Time skip (2)

[World of dxd]


I am currently sitting cross-legged in a traditional Japanese house, I am in deep thought over what to do, if I was reincarnated exactly as I wished then I should be 10 years before Canon in dxd world, not that much time but I can do with it,

I guess I will start with getting those powers.

Akuto "[inventory]-Power orb"

I call my function and rise my hand towards nothing, suddenly a white orb appeared in the palm of my hand, I then use status on it just to make sure it works as I desired.

Akuto "[status]-power orb"


Name:Power orb




Description: it let's the one who use it to create a power or techniques, be they fictional or real it make sure that those powers can be used in the world the user is or if the user couldn't use them before it makes it work, it can only be a power that can be trained( this only applies to powers from other worlds) , the user has to have some level of understanding about them.


Now most would question what is fictional or real. Fictional power is a power that doesn't exist in the world I am right now one example could be my Death God powers another could be if I were to get [geppo]-from one piece then I would be able to train it and use it in the same condition as in the one piece world and while [geppo] isn't a power but more like a technique it fits in this context .

As for powers that exist, it only covers powers that exist in dxd world and nothing more.

With this I can literally create techniques or powers that are not from this world, and can be trained.

I go ahead and make my choice and wait for the orb to become a ray of light before I get knowledge about how to train [Observational haki] afterwards I do the same thing about 5 more times, this infinite amount of consumables is so broken... I then grin and say out loud.

Akuto"Self status"


Name:akuto sai

Race:[Death God]

Title:[He who has reincarnated], [Soul king]

Power level:middle-level-Soul

Skills:[shikai mode], [Bankai mode], [Hollow mask mode], [Soul manipulation], [observational haki ], [armament haki], [shumpo], [shigan], [Tempest kick], [tekkai]

Functions:status, inventory

(Observational haki) : power from one piece at high level it can let the user see in to the future.

the higher the soul power the more the user can see in to the future(applicable only to the soul king).

(ARMAMENT HAKI) : power from one piece it let's the user harden his skin through the use of his will, it let's the user to hit or touch beings or things that are made of elements.

[Shumpo]-a technique from bleach, a high level movement art that uses the idea of using less steps on bigger distances highest level of this technique is one step to cross 1000 meters.

[Shigan]-a technique from one piece it lets the user to shot beams from his fingers much like a bullet.

[tempest kick] - technique from one piece it let's the user to use his legs like a sword by creating a wind blade using his legs.

[Tekkai]-technique from one piece it let's the user to make his body as hard as iron for a limited time, the time can be longer with more training and higher level of mastery.

With this I guess I will be able to start training I need to reach the high class level fast so I can at least defend myself to some extent.

<<<<<<<<-------Time skip------->>>>>>>>>

[ One year Later]

[Town of Babylonia ]