Chapter 18: Surprises

Today I'm twenty weeks pregnant and I'm halfway through my pregnancy. I have my monthly checkup today and my dad as well as Danny's decided they wanted to come with us, much to the girl's dismay.

"Are we ever gonna get to come," Beth whines when I call them to tell them.

I laugh and call her a baby, while Ariel says, "Having their parents there is important."

"The next one, I promise," I tell them.

"You're lucky that I love you," Beth says. They're crazy but I know they just want to show their support, which I love them so much for.

I decided to ride with my dad and just meet Danny and Pat at the doctor's office.

"I'm glad you wanted to come, daddy," I tell him with sincerity.

"I'm glad you're letting me come. I wasn't sure if you would want me to," he says.

"Of course I want you there! You're my dad," I tell him reaching over to grab his hand and giving it a tight squeeze.

"I love you, sweetie," he says bringing my hand up to his lips and planting a kiss on the back of it.

"I love you too daddy," I tell him with a smile.

Danny and Pat are waiting in the lobby for us when we get there. I go up to the front desk to sign in and we wait to be called back. We only have to wait about fifteen minutes before I hear my name being called.

We ushered into the room and I go sit on the chair and get my vitals checked. When she's all finished, she tells us Doctor Stringer will be with us shortly. We only have to wait about five minutes before she comes in.

"Well hello everyone," she says when she sees all of us. "How are mom and the babies today?"

"I've been a bit uncomfortable and having a little back pain, but other than that I've been doing good," I tell her. "Oh, and I felt little peanut moving around a little bit."

"You can do some light exercise to alleviate some of your pain, but do not go overboard," she says.

"Okay, sounds good," I say giving her a smile.

"The babies will react to your voice and light more often the further along you get, so you may want to make a schedule or something to talk or sing to the babies," she tells me.

"Cool," Danny says in amazement.

She gives us a few ultrasound pictures and we head out after I make a new appointment.


My dad started to fidget the closer we got to home, which made me very suspicious.

"What are you up to," I ask him suspiciously.

"Nothing pumpkin," he rushes out. I look at him for a little longer and then look away muttering, "Mhmm, sure."

When we pull up to the house I see a lot of cars, including Pat's car and my friends' cars.

"What's going on," I ask him curiously.

He just smiles and gets out of the car, coming around to help me out of the car. He puts his hands over my eyes and guides me into the house.

"Why are we going to the backyard," I ask him as I feel the familiar path.

He continues to ignore my questions and I soon feel the light breeze on my skin.

"Ready," he asks me.

"I guess, even though I have no idea what is going on," I reply. He counts to three and then takes his hands from my eyes.

"Surprise," everyone yells.

I gasp as I look around, tears immediately filling my eyes. I can see all of my friends and family gathered around. There are blue and pink decorations all over the yard. There are multiple tables with presents and multiple tables with food. People are sitting and standing around mingling with one another, making me so happy. The girls came up to me excitedly.

"You guys threw me a baby shower," I sob, pulling them in for a three-way hug.

"Of course we did," they say at the same time.

"I love you guys," I tell them.

"We love you too," they say.

"Well, let's go party," I say, pulling away from the hug.

Danny and I open lots of gifts and I eat a ton of food. About an hour into the party, I see Danny, my parents, and our friends walk off and talk about something. I question Danny when he comes back and he just brushes me off, saying that it's nothing to worry about.

After playing some games and eating cake, Danny asks for the music and chattering to stop.

I look at him in curiosity and he gives me a big smile in return.

"If I can have everyone's attention, I would like to say a few words to my baby mama," he says, sending a wink my way. I roll my eyes at his silliness and he comes over to stand by me.

He takes my hands into his and stares deeply into my eyes.

"Mardrianna Munrowe, I have loved you since we were eleven years old. I didn't really know what love was back then but I knew you were special. When I finally asked you out eight years later, I was not expecting you to say yes but I was over the moon when you did. Spending these last seven months with you have been the best of my life and I can't wait to spend the next eighteen years raising our kids together," after that last sentence, he gets down on one knee which makes me gasp and put my hands over my mouth with tears filling my eyes.

He then continues on, "I took the time to ask your parents permission before going out and buying a ring to ask you to be mine forever. I love you so much baby and I love you even more for deciding to have my babies. Will you do me the honors of being my wife?"

Danny has tears falling down his eyes at this point, while I'm full-on sobbing my eyes out. I manage to choke out a yes and he stands up, putting the ring on my left ring finger before pulling me into a hug. I pull back to give him a long and loving kiss before I realize I didn't even look at the ring.

"It's beautiful," I say when I finally observe it. It is a rose gold princess cut engagement ring with diamonds going from the diamond in the middle and stopping right at my pinky and middle fingers.

I throw my arms around his neck and plant another kiss on his lips. When I finally tune back into my surroundings, I hear and see everyone cheering a clapping. I blush and bury my face in his chest, making him laugh and wrap his arms around me.

"I love you," he whispers in my ear.

"I love you," I tell him, looking up into his eyes.

We celebrate the engagement with our friends and family some more before finally calling it a night.