It's been two years that Ray, Rachael's brother turned 16. A year before he turned 16, destiny had played a cruel jig saw puzzle game with Rachael along with her near and dear ones.
The game seemed to be a game of powers. Many people gained power while many lost in this fight for power. Rachael was not left behind in this power race.
She did not want the powers for herself but she had to gain them due to the situation she was presented with. She had succeeded with flying colours along with enormous power in the game thanks to her never give up spirit.
She and her partner (Yan) Ethan were exhausted along with all the supporting characters after a years long fight. They wanted a break. Rachael had enough of it and wanted to lead a peaceful life even if that required her to let go off all the powers she had.
But the future held different plans for her.
Off lately she was finding it hard in life, especially with Ethan her soul mate. Somewhere in the past one year she felt that something has not been quite right. But she had no conclusive proof to prove that. Or was it just her thoughts. When she finally thought she had fallen in love with Ethan, she had started getting these thoughts.
Although her heart refused to believe it, her brain had its own doubts. Rachael's mind was super active. Unless she was sleeping her brain constantly kept thinking. She wanted her brain to stop thinking and that's something she had no control over. She was planning to enrol herself in meditation classes in the new year.
The only other friend who Rachael could completely rely on was Jason Thomas her childhood friend. With Jason and his dads role in her previous stint she had come to trust his family. They had become her second family now. Their parents had gotten closer as well.
She was contemplating to tell Jason about her doubts and was waiting for the right time. But she was not aware that the opportunity she was waiting for, was right around the corner within a weeks time. It was New Year in just a few days.
Rachael as destined had married Ethan and the wedding had taken place twice to follow the traditions of both Earth/Zeus and Zon. Ethan was from Zon, a planet from a different universe. Rachael and her family were originally from Zeus but it's been years that they had settled on earth and was now their home. The soul union between Rachael and Ethan had occurred much before the wedding.
During the last two years Rachael had been forced to sacrifice some of her wishes by Ethan. Or let's say it was bound to happen. To compensate for her loss Ethan had agreed to Rachael conditions.
One of her condition was that she was free to choose where she could be at a given time period. She could be on Zon or Earth as per her decision. That was a pretty simple condition and Ethan had happily agreed for it.
And this year she wanted to spend some quality time with her parents for Christmas and New Year. She was back on earth a month before the New Year and Ethan had joined her a few days later.
Rachael's parents had moved to a bustling city of Manhattan New York just after Ray had turned 16 and made it their home.
Rachel and her family along with few other families had migrated to earth from their parent planet Zeus a few years back. They had special powers but had concealed them while living on earth. They wanted to lead a peaceful life on earth without displaying any of their powers just behaving like commoners.
Only on unavoidable situations would they use their powers again in a concealed manner and with pre-caution without letting the actual inhabitants of earth know of their super natural powers, that would terrify them.
In circumstances where they had to use their powers in front of any human from earth, they would make it look like a common phenomenon on earth. This way the person who was actually seeing a power being displayed right in front of his eyes would never realise that it was something out of the ordinary.
When there was just 10 days left for the new year, Ray and Ethan had got couple tickets for New Year's party in a famous dance bar. Rachael was furious as she had planned to stay back at home with her parents. But Ethan and Ray had plans for Ray's and Rachael's parents as well. This had convinced Rachael a bit although she still was not okay about it.
Ray adored his sister. And especially after he had been saved by his sister, his sibling love had multiplied. He was ready to go to any extent for his sister to make her happy. And this year he wanted her sister to unwind and had planned a surprise for her.
After being convinced by her parents Rachael had agreed to attend the party. Her parents would do anything to make both Rachael and Ray happy. And now they had a new addition to the family Ethan who they treated just like their son.
This was not the case a few years back. But things were different now. Their kids were powerful on their own, in fact more powerful than them and they were proud of it. Including Ethan, they were a family of super powers.
Ray also wanted to settle in life but he was keen on going back to his home planet Zeus. But his parents had insisted him to stay on earth for few more years before he made a move. They wanted him to get married on earth and then move to Zeus. And he had agreed.
With just 10 days left for the party Rachael had to plan not just shopping but also had to look into the arrangements for both Christmas and the New Year party for their parents. She got together with Ethan and Ray to plan the surprise party for her parents. So everyone got busy preparing.
Ethan had picked up the language and culture of the earth pretty fast. No one ever felt that he was from a different planet or culture.That was how fast he had learnt the norms of earth.
It was Saturday morning. Rachael after helping her mother in the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone and after having her breakfast, headed back to her room carrying the black coffee with her. Ethan and Ray went out looking for a sturdy Christmas tree.
When her parents had brought this house in this new city, they had made sure that Rachael still had a room in it, although she was married now and visited them as a guest.
The room was set up as per her likings in a very simple way. The room was a little bigger than her room in their old house and was set up for the couple to stay in it. The room housed a king sized bed. The walls were painted with light pistachio green colour and was adorned with her favourite wall decals.
There were two big cupboards on one side of the room. Immediate next to the cupboard was the door leading to the washroom. Just to give it a mystic feeling the door of the washroom had the same kind of design like that of the cupboard. At first instance the washroom would look like another door of the cupboard and no one would notice that there was a washroom out there until its door was opened.
There were two sets of windows on two of the walls which was adorned with floral patterned curtains. The windows on one wall faced the garden of her house while the other faced the compound wall, next to which was the wall of their neighbours house.
Her study table was placed in front of the window which faced the garden of her house. And every now and then she could feel the breeze carry with it the mixed fragrance of medicinal herbs clubbed with the fragrance of the roses and jasmine which her mother had lovingly grown in the garden.
Anyone sitting and working on that table would always be energised just with this fragrance. Ray used this worktable to do his work while Rachael was back on Zon.
Rachel placed the coffee cup on the coaster and pulled out a notebook and a pen to start making the invite list for her parents party. Ethan and Ray were waiting for the final list on invitees based on with they could plan the next requirements for the party. So Rachael wanted to make absolutely sure that she did not miss out on her near and dear ones.
And while she was creating the list she had an intuition for a spur of a moment just like a lightning flash. She was not sure if what she felt was bound to happen. She did not want to ignore anything. Her past experiences and the mistakes she had done had taught her a lot in life. One of them was never to ignore her intuition or gut feeling.
She thought for a while before she pulled out her mobile and dialled a number.