Chapter 2

Dimitris POV

I knew what I wanted to get Anna for her 17th birthday. Anna lived in an orphanage for most of her life and when I found her that day almost killing those guys I knew she was my type of 'daughter material' she was brave very. To make it offical I went to the orphanage to adopt her officially and make her part of my family to be shocked to find out she had a sister a twin in fact. I dont know what got into me, but I didn't adopt her. Anna seemed clueless about her sister, which escalated my guilt ,the second time I went to adopt her sister she was gone. I attempted to find which family adopted her, but they said it was classified information and I let it go. That probably is the reason I feel so guilty towards her. Thoughts rolled in my mind if I had left her that day she may have gone back and gotten adopted by an normal family with her sister and lived a normal life. So I made it my goal to look for her sister and find her before I die.

Rains POV( the day of her birthday)

"Come on out birthday girl let's see you"

My mom said. Today was my birthday. I turn 17 today. Senier year of high school and life couldn't get better.

"Come on you're testing our patience Rain, you know what I'm coming in naked or not her I come!" She yelled and I giggled as I looked at myself in the mirror one last time I had natural makeup except for the bold red lip and black heels and the dress we had picked out. I looked pretty nice.

"Oh my God rain! You look hot!" I heard her gasp. I smiled at her she was the best friend you could ever ask for. She wasn't like the rest of the girls that were toxic or jealous she was supportive and was my best friend since I got adopted 2 years ago. They are the best family you could ever ask for. Although I didn't know my past family and just thinking about them now made me sad but today was no day to be sad today was about celebrating.

"Oh" I heard my mother gasp and start tearing up. " you look beautiful rain your growing up so fast" she said slowly with a hint of sadness in her eyes. Soon my dad joined in and they were both staring at me with much love. How did I get so lucky to have them?

"Now you guys are gonna make me start crying and ruin my makeup" I said as pulled them into a hug.

"Sorry to ruin this beatiful moment but we have a birthday to run I mean birthday girl can't be late to her own party" Alexia interrupted.

"Ok shes right let's get to it" my dad agreed. We got in the car and drove to my party that was packed with teenagers and relatives.I realized that the guest list I had no part in my mom probably invited all our relatives and my dear Alexia is responsible for the teenagers since she says I've been 'single' my whole life not that I'm complaining and need to add 'flavor' in my life. My life is good just the way it is my parents are docters and I plan on being one myself and everything was too good for a boy to come and ruin it all. I heard people have heartbreaks like actually they get sad because a guy left them like come on girl pull it together. I mean not that I would know.

Tha party was packed with people and music was blasting and I got a lot of birthday gifts and lots of poeple who I knew and didn't know all thanks to Alexia wished me a happy birthday the night was going pretty well.

It was time for my dance with my dad after he gave a little speech that I didn't get to hear because of all the poeple wishing me happy birthday.

The floor cleared and I danced with my dad and he whispered in my ear" your mother and I have a surprise for you." I couldn't help but wonder what could they give me more than they already have . If you can't tell I'm a very grateful person. After the dance I was blindfolded and being led outside.

"Come on I can't last any longer" I explained frustrated I am grateful but not that patient.

" We are here" I heard my dad say as he took the blindfold of. I gasped at what I saw. I'm pretty sure my eyes were gonna fall out of their place. "What do you think " my mom explained grinning.

" WHAT DO I THINK! You guys got me a SUV car"

"Thank you so so so so much" I started saying as I pulled them into a bear hug.

My dad chuckled

" You deserve it baby. All your grades are high and you're really stressing yourself out" I heard mom say. I was indeed very serious about school and wanted what any other teenager would want to make their parents proud.

"I love you guys so much"

"We love you too baby but we have to go an emergency at the hospital we're really sorry" my dad explained to me with disappointment. " its okey don't worry about it" they smiled and left and here I was ogling at my new car, although I dont know how to drive I was still pretty excited.

" so birthday girl wanna go for a drive" I heard Alexia saying behind me.

"Yeah but where?" I asked

"You'lle see" she said amused. Oh God she knew how much I hated not knowing things. After 20 minutes she pulled up at a club. I raised my eyebrows at her "really a club?" I told her in disbelief. "Come on it's not even that late, just follow me ok" she waited for me to answer. I huffed and nodded my head. "Let's do this" she said excitedly. "Wait I don't have an ID how am I gonna get in?" She face palmed herself. " Sorry ReRe I keep forgetting your still a minor let's just find a diner and eat something I'm starving" Just as I was getting the car I spotted two men in black tuxes coming torwards us. I didn't think much of it besides we are outside a club. In matter of seconds I felt something hard hit my head the last thing I heard was Alexia's shriek and a voice with a thick russion accent saying "oh Dimitri I got your little assassin" and I blacked out.