Utterly Confused

After hailing a cab for Yanyan, Stellar and Holden left Cooper to fend for himself yet again. Peering over her shoulder, Stellar bit her lip to stifle her smile upon seeing Cooper making faces behind Holden's back.

The cheeky twin even went as far as flipping a bird, but quickly withdrew when Holden whipped his head toward Cooper's direction. A corner of Holden's lips then tipped up in a smirk, triumphant over vexing his twin. Clearly, Cooper was in a towering rage after Holden rejected his suggestion of sharing a ride home since they carpooled their way into the hotel earlier that evening.

Cooper sneered before waving the lovers off with a flick of his wrist. There was nothing much he could do about the situation. Knowing Holden, he would not change his mind once he decided on something.