Chapter 3: The date

"Where are we going," I ask him even though I know he probably won't tell me.

"It's a surprise," he says. Called it!

I cross my arms and pout like a five-year-old. He just laughs and tells me that it's not going to work.

"Can't blame a girl for trying," I say, shrugging my shoulders.

We're quiet after that, just listening to the music play softly in the background.

After driving for about twenty minutes, we pull up to Parachute, which is one of my favorite restaurants of all time.

"Oh my gosh! I've been craving some beef short rib with butter rice," I shriek. "How did you know to come here?"

"I may have asked a couple of girls I know. No big deal," he jokes.

"Remind me to thank them later!"

He chuckles and exits the car, quickly coming around to my side to open the door for me.

"Always the gentleman," I say with a smile.

"Only for you," he tells me with a wink, which makes me blush. My face is always red when I'm around him!

When we make it inside, I start to fidget in excitement. He looks at me with amusement on his face.

"You're cute, did you know that," he says grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it.

"Stop being so sweet or my face will never go back to a normal color," I whine, playfully pushing on his shoulder.

We get a table and I tell the waiter what I want as soon as he asks.

"I'll have the beef short rib with butter rice and a cup of water with lemon," I tell him. He looks at me with amusement and writes it down, then he turns to Danny.

"I'll just have the same but I'd like water without lemon. Thanks," Danny says. The waiter, who's name is Craig, writes it down and tells us it will be out shortly before smiling at us and walking away.

I turn back to Danny and he's scowling in Craig's direction.

"What crawled up your butt and died," I ask him with amusement clear in my voice.

"Nothing," he grumbles. I raise my eyebrow and he sighs before saying, "I don't like the way he was looking at you."

"Aww, are you jealous Daniel," I coo at him. "Because you do not need to be. I only have eyes for you," I add at the end and then look down at the table when I realize what I just said.

"You're so adorable," he tells me, lifting my head by my chin.

We just stare at each other and it feels like the background just melts away. Then Craig ruins it when he returns with our food, which brings back Danny's scowl and my excitement.

"Yay, food," I say, clapping my hands together before grabbing my spoon to eat.

I take a big unladylike bite and moan from how good it tastes. I hear laughter and look up to see Danny with a big smile on his face.

I give him an awkward laugh but he just shakes his head and picks up his spoon to take a bite. I watch for his reaction and all he says is, "That's good."

I look at him like he's crazy and say, "That's all you have to say? It's better than good! It's fantastic, amazing, and orgasmic all rolled into one!"

"You're right, sorry. It is amazing. Excuse me for my inappropriate response."

We laugh and continued to eat our food. When the bill comes we fight over who is going to pay.

"I asked you on a date, so I'm the one that should pay," he tells me.

"I feel bad just letting you pay! We can split it," I reply.

He shakes his head at me and then proceeds to pay.

I pout all the way outside and he laughs at me.

"Want to get ice cream," he asks me and I immediately perk up, nodding my head profusely.

"I'm paying though because this is still part of the date," he says.

I just huff, knowing there's no point in arguing because I'll just lose again.

We get our ice cream and walk around the park that was across the street.

"So, was this a good first date," he asks me nervously.

"It was amazing, thank you," I tell him, laughing when I see he has some ice cream that has gone down his chin. I use my thumb to wipe it away and then lick it off my finger because I didn't know what to do with it.

I go to keep walking but he stops me and pulls me in for a kiss, making my heartbeat erratically and my toes curl. We pull away breathless and I ask him, "What was that for?"

"You drive me crazy," is all he says and then pulls me back in for another kiss. This time when we pull away I notice that I'm no longer holding my ice cream, which makes me pout.

"You made me drop my ice cream," I say, stomping my foot like a little kid.

"Here, you can have mine."

I smile happily at him and take it from him.

He laughs and grabs my hand, leading the way back to his car. I throw the napkin that the ice cream was wrapped in into the trash and hop in the car.

When we were buckled in he drove to Beth's. I looked at the time and it was ten-thirty. Wow, time really does fly when you're having fun.

He pulls up to the house and stops me when I go to open the door. I give him a curious look and he takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Mardrianna, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend," he asks me nervously. I stare at him blankly for a minute to watch him sweat and as he goes to speak, I lean over and plant a kiss on his lips. When we pull away I ask him, "Does that answer your question?"

"Loud and clear," he says, pulling me back in for another kiss, but there's a knock on my window that makes me screech and smack my forehead against Danny's.

We rub our foreheads and look out the window to see everyone standing there looking at us like a bunch of creeps. I quickly open the door, not caring when it hits Brian in the chest.

"What the hell guys! You almost gave me a fracking heart attack," I hit the closest person to me, which happens to be Brian. Sorry, not sorry.

"What's with all this abuse?! Get your woman Dan! She's crazy," he says taking a step away from me, which was a wise choice because I was about to hit him again.

"Sorry girl, y'all were taking too long to come in so we came out to see what was up. I told this idiot to leave you alone but he just did not want to listen," Beth says while pointing to her brother.

I roll my eyes and walk toward the front door, everyone trailing behind me. As soon as they get inside, the girls pull me up to Beth's room and close the door.

"So, how was it," Ariel asks me eagerly.

I dive right into the amazing date we had and we just talk and chill until about one in the morning, which is when we fall asleep.