Chapter 22: Dinner and Surprises

It's March 13th which means it's my birthday. I did not think I would be spending my last birthday of high school eight months pregnant, but life is full of surprises.

The girls and I are in my room getting ready to go out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I'm wearing a maternity dress that has a silver sparkly top that cuts off at the top of my belly by a thin belt. It continues into a gray skirt that ends right above my knee. I decided to wear some gray flats to go with it. Justice has on a maternity dress that is white with a flowery pattern and it goes down to her ankles. She decided on some white flats to go with it. Beth has on a white long sleeve shirt that is off the shoulder on both sides and the arms end in a flare. She has on some light-colored jeans that end right above her ankles, where they meet with some white strappy wedges. Ariel has on a black halter top dress that ends at her mid-thigh and she decided on wearing some white Adidas.

We look at each other and say, "We look hot." We laugh and head down the stairs to meet up with everyone else.

The guys are all dressed casually and our parents are all dressed fancy. Everyone's parents were invited, including Justice's grandparents who were happy to come along. We've all gotten really close to Justice and her grandparents and they're like family to us. Justice has been adjusting well to being at a new school with everyone and I'm happy that they have become such great friends.

"Is everyone ready to go," my mom asks us excitedly. After everyone says yes, she ushers us out. Us girls are riding in Ariel's car, the guys are riding in Jerrico's car, Justice's grandparents are driving their car, Danny's dad is riding with my parents and the twins, Jerrico's parents are driving their car, and Ariel's parents are driving their car with Beth and Brian's parents riding along.

We all meet up at the Cheesecake Factory entryway. My dad somehow got to make a reservation so we were seated immediately. Pretty sure they don't do reservations, but my dad has connections so there's that. We got two separate tables that fit ten people each and sit down. Me, Danny, our parents, the twins, Justice, and her grandparents are at one table, while everyone else is at the other table.

We're eating and having a good time when the staff comes out with a new york cheesecake and everyone sings happy birthday. This part is always awkward because I never know what to do while everyone is singing. Do I just sit there smiling like a creep? Do I sing along? What do I do? When the torture is finally over I close my eyes and make a wish, blowing out the candle when I open my eyes.

"What you wish for," Danny asks me, squeezing my knee.

"If I told you, it wouldn't come true," I tell him, kissing him on the cheek.

The rest of the dinner goes by with us just talking and laughing before we all head back to my house. Once there, I thank everyone for coming out and they all get in their cars and leave. I head up to bed, waiting for Danny to call me and tell me he made it home safely.


I'm at the doctor with Danny getting checked to see how much more time we have until the babies are born.

"They could come any day now. You're thirty-six weeks, so we're gonna try and push for them to be born next week or the week after, just to make sure they are cooked enough," Doctor Stringer tells us. "Everything is looking great other than that. They are in the perfect position for a vaginal birth so that's one less thing for you to have to worry about."

I let out a breath of relief because that was my greatest fear, having to have a cesarian birth. Danny grabs my hand and gives it a light squeeze.

"If you start having contractions or your water breaks, call me and head straight to the hospital," she tells me sternly.

"Will do," I say while Danny says, "Yes ma'am."

We head to Beth and Brian's house to hang out with the gang. They're waiting for us when we get there.

"Hey, how was the appointment," Justice asks us.

"It was good. Doctor S said they could come any day now, but I'm hoping they wait until it's closer to their due date," I tell her looking down and rubbing my swollen belly.

"Are you excited to have them coming soon," Ariel asks Danny and me, showing her own excitement.

"I think we're excited but also very nervous," Danny says speaking for the both of us. I nod my agreement to his statement. I am extremely nervous but I can't wait for them to be out of me.

We hang out with everyone with Justice and I eating a whole lot of food. While we're watching a movie and Danny are rubbing my swollen feet, I start to feel some contractions. I just brush them off but they soon become too much to handle and Danny notices that I'm in a lot of pain.

"You okay baby," he asks me with concern.

"I'm starting to feel some contractions. I'm sure it's just Braxton Hicks, but I'm gonna go use the bathroom and I'll be right back," I tell him. As soon as I stand up I feel pressure and then I pee myself, at least I think it's pee.

"Frack! I think I just pe-," I'm cut off by an extremely painful contraction, which has me doubled over in pain.

"Oh god, I think my water just broke," I say with panic in my voice. Everyone stares at me in shock before jumping into action. They start running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Justice is sitting on the couch rubbing my back, trying to ease my pain.

Once everyone has all their stuff gathered, they run out the door to their cars, leaving Justice and me behind. We look at each other in complete shock.

"Did they just leave us," she asks in disbelief.

"Idiots, I'm surrounded by idiots," I say, facepalming.

I'm calling Doctor Stinger when everyone comes back, realizing that they had left us behind.

"Come right in," she tells me. Danny comes over to help me to the car while Justice follows behind us.

"On our way now," I tell her.

"Make sure to time your contractions so we know how far apart they are," she tells me.

"I have one going right now. The last one was ten minutes ago and I haven't had another one yet," I tell her, getting strapped into the car.

"Okay, sounds good. See you in a bit," she tells me, hanging up.

"I am so sorry we forgot y'all," Danny tells me with a sheepish smile. I just glare at him and he takes that as his cue to drive away. We didn't bring the hospital bags, so our parents are bringing them when they come to the hospital.

I had my second big contraction thirty minutes after the first, so I'm most likely going to be in labor forever. When we made it to the hospital, we got signed in and immediately taken to a room. Now it's just the waiting game.