Rin's POV :
t's been 2 year since I meet the myano family me and shiho we became best friends , and Akemi is like a big sister for me she told me to call her onee~ chan .
I 'm now 7 years old .
Today is a special day it's about time for me and ran to attend our scond year in kindergarten ,in the cherry blossom class i'm really excited you know I got to meet other character from the anime my future brother in law shinshi and the legendary Kudo couple , by the way we already met sonoko when we were entrolled to the tulip class .
however in the same time i'm worried about Ran , she was nearly kidnapped if it wasn't for shinshi not only that she get bullied on her first day but I don't know why thought .
Now I get up from bed and prepared my self . I woar my primary uniform .

Then I headed toward the living room , I find ran eating breakfast I greeted her " good morning Ran"
" good morning nee~chan." She greeted back
I can tell that she is nervous .
" ne Ran are you excited for today " I asked .
" en , but i'm a little nervous " she said.
" ma ma i'm sure it will be fine , beside don't forgot that i'm with you Kay?" I ruffled her hair .
" hai arigatou nee~san" she grinned and I smiled .
After we finished eating , there it is still 07:00 so we have plenty of time before we go out. Well I didn't have anything to so I decided to read a book while waiting for ran and mom to finish preparing themselves .
~ after few minutes~
The door swung open and dad walked in I lift my head and looked up .
" good morning dad " I greeted him .
" good morning Rin " he greeted back while ruffling my hear .
" are you going somewhere this early in the morning " I asked .
" well I've been called to headquarters today so i'm heading early then usual " he explained .
"Soka , then take care and drive safely "
" I will thank you "
As he was heading out my mother sound stopped him .
" hey dear ? Have you seen ran 's name tag for pre- school ? " she ask him .
" wasn't it in the kitchen 's counter ?" He said.
" dad that was ran's tag name from last year
When we was in the tulip class , the one mom 's talking about has a cherry blossom shape " I told him as I showed him my own tag name as an example .
" yup starting from today we are going to attend cherry blossom class " Ran said with excitement ' i'm glad that she doesn't feel nervous anymore ' I chuckled.
" I put it on tope of the shoe cabinet so I'd remember to get it when I take Ran and Rin to pre- school today , you didn't see it ? " asked mother .
" to think about it I think something fell from the cabinet when I took my shoes earlier ..."
When he take a step forward he steps on the name tag .
" ahh....I step on it " said dad with panic .
" you break it " shouted ran .
" you've got to be kidding , it's probably in pieces now !! " mom said trying to keep her calm . ,
" sorry just do your best to glue it back together .." Said dad .
I put my book down and walked to them ." I don't think that will work " I said .
" well I've been called to headquarters so i'm gonna go ahead and head out..."
" hey,.." Mom tryied to say but dad intruped her by closing the door and heading out .' really dad running in this situation, such a responsible person you are ' I sigh shaking my head .
" hmpf ,I think we'll ask you teacher for a new one " mom suggested .
" but what i'm going to do until then ??" Asked ran .
" well I will make you a temporary one " ran smiled in relif .
",Rin~ chan can you bring me some colored paper and card- stock ?"
" hai "
After dad breaks ran's bandage mom decided to make her a temporarily one with colored paper and cardboard .
' oh I nearly forgot about this accident cuzz so this is the cause why ran bullied in her first day at school but did she really get bullied my memories are fuzzy I don't remember that much about that episode .
Well whatever me and sonoko are their for her so she won't get hurt , and maybe if I wear one too like Ran she won't fell different from others in her first day .
" mom can you make me one too " I asked her .
She looked at me and histanted at first but then she said " yes of course I will make you want too so please wait a little " maybe she understood my intention because she didn't ask for a reason why I request her to make me one .
Now let's the fun begin ....
3rd POV:
Meanwhile, a man and a woman are talking
" just give up ... That child isn't coming back " the man said with hopeless voice .
" No I don't want to " said the woman .
" then what do you want to do ? " asked the man .
" start all over it will work out this time if I redo it then I won't be limited by time ...".
In another place :
~ 10 minutes later~
Finally we arrived at the academy but a great sight greated me children everywhere .i'm really not happy .
" do I really have to do this I mean I can be home schooled ?" I mutted it's seems like my mom heard me .
She bent down and patted my head " yes , you do have to go and don't worry it's only for 5 hours and also it's not healthy for you reading books all day " I sighed .
" don't forgot make sure _" I interrupted her ." _ yeah I know take care of Ran and make some friends , you've been telling me this all the week " . I hugged her then I headed toward Ran who is waiting for me in front of the gates .
" Nee~chan let's go " she pulled me and we walked together swinging our intertwined hands .
When we arrived to the class room , I spotted sonoko running toward us .
" good morning Ran ~chan , Rin~ chan " she greeted us .
" good morning sonoko~ chan" we greeted back in the same time .
then she noticed our tag names .
" huh ? You too What happened to your tag names ?" She asked while looking the tag my mom made .
" my other one broke... My mom made it for us right nee-chan" she said .
I hummed in agreement .
Sonoko looked at me and asked " don't tell me yours also broken??"
I shook my head" no it didn't I actually find it cute so I told mom to make me one too " I said to her.
" you too i'm going to the backyard and resum reading my book , sonoko , ran if anything happen call me in instant Kay ?" I said to them .
" hai " they said similarly . I smiled to them then I headed toward my favourite spot and opened my book and begin reading it become a habit .
3rd POV :
"Your sister really loves reading books and she is really smart " said sonoko .
" yup she read many books a day and she act like adults " said ran with a helpless smile .
" by the way your tag name is really cool , it look just like the real ones " said sonoko admiring it .
" there's a pin in the back ... So I can take it off and pin it back on whenever I want too .." ran pin it off and show it to sonoko .
" you're right ran~chan your mom is a genius"
" he he he "
" what's this piece of paper? " a boy snatched the tag name from ran .
" give it back " yelled sonoko .
" we don't play with people who wear stuff like this " bully nember #1 said .
" that's right , that's right " bully nember#2
" not Gonna play with you " bully nember#3
" hurry and give it back "
" s-sonoko-chan "
~after 5 minutes ~
" now you two shake your hands .." Said the teacher .Efune Ronsuke.
After sonoko and the bully shake their hands .
" good no you can start over as friends..."
" ran~chan your tagname will be her next week can you wait until then " he said to ran
"Yup" she replied with a smile.
" by the way where is your sister , I've been looking for her but I didn't find her" he asked her.
" nee~chan is in the backyard reading her book " replied ran
" yup Rin~chan loves reading books , she always sneak out to her favourite spot when it's nap times , well she got permission from our previous sensei she will be okey " said sonoko .
"Really ? " the teacher said impressed .
"Yup" they nodded.
" well i'm going to check on her , I will be back soon "
After he left .
" sorry ran~chan I managed to take it back but it's crushed now " said sonoko a bit down .
" don't worry sonoko I will make a new one myself I already watched mom when she made it and also please don't tell nee~chan about what happen here I don't wanna to upset her please? " said ran.
" okey I won't "
Then they grinned .
Rin's POV :
I was sitting under the tree when I feel someone watching me I lift my head from the book, I looked around and spotted Enfun sensi looking at me .
' he's the one who will try and kidnapp ran well I won't do anything because it may ruin the plot '
When he realized that i'm looking at him , he start walking toward me .
" Rin~chan it's dangerous to stay here alone , aren't you afraid ?" He asked me .
" well there is nothing to be afraid of " I replied .
" then you're brave rin~chan " he complimented.
" sensi bravery isn't the lack of fear but the ability to move forward in a spit of fearn also i'm like any other human I have fears do you want to know what I fear the most ? . ...." he didn't say anything so i continued.
" i've always been afraid of losing the people i love the most ..."
I noticed guilty flach in his eyes when I said the last part then I sighed " you know what you planing to do isn't nice " I told him with a serious face .
After my last statment has take him of guard i can tell that he is shocked .
" w-hat are talking abou-t ?" He said .
I yawned " sensei i'm really tired I will go and take a nap with the others " I ignored his question I get up and walked toward to the classroom .
When I entered the room I found that everyone is asleep excluding Ran she is crying struggling to make a sakura blossom .
I walked to her I called her softely but it seems she didn't hear me she is focused ' poor Ran.' I taped her shoulder when she realized I was there she nearly cried and she try to hide the color papers .
" what happen ran~chan why are you crying ? And why are you still awake?" I asked her .
She lowred her head and didn't speak .
" come on ran i'm your sister won't tell me what happen" as I said this she begin sobbing " sniff I w-as. Sniff the e t tag that my mom made me sniff was crushed sniff I w-as trying to make a new one but I don't remember how sniff" she said , I patted her head to comfort her ." how about we do it together I will show you how you make one " .
" really ?"
"En " I take a colored paper and I begin to explain .
" first fold in half corner to corner ....then take this corner and fold it down like this ..........….....Finally cut the line and when you open it a cherry bloosom will appear ."
" wow you're amazing nee~chan ..."
I chuckled " now ran~chan want to try "
" hai .."
" make me one too ..." I turned my head and then saw him. ' oh it's shinshi Kudo I totally forget about this sence this is the first time when ran and shinshi met he will ask ran to make him a cherry blossom because he lost his tagname , but wait why is he asking me , you supposed to ask ran not me oh god did I change something ' I begin to panic mentally.
" that's a cheery blossom right ? " he asked well more like stated ." isn't it " .
" yeah it's cherry blossome how did you know " ran said wepping her tears .
" do I look like an Idiot to you ? ...…..." After he explained his deduction , it's seems everyone is amused but I can see that ran is mad cuase he called her a crying baby But ' i'm glad that I didn't change anything .'oh they begin arguing
" i'm not a cry baby " she exclaimed
" you're crying just now "
" no i'm not "
" yes you 're "
Then yukiko~san opened the door and started scolding shinshi I just zoned out.
" aren't you two eri's daughters rin ~ chan and ran~chan ?"she bend down and asked us .
" ah yeah " I replied ."
" so it's turn out that you are attending the same pre school " she said with a smile .
" new nametags will be her next week " said sensi to yukiko san.
" is that so ? "
"If you want a cherry blossom I will just give you the one that nee~san made for me "ran said to shinshi .
" is it allright nee~san " she asked me .
"Of course" I replied ' Ran you're really an angle '
" then I will write your name in it for you ...so what's youre name "
" Ku...Kudo shinshi "
After she finish writing his name in it ,she handed to him ." her you go "
" thank you " shinshi thanked I chukled at that .
" i'm giving you this to you but you have to promise ... Shinshi~kun i'm not a cry baby so stop calling me that " she yelled at him .
' my sister can be fierce sometimes ' I though.
" now you two stops fighting and shinshi~kun don't call ran~chan a crybaby okey " said seinsi
" who are you ?" Asked shinshi .
" Efune Donsuki i'm the home room teacher nice to meet you " he introduced himself.
"Yeah nice to meet you " said with a serious face . I sweat drop maybe his instenct tells him that Efune isn't like he seems .