
She felt extremely weak and exhausted. Seeing this Ethan supported her to get up and she seemed to be okay with it and she allowed him to help her.

Things seemed to have changed a little but things would get crazier in the coming days.

Once they reached home, Rachael slept like there was no tomorrow. He body and soul was exhausted. She had fallen asleep within seconds after she had slept.

Ethan pulled the blanket over her and turned on the room heater. He hugged his wife as s slept while continuing to hope that things would get back to normal like how it was just after their wedding.

The next morning Rachael got up quite late. Her body ached but she couldn't remember what caused this pain and what was trigger behind the flashes she had seen. Had she hurt herself? Why did her intuition come true again?

She sat on the chair in the balcony of her room thinking deeply. She seemed to be confused and worried at the same time. She was so lost that she had forgot the physical pain she was going through.

The worry was due to the fact that everyone got to know what happened although she had intended only her had Jason to know about it. Had Jason erased everyone's memory?

Jason had successfully erased his wife Janet's and Ray's girlfriend Sophia's memory but was scared to erase Ethan and especially Ray's memory. But he had made sure to request Ray to preserve Rachael's memory.

Rachael heard her mom calling her for breakfast as usual. It seemed like they were not being informed about the previous day's incident. And it was good in a way. She had come here to relax and see her parents happy. She did not want them to worry for her.

Now that the New Year party was over, she wasn't sure if she had to go back to Zon. She was was in a dilemma now especially after the flashes she had the previous night. Her intuition told her to stay back on earth till things got sorted

She freshened up before going out of the room and tried to look as normal as possible although her mind kept going back to the events of last night. She walked to the kitchen for breakfast. Everyone else had finished theirs.

Rachael looked dull and her eyes were slightly red and that got her mum worried.

"Are you okay sweetheart? You look tired"

"I am okay mum, just a regular headache after the party yesterday. Guess I should be alright in a while." She had hidden the fact that her whole body was hurting.

The guests who had come for the New Year were leaving and that included Jason as well.

Rachael checked her phone while having her breakfast to see if she had received any message from Jason. She was a little disappointed at the beginning but realised that he must be busy checking out of the lodge to head back home.

She somehow couldn't bring herself to open up things to Ray as she still felt he wasn't mature enough and Ethan was out of question. Jason was married now and she may not get full support from him like earlier.

Thoughts were crazily running in her mind. She decided to wait for another day to see if Jason called or messaged her. If she did not get any messages from Jason even after a day, she decided not to bother him any longer.

Jason on the other hand was worried to connect with her. He knew both Ethan and Ray will keep a close watch on her henceforth and even using ETM was out of question.

Rachael was thinking of alternate options than completely relying on Jason. She felt that Ray was not experienced about the ways of world but he had enormous powers, than anyone in the world. He was the supreme being.

Wouldn't it make more sense to take Ray's and Ethan's help instead of she facing the unknown and dragging Jason into it. She knew Jason was worried for his wife who was a normal human.

She hated the whole idea that something not so good was waiting for her in the near future. She decided to face it head on and not drag anyone including her family until that was the last option she had.

"Oh!" she realised something and quickly concealed all the thoughts she just had along with the flashes and memories of the previous day. She had almost forgotten to hide it.

Rachael knew that no one would have dared to mess with her thoughts by sneaking in, while she had been unconscious.

But now that she was wide awake she knew Ray would sneak in. Even if Ray had to know the details, she would be the one to let the information out, as and how she wanted.

She finished her breakfast and while she was just about to get up to go to kitchen she saw Ray walking towards the dining to drink some water from the water jar placed on the table.

Drinking water was just a reason. As Rachael had expected, he had come over there to sneak into her memory but he did not expect his sister to be alert even in this state of mind. He gave up trying to hunt her memory as he found nothing including the memory he had preserved.

He directly came to the point. "Hey Rache, you all good? Do you want to talk?"

Rachael realised that Jason had not cleared anyone's memory and she knew she couldn't hide things from Ray for long.

All she asked him for a day or two and then she would talk to him. She had to decide clearly for herself what she had to do before involving anyone else.

[ Authors Note: This chapter is a little boring but the whole idea was to bring out details on how Rachael's thought process worked. If you enjoyed this chapter or if you felt this chapter could have been still better do drop me a comment]