7)- cherry blossom class part 2

~Later that day~ :

We are singing a children 's song while clapping , ' a 25  years old girl singing a childish song  this is so embracing .

how pathic i think i  kinda begin to  understand how Conan feel after he shrunk

Sometimes  I really envy shiho~chan she doesn't have to attend a school after all    she's home schooled sigh  '

" so you too are twin ? " asked shinshi .

" Yup , i'm the older one and ran is the youngest" I replied.

" you two don't look alike "

" well I look more like  my mom "

" is that so " I nodded .

' is he really a kid ? He doesn't act like one at all ' I thought.

" so hmm  then ...what's your name ?" He said rubbing the back of his head and averting his gaze .

The I burst out  laughing at his antics  " bff hahahaha..." .

" why- are you laughting " he said  while blushing .

" nothing nothing " I stopped laughting " my name is Rin Mori  nice to meet you tantei~kun" I said smilling sweetly .

' oh I sounded like kaito just now '

"T- tantei ~ kun ?? " he said stuttering.

" hai from today onward that will be your nickname , your deduction earlier was great , I bet in the future you will became a great detective so until then I will  call you tantei~kun" I said smiling.' I already know'

He avert his gaze away , I titled my head.

~ after few minutes later~

' I can feel someone looking at me  '

" what are you staring at  ? " shinshi  asked seinsei .

"What ?" Said seinsei looking at shinshi .

" you were staring at  them forawile now " he said pointing at me and ran.

' so he was the one. There is a reason while he's looking at Ran  but why  his looking at me ? Maybe because what I told him this earlier  ' I thought .

" Efun seinsei is looking at all off us because he's the teacher" said sonoko .I nodded ' well she has point but  I  already know the truth'

" that's right " agreed Ran .'oh ran if you just know'

" beside we all looking at him ,he's so likeable and kind , there's a lot of us who want to marry him when they  grow up " said sonoko

I sweat drop ' kids this days '

" eh?"

" then do you like him ?" He asked me ' isn't he supposed to ask ran this question ? What's going on ? '

" huh?"

" of course she like him right Rin~chan?? " sonok said.

" I guess  hahah" I laughted nervously ' i'm really confused now '

~ minutes later ~

We went to the park .

Efun~seinsei  held ran's hand all the way , when we arrived he let her slide first .

And shinshi keep looking at seinsei like a fox targeting its  prey , it's really amusing seeing him making different expression on his face I nearly laughed , but at least  nothing changed from the plot .

~Next day ~

We are crossing the road .

" Ran what's wrong with you today you are  all out of sorts today is it because the kid back then? " asked sonoko .

" no it's not that , my mom scolded me last night and said to stop bulling my friends but I never bullied anyone right ?  , but nee~ chan defended me and cleared the misunderstood " said ran smiling at the last statement .

" that's right if anything you were the one who was  bullied " said sonoko .

" well it's seem suspicious " I said " don't you think so seinsei " I called to him .


While walking I noticed a weird guy  following us well more like stalking ' oh I guess it's yusaku~ San '

When we arrived to the park.

" okey know explain yourself , why did you bring us to this park" asked shinshi .

he explained his reason , and his wife situation .

" then why don't we wave at her together " suggested ran .

" okey let's do it " agreed sonoko. I nodded.

" I don't want to " said bully #1 .

" yeah who want to listen to  someone wearing a wired  nametag like that ??" Said bully #2 .

" yeah right right " bully #3

" we don't want to play with you anymore " said bully #1.

" well I don't think so , I also wear the same one as her " I said defending her .

" nee~ chan.."

" yeah me too , we have the same thing so we considered as friends ..." Said shinshi " and if we are friends no way I 'm not  going to play with her " shouted shinshi .I smiled at that .

After the little argument between shinshi and the bullies settled down .

Ran graped my hand and shinshi 's hand the all together we waved at Efune's wife .

When we left the park we headed back to kindergarten sure thing kids sleep a lot , but as always I can't fell asleep so I went out to my favourite spot without anyone noticing and I resum reading my book .

' I know that  this is the day when the kidnapping will happen but I also know that yusaku ~san will stop it and he is right now waiting Efune seinsei in the back of the school and also made a plan B in advance I put a tracker on seinsei in secret that's why even if he kidnap her i can locat him with ease .

but somehow I feel worried , then I saw seinsei running out through the back door so   I decided to follow him .

When I arrived to where he is , as expected he was surprised to find yusaku~san there .

I decided to hear their conversation so I hide behind the tree .

" so this two children have find it out " seinsei said .

" two children , I know shinshi but who is the other one?" Asked yusaku slightly confused.

" well Ran's sister already found out  my plan from the beginning   and she also warned me to not to do it and all but I couldn't do anything  , the first time my wife saw her she wanted me  to pick  her , but Rin, already know as I said before so I choose Ran instead"  he declared .

' what ?  ' I was suprised .

" so you mean the real target wasn't Ran " yusaku said suprised .

" yes "

' I didn't expect that , well that doesn't matter now at least he confessed  now it's time to go back '

When i moved ,  I accidentally step on a branch and it made a sound.

Yusaku who the first to notice my presence shouted " who is there !!" .

' oh great what a great luck I have '

I moved out of my hiding spot and showed myselfe.

" oh hey ..." I awkwardly said .

" R -rin~chan what are you doing here? " asked seinsei with  shock even yusaku San.

" well I saw you running to the back of the building so I decided to follow you " I replied rubbing the back of my head .

" is that so " he sighed .

" so  i asume you heard our conversation " asked yusaku .

" yup , and I 'm glad that seinsei decided to confess " I said with a smile .

" I 'm sorry ..." Seinsei apologized .

I shook my head " iie there nothing to apologize for ,   even if you planed to kidnap my sister you didn't do it in the end ,   you even tried to stop it , criminals always denies their action if they get caught they will run away , but you instand  running and dening you decided to confess . that's mean you are a good person seinsei " I said .

" but  if you know from the beging why didn't you  tell anyone about it ? " asked seisei .

" well your eyes " I said .

" eyes ? " they asked.

" ever time you look at ran their is always a guilt in them , and  with that I know for sure  that you won't do it in the end , beside who would believe a child 's words ?.

also I put a tracking device on your sleeves so even if the kidnapping happen  I can find your localisation " I said mutting  the last part , unknow to me yusaku  heard it .

"Then I will get going I hope someday you and that boy will become great detective " after he said that he went to the police car .

I was going to return to the kindergarten secretly but then yusaku - San stopped me .

" you're Rin right ? " he asked .

' oh god why !!'

" hai .." I nodded .

" so Rin  care to explain about that tracking thing ?" He asked with a closed smile .

' how would I explain it now ? ' I mentealy begin to freak out .

" I ..." Before I say anything I feel someone hugging me and picked me up .' oh it's papa'



" Rin you are okay  right ? you didn't get hurt right??!!" Asked my dad. ' I sighed in relief , thanks dad you really saved me this time '

" i'm okay papa don't worry '' I flashed him a smile .

After that day we didn't saw seinsei again , all the children were sad well even me he was a kind and a lovelable person after all .


hen I remembered something

' oh god I forget to remove the tracking device ,  I hope no one will notice it '

Omake :

I was packing my things to go back home but then my book fell to the ground .

I bent down to pick it but shinshi noticed the cover .

" is that sharlok Holmes : the valley of fear ?!!" He asked with excitement. ' this the first time seeing him excited and acting like a normal child but really what made him excited is a mystery book !!?? No wonder he will became a great detective in the future he is really   a detective otaku I don't blame him I also love mystery novels  ' I thought .

" ahh yes "

" I didn't know you love reading mystery stories , then did you read the sing of the four ??!!"


" how about the hound of baskervilles ??"

" yeah " I said with a little  excitement .' I finally I find someone to talk about mysteries and cases '

" oh me too  you know sharlock Holmes is really great detective he can ......."

Then we begin talking about how great sharlock Holmes is and  about all his  cases ..... As ran and sonoko they were looking at us with  a weired look well  I just  ignored that .

And this is how two mystery otaku meet .