
Late afternoon light filtered inside the master bedroom at the penthouse suite in Gotham Tower. Meanwhile, two ladies were busily chatting whilst they kept their hands occupied with anything they could grab onto—make-up palettes and brushes or outfits. Name it. They perused everything that afternoon before picking which they would be wearing for a show they've been anticipating to witness for the past weeks. 

"So you're saying… It has been a week, and you guys were just kissing and never went past touching here and there, correct?" Yanyan confirmed, her head tilted to the side as question marks whirled around her. Her hand hovered over her breasts, pointing to the location where she assumed Stellar was begging to be caressed by Holden.

They were in Stellar's bedroom and were preparing for the fashion show. Five racks of clothes Stellar 'borrowed' from Cassy's closet occupied the master bedroom, yet with how spacious it was, they could still accommodate a dozen more.