I hadn't seen Stacy since she left with Jessie into the hallway and I was starting to wonder where she was and what Jessie did. I decided to go look for her, so I went to the hallway that they were in, but they weren't there.
Huh, they must've left, oh well, I thought as I left the hall, I guess I'll look somewhere else.
As soon as I left the hallway, the bell rang, so I went to my third period Health class. When I sat down, I waited for the teacher to come in. I saw Stacy sitting in a chair in the front of the class, and I was about to approach her and ask her where she went and what happened, when Jessie came in. She went up to Stacy's desk and started to talk to her. It looked like she was mad, so I didn't want to get in the middle of it. I just sat in my chair, waiting for Jessie to leave, but when she did, Stacy got onto her phone, and then a few seconds later, she called someone, and they must not have answered because she got up, left the room, and called someone. This person answered, and she talked with them for a minute or so, and then came back in. She must've seen me because she sat down in the seat right next to me.
"Hey, Stacy!" I said.
"Hey, Eric, something weird just happened," she said, starting to look a little worried, but then smiled weakly and unconvincingly as if trying to cover it up. I stopped smiling.
"Are you okay?" I asked, slightly worried.
"Yes, I'm fine!" She said, but I didn't believe her.
"Are you sure?" I asked, looking into her eyes.
"No! I'm texting Mason over and over again, but he's not answering! And Jessica is telling me to stay away from you and she's calling Mason my boyfriend!" She said, crying.
"Woah, that's a lot, calm down, it's okay," I say as I pull her into my arms and help her calm down.
After she calms down she says, "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell," as she pulls away from me.
"Don't worry about it, your fine!" I said as we went back into our seats because the teacher came in. We sat right next to each other the entire time the teacher droned on and on about our health and how we can take better care of ourselves.
After the last class of the day, Stacy and I went to our lockers to grab our stuff to take home.
"Would you like to come over?" She asked me when we were done with our lockers.
"Sure! That sounds great!" I said quickly. I don't know why I answer so fast, I had barely just met her.
"Hey, I gotta make a quick stop real quick, is that okay?" she asks as we start to walk to her house.
"Yeah, I don't mind." We walked out of the school and to the bus stop, where we got on a bus and got off by her street. We stopped at a nice house and she went up the driveway and knocked on the door. A woman answered the door and they had a conversation. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but a minute or so later, Stacy was looking panicked and ran inside. She came out with someone in her arms, unconscious. They went to the car in the driveway and she came up to me. She gave a frightened hug.
"I'm so sorry, but I don't think we'll be able to hang out today, Mason doesn't look too good, to say the very least. I'm sorry, Eric," she told me. I got one glimpse at the boy and saw a limp, pale, figure in his mother's arms, so I understood the fear and worry.
"It's okay, I understand! Don't worry about me, just be with your friend, okay?" I replied and I saw her eyes start to well up with tears.
"Okay, thank you!" She called out as she ran to the front seat of the car.