An Infernal OFG. The Cunning Partner.

Chapter 10: An Infernal OFG. The Cunning Partner. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Out of the pillar of light, walked a dark-clad fellow, with long white hair and the pieces of the armor were floating around him. "EhEHaaaHAHaHAHAhaHaaah!!" laughed a resounded, yet distorted voice from the armor, with powerful purple aura so brilliant that the very skies were being changed to that color. Unconscious, Rouge's body was morphing, bit by bit, to look more primal and bulkier. "YeeeesSSsss. This World..All is mine..For the Taking!" the voice said while quaking the ground and stepping forward, "I dont think so. *sees the being turn around* You'll need far more than smoke and mirrors to get through me" Shadow told him, walking to the side, behind him, "Hmmhmmmhmmmm, then let me test your Medal" he replied while gripping his fist. Now where am I in this situation? Im there..But..."*wakes up* hgghnn..What the..Huh?! *sees the skies turning purple* Why's the sky like this?! *looks at my blue hands, then looks at the rest of my bluer body* Am I...A ghost?! I cant be dead now! *looks at Shadow and the darkened armor standing in front of him* No...It's acting on it's own! Shadow! Can you hear me?! *sees him not respond* Nothing..Looks like no one can hear me..*looks at Rouge, growing and tearing through her clothes* W..What's wrong with her.....?" I asked myself in awe.

"*traps the armored foe into a sphere of chaos energies, makes another hand glow* (It's dense like Chaos power...But is it as durable?)" Shadow wondered, balling up the energy-encased hand into a fist, "Chaos...! *leaps into the air, dodges his kick* Implosion! *crushes fist into his gut area, making a focused impact happen there, blowing a big hole in the armor, turning the area black and white* (So it really is just a bunch of armor..But this immense energy. GUN must've gathered this much in it as a secret weapon) *gets grabbed and thrown down* (Hmm?!)" Shadow reacted, landing on his head thunderously. He gets back up and is quickly locked in arms with the powerful figure. "Chaos...! *kicks him away* Control!" Shadow used, stopping time and gathering a mass of chaos energy in one hand. However, right when he was doing so, he gets decked in the face. "*wipes blood off of face, looks at him as he moves forward* ! (Someone..That can walk through my Chaos Control...? People with chaos powers could only do such a thing..This thing leaves me no choice then)" Shadow was thinking, "HAhHAhHHAHAhAAA, that little trick wont work on me..! *sees a ring from his wrist drop* Hu-" he was reacting, then had a part of his head blown off from a punch, but Shadow didnt move his feet. "Tell me your name. It'd feel more satisfying to say it once Im done beating your ass" Shadow demanded, "I have none, but..*turns head back at him while gaining pieces back* My Codename...OverFiend...!" it said with a devious smile coming to it's face, "(Nothing I can truly take lightly with such a name) *sees parts of the base collapsing inward* (I might as well have Chaos Control still up and take him down here before Rouge and everything here get crushed by his heavy presence..And I have just the plan)" Shadow then plots to himself, kicking him up into the skies, with the Fiend armor shooting a blast at him, only to be kicked away. The two exchange many punches and kicks on each other while falling down to the ground. A big puff of dirt kicks up under them as they landed, with a towering pillar of embers come out of the metallic enemy's back. "*is punched away from him* I'd..stop if I were you" Shadow told him, "Hmhmmhmm, and why should I? *looks at armor plates start to emit dots of light* Huh?! When did-!" the armor reacted, "*takes down the Chaos Control and clicks the 2nd inhibitor ring* Chaos Pins. I can make each be negative or positive Chaos energy. With our little brawl, I felt more negative from you, so with all those positives in you, all it takes is one step to blow you into pieces...Or.." Shadow alluded, scaring his enemy in place and dismayed take another step. "Is...Did he just win? *sees him toss his ring on him and blew up, the armors scattering high into the air* ...J..Just like that...He still made it look so easy #.#...*sees him walk this way* Y-you can hear me?! How come you didnt-" I reacted but get my chin grabbed by him, "*tilts my head around* Because I was busy at the moment. Now get back in your body. *sees a glowing from behind, looks back, seeing the pieces of the armor swirling around a rocky core, pulsating with dense power* I dont know what the hell you are, something funny is going on here. *walks up to the core, grips it and hears a swaying sound from me, turns around, seeing me go into my body* Well I'll be damned" Shadow comments to himself, squeezing the thing tighter and my ethereal self gets secured into my body. Rouge starts reverting, but only halfway.

Soon, the two of us wake up, seeing the damage around us. Deep dents around us by the dozens. "What in the world..What could've even happened around here?" Rouge wondered, "My guess would be Shadow..*looks at my hands, seeing claws trying to come out of them* Things're looking real weird...But thanks to him, he saved us from...Something" I comment, "*looks at me* My where'd those big ears come from?" she asked, "Huh? *feels my ears, seeing that they're way bigger and floppier than before* ! (Could...Could my Mobian side be coming out?) HHMMMMMnnnNN!!" I loudly grunted, rolling my ears down to Human size and making them normal by force..Then I notice this armor..It has pieces missing.."Bat-boobs. Even if it's looking incomplete, I seem to be able to control my Mobian form this way, and...I remember seeing Shadow fighting a fuller version of this..My spirit self saw the whole thing" I told her, "Oh brother, first this whole thing this equipment lets you shapeshift, then Shadow fights an armor? How crazy could this day get?" Rouge comments mellow-dramatically, "This'll sound weird but...The armor was strong enough to have Shadow on the ropes for a minute..So Im thinking..If I can use half of that" I brought up. The wheels in Rouge's head turn and she smiles. Seeing the an energy pulsing in the chest area of the armor, Rouge puts a hand on it, then tries to yank on it. "I think it's..pretty wedged in there" I told her, "We're going to need a bit of it if we're gonna get outta here. GUN doesnt know about you and I dont want to hear their mouth. *sees me look a bit down* yknoooow~ *presses breasts against my chest* I'll cut a special deal between you, Vanilla...and me ;}" Rouge offered with a wink, "W-would that be ok? o///O" I asked in surprise, my heart quivering at the thought of a threesome between the two...As much as I reeeeeaaaally wanted to give into Rouge's will, the armor wouldnt cooperate with the concentration I gave it. "...- - (What's a girl suppose to-) *sees pieces flying onto me, forming the needed plates* ! Aha, we just need to wait minute and you can take us back- *is warped back home with me*....home?.....How'd you do that? o____o" she asked, "I dunno...Just a bit of focusing and I used..What's it called? Chaos Control?" I try recalling, "(That's it...It uses Chaos energy as fuel...Some Joe-schmow cant use much of it, let alone this much that's in this contraption) *sees the armor revert into bulky gauntlets* Hmm, I think it's all used up...Listen boy. If you cant use that thing anymore, Im afraid Shadow's a much better fit for it" Rouge tells me, "...Has it ever came across to you that..Since this scientist removed whatever made me Mobian...And how I cant really use this thing's power...That Im.....Less than Human..?" I prefaced, "It's...A thought. It must've been some magical operation for that to even happen" Rouge replied with a pretty mixing response...Magical, eh?...As if....She really cut some corners here...I closed my eyes..Not long after, I saw it. My other self, floating there..I touched it's hand. Felt the large, finny ears. What the hell is it...? It seems mixed with a few creatures, yet it's so aquatic...Like a sort of...Chimera! What's even odder is that it's only in spirit and with this thing, that I can connect with it...Wow.."Ok..I get it now" I said out loud, "Get what?" Rouge replied, "*opens my eyes* I'll explain later. *takes the equipments off, putting them on the bed* Where's the brat? I wanna go out with her for a bit" I asked, "She..She's about to get on the bus in 5 minutes.." said a voice from the closet. We turned our heads to said closet, I walk up and Methel falls out of it. "Someone's a bit fond of small spaces" I comment, "I..Im used to being shut behind closed rooms like that.." Methel lowly said, "(Doesnt mean it's a good thing - -) Would you mind taking me there?" I asked, "I c-could but..I need something that can help me..*looks to the gauntlets* Like those" she told me, "(It must've been really weird, living with those freaky sisters)" I thought, "*sees me give a glove to her as she squeezes it really close to her chest* You kids come back safely now. I have a bit of an errand to run ^^" Rouge told us, waving us off.

The two of us found ourselves floating in the skies, with her waters swirling around us. "Y-your water powers are really advanced for us to be flying like this o o" I comment, "Uh huh..." she lowly replies, "So you just..Know where she is all the time too?" I ask, "Mm hmm..I dont know how..I just do..." Methal told me. She must've lived a really lonesome life to be so timid, and always sensing someone's location..I cant imagine how anxious that can make someone feel. Still, Im glad I can travel this peacefully. In no time, she catches the bus in sight. "This stop is always the first...Though this third one..It's closest to our house, but she has to wait for several other stops before she gets home this year.." Methel explains to me. Amazing. She really does know the places of her locations like a 6th sense. "*feels us landing on the 3rd stop* What else can you do?" I ask, landing ahead of the bus, "Really that's it..Im only for controlling Venus..The few other things I can do were from the experiments.." she said to me, "*Perle sees me and walks out of the bus behind some other students* Glad that you caught us, Perly. I was gonna stop the bus if you didnt" I greet to her. Once she got off, I see a wrapping around her wrist as we walk back home.

"*covers the wrapped bandage* It's nothing! > .>"

"You can tell me, yknow. It's just me and your other self is all."

"I felt her stop a bit in the hallway..or was it the stairs.."

"! W-was she stalking me?!"

"No, it's..She can actually sense where you're going. At all times."

"That's so...Creepy! Have her turn that off! I dont want her to know what I could be doing! >M<"

"She just told me about a few minutes ago. She cant seem to turn it off."

"Ugh, if only she was left at the damn lab. She's so awkward!"

"It can be useful yknow. At least she doesnt know what you exactly do."

"Yeah. Real helpful.. -.-"

"Speaking of helpful, Shadow saved me and your mom from this top secret weapon that she's been using. We're really close to figuring all the ins and outs of it."

"I swear, her tit-saggin' ass needs a good kicking from something. About time this stuff started biting her back."

"This thing really seems dangerous, like to where it could destroy the world. Then this Mallow guy took a part of it."

"*points to what Methel's holding* Is that what it looks like?"

"(Crap, I almost forgot she had that.) It seems to help her water powers, but yeah. We have the other one back at home."

"Ever thought about throwing it away?"

"Never know who's tracking this stuff, so we're just not sure about what to do with these."

"I'd say space, but we've been attacked by aliens before."


"Yeah, these big brainy guys. Mom told me about the Freedom Fighters handling that."

"(Geez..This thing's giving us more trouble than I thought.)"

"What else's goin' on out there?"

"I think we just have that Mallow person to take care of now, and what to do with this thing. Oh and he's the guy you fought yesterday."

"That asshole? Imma do more than just toss him off a building if he tries me again. -\/-"

"I dunno. With this thing he has, he's way stronger. Rouge was getting a real run for her money on the way home."

"Well guess who'll get way stronger too. He'll see!"

"(Not to mention whatever's going on with the remnant Elites..Oh and...I may have to tell 'Nilla the truth soon..)" I thought to myself, looking at Methel and she looks back, sharing a grim feeling between us. She's waiting...Waiting to serve her purpose. A time will come when I finally tell Perly the truth too...If only I just Rouge and 'Nilla instead T-T..."*bumps into me, making me fall* Watch it, chump. *looks past me, looking at what Methel was holding* Nice toy there. How much for it?" the shady, coated man asked, "*looks at his big suitcase* Nothing! No one's trusting a suspicious-looking guy like you!" Perly yelled, "(It must be that OPG weapon GUN developed...It's not part of the mission. They dont know where he went) Tch. It's called business, kid. Stay in school, and you'll learn eventually" he said to her, walking away from the three of us. "*gets up* Whoever that guy was..Let's ignore him and make it home" I told the girls and did as such.

The dark individual turned a corner, met with a ladder, grabbed it and flew away with it thanks to a chopper. "He should be on that building over there, Vlad" he heard, "*sees Mallow and drops in front of him* Copy that. Dillorian here, Approaching the target" he replied, walking forward. "*hears footsteps* ! *turns around and sees a guy with a suitcase* Huh? What the hell do you want with me?!" Mallow reacts, "*takes a knee, opening the suitcase, inputting commands* Nothing personal. *looks at him* Just part of the job" Vlad told him, "Job?! Y-you! YOU'RE NOT TAKING ME IN! NO ONE IS!!" Mallow shouts, running in, activating his device, generating a shield around him, "(Using his own part of the OFG already? It's just like she told me) Just what I wanted. *a massive wave of energy comes out of the case when he got close* Captured" he said with a smile while standing, with the case flying up wildly, sucking Mallow into it in seconds. Before it closed, Vlad snags it out of the air from where he stood. "*turns collar-com back on* And that's how it's done. Returning back to HQ" Vlad informed, "Wonderful work, Mr.Dillorian. I knew I could count on your skills" she replied, "Tch. If only you saw. Our technology sealed the deal quickly. I didnt have to do a damn thing" he further informed, "Music to my ears, partner. Now hurry on back, and we'll discuss what do with the fat man" she tells him, "Of course, Akari. *turns off the com* You too, Robotnik. Nothing personal" Vlad said to himself, using a signal and leaps off a building, catching a chopper. He loves doing that.

After making it home, I spent most of the time with Perly, doing homework assignments with her, with Rouge checking in here and there. Vanilla lets Cream off to join us when we studied after 6pm. The moment she saw Rouge walk by, the two traded a discomforting glance, making both stop what they were doing. "Need any help, granny?" Rouge asked, "(! G-granny...?! ^' ,^;) Ahem, I dont want my lil Cream to be wasting her brain on being in front of the TV. She needs to finish school, yknow ^ ^" Vanilla prefaced, "Is that so? With who's money?" Rouge asked back, "If money's a problem, Im terribly sorry I asked ^ ^" Vanilla replied, "Hmmmm..Yknow, there's always going into the robbing field with me. A busty mama like you would tempt any skeptics' gaze while I do the rest eue. *sees her trembling from the thought while maintaining a smile* If that's a bit much for you, think about homeschooling" Rouge told her, leaving Vanilla a bit tense, "*imagines wearing a black getup with alluring accessories with large privates exposed* (T-thrilling but it's not for me //﹏///)" she thought, shuddering yet tempted by the idea. "Aaaaaaaaand done. *flops back on the bed* Now put my stuff away!" Perly ordered me, "Yeah I got 'em. *gathers up all the reading materials and carries them to her backpack, opens it* Geez, she can so bossy..*sees Cream expose her pussy out towards me, boner starts growing* ('M-mister! No, not in front of her! Not there! >//////<' Heheheee~) *turns my head to Perle, who fell asleep* (Good, good~...Let's start with a warm-up eue)" I naughtily plotted. Going up to Cream as she was sleeping, have my body right over her, petting her large ear flaps and going in for an oral kiss. She jerks for a bit before easing up again, and I continued caressing my lips on her's in a smooching motion, seeing a blush occur on her face. My finger played with her pussy, my cock pressing against it, ready to fuck this horny girl again. My hands dug under her shirt, grabbing her nice-sized tits, kissing her from behind. "mmm" a moan escapes her mouth, and I back up. Waiting, I see her waving her ass at me, "M-mister..D-did you..Want to do it?" she asked shyly, looking lustfully back at me, "H-hey hey, keep it down, or she'll wake up /.\;" I whisper, then I hear knocking, and that struck everyone's core. "*enters* Cmon out lil man *sees me hiding my boner as everyone stiffens up* (*giggles* What timing) Hurry now" Vanilla told me, "Y-yes ma'am, 'Nilly" I reply while rushing out the room, "(Nilly?! Where the hell'd that come from?! He isnt getting close to her behind my back, is he?!! o\/o)" Perle was trying to piece together.

Vanilla takes me up to Rouge's room. She makes me enter, makes me walk backwards while facing me and jerking at my cock, and I fall back on the bed in seconds. "H-what's going on here? o///o" I asked, "What else do you think it is? *puts arms around me* It's gonna get really hot in here. Go ahead and show 'im them big ol' goodies, 'Nilla eue" Rouge said from behind me, "(G-g-goodies? OmO)" I mentally react. The thicc bunny mom bends over, and shows me that huge plump ass of her's, ever expanding with that purple dress as my eyes widen, "*sees my cock growing in my pants* Whoahooo, keep working your magic there, 'Nilla. Dont steal all the fun though" Rouge comments before unhooking her bra, and putting them tiddies over my neck, starting to jerk me off. Rouge starts giving me really stimulating kisses on my cheek, plastering the side of my face with red, melty goodness, and 'Nilly shows me more of her ass, along with them big black, frilly panties. My mind was starting to go numb from the current amounts of pleasure I was feeling, and thinking about more later on was far too exciting to process. 'Nilla lowers her dress and panties, showing me the fatness of her cheeks by using few fingers to stretch that tan-colored buttocks out, also showing me that familiar pink hole in the middle, "(Ok now she's hogging -'/-)" Rouge was thinking, starting to make out with me, "! (I wasnt done teasing yet o o)" she thought, breaking Rouge's short tongue session with me by dropping her large ass on my cock, making me bite my lips upon impact. She gave me a moment before I grabbed that sweet ass, and 'Nilla started ejaculating me with them cheeks and that scrumptious anus, giving Rouge a provoking grin then looking back at me sexually. Rouge looks to the side, waiting for Vanilla to stop pounding her massive ass on me to have her turn. I felt a sudden stop, and by the time I look back up, their huge, stuffed tits were all up in my face, "*holds them up with both hands from underneath, squeezes them against Rouge's, looking up at me cutely* Be a good boy and give mommy's breasts a good sucking" Vanilla naughtily said while gapping her mouth, "*tries to push tits up higher and closer* Forget the granny, dont you love mine more? eue" Rouge tries to convince me, having plenty more of her breasts to push up. "*licks Vanilla's tits first, then digs into Rouge's seconds later* Mmmmm...They're so good, ladies.." I said in pleasure, "*stares at her with a slightly bigger grin, takes clothes off, putting me on my back* There's more where that came from ^ ^" Vanilla said with a somewhat lewd smile, dangling her huge knockers over my head. Rouge joined as well, swinging her mammaries in my face, and I was catching all of them in my mouth each time they passed. "(This is the best...I wish this would never sto- Ghn!) *sees them both jerking me off at the same time* L-ladies, ease up on me x.x" I pled, "Give him a nice, sloppy one down there. *lays agains me, pushes tits all over my face* Im juuuust fine up here" Rouge was saying. My knees were touching and squirming in no time when Vanilla was giving me some impressive, suck-a-licious head, attacking and flinging my cock around with her assaulting lips, gripping my balls with her other hand in the process. Her brows bend inward in no time while me and her making the same sucking sound effects, making me moments away from my spermy eruption. "K-keep going 'Nilla, Im close! >///<" I moaned, "Cmon, finish real good for mama" she naughtily replied before giving me some slow deepthroating, "(If I keep getting three-wheeled, I really am thinking about kicking her out e3e) *feels something getting shoved anally* ! W-what the-! *turns, seeing Venus humping from behind* AaahauhAhauhAa!" Rouge was starting to moan, "*slaps Rouge's ass* That's right, squeal some more! You have some really lovely moans, Mmmmm" Venus was telling her, dicking down Rouge's booty pretty fast, making her moan some more. "*hears Rouge moaning more and more into my ear* (So much..moaning..Oh Rouge!) I-Im coming!" I warned, my dick starting to spew and gush streams of semen into Vanilla's mouth, filling that wonderful throat of her's as her mouth starts to bubble. My vision starts to blur and when my vision comes back, the two are still licking my white goo from our bodies. "*sees me getting up* You were such a big boy this time. Does someone this much older than you still satisfy?" Vanilla teasingly asked, "Yeah but..*flops all my limbs on the bed* Imma need some rest...x x" I said right before my head drops on the bed, making it look like I died. "I say I did alot this time. I dont know about you" Vanilla comments, "Hmph! There's no way I'll be jealous of whatever a granny could do! > 3>" Rouge replied, "Maybe when you become more of my age, he'll be more into you ^ ^" Vanilla played up some more, making Rouge a big old huff before storming into the restroom to dress and 'Nilly giggles to herself, petting my thigh.

The Professor's partner steps up to her small round table, putting the suitcase on her lab table. He takes a seat, going over some information to himself on spreadsheet she places in front of him. The big slider doors shut behind him.

"Well well. You've had many more failed experiments than your average science fair. Someone missing her notes?"

"Are you trying to mock me? They were just oversights. Im still perfecting my craft. *turns to him* Dont dare compare me to some science fair."

"Yknow, when I took you up on your offer, I'd never figure I'd be one of your lab rats."

"You accepted the pay after all."

"Right. Now...Where're we exactly when it comes to releasing the Doctor?"

"You've made sure you rounded up any other bodyguard of his?"

"All in the case."

"Good. Now our Doctor...We're talking about a man eager to be Dictator of the world. On paper, he cannot be trusted. Any suggestions?"

"I think everyone knows how infamous he is. Maybe if he works with us, gives up a chunk of his technology, and it's useful, he'll be playing right into our hands from there."

"Eggman's had a history of not thinking things through, and-"

"Hey now, did you forget about my corporation's specialties? Security is our middle name. The instant he tries to pull a fast one, it's game over."

"Oh Vlad, if only I had you on board sooner. The process is starting to look easier."

"Money makes the world go round. Sorry to keep you in limbo for a while, but now the court's in my favor, wouldn't you say?"

"There might be a problem before we do that.."

"That is?"

"My experiments...Three MetaMobians. One has two halves of herself, another is Human but has Mobian DNA in his genetic coding."

"Sheet tells me you were playing with fire there."

"And when I was doing a handful of things with GUN. These things are trying to haunt me."

"Are they directly causing you trouble?"

"Mr.Dillorian. If they come in contact with you, I need you to take care of them accordingly. *gives a few pictures* This is how they look like."

"! *stands up* I...I saw them earlier!"

"Did you?! (If I showed him yesterday..) They sound somewhat active then..Very well. I recall my students had a rather shocking...Mishap..*pulls out a sample of it in a vile* Be very careful. It will attach itself to anything it contacts."

"How did you overcome it?"

".....Through unmentionable means, I was able to contain this much of it. Venus can make an organism commit and do unspeakable things."

"Things like this sound like I need to use my more nuclear defense mechanisms."

"D-dont put the environment at risk now! I managed to get a report from GUN. It seems to be susceptible to Chaos power."

"Hmph. That's all you had to say."

"Before we deal with Eggman, investigate and if possible, end Venus once and for all."

"As long as you pay up..*picks up the vile, trades a glance with it, pockets it. walks out* (I dont fail. Ever) All I need is two days to track it down."

"If you say so. *sees him exit through the door* ('Our society. We're plagued and pressured into believing our solutions rest with rather brutish ways to get what we want done. My Corporation spits at this notion! I've conducted enough research in engineering and science to develop a mass production of utilities to do everything with ease. Soon, Dillorian Empire Enterprises will open societies' eyes to a slew of crafty means, never seen before!' He's effective, but he sure loves getting under my skin. He better be glad about each assignment being a grand)" The Processor thought to herself, looking forward to seeing him complete the task. Vlad walks on a dusty area, many storms of dirt are kicked up around him, and he quickly finds himself taking to the skies again via his own chopper, already running a schematic on his watch on Venus. "*notices the watch going haywire for a whole minute* Damn. I'd usually need a few seconds to track something like this down. *sees buildings passing by and the watch stabilizes* Not in the city, eh? In a few miles, a neighborhood should be coming up. If it's in this suburb up ahead..*looks ahead of the first few houses* Im gonna have to cause some trouble" Vlad said rather coldly.

I was getting ready to sleep with my precious lil Perly, with her giving me some jammies to wear. The air was cold and the foxy gf buried her head into my chest. It was a really calming atmosphere, perfect for helping someone rest. Then, a sudden breeze was felt. "hhnnhg..Someone close th- *sees a man peering his sharp gaze at me, with his whole body shadowed out* W-HAT THE FUCK?! HELL'RE YOU DOING HERE?!!" I shouted in panic, making Perle flail around and fall out of bed, and he simply gestured the copter to move up, still making eye contact with me, filling me with fright of his presence. He's..Going up? For what?....Or should I say...For who! "What the hell'd you scream in my ear for?! oVo" Perle yells at me, "No time, Perly! We gotta go upstairs!" I urgently told her. With me leading, the two of us rushed up the stairs, "*gets to the last steps* Where is he?! *looks to the right, seeing him walk through the door* ! That's where Vanilla is! Is he gonna kidnap her?!" I react, running to where he's going. "*GASPS and falls out of the bed* W-who're you, mister?" Vanilla reacts, "So the host is in this Mobian? *extends out briefcase, presses a button on the collar* Apprehending the target, Professor. *hears the door creak, and flips the case over shoulder, sucking in whoever was behind* Learn to knock next time" he said, "*sees him flick something into the air and grow instantly into another briefcase* (He has another?!) No, please! *jumps at him, gets kicked away* Khhn!" I grunt, getting knocked on my ass. "(So there were two people behind me..No matter.) *proceeds to suck in Vanilla into the briefcase* Captured. *turns around, seeing me coughing* I must've kicked you in the throat, my bad. Now outta the way, kid" the assailant said with a hand in his pocket, "*sees some moonlight shine on him* !....You...! You're the guy from earlier today! When I was picking up my girl from school! Give'er back! And Vanilla too!" I shouted, "*pans eyes down at me* It's nothing personal. Pretend you didnt see anything, and nobody gets hurt" he told me before walking to the nearby window down the hall, "You're not going anywhere, you bastard! *runs at him and is kicked across the face, some blood splattering on the wall* (He's...Strong..)" I thought, coughing to myself, "It's pointless lil man. There's not a damn thing you can do against me. Get a clue. *grabs ladder as it's pushed by the wind, turns to me* If you're so desperate to get them back, just know you're out of your league. *taps forehead* Tackling down a CEO like me alone is a bad idea" he lastly said to me. "*sees him fly off, seeing me from a distance, grinning* Be satisfied with yourself while you can..I will get them back!" I shouted at him before he could be no longer be seen...I dont believe this...Vanilla...Perle...Both taken away from me, just like that...Just you wait and see, asshole!! "(Good thing that guy was small time. I ran out of spare Capture Cases there. If I weren't so cocky, I'd have a few other utilities on me, just in case.) I have the Venus host in a case, and another interesting specimen, Professor" Vlad told her, "Well done, Mr.Dillorian! Bravo!" Akari gratified, "Does dinner sound fitting to celebrate such a success?" Vlad asks, "Why yes! I'll look up some recipes and have it done before you get back!" she said in joy, "Not only am I smelling that tasty food, but I can smell also all the money in the world stacking before me with this partnership. Life as a billionaire is now within my reach" Vlad monologues, chuckling to himself ominously as the chopper soars him through the night.

Things have taken a turn for the worst! How'll we bounce back from such an upset?! Well, we're gonna have to find out next time, so cya til then!