"I Have No Ties". Avarice's Partner.

Chapter 9: "I Have No Ties". Avarice's Partner.


Thinking about everything, it took alot in me to not make my head spin...This doctor of their's is a pretty damn shady character..Which gives me this question. "Do you girls know if...If this doctor made any more..I guess, organic experiments?" I asked, "*rubs glasses, squints at me* You..I knew you looked familiar" Mili began, "uh what? O___O;;;; (I-I don't like where this is going! <.>)" I react, "Pili, look through the files" she ordered her sister, "On it. *flips through older notes in a handful of books* Here...Her last- *bats at Mili* Our superior never mentioned if her last experiment was on a Mobian, right? Look at this" Pili says to her, "*comes over and looks at the pictures* ..Yes..That is him..*looks at me* After you, she stopped organic experimentation. She told me once that this sort of testing is too risky, in her words" Mili explains, "Risky....." I repeat, "After that flood..She found you" she reveals to me, "....what species?" I asked, "The documents say unknown, but it is your DNA that somehow gives water powers to others if spliced and extracted. However, the notes say that you ran out of that specific DNA..That means you must've had an organ that generated it..Hmm, the doctor had some fun with you" she unveils more to me...So...If I was Mobian...Then! "So I was turned into a Human?!" I asked, "It seems that removing that organ was part of the process. Maybe the loss of memory too, since you dont seem to know much of the flood, but chances are that you'd lose alot of it anyway after being hit by it" Pili says, making me feel very puzzled...But I..I feel just fine..This..There's no way...Did it even happen that long ago? "It's only been 4 years since that happened" Rouge brought up. "Hmm..Alright...Well look, let's head back" I said. As soon as I turn around, Mili grabs my shoulder, blushing. "Before you go..We...We still need to relieve ourselves..If it isn't too much to ask..Mind helping us?" Mili then asked, "*whispers in my ear* Say yes, there's a bunch of other valuables in here" Rouge quietly speaks to me, "Y-yeah..Just..Make it quick" I comply with them.

Unashamed, the sheep twins let go of their big tits and start rubbing me down with them, all over my upper body as they look a bit excitedly at me. I blushed hard, ignoring that one of them was unzipping me from the back and my arms unconsciously moved on their own, making me topless in no time. Of course they went further by flinging my big thing out and they immediately put me on my back. "Mmmmm, Pili, look at how big this one is" Mili says, "*goes ahead and wolfs it down, watching me wince for a moment and takes it out quickly* AHH! *jerks it* Yes yes, soooo big! I could barely fit it in my mouth for a sec" Pili replies, not able to contain much of herself, "(W-whoa girls! The moment they saw it, one went straight to suckin'! @ @)" I thought to myself, unprepared for such a quick escalation. Mili took her turn at sucking me off as well, putting it down her throat while having her tits pushed up against my rod, not minding that it's squishing against her sis'. They worked on my quick and...I know I said I wanted to make it quick but wow! One soon was deepthroating me again while the other was licking more at the base of the shaft, cuz apparently they were THAT horny. By the time Rouge was up the pathway with her bag full of those valuables, she heard me moaning louder and louder til she heard my climaxing cries, sounding off with the twins' pleasureful moans. "*keeps getting away* At least lover-boy's doing what he does best. I'll make sure to have myself a piece of him later though eue" Rouge says to herself while being on top of the building in a few more moments. I waved them a farewell while dragging my feet out and having Methel on my shoulder, making my way upwards. Rouge waited for a few minutes, then grew impatient and got me out of there so we can take to the skies. I wrapped Methel tight in my arms while being flown.

Perle stood over the top of the school building, staring out into the city, trying to combat her fear of heights. "*climbs all the way over the roof* (My senses..They're going off and having me come here. The air is oddly moist compared to everywhere else..) *looks over to the edge, seeing Perle's big ass bent over, but tries to ignore it* (S-so her, eh? Ok then)" pondered Mallow, "The hell you want with me?" asked Perle, with her look of frustration casting to him, "How'd you know I came up here? I was rather quiet and you're all the way over there" he asks. She then gathered the water particles that were unseen in the air, summing them in one hand, then into her body. Swaying her hip over, she turned to him. "You touched the wet air I made. I can feel that" Perle told him, "(! S-she can control water at will. Just like Methel, but she's way more active and advanced with it..What do I even tell her?) Y'see..I was wondering about why my nerves were acting up. It seems you are the cause of that" he told her, "...Listen pal, Im only waiting for Mom and my boyfriend to pick me up, k?" she replies, starting to turn back around. "...And who might be?" he asks, "Rouge..My..I don't know what to call him..But he calls her bat-tits" she answered. His eyes twitch, and his heart races while gripping his fists, with claws extending out upon him opening his hands. "That...That name...! Is that the woman who beat me..? That bat woman?" he asked, his breathing getting heavy, "(This guy..He's starting to get pissed for some reason) Yeah, she's my mom. What about it?" Perle answered, holding

a formed hand over an opened palm, aiming at him, "YOU?! That does it...IM GONNA KILL YOU FIRST!" Mallow howled in rage, flying at her. "(He's fast!) Duplicateur Tour [Duplicate Trick]!" Perle calls out, making a water clone of herself while ducking under his attack, while cuts the clone upward, then engulfs him, putting him in a water sphere as she rolls away from him, and reforms her hand signing, "Picoter [Prickle]!" she later shouts, sprouting tendrils out of the water sphere and start rapidly stabbing him, making the sphere quickly turn red as he can't breathe, unable to scream in agony. "(He should regret ever fighting me now...What the..) *sees him wildly cut through through sphere, quickly dropping him to the ground as his blood pours to the ground* He..He's got some balls to be able to fight through that. (While he's down..!) éclater la poussée (burst spurt)!" she shouted, giving him an explosive wave of water that was bursted from her hands, powerful enough to break and crack the ground he was on. The attack made some mist on him, but he quickly jumps out of it, stabbing down above her in no time, scratching down on her forehead, and she delivered a clean punch to his face. After landing on his back, they both shared an intense angered stare. "Screw using my powers..IM BEATING THE SHIT OUTTA YOU!" she yelled, making him get up immediately, and run towards her. Mallow then lunges at her with both claws, which she reacts by leaping back, catching both arms and pinning him to ground, preceding to stomp his head ruthlessly. Perle then started pounding the hell outta him with her fists from above, making his vision blur and see red in no time. Suddenly she's clawed in her legs, but that ended up making her even more angered and she continued her violent assault, even banging his head against the ground.

Rouge and me appear on the scene from high in the air, watching her throw him off the roof and into the ground below, shocking me. "Th...Wasn't that Mallow?! Boy, was she kicking his ass or what? *looks at her bleeding legs, gasps and runs to her* Perly!" I said worrisomely. My feet land with Rouge, but I stopped in my place when I notice her putting a mass of water on her legs, seeing them heal.

"I'll..I'll be fine."

"Well..You know that I couldn't help but to worry about you, especially when you get hurt like that."

"(That's..What is he doing?..He doesn't have to act so nice to me.) I was really giving it to him.. You know how good I am at fighting, so you shouldn't.."

"*grabs her hand, kisses her forehead* I'd still really care for you..I do love you after all, so..I don't know what I'd do without you."

"(*giggles* Ok then, Love Fiend. Acting all Romeo-like. eue)"

"Ok..When I get hurt..It's like..My body just moves on it's own. Next thing I know, the person's out cold on the floor.."

"But you threw him this time....Oh right! *bats to Rouge* Rouge, did you see where he went?!"

"Hm? Oh. *looks down, over the ledge* Im afraid we got a runner. Not even a trace."

"*tries not to look at Rouge's nice, round ass* (MmmmMmmMM- FOCUS!) Damn! Looks like we dont have time to talk when it comes to him. What was his deal anyway?"

"He has this gripe with Mom about some shit."

"Ah. Maybe because I knocked him down a peg. As well as his pride too. What a sore loser then."

"So what're we gonna do about him?"

"If he gets in the way again (Especially with my goodies! o\/o*), we'll have to keep beating him down, frame him, tie him up and lock him in a room. Anything to keep him out of our hair."

"(I'd sure as hell wanna drown him. I best not see his lame ass again!)"

"S-sounds like a plan, I guess. (I honestly dont know what he's thinking when he's risking to get on Rouge's bad side. -*-;;;) Im glad I hatched the idea of checking up on you here. So Shadow just decided to put you back here after you were done with being at HQ?"

"Yeah...He could've taken me home but wanted me to stay here instead."

"Maybe he thinks it's safer here?"

"I dont know..He's way more of a jerk than I thought..Where were you guys, and what's with the outfit?"

"(Crap, that's right! Uuuuuuh) In case Rouge had an itch to steal something and I get dragged in, I'd have this on so no one would recognize me. On the way back from getting an equipment, that is. (That should be good enough. My lying skills must be improving!)"

"(I dont believe any of that, or about what's in mom's bag, but I rather get into it. T.T) *sighs* Let's just go home. Im having a full day. *holds Rouge's bag for her*"

"You got it, brat. Hold tight now. *grabs both of our hands*"

"(If she feels she's having a long day..Well I am too, so I feel for her there. Thought I'd at least take care of three heists in a day, but that's apparently overestimating myself. I wouldn't be ready to tell her all this stuff I found out..I rather just be with her now..)" I ponder to myself, blasting through the skies with Rouge shooting strong winds out of her shoes while holding us up. We land at our house in 10 minutes, welcomed by Vanilla and Cream who come out the door, giving me a bit of energy from their warm greeting. Makes me think...Maybe it's best to keep all this a secret, cuz with them being here, it makes this home the best place ever. On the other hand, Cream would be so great to be with..She has no problems with around me, and never gets in trouble. 'Nilla wasn't joking about her being a "really good girl". Im not sure how Imma keep being with Perle, but it's real important to keep her happy, and her ship's sailed for Shadow. Rouge went up to her room to store her goodies, Vanilla sat downstairs to knit with Cream for a while, and I went to Perle's room with her. Alright man, perfect time to clear the air.

"Hey..Im all ears, so if you wanna say something, no stress, k?"

"That's..Kinda the thing. I am stressed. Things feel like they've been happening left and right. Barely a week since we've been together, we got two other girls living here."

"But they're good company, right?"

"Yeah but.."

"I know what you mean. Cant help being all tense when things just happen to ya. You just fought your toughest guy there too, huh?"

"That's getting me a bit too. When I fight someone, they usually dont last a minute against me."

"(T-that's..still a bit scary to think about. o o) Y-yeah, so.."

"So what?"

"N-nothing..Thought I had something."

"I know you're trying to help...Thanks..I really need someone like you.."

"(.....For the most part..._ _)"

"Mom can be real selfish. She's only interested in what benefits her."

"She..She's somethin' alright. I just wish it didn't get her into trouble."

"Wish she didnt always want to squeeze my tits too. Even that gets irritating. Dealing with these big boobs is bad enough _ _*"

"Im sure anyone would feel real relieved after squeezing theme. ^ ^"

"...(Was he trying to give me a compliment?)"

"At any rate, what you feel like doing?"

"*yawns* Sleeping. Today's been just been getting to me. Of all things to happen, I still got no clue about Dad."

"(Well..That'll have to wait til tomorrow.) Y-yeah. Wish I could do something about that."

"So if you wanna sleep with me, that's fine...Well I want you to be in bed with me."

"(Ooooo, Im making some progress then) To help you sleep?"

"....Just do it" she orders, and I comfortably spoon up to her, both of us being under the covers. I stroke a hand into her hair, trying to comfort her. My pacing slows as we whisk our consciousness away into slumber. Even this was trying, since a feeling was growing in my stomach. Something sorrowful..It's from her. It was bothering me enough to keep me awake, but solidifying this, a whimper breaks the silence.

"*puts a hand on her cheek* Perly?"

"*puts a hand on mine*.....I..*hicks* Im not..Im not getting anyway.."


"It's not fair! All I wanted to do was find out about what to my dad, and we don't have anything!"

"Perly, dont..."

"Im..Im telling that bimbo-mom of mine what she knows! She has to know something! *cries some more* S-she has to!"

"...(I dont think she'll listen to the whole 'You dont need a dad' thing..If she wants answers.....) No Perle..You dont have to.."

"Why the hell not?!"

"Cuz...I was hoping to tell you this tomorrow, but you really wanna know now..I still dont think you're ready now..."

"Ready? Th..W-what're you talking about?"

"...You..Dont one.."

"O O...TT.TT h-huh..That..ca-"

"You were made from a Mobian...You're her other half..Im sorry but..You dont have a dad...."

"OoO..*gets on top of me and grabs my shirt, peering down on me with tears falling* How the fuck could you know?! YOU DIDNT GO ANYW-"

"I went with Rouge to somewhere..We found out without you...We found the scientists."

"no..*buries head into chest* noNoNONONO! THAT CANT BE TRUE!"

"They even told me..That I was a Mobian..I dont know what to think either..Im trying not to...yknow....Let it get to me.."

"...what's her name?"

"Methel...She has the same powers as you..But because of me..Whatever I had, my extracts could give others powers. It was all a big biology project. Their head professor somehow turned me Human."

"But that..There's.."

"It might explain why I can't remember something like that flood..or dont know about Chaos, Sonic, and all these other Mobians.."

"Then...What even were you?"

"...Even they didn't know..Same for that girl, it seems. She didnt have a tail. I didnt notice at the time, but had most of your looks, and has red eyes. I'd say you came out better looking than her."

"(..Thanks..I guess..)"

"Then there's her partner..I dont know what to make of him. He looks like a hybrid..Maybe..Just maybe, Im a split of him."

"...The emeralds."


"Mom told me the emeralds can be used to make wishes come true..That professor must've used it while playing doctor on her guinea pigs.."

"That's..What Shadow also told me about what Chaos Emeralds could do."

"How...How am I half of someone, AND I DONT EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT?!"

"They really didnt give a fuck about our memories. I feel more pissed about that than anything now."

"Then Mom...."

"She was learning all this with me. *sees Perle turn her side into my chest, holding herself* Look...We're still us. Knowing all this doesn't change who we are. It doesnt change my feelings for you. *sees her stay silent* Perly..I dont care what you are..All we can do is do better for ourselves now" I told her as we stare into the ceiling together. The night was very still here, yet we never felt so close. My foxy girlfriend's demeanor..It was changing ever so slightly, by the minute. "Say...If I have no real parents..What about those parents that took care of me?" Perle asks, "Those scientists said that was when you were first adopted. With Rouge, this is the second time you got adopted" I told her, "Im a half-daughter..How crazy is that? Im not even sure if that's what it can be called but..I feel more relieved than finding my real dad...I have no ties. Im my own thing" she comments, "You have one with me. Aren't we together?" i asked, "*giggles, feels something hard and stiff* Ugh really? *looks back, seeing me nod, scoots body upward* You just cant get enough of my ass, huh? ee" she says, "Dont know who can. Shadow's really missing out if you ask me" I reply, "You know how many times mom gave him hints about wanting it? He always acts as if he has a stick up his ass, and yknow what? I cant even get mad anymore if you ever did her. At least I get most of the fun from you" she says some more, "(T-that'll have to be later ;¬ n¬) Wanna know what else you can stick up the ass?" I asked a bit suggestively, "WhaaaAAAAAAA! M-my ass! MY ASS! >/////O" she moaned loudly, holding her pajama dress down as my cock shoots up her big ass. "Im sure you want more action now, right? eue" I asked, "...Y-yeah..*moves hips up and down, giving me a show from behind* I..Kinda like getting fucked..Like this -///-" she said, starting to heavily breathe, "Well I wanna hear more. Sooo *grabs her shoulder and pulls her down on me, shoving the cock all up in her ass in no time, holding her mouth right before she screamed out a moan. tries best not to moan out loud too, sweats* U-uh huh..Now just let's enjoy the ride.." I said to her, slowing banging her ass and squeezing one of her tits in the other hand, soothing her. Her eyes close as she moans into my hand while fucking her ass..MMmmMmmMmm, good as ever too. Got really tight on me and everything. I took my hand off of her, placing it so that Im squeezing both titties, and she was moaning, looking really into the intercourse we were having. "Mmmmm~, give it me..Your hot-ass, fox Mobian lover..Gimme more of that cum, you fucker" she said deviously, going faster on me. Being a bit out of practice (even for several hours or so) I got weak-kneed. Perly held my knees and rapidly slams her ass down on me while Im still inserted, rocking the bed, making me near to busting in her. Unable to last another minute, I squint as my penis explodes into her rectum, her mouth gaped open with a "AAAAAHHHH~~ YEEESSS~", and her body vibrates in fatigue, enjoying the anal sex. We found ourselves panting in no time together, more me than her though. "I'll..*short of breath* L-last longer next time...>///>" I said to her, "Hehe, you better" she replied, and we were falling asleep like this in the same position as my penis slides out of her cheeks upon shrinking. She seems..Alot more content since this lil reveal I told her..Didnt think it'd ever go like this. Least..Tonight will be easy on me. With that last thought, my body shuts down.

Morning came up for us quick, as if I only slept for a moment. What really woke me up was a stroke of a glove. "Had a good night's sleep you two?" asked Rouge....WAIT ROUGE?! "*opens eyes to Rouge* Mooooom, can you give it a rest? _ _" wearily said Perle, still slightly drowsy from slumber. With a giggle, and a shake of them tits at me (REALLY MAKING ME WAKE UP), she walks out the door, without her "brat" noticing her advances. I kept my composure as I saw Perle get out of bed, undressing slowly. "Y-yeah, good morning..Guess you slept well" I said to her, "Would've been better if she didn't step in like that. Least she wasn't doing much this time" she replied, brushing her hair down with a nearby comb in front of a mirror, "U-uh huh..Glad too" I lied, simultaneously concurring...Oh yeah, I think I've been just wearing the same clothes since I started staying here, soooo. "Since you're preparing for school, Im gonna head to the store with Ms.BoobsAlot. Been needing some new clothes. *scratches arms* Starting to itch a bit too, and I know you guys don't shed" I told her, "*chucks lightly* Ok. Have fun at work, hon. Dont let her take advantage of you, ya hear?" she replies, dressing in casual wear and gets a backpack. In no time, the bus can be heard outside. "Ah damn, there it goes. *kisses my cheek, opens the door* Later" Perly said while rushing out the door. I come out the door too, met with a giggle from Vanilla, catching my attention. "She's more energetic than usual. *looks at me* Wish I can say the same for you, sleepy-head. You two must've had quite a bit of 'wrestling' before bed" Vanilla comments, as cheeky as ever, while Cream looked confused. My ears caught sounds of fire turning on, and there Rouge was, making something to eat already. Quite a morning so far, eh? The atmosphere feels very positive despite my secret ties...Though, things felt like everything turned over it's head once I lock eyes with (my) BimBat.

"I...I can already see it...You got alot planned for me, huh? > ~>"

"We already have alot of plans, mmhmhmmm. I'll let you go first."

"Well..Im overdue for getting some clothes for myself. I wanna take care of that first."

"That'll take no time. Now aside from these heists we have to pull off, we should get the next two government equipments. I know pulling off these bigger get-aways will take some extra utilities."

"What if I get just more firepower?"

"That'll work too."

"What about Methel?"

"Oh half-brat? I'll have her keep company with the granny and her kid. We have bigger fish to fry, ya see. Bad time to have kids drag us down."


"Even though you're fond of kids these days."

"It- It's not even like that! I just.. >///<"

"Just like 'em young? eue"

"Dont even go there..Perly's..Coming around..And can be sweet."

"But Cream is sweeter. She tastes like it too, right? eue"

"I...You know I won't answer that..*watches her plating the food out*"

"Now eat before we take off. Cmon in, girls!" Rouge shouts to Cream and Vanilla as they walked in. Something about the air here now feels...Off..I dont know about this, when it comes to..Seeing..Well..These hot chicks I've banged, and Im keeping steady with a hot minor now..It's nice that they get me going, but now how am I gonna balance this out?...But 'Nilla's tiddies though. Im just dying for more of those @q@. Speaking of her, she stares at me waiting for me to do something...Oh! Im the only guy in the house. To keep up our deal, I pushed a chair out for Cream and pushed her into the table. "What a gentleman you have, right Cream? ^ ^" she said with a smile, and Cream happily nods. I would feel used but I'd say she'll easily make it worth my while...Speaking of her. "*sees me looking down, walks walk to me* Mind if we talked for a moment?" Vanilla inquired, "Ummm, about what?" I asked back, "Just something I wanna keep private" she answered, "Alright but- HEY!" I then react while being pulled on by the arm by her, whisking me away to Perle's room, surprising everyone. "Well that happened" Rouge simply reacts, continuing to eat. "*quietly shuts the door* So, where're you going?" asked Cream's mom, "I do have a plan or two after eating..You've seen my equip before. It has to do with that" I reply, "Oh ok then. I was hoping you weren't going to go elsewhere, like saaaay another girl's house. *sees my puzzled expression* Cuz well...Venus..Told me about a deal I got forced into last night..^___^;" she began. Dammit, right when I just wanted a productive day, here comes bimbo-blob trying to fuck us...Not just literally. "She knows about Shadow's ruthlessness towards me and her, so she's been trying to think outside the box to have her own sorts of fun. The deal is...If me or her catch you cheating on my daughter, she'll do alot of...Forceful things to you. *sees me sweat in fear, unaware of the chills down my spine* (And me) Sooo try your best to keep Cream happy, ok? Well ^^...T-that's it. Let's finish eating ^^;;;" she finishes and I take deep breathes as we exit.....Sorry but this bitch gotta go. It's like she doesn't know her place, or that Shadow will put anyone in danger to get rid of her ass, INCLUDING ME @-@!

Once we got to the table, we continued eating. "*clears throat* So uh...Did we miss anything?" I asked, "Oh just the parts of us talking about you two having sex" Rouge informed, "*COUGHS LOUDLY* H U H?" I react, almost choking on my food as Cream blushes with a faint smile, "O O....I-Im glad you two have been...Starting off fast. ^///^;;;;" Vanilla comments, "(Boy does someone want a turn or what?) I was gonna ask how she'd feel if you and me did-" Rouge says, "Done- Let's get going. O O" I hastily interrupt, eating faster than anyone realized, and I jet upstairs with her to her room. "*quickly catches breath* DONT ASK HER THAT!" I shout in panic, "Whoa- Easy now. It won't kill ya if I were to ask" Rouge replied, "(....I dunno about that but it's not looking good for me) Well..I don't wanna put her through that. Let's just get to this GUN equip base or whatever the hell it's called" I rushed, "If you say so, but..*grins* You look like you need some 'motivating'. *grips the collars of the robe, slides hands down, popping large, round tits out by opening the cleavage area as they bounce about* You like? eue" she redundantly asks, "O.O....Y-y-y-yes I do OqO" I replied (as anyone would figure), and my mouth gaped some more when she lets the robe fall off her body, exposing that mesmerizing plump, orange body of her's. She struts on to her the closet, and she grabs the handle, "*glances behind* You can take 'em off now. *sees me locking eyes and that I take my off clothes in seconds* Good boy~ ( ̄ ��� ̄)" she says in a gleeful tone, rewarding me with a full moon from her as she bends over after opening the closet. Getting a great view of DAT ASS @m@. As she shifts and moves her booty around, searching for a moment, she gets the uniform and struts over to me. That smirk never left her face as she presses them HUGE TITS ON ME, WAIT HUH?! "*looks up at me* Is there a problem here? Well? You got stiff on me, stretch. *feels my boner poking the vaginal lips, jumps a bit* Oh, looks like your body's not the only thing that's stiffened. Hmhmhmm, I'll end the fun like so. *throws the suit on the bed, gets on tippy toes and kisses my mouth* Now get dressed, boytoy" she told me while going back to her closet to get her outfit. I still stared for a moment. Mmm I just cant get enough of her sexy ass (♡⌓♡). AHEM. Dont wanna burn daylight and ruin the pacing of the story even more. I put on the purple ninja suit on and by the time I finished, so did she. Fuck, the moment I turn away! "Alright Mr.Devito, to the skies we go" she ordered. Why does she have a dozen names for me?

Rouge jets us to a nearby store with her tornado shoes or whatever they were called, and makes me wait on top of the building. Few minutes go by, I see her shoot off into the distance...OK apparently she's making me wait even more, fan-fuckin-tastic. A black streak zips by me, which took a moment for me to realize. "Huh? *looks behind* The hell was that? Maybe Shadow? Whatever it is, better not come after me...Not that Im saying I can take him, just hope Rouge comes back asap TT+TT" I said in slight panic. Before I knew it, I was snagged off my feet by none other than pseudo-milf herself. "Missed me that bad? Dont worry, boytoy. We got somewhere to be. *shoots through the skies with me, holding both of my arms* Plus what I buy will come out of your lil pay" she then informed me. But I only worked for one day! Im gonna be her slave at this rate _ _. By the time we arrived at the place, landing on it's grounds, we already hear some noises coming from within it. "Someone's here?? (But how? This- A normal Mobian couldn't get in by his/herself..Unless, they were to travel in the seas right under me!) Hurry!" Rouge ordered, running inside as I quickly followed.

What was it that she said before? Something about these bases being underwater. So whoever this is..Once we went into the large room of the base, we see him holding crimson armor in his hands. "Caught red-handed! [No pun intended] Put it down or else! *sees him look at me* Y-you again?! You're that Gingerback guy!" I shouted, "....Oh yeah, you were that one guy I beat by blowing away" Rouge remembered, "DRRRRGG..!!! That wont happen this time! *hears a ton of ringing zipping from ear to ear* DAAAAHH! What- What IS THIS?! STOOOP!" he shouted, "(That's right, now get out of there immediately and give me what you got from the base)" said a voice. Confused, I looked to Rouge, who was calmly thinking to herself. Mallow bats his head up at Rouge, "*runs in at her, has claws out* YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE...!!" he loudly growled, and Rouge swings her leg swiftly, giving him a tornado-kick from her gear, however he suddenly twirls around flying at her and slams through her while a shield emits from his body, sending her flying to the right. "Rouge! (Just what the hell did he do?!!) *looks back at him, seeing him slide backwards with his claws dug into the ground, and notices energy coming out of the holes of the armor, looking like blazing fires. gasps* The equip! It's a thruster and a shield generator!" I said upon discovery. Shit! How're we gonna win when he got something that good? He's already very strong on his own! "Call Shadow here! We need him to-" I said, "No..*coughs, stands up* (There's still my other gear I can use..He was acting funny a second ago too) I can still beat him" she interrupts, surprising me. What's she doing?! She cant get through his shield with anything! Starting off, once he thrusters himself to Rouge, she does the same with her tornado boots, which she turns off for a split second and jets upward, making him crash into the ground after trying to land a big scratch. Nice! Even sweeter is that she quickly landed on him. Mallow tries to send out a shield, but it crumbles upon being emitted out. "*grabs both of his ears* Cover your ears for this one, pal. *sees me cover my ears, heart piece glows while breathing in* (Mess with me will ya...! oVo*) OOOOOAAAAaaAAooOoOOOO!" Rouge echoed a loud howl into his head, "AAAAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGHHH! GET..OFF..MEEE!" he screamed in agony, rolling her off of himself. "(What're you doing? You were supposed to get out of there a minute ago! Get outta there now!!)" a voice shouted in his head, "Gggrrrrr! *holds on aching ear, now pulsating* I'll be back for you next time!" he angrily said, running away initially before activating the armor's propulsion jets to fly off.

I saw Rouge take a breather from that last move she did. Surprised my ears didn't bleed from that one, and I closed them off. "Let's..Try to make our way to the next GUN base. Aside from the one we need to do a heist for, that's the last one that's underwater" Rouge informed with a wince, "Why do we have to steal the last one?" I asked, "GUN feels like it's too dangerous, even in my hands, so we'll have to get millage out of the next one we'll get. With that one part he got away with, the brass wont be complete, so be aware if it acts up on you" she answers, "I'll be aware" I reply. Swiftly getting snatched up by Rouge, we flew into the skies, worry weighting in our hearts. Then I thought..."Uh Rouge, where's that Avvy girl?" I asked, "Hmm...Shadow didnt say anything about seeing her..I've got the feeling that she hid after spreading Ve-" she almost finishes, but gets insnared by wet six legs, making Rouge suddenly drop me. "WhOAAH SHIT! *shoots a crystal beam into the water, making a floor below me, crashes into it shoulder-first* Ouch..O.- *looks up at Rouge, who gets bear-hugged by Avarice as a web patch hovers them in the air* (How the hell...? I gotta do something!)" I then thought. "*opens wide mouth with a devious smile, showing sharp teeth* I got you now. This is always what I wanted, you dying in my arms" Avvy maliciously told Rouge, "How'd you..Know I was here..? Ghhhhn!" Rouge grunts and winces, "I followed you from the city, then underwater. You couldn't see my shadow since you were so high up. Now shhhh. *looks down at her pushed up tits, blushes and smiles some more* Mmmmmm they make me wanna love you, inside...*squeezes harder* AND OUT!" she sadistically said, "AAAAAAGGGHHH!!!" she screams in pain, her back now audibly cracking, "STOP! *aims the Brass' hand at Avvy, but gets stomped down on* ! Who the- *gets kicked away, sliding to the edge of the platform. Looks ahead, seeing her land* An..AN accomplice?!" I react, seeing a curvy Mobian with black fur, a big middle tooth, three big hair bangs, black and white make-up, a large bushy tail, and a dark leather jacket, "That's right. They call me Azalea. *grows out long claws from fingers* Now get ready to die" she said with her sharp fangs showing. The tail..The fangs..I see flaps under her arms...Wait-wait-wait, she's a flying-squirrel with sharp teeth? "So you're a...F-flying-" I began, "Lion-squirrel, correct. Now your prize..! *blows a ton of air from behind with a swipe of the claw, cutting through the crystal floor. Looks to the right, seeing I rolled away, with blood pouring below a leg* That'll be your last dodge" Azal says. I looked up, still seeing in a bind, and- AUGH! My eye! I rubbed my eye and see blood in my hand. My head is bleeding?! But I dodged! She has wind as her power, right? Drrrgh, I might as well do this. I shoot a strong beam of crystals from a hand at her, "*dices the crystals up in an instant with a swipe from both claws* They might as well be made of paper. She told me about your weak little crysta- *sees through the crystal chunks in front to see a pillar of crystals* Hmm?! Where'd he- *looks up and sees me rising upwards while on the building pillar* (He's getting better at using it, eh?) Oh no you don't!" she shouts, slicing up the mounds of crystals while ascending with wind from her back. "(Just as I thought. I can't beat her one-on-one, so I'll do the next thing) *jumps backwards, seeing that she's still got her eye on me, shoots a row of lucidities at both of the girls* (By forcing them to make a decision! Either this stuff makes Avarice let her go, or I capture one of you)" I thought, "(Ooooh someone can finally think on his feet? Well think again eue)" she thought to herself, making my projectile get shredded by her webs, "*drills upward, leaps out of the pillar, making a big downward cut into my chest quickly, blood flies through the air* Nice try, little boy, but you'll need more than a cheap trick like that to get out alive" Azal scolds, "Look...again.." I faintly said, pointing behind her. When the "sharp" foe looked behind, she's met with a spinning, visceral cocoon behind shoved into her side as tons of air cannons out of the thing, tearing up that area of Azalea's body as the wires turn red. The traumatic pain makes Azalea drop into the water as cocoon unravels, revealing that Rouge was pushing Avvy's back into her own sharp webs, resulting into her torn up back. "Phew..(I knew I had to wait for the right time. I couldnt just use them while I was captured at first. Any later and she would've made sushi out of him)" Rouge thinks tiresomely, dragging me out of the water and flying us off. "*sees us escaping* (Avarice..She said they were formidable..Of all things to beat me..) So....Close.." Azalea said with dread and in intense pain, fainting while floating at sea.

Very drained of energy, she snags one of the brass gauntlets off of me, and shoots a bunch of crystals into the waters, making us a platform. The two of us were just a dozen feet from the upcoming base. "*heavily pants* (I...Haven't been pushed this much in a while..And lover-boy over here is bleeding out) *presses into ear comm* Shadow...I need your...Help..Come in..*hears no response* (We didnt even do a heist today..Of all times..What could he be...Up to..)" Rouge thinks to herself, then collapses on the cold flooring of the lucid platform, the sea fortunately still so they don't drift away. We weren't sure of what this next upgrade to the brass was gonna be like, but hopefully it better be worth all this trouble, cuz if not....Well yeah that'd be lame as all hell. Then something happens here. An energy sphere hovered out of the base we were short distance from, though it hovered ominously. This approached us, floating in front of me, with an unseen smile appearing on it, "Hhhhheheheh, you're getting real close to me...Good~" it emitted in voice form. The energy sphere went into the gauntlets and a large light pillar shoots into the air, encasing both me and her in it.

Oh no! For the first time in like forever, Rouge is powerless and this suddenly happens? Will this spell doom or is this where things truly turn up? Who exactly was speaking there? Will all these questions be answered? I cant promise that! Now when the next chapter drops, but expect more to happen!