Chapter 1

Rains POV

"Bing" rang my phone. It was a message from my best friend Alexia.

"I'm outside come on we have to go shopping"

Great just great now she's gonna beat the hell out of me for making her wait.

I hopped out of bed into the shower and put on a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt and tied my hair into a messy bun.

I ran downstairs and almost ran over my mom.

"Woah slow down your gonna get hurt."

"Sorry mom, Alexia is waiting outside and if I make her wait any longer shes gonna kill me. We're going shopping" I explained to her.

"Someone's excited for their birthday"

"Yeah mom as much as I would love to keep chatting with you I want to be alive for my birthday so byeeee." I told her as I ran down the hall towards the kitchen for a quick breakfast which I don't usually skip but this is Alexia we're talkin about everything has to be pin point for her.I like that about her, but it gets annoying sometimes.

"Byee mom" I yelled.

"Bye sweetie,nothing too revealing ok."

"Ok" I shouted as I ran out the door to find a mad Alexia and her jeep. I hopped in.

"Hi" I said with a cheeky smile.

"Hello to you too, took you long enough" she sounded annoyed.

"Sorry over slept" I slowly explained to her knowing she was gonna burst about my birthday and how I'm supposed to have a dress by now and everything planned out for the next 10 years.

She huffed at me "you know 17 is a big deal you should be excited-" "I am, now enough chit chat let's leave" I cut her off.

"Fine but I'm picking your dress since I'm your best friend" she grinned cheekily.

"Fine where are we going?"

"To my moms boutique" she said with a smile from ear to ear.

Oh boy Alexia and her mom in one room with me and dresses this is gonna be a long day.....

We pulled up in front of the boutique

"Meridas boutique" What a cringe name I thought, but their dresses was a whole nother story. I mean what do you expect from a famous designer. That also explains why alexia is so fashionable and always gives me pointers which I'm not complaining about. I dont even know what I would do with out Alexia. I would probably show up in a trash bag. As I was caught in my thoughts I realized alexia was already inside the boutique.

"Hey you finally made it" she said sarcastically and chuckled.

" I told my mom about your birthday and she said she has the perfect dress come on I'll show you" she motioned for me to come forward. As I walked after her I saw the most beautiful black dress with lace sleeves and a v neck. It was gorgeous.

"Well looks like you likey" Alexia joked with me.

"No looks like me lovey" we both cracked up laughing.

Dimitri's POV

"Shes one of our best agents!

HOW COULD YOU BE SO CARLESS" I shouted right in his face.

"Sir it wasn't me" that ass of a face told me.

"Oh yeah than who was it you were the only one in contact with the Russions

HOW DO THEY NOW ABOUT ANNA!!" now I was just getting frustrated. I was sent a package with her picture and clear threats of getting rid of her. I shouldn't have let her get in this mess. I promised she wasn't going to get in harm's way. Two years worth of missions she proved herself worthy of being a part of my Italien mafia. I raised her like the daughter I never had and now she has a target on her back because of some idoits.

" Sir we have a mole in our group it wasn't me I didn't mention anyone and they dont suspect me" he explained.

"Get. Out." I said through gritted teeth. A mole who would dare to betray me I own one of the biggest mafias. Who ever he is he's going to pay for putting my precious Anna in harm's way.

"Uncle Dimitri is everything ok I heard yelling" a soft voice who I knew belonged to Anna. " Everythings alright dear just some stupid rookies" she nodded, but I knew she was too smart to believe that. I wasn't going to tell her about the mole or the Italians just yet at least not before her 17th birthday.

" So I got the flash and also killed Henric he was getting in my nerves"

She said breaking my train of thoughts.

"Oh Anna did you have to, I'd rather not have rivals finding my weakness"

" don't worry about it Uncle D he was being an anti-feminist and thought I wouldn't pull the trigger so are you going to take this flash or.. should I kill some one else to get it back for you" she said with a grin.

" Oh Anna never fail to surprise me." I said as I took the dangerous information that she got from Henric a rival Italian. " Anna your birthday is right around the corner you know that right? We should throw you a party. What do you think?" She paused as if thinking about it I hoped she would say yes and let me do that for her. She was always cought up in work that she never had the chance to do any normal teenage activities that somewhat always made me feel guilty.

"Ok whatever makes you happy uncle D" I smiled at her nickname for me. "Great and Anna do I have to clean up anything?" I asked her.

"Oh my God uncle how could you" she feigned hurt.

" you know my work is always clean when have I left a mess?"

" That's my girl."

She left and closed the door after her. Now I had to double up security to ensure Anna's safety not that she needed it no one could come within a a mile radius she was smart and mature for her age. The fact that she was never a normal teenager. I found her at the age of 15 beating up two muggles that were trying to rob her and from that second one I took her in trained her as my own daughter. Running in the mafia I never had time for marrige or relationships therefore I didn't have any family or an heir for my mafia now that I have Anna I didn't have to worry about any of it. There are only two things on my mind now:

Anna's birthday and that rat of a mole I have in my group.