Vietnam 1

Holden's face almost split in half with amusement. He couldn't believe how Stellar flew down the flight of stairs as if she was being chased by a Boogeyman.

Seeing her escape away from the crowd wasn't new to him after years of witnessing Stellar avoid contact during parties, but he always found that side of her adorable and endearing. 

While waiting for Stellar to properly secure her seatbelt, Holden's hand automatically reached for the console to turn up the heating in the car. 

"Let's go before they hound us like paparazzis," Stellar urged whilst she drummed her fingers on the dashboard. With a shake of Holden's head, the car moved into the traffic. Polarized to take a peek in Stellar's direction, Holden stole a glance at the lady beside him and noticed how relief flooded her face while she was drying her head with a napkin.

"Why is your butt on fire earlier?" he teased, a smile ghosted his lips while he turned right after a traffic light.