Chapter 17: No more secrets

*Danny POV*

I'm driving to my house to talk to my dad and I'm really nervous about how this conversation might go. When I finally pull up, I see my dad's car in the driveway, which puts my nerves into overdrive. I take a deep breath and get out, walking to the front door. When I walk in I see that my dad is in the living room watching TV. He turns when I close the front door.

"Hey, son. No Mardrianna today," he says.

"Not today, she has to talk to her dad," I tell him. "On that topic, I need to talk to you too."

I'm fiddling my fingers nervously and he's staring at me with curiosity.

"Everything okay son," he asks me.

"Umm, sort of," I'm prolonging the inevitable.

"Just spit it out."

"I got Anna pregnant," I rush out.

He looks at me for a while before saying, "How far along is she?"

"She's four months today. We just found out the sex's earlier," I say, pulling out an ultrasound picture.

He looks at it in awe before saying, "You're having twins? You're gonna have your hands full there."

We both laugh and look at the picture. After a while, he tries to hand the picture back to me.

I shake my head at him, pushing it back toward him. "That's for you."

He gives me a big smile before taking out his wallet and placing the picture in a slot.

"What are you having," he asks me.

"A boy and a girl," I tell him with a huge grin.

"I'm happy for you, son. I wish you would have waited before making me a grandma, but I'm happy. I just wish your mom could be here to see how much you've grown," he says with tears in his eyes.

My own tears start to fall down my cheeks at his words. He gets up, giving me a hug. We stand there for I don't know how long before we pull away. I go into the kitchen to get started on some dinner.



Just as dinner finishes, I get a call from Danny.

"Hey babe," I say, heading up the stairs.

"Hey, baby. How'd the talk go? Does your dad want to kill me," he asks me.

"Surprisingly he doesn't. Apparently, he's known for a while and has had time to calm down," I tell him.

He releases a breath of relief before saying, "I'm glad I get to live for a little while longer."

I laugh at his silliness and we talk for a while before we go to hang out with our parents.


It's been a couple of weeks and things are going great. Danny talked to my dad about something earlier this week but wouldn't tell me what it was about. My dad didn't kill him so I guess their conversation went well.

I've had a higher sex drive the last few weeks so I attack Danny every chance we have alone.

We're in Danny's room making out on his bed and it's getting pretty steamy.

"I love you so much," I moan out when he trails his hands up and down my sides.

"I love you more," he tells me.

He slowly lifts my maternity dress over my head and then brings his lips back to mine. He kisses his way down to my neck, nipping and sucking on the skin, making me let out a loud moan. I feel him smirk against my skin and move further down my body. When he makes it to my swollen belly, he places kisses all over telling the babies that he loves them, and then moves back up my body to my lips. We take off the rest of our clothes and make love for hours.

"I missed you," I tell him while I'm laying on his chest trying to catch my breath.

"You just saw me three days ago and we talked on the phone last night," he replies with a breathless laugh.

"I know but I miss you when I don't see you every day," I say with a pout. He laughs at me and kisses my forehead.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I'm waking up alone in bed and it's dark outside.

I put my clothes on and head downstairs to find Danny. I find him in the kitchen making some food.

"You must love me to be making me some food," I say after standing there for a while just looking at him. He jumps about ten feet in the air, having not heard me come in.

"Jesus babe! You scared the crap out of me," he yells, putting a hand over his heart. I laugh and walk up to him. I put my arms around him and lean on my tippy toes to give him a kiss. He responds immediately, deepening the kiss, making me moan out. We hear a moan and pull apart, my cheeks instantly heating up in embarrassment.

"Hi, Pat," I say shyly.

"Hey, Anna," he says with a laugh. "What you making, son?"

"I'm making lasagna since it's Anna's favorite," he tells him. "You're welcome to join us."

"Thanks, I think I will," he says with a smile.

We eat together and then Danny and I head back up to his room to sleep.


By this point in my pregnancy, I'm pretty sure that most if not all of the staff and students know about it. I get lingering looks as I walk past and I just glare at them. I make it to my locker after class and everyone is waiting for me.

"Hey, guys! Who's ready for lunch," I ask in excitement. They laugh and say, "We are!"

We head to the lunchroom to find a seat and the guys go to get us food. I'm chatting with the girls about the next scan when I suddenly feel a flutter in my belly.

"Oh my God," I yell out, making the girls jump up and start fussing over me.

"What's wrong," Beth yells at the same time Ariel yells, "Is it the babies?!"

"No, I felt peanut moving around! It felt so weird, but oddly right," I tell them, rubbing on my stomach.

"Awe," they say at the same time.

"What are we awing about this time," Brian asks as the boys come back with our food.

"I felt the peanut moving around," I tell them excitedly.

"Really? I missed it," Danny whined.

I laugh and then eat my food, chatting with the others about random topics.