Chapter 23: Welcome to the world

I've been in labor for ten hours and I'm in complete and utter pain. I've refused to get an epidural because I want to do everything naturally. The contractions are about seven minutes apart and I'm eight centimeters dilated. Danny hasn't left my side and I love him so much for it. Everyone has been in and out to check on the babies and me, but visiting hours are over and only two people are allowed to stay. Obviously, Danny is here, but I also requested that my mom stay as well.

I feel another contraction hit and I moan out in pain.

"Are you sure you don't want an epidural," Danny asks me, looking pained at my pain.

"I want to try and do it as they did in the Bible days," I say, joking. "Not to mention I don't want to get stabbed with a huge needle."

"I believe in you sweetheart. It'll be hard but I know you can do this," my mom tells me, squeezing my hand in encouragement.

"Thanks, mama," I tell her with an appreciative smile.

She kisses my forehead and goes to call my dad with an update. Danny kisses me and tells me to try and get some rest, which is exactly what I do.

I wake a few hours later and look at the clock to see that it's two in the morning, which means I was asleep for about three hours. I get up to go pee and then I decide I want to walk around the halls to try and alleviate the pain. My mom came with me to keep me company.

"Mom, what if something bad happens during the delivery," I whisper to her, voicing my fears.

"I have faith that everything will be okay in the end," she tells me, rubbing my back. "You're almost at the finish line and before you know it, you will have two beautiful bundles of joys in your arms."

"Thanks for being here mom," I tell her, leaning into her side.

We head back to my room and Danny is just getting up.

"Hey, baby. How was your walk," he asks helping me back to the hospital bed. I thank him and another contraction comes on as well as a strange feeling.

"Hi Mardrianna, I'm just here to check your vitals and to see how far you are dilated," Nurse Amy says when she walks in.

She checks to make sure my vitals are good and then she checks my cervix.

"Well, it looks like we're ready to have some babies. You are ten centimeters dilated," she says standing up and taking her gloves off.

"What? It's time," Danny asks, panicking.

My mom puts her hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down. He takes a few deep breaths and then takes my hand into his, squeezing it.

"You got this babe," he says, putting his forehead to mine and looking into my eyes.

Doctor Stringer comes in and says, "Who's ready to have some babies?"

"I guess I am," I say, moaning out in pain from another contraction.

She instructs me to put my feet up on the footrests and to push on the next big contraction.

"If I end up crapping, no one is to tell me," I say completely serious. They laugh but agree. My mom and Danny go to my sides and grab my hands.

I feel the next big contraction come and I immediately start pushing, squeezing the life out of their hands. Danny looks like he's dying from how hard I'm squeezing, but my mom only winces. Doctor Stringer told me to push for ten seconds but I only made it to six.

"I can't do this," I cry.

"Baby, look at me," Danny says. He kisses my forehead and looks deep into my eyes. "You can do this baby. Only a little bit longer and we'll have two beautiful babies, okay?"

I nod at him and push down on the next contraction.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, good keep going, 9, 10," Doctor Stringer counts. I take a few deep breaths before going again.

"You're doing so good sweetie," my mom encourages me.

I push about five more times before I feel my first baby come out.

"It's a boy," Doctor Stringer yells when she pulls him out the rest of the way. Nurse Amy suctions his mouth and throat and he starts to cry, making me sigh in relief. Danny cuts the cord and then he's immediately placed on my chest. I hold him until Doctor Stringer breaks my second water and the contractions start again. Nurse Ben takes him to get him cleaned up and I get ready to start the process again.

I only push about three times before she starts to make her appearance. When her head comes out Doctor S tells me to stop pushing and I panic.

"What's wrong," I ask out of breath.

"Everything is fine, the cord is wrapped around her neck," she says calmly.

"Oh god! Is she gonna be okay," I ask.

"Yes, she'll be fine," she says. "Give me one more big push."

I push with everything in me and I feel her slide out. Danny cuts the cord and Nurse Amy immediately takes her across the room.

"Why isn't she crying? She's not crying! Why," I start to panic and cry hysterically. My mom and Danny try to calm me down but it isn't working. I finally calm down when I hear her cry. Now I'm sobbing from happiness and Nurse Amy brings her over to me and places her on my chest.

"Thank god," I say, leaning down and placing a kiss on her head. "You scared the crap out of mommy. I'm never letting you go."

Nurse Ben brings baby boy over to Danny, who takes his shirt off for the skin to skin contact. They are currently content and breathing evenly.

"So, what are the little ones' names," my mom asks me in anticipation.

Danny and I look at each other. He says, "This little guy is Jaxon Lee Roberts," while I say, "This is Meanna Na'Shay Roberts."

"I love them," she says with complete and total love on her face.

Doctor Stinger tells us her congratulations, while Nurse Amy gets me cleaned up and Nurse Ben gets the clear bassinet things together. They take them to get their tests done and get their footprints on the birth certificates. I freak out a little when they take them but I am being moved to a recovery room and they are only gone for twenty minutes.

They bring them back and Nurse Amy shows me how to breastfeed. It takes a few minutes before my milk comes out but it finally does. I feed Meanna first on the right boob and then I feed Jaxon on the left.

I'm so exhausted and I fall asleep after getting a sponge bath. I'm content knowing that they'll be waiting when I wake up.