[One Year Later]
[Town of Babylonia]
(Akuto pov)
It been a year and I finally got the information I wanted with this I can finally start apearing in the eyes of the supernatural. I am currently in the town of babylonia looking for some devil's or to be more precise it would be for a group of stray devils from [Chaos Brigade] after my long search for them of a few month's I've finally found them,
now then how should I make my apearence.... Oh why don't I do that, I still need to get some fame even if I risk being killed early, if I don't do this I would not be able to get in contact with any factions in this world that would take me as their ally,
Akuto"show them your wrath fundo baaru"
After making my command my sword changes and curves slightly(think of sinbad sword that he always has with him) after this I raise my sword towards a House about 40 meters from me and call.
After which I drop a lightning strike at them, I was never one to think of what would happen if I use this power with no regard for the Situation....
[A Few minutes earlier]
[Inside the house that Akuto is about to strike]
[Leader of the stray devils group pov]
I am currently working on making this power useable after so much time I finally found a way to use senjutsu as a devil really who would've throught that this girl right here would be the key to this power, now I only need some time to get my materials ready and start experiments on her... Oh men I can't wait to see her suffering.....
Suddenly I stop and start to feel as if something bad is about to happen, the devil senses are screaming at me to get out of here or put up a defense,
I would usually ignore them but now it's like they are ringing a bell sound in my head all the time, so I put up a shield around me then one around the human girl I caught , when I was about to order my men to put one around themselves it happened, suddenly I see a bright light, an intense blue light coming at us from the heaven, what is this.. Is it heaven doing, if I didn't put up my shield I would've died and this blue color is so weird I don't feel any known energy from it I only feel an energy full of nothing...
What the hell the house was destroyed and my subordinates are dead only me and this girl are still alive, then after a few seconds through the smoke around me I see a silhouette, not long later this silhouette comes towards me as I can finally see who is behind this, I see a boy with brown hair and big purple eyes his clothes consist of only a black kimono and a long white haori covering his kimono(captain clothes from bleach) I can also see he has a sword in his hand it looks weird it not the traditional Japanese like sword,
even so I can't believe this I didn't feel an ounce of power from him what the hell is this it like he doesn't exist,
I see him coming closer then stopping 10 meters from me he starts to speak to me,
Akuto"hee.. I didn't think you would still be alive since I used a sneak atack and all that, well whatever, devil I want your knowledge on senjutsu that you accumulated, do think this through if you do that I would leave and let you be but if you don't then I will kill you"
Is this guy an idiot? Does he think that he scared me just like that? I mean yea sure he has some power but that's it does he think he can order me around?
Devil"i don't know who you are or why you think you can order me around but I will tell you this.... Ughh"
Damn I didn't even get to finish before he just appeared in my left and stabed his sword in me, but is this guy an idiot a mere stab won't
kill me.. I speak again this time preparing to atack him...
Devil"haha do you think a mere stab would kill me? "
Akuto" no but I needed to do this if I wanted to use my other technique successfully while not hurting this girl right here, I was careless once so I will not be a second time"
Akuto"[Bararaq-saiqa]-[weak version] "
After which i see a blue light gathering on the sword stabed in me, at the same time my devil sense screams to me to get away, but it's to late I will die right now I can't even tell him that I will give him all the knowledge I have,... Damn it damn it damn it I wanted to become an ultimate class devil and I couldn't ah how despairing,.. This bright light is so close to take my life even till now I don't know the name of the one who killed me....