Sense of Belongingness

Linked arm in arm, Stellar ejected from her seat and dragged a wide-eyed Yanyan out and away from the ruckus inside the hall where necks craned to the catwalk, the location where Irina passed out from humiliation.

As the two friends left towards the double doors, people parted like the red sea for them before it zipped closed as the gossip mongers squeezed themselves together to have their fill of the front-row tale of Irina's fall from grace.

Despite the deafening whispers, never did Stellar and Yanyan once bother to look over their shoulders where the portrait of their sweet revenge was happening.

Everything was bittersweet, Stellar thought. A part of her felt bad for retaliating in such a ruthless manner, but deep in the ventricles of her heart, she felt vindicated from witnessing Irina swallowing a dose of her own medicine.