oVo *grabs my shirt, slaps and punches my face* ARE YOU GONNA FUCK ME OR NOT?! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF HERE!" Perle screams, "*shakes head, wipes blood off of my lips, coughs* S-sorry...Im really having trouble here.." I weakly replied, "Ugh! Come on! *pulls me in and gets cunt partly stuffed by my hardening dick* Gh! hhhnnn..! I-I knew y-you were hard..*tightens grip on my shirt* Now fuck me!" she ordered, opening her legs..."*slowly moans* D-do you..Want me to fuck you?" I asked, "It-it's already in, so yeah, I really want it now!" Perle responds. Feeling me still hesitate, she grabs my ass and forces me to thrust into her, "FUCK! Cmon and sock it to this hot piece of ass already!" she yelled while wincing, reminding me of my part right now...But.."C...Can you keep going?" I lowly asked with a blush, "...(This fucker actually asked that..-_-) Maybe this'll help" she said she, before taking off her shirt and showing her big gray bra, barely carrying her even bigger tits. Seeing them really made my heart stop for a second, "*feels cock pulsing in vagina* Ghhn! Hhuha~! T-there we go" Perle moans out while tightly squinting, trying to take my growing dong.. I then had an idea. Perle soon started to feel my body cast on her's and a slow rocking began. "Hah...Hah..You're..Trying to..Slow fuck me?...T-this is good.." Perle comments as our moans fill the room in very intimate sex, both of us closing our eyes and soon holding hands like lovers. I didnt have much in me, but after a good 10 minutes of this, I started to spirt my jizz in her narrowing yet soft womb as we exchange tongues in each other's mouths. The night was gone in no time before we slept together in that position as I brush her, lovely silver cheeks.

With the morning approaching the unsuspecting sleepers from the night, a sudden hardness was felt by Perle...And no, it wasnt the good ol' morning wood. "Nngnn..? *raises head, seeing a wooden floor and foam in the corners* Am...Am I in...THIS DISGUSTING ROOF ATTIC?!" Perle realized in shock. Meanwhile... "Wakey-wakey~" I heard, followed by a peck to my cheek from behind. "you're real.. frisky for the morning...*turns over*Aren't you, Perl- *sees both narrowing eyes pierce into mine with a strong glare, gasps* Y-You'r-" I tried to say, but she closes my mouth hastily. "HmmHmm, I rather you didnt yell" said the "Housekeeper". Her rifle suddenly presses up into my lips, making my heart race. "I don't need you to speak but just listen. *presses lips on my ear* My name is Minnavera. I won't shoot you because I am under orders, as you remember. It has been a bit boring since all I do is..Be the house's eyes. I need some excitement yknow? So...That person I told you about, I aim to gun him down" Minnavera informs, her cold breath seeping into my brain. So is she...? Sounds a bit personal, but looks like she's gonna rebel. "*giggles creepily* Good memory.. I suppose I can let you speak..'Obedient Outlaw'. One question and I have to go" she said lowering the rifle. She's not exactly with this rag-tag team that bat-tits and the others are facing, but they should want their own free will, right? "So...What's stopping you from killing him yourself? Aren't you able to phase through anything?" I queried, "(That was two questions, but I'll have to answer both to explain) *shows me a metal brace on the rifle* This allows me to phase through anything. Whereas..I used to only go through organics like you and me. Higher-ups could keep track of the brace if I come in 100 meters from him with various devices. I could move in with the other Elites, but I couldn't convince. *sees me look confused* Watch...They'll come around..and it'll be all over for him...Probably" Minnavera eludes to, "Probably...?" I react, "You used your question up. Dont think we're on the same side, so *hears the door creaking open* Toddles" she whispered, phasing through the bed, with Perle catching a glimpse of her.

Perle took a few quick steps, stopping for a moment in frustration. "(She..Ugh! They keep getting away!) *runs to me, holds my face* Y-you aren't hurt, are you?" she asked sincerely, care filling her eyes, "*holds her hand*..Your hand..I think this is the first I've seen you like this.." I comment, "I mean..yeah..I...I dont know what'd I'd do if I lost you. She had a gun on her! I wasnt there and-!" Perle said in worry but I put a thumb on her lip and she hushed, "She wont harm us.. I doubt she'd kill me if I disobeyed even..What matters is that you're safe too.. *looks in her eyes* If you were like this more, I'd always be ok" I said to her. Perly's eyes glittered as her heart pounded tenderly, with my ears catching every beat and she was awestruck for a moment. "(I...No one's ever..Said that to me..) *inches to me, and starts kissing me* (I really..Wanna keep him..)" she thought to herself as we made out. She lets me fall above her as our lips still locked and I could tell she was very happy for this moment. We grasped each other's hands for a bit, then I let go but she re-grasped to finish our time.

"*audibly unlocks lips*...I..*looks away* Im sorry..It's just..."

"I understand..You were that worried about me. I'd hate to not be able to see you too."

"We yknow...Always struggled against them and all so.. The fact she held you in place.."

"Anyways, during that time, she told me several things. Like how not only her, but the other Elites will break ties with Eggman and their boss. I dont think we need to fight them anymore."

"*hugs* That's great news! All they have to do is take care of the rest, right? ^^"

"I wouldn't celebrate so soon. Getting to the boss seems hard, especially for our lil' Hitman I encountered."

"Think we need all the Elites to bring him down?"

"...If we can convince them."

"With money?"


"We really have to rob those banks..Well with Rouge, we can do it."

"I never robbed anywhere, but I know I'll be handy. Sounds like it can be fun."

"Hmph. Dunno about fun, but your mom may leave us in the dust as far as that."

"We'll have to watch her. She can be a bit greedy."

"*steps in* I heard that. There's nothing wrong with making more money, right?"

"Speaking of that, when's my pay?"

"I uuuh..H-had to pay the house off. ^^;"

"Mom, what'd you do this time?"

"e e...*take off gloves, shows them jeweled rings* They looked so elegant, I couldn't help myself."

"...So you spent my pay?"

"I suppose it's more reason that we have to do some sneaking and robbing. Just dont ham it up like last time, alright?"

"Could it wait? Im supposed to be meeting Shadow at this island or what ev?"

"*giggles* Looks like you wanna date with your guy-crush, huh?"

"G-guy-crush? I dunno what that even means, but I dont like him or anything."

"That's what they all say~~. ^uo"

"(It...It'd be really hot if I..Fucked both of them...And they pounded me at the same time. -/-)"

"...Anyways, you know where it is, right?"

"Yeah yeah, Angel Island isnt too far from the city."

"*sees Perle daydreaming and she jumped when I turned to her* Well..You still have school, so study while Im gone. *turns to Rouge* Actually, he said I needed an Emerald first."

"*ponders in place* Didnt Eggman say each of the Elites have one on them?"

"...Damn. Cant believe how ahead he planned. There were Five, yeah? So two more are still out there."

"Make that One more. Shadow usually has one on him."

"Well then..."

"You two sit tight. Imma snag a radar off of that fox boy."

"Before you go, that Hitman said her name was Minnavera. She said the Elites may be getting ready to cut ties from their commander, or at least she herself is."

"Yeah, we should be good for a while."

"I'll still keep an eye out. *looks at the Tempest Boots* Im guaranteed to make a get-away with these babies on" Rouge assured before stepping out. Let's see..Cream and her mom are still here, so... "Wanna check on the other girls?" I asked Perly, "Y-yeah" she affirms. I open the door for her, an unnoticed blush later, our feet guide us upstairs. With Vanilla still possibly being a dangerous horn-dog..I hoped she isn't up to anything funny up there. "*opens the door* A-are...Are you two asl- *sees Vanilla's big, bare ass sticking out of the covers, on her stomach* Uhhh O/O..." I quietly react before closing the door quickly..With me in the room, "(D-dammit! What'd I do that for?!) *sees Vanilla waking up, turns around and re-opens the door, seeing Perly look upset at me* P-perly, i-it's not what it looks like!" I frantically whisper, "...Why'd you shut the door on me? -_-" she asked, "I-I was- I jus- It...*sighs* (My body moved on it's own there..Could the pink thing's influence be that strong?)" I thought to myself. Perle then rolled her eyes. "As long as you dont do that again, it's fine. Just get out he-" Perle then tried to say but was felt her train of thought lost when she looked behind me, seeing Vanilla tower over me with a gentle, yet lewd face..I was scared to turn but..I didnt have to..My sudden sixth sense saying...yknow..that's she's behind me.."*holds me with both arms, rubs cheek against mine, then rubs the other cheek with the right hand* Hmmhmm..You look all stressed for the morning. Come to mama and you can take a load off~" Vanilla says alluringly, which fluttered my heart and intoxicated me in her sexual prowess, akin to Rouge's. She then looked at Perle, who was taken aback at what she saw, "You're more than welcome too" Vanilla delivered in a friendly manner with a deceptively warm smile, "Of course not! G-get your hands off of him. He's not your toy!" Perle demanded, making Vanilla look lost. I know, she's.. Very hot and all, but cmon, brain. How're we gonna solve this mess? "(I wont like this either but..) L-let's.. Have a chat with 'Nilla and we all can have breakfast, k?" I offered, which Perly was hesitant. Vanilla narrows her eyes and widens her grin without me noticing, but Perly saw all that. "Fine..*looks at Vanilla* but nothing funny, ok?" she replied, "*gasps* Oh my. I wouldn't ever do anything like that" Vanilla said innocently while looking up, but we know Perly wasnt falling for that ol' trick. After she picked away Vanilla's arms and hands away from me, Perle then entered the room with us.

"(Hmm..I think I'll have to be patient before I can have more fun) *sits on the bed* Anything on your mind..Perly?"

"*joins her with me* It's..It's Perle."

"Hehe, you're as pretty as one too ^u^."

"(Dont have to tell me, hag. eVe) Well..Im still trying to get over the whole 'Dad's MIA' thing."

"Do you know his name?"

"I..I was separated from him for most of my life..Only thing I remember that far is lowering the flood."

"Me and Cream lived far from here, but any flood is horrible to think of. Since you could control water so well, it was easy, huh?"

"It...Wait..! ('DAD! NOOOOO!' '..Sav-...-veryone..Fo- -e..' 'DADDY! COME BAAACK!') *starts heavily panting, holds head*"

"Perly? Y-you ok...?"

"I'll...*looks at me* I'll be fine..Just.."

"*sees the walls become wet, as well as the bed itself, Cream starts to groan* Your powers are acting up..There's obviously something up."


"Did you remember something? I gotta know, Perly. Dont hold it in."

"...Yes..It's coming back to me" Perle began, getting ready to tell us of her traumatic past.

Rouge drives towards the outskirts of Station Square, nearing the shores. "*parks at a restaurant that was closest to the seas, gazes upon the ocean while stepping out* It sure is nice out. *looks at the Mobians and Humans enjoying the beach* The beach-babes think so too" Rouge comments, "It really is, huh?" said a familiar voice from behind, "*turns around* Avvy? I didnt think you'd come here" she replies, "Same to you. Nothing wrong with stopping by to think things over, right? I know I tried to kill you guys before, but can we put it past us? *sees Rouge ponder* Tell ya what. I'll wait here and after you come back here, I'll give you a hand in what ev. No strings attached" Avarice offered, "*puts down shades* Is that so? Hmm..*puts them back on* I won't be gone for long, so I got nothing to lose. Could you keep an eye on the ride for me? The government paid a pretty penny on it" Rouge asked, pointing back to it, "Oh, that'll be no prob. Im the perfect guard, yknow" Avarice replied, winking to her. "(It still feels fishy but I'll bite for a bit longer)" -tits thought before taking off to the skies, nearing Knothole in minutes. Speaking of the place, let's check in on 'em. Looks like Tails and Sally are checking Amy out...Not in that way though. "*examines her hairs* Oh no.." Tails comments, "Wh-what is it? Am I alright?" Amy asked worriedly, "Some of your DNA has Venus cells in them. You weren't even controlled for that long, huh?" Tails answered, "Hehehe~, I do wonders, dont I?" Venus said in the large tube, "*stares at it resently, then sees Amy's frown* What should we do?" Sally asked, "Lucky for us it seems to reduce in size over time if it's not...'Active'. All Amy has to do is keep away from Venus...But Sal...Could you check...Down there?" Tails asked, making Sally and Amy blush in surprise. Amy covers her lower dress, looking very nervous. "Go on, he did ask yknow" Venus said in a coaxing tone. "*rolls eyes* Cmon Amy, we're both girls. It's not like..Ok Im nervous too, but l-let's get it over with" Sally tried comfort, "D-dont make it seem worse than it is..Just dont take forever /o;;;;" Amy said, looking away and raising her skirt for Sally. Tails, of course, closes his eyes as Sally looked under Amy, "(N-no bulge or anything...N-now let's make sure here 0/-)" Sal thought before slowly reaching her shaky hand at Amy's undies. "Hey guys, Sonic let me in and...Well now O_O" Rouge reacts, seeing Sally getting close to seemingly touch within Amy's under carriage, and Sally freezes in awe with Amy, who looked more shocked...Sooo, obviously there's some explaining to do here. "*jerks hand back* It's...Really not what it looks like" Sally said with a heavy blush, looking at the ground as Amy pushes her skirt down, looking away as well.."You...Didnt know that..'it' goes away afterwards, huh?" Rouge says to break the awkward air, "(NOW YOU TELL US?! oVo)" Amy thought to herself, internally angered at her, "How...How do you know?" Tails asked, "It...Kinda happened to my little girl and..I know she can be rough for girl, but she doesn't have it anymore. If Shadow weren't there, we would've been in a real sticky situation" Rouge tries to joke with a fake smile and laugh. "Anyways, got a spare Emerald Radar?" Rouge digressively asked, "I can make one. Can you wait for a few?" Tails asked back, "*sighs* Just make it snappy" she replied, idly flying around the lab.

Perle was about give her backstory dump, but was preoccupied with lamenting, gripping the covers as she remembered more and more. "*holds her hand* You can do it but...Take your time if you have to.." I try to encourage, "Ok..*takes a deep breath* So...Me and my parents lived good lives..Until..." she began.


"*hears a ton of water burst through the window behind mom* Mommy! WATCH OUT!"

"*sees her mom frozen in fear, gasps* Get down! *quickly holds Perle and her mom in arms, forcing a tight huddle*"

"*gets swept and flown out of the house by the blinding torrents of water* (I...I cant see, daddy..Please save us..)"

"(Im sorry...you..two..) *grip slowly starts to give while getting rushed to the surface* (No..I have to-) *gets struck downward into the flood by a sudden waterfall from a building, doesn't feel one of them* (! I..I lost one of them?..Is...Is this it?)"

"*still underwater with dad, tears get wiped by him, can now see him underwater* (D-daddy...?)"

"(I...I really lost her..) *swims to the surface* (She was able to open her eyes underwater..So..She can at least help..) I cant make it at this rate..Im sorr-"

"*holds dad tightly* DADDY, NO! YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!"

"...*pets her head* You have water powers..I dont know how, but you have to try your best...*starts sinking* To save..Everyone...Else..."

"DADDY! COME BAAACK! *pushes a massive tidal wave forward*"

-Flashback fades from there-

I start to tear up, lamenting with Perle after she told her story..."That's enough..*holds her tightly* Im..So sorry about that...I..I really had no idea.." I try to empathize, and Perle welcomed my embrace. She kept silent for a while. "Goodness. That's so terrifying for anyone to go through..If only you lived with us, where it's peaceful" Vanilla said lowly, "I...I miss *hic* him more than ever..*hics* TTmTT" Perle said while soaking my shirt, "...There's a small chance but..I think we can still find him" I said to her, making her open her eyes to me, "You'll..D-do that for me?" she asked in awe, "Of course..We should give it a try" I replied. It brought a smile to Vanilla's face as she saw the two of us become closer..Even if she wants to get "close" to me too.

On her way back, Rouge sees Avarice chill on the hood of her car. "*Waves as she flies down in front, gets off of car* I was starting to get a good tan yknow" Avvy said with a laxed smile, "*stretches wings* Boy do I wish I was you, honey. All mellowed out and such while I have to fly all over the place suddenly. If it weren't for the ride, these girls would've fallen off by now" Rouge comments, "Those girls?" Avvy asked, pointing at her big tits, "Haha, real funny. Now let's get in, we're burnin' daylight" Rouge said before they both enter the car and they ride off. "Got anywhere to be, Av?" Rouge asked, "Hmm..Well..There's just this one thing" Avarice said with a sinister smile, "(What's that look all about?) One thing, eh?" Rouge responds, "Let's not worry about it now, but I tend to.. Off the clients that dont deliver. *sees Rouge look stern* I can tell you're a material girl too. We have that in common. *sees her look is unchanged* Another thing we have in common is..Well..The thrill of stealing. Getting away with it is always the fun part, aint it?" she said, surprising Rouge after a blink, "And how do you know about this?" Rouge asked, "*giggles* Another bat girl told me a thing or two about you. She practically knows everything there is to you, even" Avvy answered. "(Bat girl...? I dont like the sound of that..) *scoots the Emerald Radar under car seat* (...Should the search wait?..I'll do him this one favor...and that's it)" Rouge thought, inching the radar back out as her forehead started sweating. she then felt the radar buzzing on her foot and under the seat, "(The Doctor did say each of 'em kept one..) You have an Emerald on you, right?" Rouge asked, "Hmm? You need it? I'll let you borrow it, but give it back" Avvy replied, "Dont worry, toots. Im good with returns" Rouge replied.

Minutes later, we hear the door knock. Must be Bat-babe. On the way down, I took a glance through an upper window and was stunned to see Avarice walk out of the car with Rouge..What the hell...? Something's wrong here..Why'd Rouge bring her over? Who knows what'd Avvy could be scheming. I looked back and Perle had the same look. Thing is, with her, I dont think she can forgive easily. Rouge should know this.. "*opens the door for Rouge and Avvy* H-hey yo-" I said but Avvy pulls me into her big breasts, "Heeey~ Hope you can forget about our first meeting. We should start over ^^. *looks down, seeing me dazed from the smothering* (Hehe, this should put me in good graces) *sees Rouge looking a bit jealously* Mind if I stay for a bit, bats?" Avarice asked, "(Apparently she doesn't know I dont take too kindly to free-loaders. The company's nice, but having four under one roof is much for me) I only need the Emerald from you, so gimme. *Avvy gives the Emerald* Now wait here and behave like a good girl. I gotta send our man of the house to a date with his guy-crush" Rouge joked, "H-he's not my guy-crush, k?" I refute, "*giggles* If you say so, later boy-toy" Avvy said while seeing me and Rouge head out the door. Trying to let go of how she made fun of me back there, I took another look at her Tempest Boots. "Hmm...Couldn't you use those to fly faster?" I queried, "Oooo, I never tried but you can bet it'll be a bumpy ride. Not that we're unfamiliar with that" Rouge replied with a wink, "You...Dont have to remind me.." I respond, "Oh man up, will you? Not like she shoved anything up your corn-hole, did she? Remember how I almost did once? *sees me blush and look away* You gave me the idea to use these babies, so let's give 'em a go" Rouge said before grabbing my arm and thrusting into the air with a burst of wind coming from her feet, leaving a tornado behind. "*winds brushes against face, covers one eye* Now this is some speed! I should've thought of this sooner. Enjoying the trip? *sees me flopping around and out cold* I'll take that as a no. Well we'll be there in no time" Rouge said, following the train road leading to the Mystic Ruins from on high. Several minutes pass and she flies above the rocky entrance leading to Angel Island, but when she got there, she lands on the bridge with me, however the island wasnt there. "Huh. Maybe it- *sees it warp into place in front* Ah there we go. Ready boy-toy? *sees me unconsciously limp upwards while raising an arm in one hand* Jeez kid. *shakes me about, no effect* You better wake up when we get to Shadow" Rouge said with low brows. Shadow amasses a ton of energies in front of the Master Emerald while sitting on the Edge of the altar, then opens his eyes to Rouge. "*sees me limping behind Rouge, still being held by her hand* I was expecting that guy, not a damn rag doll" Shadow says with some disdain, "*sighs* Apparently my joy ride was too much joy for him. You may have to go easy on him" Rouge said, "I dont go easy. Not on anyone" Shadow replied, "...Well..You have at it with him. I'll do some sightseeing elsewhere. You can easily find me" Rouge said, letting me flop down on the ground. "*looks back at me* So that's him? You know the deal, Shadow. If you end up messing up the Master Emerald, it's you and me" Knuckles reminds, "You dont scare me in the least, Echidna. Go back to protecting in your sleep" Shadow replied, with Knuckles rolling his eyes, and Shadow jumps down. Shadow then picks me up by the shirt and slaps me across the face, sending me a meter backwards, landing on my head. "*quickly gets up, holds my bleeding head* Ow! What's the big idea?! *sees Shadow* Oh. Looks like we meet again" I said, seeing my purple Emerald rolling in front of me and I pick it up, "Even though you still seem like the same dumbass I met before, there's a different air about you" Shadow comments, "Could be how had an extended..'Encounter' with that blob chick, but yeah, Im still me and Im ready. Just dont make me call you Master, or anything" I respond, "Tch. Didnt come to mind. Now look, if you wanna learn how to use an Emerald, know that they need a wish from the user and it'll happen" he explains, "What if I wanna make you a girl?" I jokingly asked, "Focus. Make good use of it by feeling it first" Shadow told me, "Ok...*closes eyes* (Blast from my hand..Give me a mouth-laser...Give me a mouth-laser..!)...Nope, I just aint feeling it..Not a damn thing" I lowly said, "*gives me Chaos energy* Anything now?" he asked, "...Oh. I think I got something" I comments, "(Hmph..Just pathetic. Damn Humans..)" Shadow thought. He seemed to not be unable to have either resting bitch-face or a disappointed look on him. "Ok then, -Lifeform, you show me how you do these Chaos moves since you're a master at it" I said, "Heh. Gladly. Just dont get blown back. I'll show you a few" Shadow replied. The black hedgehog took a step back, "Chaos Spear!" he called out, swiping his hand in another direction, shooting an energy bolt that looked like lightning, blowing up a stray pillar and a tree. "Whoa! That was pretty cool!" I react, "Chaos..! *raises hand* Field. *generates a blue and purple, static-like shield, the grass on the ground within it start raising and disappearing* Anything caught in this is susceptible to more damage from any Chaos attack. Now watch this. *casts one hand upward slowly, the field charging the hand rapidly with a static effect* Chaos..! *Casts the same hand towards the seas* Obliterator " he called out again, a white light flickered and shrunk, making a huge, Chaos-based explosion that caused waters to separate and fly into the air, high enough for us to see that it rose above the floating island we were standing on. I stared in awe as it took a minute for the waters to finally settle but the whiter waters still spreading away from a center point. "Holy shit...Could Sonic even beat you now?" I asked, "Things would definitely get iffy for him now. Im far more powerful than last time we fought, but he likes to surprise me" Shadow replied, though not making me too faithful on Sonic's side, "I also have some degree of telekinesis with these powers, however that Echidna had to show me. Anyways, these are bigger scaled moves. Starting small, you have to be able to gain some Chaos energy first" Shadow told me.

So wishing...Gain the energy..I guess I got it? I fixed my jagged shirt and pants before standing still, focusing on the feeling of Chaos in me...Then after two minutes, "(Tch, this is taking too long)" Shadow impatiently thought, then hits me in the chest with a side-kick, pushing me backwards. "*coughs* Hey, what gives? o." I asked, "You can also gain it from combat and emotion" Shadow answers, "Emotion, eh? (Let's try this) *closes hands together* HmmmmmmmMMMmMMaaa...! *gets a bit of energy bouncing between my palms* (Cmoooon, Cmoooon! Gimme a sword! AUGH Dammit! Work!) *muscles tense up tightly* GYAAAAAAAAAGGHHHHH! CMON STUPID ENERGY! JUST LET ME DO THIS DAMN MOVE!" I shouted, starting to have an echoed voice as flickers of energy surround my body, and somewhat surprises Shadow. "(He's overdoing himself all for very faint energy. I should've figured he still needed more from the Master Em-) *sees a bolt forming in my hand* Hmm?!" he reacts, "Chaos...! *pulls a solid beam from my other hand, and gave the edge a sharp tip* Splitter! " I called out, holding it with both hands. "Let's give that power a test drive" Shadow insists, "If you say so" I said, running forward to him while getting the Chaos sword ready to swing at him, "! (this power's a bit more than expected) *slides backwards by activating Air Shoes' with a small fiery burst* Chaos...!" Shadow began, "(! He's going to do a Chaos attack, ri-)" I thought but I lost my line of thinking after hearing him snap, "Shield! " he finished, rising a big wall made of Chaos energies from the ground between us. I try to slash at it anyway, but a piece of my energy blade flies off from hitting it, like huh?! Not only did he do another move I haven't seen, but it's a defensive one? I jump to the side and dont see him after looking past the shield and i dont see him, "Huh? Where'd he-" I was about to say but suddenly he punches my stomach, rattling my body and making me lose control of energy I gathered in my body, the weapon disappearing. "Your training here's ove- Hmm?" Shadow then reacts, seeing me grab his ankle as I rose back on my face, "Im..not out. One more time" I insisted and he kicks me away, "Dont blame me if you end up dying" Shadow replied. I slid backwards on my feet, but collapsed onto my knees, still trying to get up. Just had to slip on my feet..huh?...I may have another move. Shadow sees me make the same Chaos Splitter as before, "*makes a Chaos Spear in one hand* Two can play that game" Shadow said, seeing what Im about to do. I should say the same to you. Running at him with the Chaos blade like before, then pull it back, which he wasnt expecting, and I pitched the blade at him, which he bended backwards to dodge it, "Nice tr-" he was going to say, but the blade get wobbly for a sec, tripping him on the way back from behind him, sending him a few feet into the air. "(I see. He had the thing still attached to his hand. Looks like he can really think on his feet. But) *flips backwards to face me* I got yo- What the?" Shadow reacts, seeing an arrow-like bolt of Chaos coming at him. He activates his Air Shoes to hover backwards in the air, and the arrow almost touches Shadow's face before disappearing, as well as the Chaos bow I planted in the ground at an angle. My knees give in and I fall on my shoulder. Heh, seems I used too much. "He's outta energy, Shadow. Lend him a hand" Knuckles insists, and Shadows does so like he did earlier.

"*body glows, scratches dissipate, and only standing on one knee, panting* How..was..that? eu-;;.."

"Hmph..You have potential. You'll definitely need me to give you the Master Emerald's power to do anything like that."

"So..None of that was..your own?"

"Seems as if my energy alone cant allow to do any of that."

"Master Emerald? *sees a big green emerald Knuckles is resting on* Oh that? Sounds like I need to keep it."

"*sees Knuckles overhearing me, looking at me in anger* Not with him here. He's been tasked to always guard that thing. Even if he ends up shattering it ever so often."

"I DIDNT MEAN TO, OK!? Dont rag on me all cuz I had to make tough decisions!"

"Sounds like he needs that Chaos training too."

"Speaking of that, we can stop here. You can go back to your girlfriend now."

"What'll you be up to?"

"None of your damn business. Go. *picks up green Emerald*"

"Going back to Government duties?" I asked, but Shadow doesn't say a word, then disappears in a blinding light. Geez, I all I did was ask. Knuckles caught my eye but really seemed like he doesn't wanna be bothered. Dont wanna mess with a guy named "Knuckles", so I walked away from the area, with the purple Emerald in my pocket. There was this cave that was kinda small and at one point had a door made of ice, which really threw me off. "What the hell...? How was that even *is suddenly falling* maAAAAUUUGGGH- WHY'S THERE A WINDY DROP-OFF HERE?!" I reacted, then found myself carried out of the gust and safely onto land in seconds. "*rubs eyes* Aggh some leaves got in my eyes there" I comment, "I see you're done with your little date with your boyfriend" said a familiar voice, "Tch. Really like thinking it's like that, eh? *opens eyes and clearly sees Rouge in front* Knew I heard a voice that was too alluring to mistake" I replied. "Hmmhmm, I hope my dog learned a few new tricks" she somewhat alluded, "Tricks is probably too nice a word. I basically need Shadow to come in when Im outta juice" I inform, then Rouge pushes me on a wall, grabbing my crotch. "Speaking of juice, let's see how much man-juice you have down here" Rouge said, making me blush as she yanked my scrotum, "B-bats, we're out in nature and-" I said but Rouge hushes me with a finger. She then lowers to my crotch, and unzips me. "*sees someone walking by, 12 meters away from us* R-rouge, there's someone who can see us out here /" I whispered, "*gets slapped in the face by my cock, eyes widening in surprise* Oh boy. You get excited when we can possibly get caught, huh? *sees me look away* Well guess what. I kinda want him to watch" Rouge then whispered back with lewd, squinty eyes before she casts her mouth over my dick. My knees get weak quickly but Rouge held me up by grasping my ass, making me straighten up instantly. Her tongue lapped my tip several times and lightly nibbles it to secure her effective stimuli...yknow, to make me hard as a rock. Rouge's ass shifts side-to-side, distracting me from wolfing down my shaft with a sharp tooth cutely showing. My eyes tighten and my vision blurs from pleasure. I was getting sucked off by a voluptuous bat girl that's a pseudo-milf, and I quickly didnt want her to stop. She had me drooling in heat in no time as her other hand crawled up my pelvis and under my shirt with her cold gloves. "HmmMmmm~ *smacks lips off of my cock, stroking me* we should have public sex more often. *lowers eyelids at me* Dont you think it's fitting for an outlaw like you? *sees me shyly look away again* Or should I ask..Will you be my lil' outlaw? It's a step up from being just my boytoy yknow" Rouge asked, coaxing an answer out of me, "I..If..If I can feel this good with you..Yes, I'll...be your outlaw" I complied, showing more of my dirty side as dusk began to loom. "That's more like it" Rouge replied before getting back to her slobbery suckling, this time with more force, making me grit my teeth, as if she was sucking the life out of me. She then pinned against a stray, wooden hut, giving her more leverage to giving a better already-excellent blowjob, her smooth lips then kissing my pelvis. Without thinking, I started touching her big, white floppy ears, finding it pleasurable to feel them too. "*looks at my hand, takes out my cock again* You like my ears too, eh? Glad to see that you appreciate all of me" Rouge comments with a smirk, then sees my penis twitching, "Looks like you're ready to blow. I know what else you also appreciate. eue *turns around, bends over, rubs ass up and down my body* Doesn't that feel good~?" Rouge asked in a stimulating manner, fitting my dick between her booty cheeks in seconds, making me also feel her short tail with my shaft, giving a confident smile. "O-of course.." I said a bit franticly, "Say 'Oh yeah, you're an expert, baby'. Cmon" she wanted me to repeat, "O-oh..Oh y-yeah, you're an exp..perrrt..! *pumps my sperm all over her tail, flying down aaon her back and ass cheeks*..Baby" I lowly repeated, moaning and panting from an orgasmic buttjob. "*bends over even more, holds the knees and spreads my jizz on my stomach* Mmm, looks like someone was loaded for me. *still feels my hardness* and it looks like you have more in the tank. Ok then.. *gives a devious smile, turns to me, and puts one leg over my waist, then switches places with me* Give me all you got, hunk" Rouge ordered, wanting me to fuck her batty brains out in a corner of the open field. My heart fluttered, peeling off the heart-shaped piece of her outfit, unleashing her big bat-tits on my chest with my eyes widened, and my sights stuck on them while sliding down her rubbery suit, to where I can see her wet vag, with her pheromonal scent from down south reaching me. "It's as if you've first seen my body in all it's glory again. Or is it also the outdoors?" Rouge converses, and...Look, Im VERY ready to pump this bat, but the guy...I look back, and that he's gone for the moment..Then heard a few steps. Close ones. They keep getting louder, and Rouge sees that Im frozen stiff, making her get impatient, then with a quick thrust of her waist, my cock jets into her pussy, and I instinctively overwhelm her mouth with mine, for not only to silence us, but to apparently make for some tense lip-locking. The explorer walks past us as my cock inches into Rouge's cunt, curling into her insides as she squeezes on me, making her breathe heavily and moan into my mouth as I try my best to hold in mine. "(MMM..! T-that's right, partner..You're..You're so close)" Rouge thought to herself when my tip was about to press her G-spot. By the time I was slow-fucking her, my pre-cum squirts on her G-spot, "Aaaa..AaaAaauugh~!" she moaned a bit loudly as her wings fluttered with her increased excitement, making me go faster into her while I was licking the front of her fangs; A very red blush can be seen on my bat girl's face. This was enough to make the guy turn around to us, and when he sees me enjoying my time jamming into Rouge, with her expression getting more and more satisfied, he ran up the wooden stairs frantically, not believing what he was seeing. Luckily, the train stopped right in front of him, and he mashed the button for it to open while in a heavy sweat, wanting to escape the situation badly. I turned around for a sec and saw that he was entering the train. "(Phew. He didnt see us. Now I can finish the job)" I obliviously thought, going faster into Rouge, making her huge, perfectly round tits flop all over me, and we share moans that was as loud as our sloppy genital noises, echoing throughout the field, the birds flying away as a reaction. "Ooo That's right, big boy! Cum in this bada-bat's hole!" Rouge says to me in a dirty tone, making me maintain my pace as her personal pussy-pounder. We were stuck in this bliss for five more minutes, but another train can be seen that's pulling up..And we're right in front of where it drops folks off! "T-time's running out now. Let's pick up the pac- *is suddenly getting fucked way faster* Mmmmmm!Mmmmmmm! Oh yes, There we go! /o;;;" she said to me, embracing for my cock to erupt...And when it did, "AAAAaaAaaauugggh~! Yeeesss! _q_" she loudly moaned as I held one of her tits, and grabbed her ass with the other while my cock rattled her insides as I emptied my seedy contents into that hot womb of her's..Our backs stretched inwards as I finished painting her inside-out as her love tunnel oozed out with my cum-covered meat rod plucking out of it...and it apparently splatted the wall behind her too. After a minute of finishing our climax, "...Did..Did he just..Do it with a Mobian?" asked a pedestrian, with several others looking at us with a disturbed look, and Rouge putting on a shocked yet frozen face.. "(o_o...One guy watching was fine, but not this many. In that case..)" Rouge thought, putting on her rubbery outfit, dressing me quickly and activates her Tempest Boots, creating a gust around the two of us, blinding the visitors' vision, making them cover their faces from all the wind swirling about, reaching even the wooden stairs. A moment passes for the gusts to be gone, and they look back down to where we were, then could no longer see where we were, confusing them. Little did they know, we already were already in the air..Nor did I cuz my sexual high is still blurring my vision. "(Goodness, did that get embarrassing for me. We'll keep our lil' fun being closed doors..At least for a while ^u-)" Rouge thought, shooting us back home.

Soon flying above the house, we landed in no time, and I regained consciousness at this point. I looked through the window and see a few webs inside. "*knocks on the door* Hey! What's going on in there?!" I asked hastily, and Avarice opens the door, seeing a skeptic face on me. "Oh relax, Cream and them just wanted to play with my webs" she assured, and when I came in, Cream was jumping on the springy mid-air web like a trampoline and Vanilla was on another web, watching her daughter enjoy herself. "*looks around* Where's Perly?" I asked, "I drove her to school. She missed the bus this morning, so I used Rouge's car" Vanilla asked, "Ya see? Everything's fine, so no need to look tense" Avvy assured some more. Hmm.. I should still keep an eye on her. "*gives the Emerald back to Avarice, turns to Rouge* Hold the fort, bats. I'll go to school with Perly to keep her company" I told Rouge, "(I would still be suspicious of her too. Maybe she hasn't done anything since I have her Emerald) That's fine. *sees Vanilla hop off of the web seat* I'll go and get another piece of the Brass equip while you're out. *sees me and Vanilla head outside, turns to Avarice* As for you, Im afraid you'll have to hit the road" Rouge then ordered. "(Dammit! I gotta stay a bit longer. Think...) Hey, didnt I promise that I was gonna help you out by coming with you?" Avarice reminds, "Hmm.. You did say that, didnt you? Tell you what, I'll have you be a part of our heists to look for whoever this guy is. *steps outside, turns back to Avvy* After that, you're outta here" Rouge replied, stepping out as well. The moment when Rouge to flew off, Avarice goes through the back door, and goes off into her own separate direction, placing many mid-air web panels above her in a straight row, soon carrying her over the waters as she jumped onto them and grinds on them. "(If I lost Eggman as a boss and if batty-boobs doesn't want me at her place..I got the next best thing: The boss that's hired Minnavera. He's gonna love how I threw a wrench into everything and may give me a bonus when I let a certain experiment run amok. Even if it tries something funny on me, Im no stranger to my Emerald's power)" plotted Avarice, with a mischievous, excited smile on her face, closing in on the Freedom Fighter's HQ.

All this and more in the next chapter, thanx for the waiting for this but laters!