I started the day like any other day. I woke up, made my bed, took a shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and got ready for the day. It was my first day at Seawall High and I was excited. I was a little late, but I knew I could catch up really quick. I was just starting to put my school supplies in my backpack when I got a text from my best friend, Mason. I went to my window that has a view of Mason's bedroom to find him standing there, looking at me, smiling. I read the text. It said, 'Hey, there, Stacy! It's your first day of your new school! Are you excited?'
I look up and smile back, only to find him gone. He wasn't at the window anymore. I texted him back, 'Hey, yeah I'm excited, but I'm also a little nervous'
He replied immediately, 'Don't be. You'll be fine! Everybody will love you! You're just so lovable!'
'Aww, thanks! You're so nice! What will I do without you?'
'You can always text me and I will be there. No matter what time you do it, I will respond.'
Where are you? Why aren't you at your window?'
'I'm still in my room, do you want me to come to my window?'
'Yes, please' Mason came back to his window, but this time, he was smiling weakly, as if he was trying to look happy while he was crying. I looked into his eyes and tears began to well up in my own eyes. As I cry, I text him, 'Why are you crying?'
'Why are you?'
'Because you are!'
'I'm going to miss you, Stacy' That was the last thing he texted before he left the window and stopped responding. I looked out the window, crying for a few minutes, and turned so my back was against the wall. I slowly slid down until I was sitting down with my knees against my chest. I sat there, crying for about five minutes with tears rolling down and falling onto my hardwood floor. When I was finished, I got up and walked to my bathroom to redo my makeup, almost slipping on my tears that had fallen onto the floor. I wiped all the makeup off and started to fix it when my mom called me downstairs.
When my mom saw me, she looked at me with sympathetic eyes and said, "Why are you crying, baby?"
"I wasn't," I said unconvincingly as I start to cry again. She saw me and took me in for a hug and we stayed there for a minute or so. When we break apart again, she looked at me as if asking for an explanation.
"I don't want to leave Mason!" I say between sobs, "I don't want to! I want to stay with him!"
"Sounds like you have a crush," my mom said as she took me into another hug, "You'll be fine, I promise, he will be there for you. He lives next to us, you can visit him every day after school."
"Okay, Mom," I said when I calmed down, "I need to finish getting ready for school."
"Okay, but hurry, you only have half an hour to get ready and get breakfast."
"Yes, Mom," I said as I went back up the stairs and into my bathroom to finish my makeup, but when I got there, I decided to not wear any so I finished packing my backpack and went to get breakfast. I ate a bowl of Fruity Pebbles and went to the bus stop. I sat down on the bench next to a raggedy-clothed man. He looked hungry, so I gave him the granola bar I had packed. When the bus arrived, I climbed onto it and sat down in the back next to a girl who looked like she was around my age. I tried to start a conversation, but she just ignored me, so I just texted Mason.