Not All Rumors Are True

Maya hesitated as she looked at her sister. "But…I don't think it's a good idea to lie to the person that you like… If you truly like him, you should be honest with him. I'm sure he'll understand."

Seeing that Maya didn't dismiss her request immediately, Delilah knew that her sister wasn't completely opposed to the idea.

"You won't be completely lying to him. I simply want to leave the best first impression," she quickly spat out. "Sam and Tiffany can help you pretend to be me. If you look and act exactly like me, then you're not lying. You'll just be a temporary substitute; like a body double in a film. You'll slip in and out seamlessly without anyone noticing. He won't know any different."

Maya fell silent as she looked at her sister in deep thought. Her sister was her weakness and she wanted her to be happy. If Delilah truly liked this Lucas guy, then perhaps, it was right for her to support her.

Delilah looked at her sister and smirked. Knowing that she only needed one last push to make her decision, Delilah quickly added, "Aren't you an art director? Have you ever heard of an agency in Hong Kong called Lotus?"

Maya's eyes immediately lit up at the mention of Lotus. Everyone in the creative industry, especially in advertising, had heard about Lotus. They were famous for their highly effective, yet ethical advertising campaigns, and Maya had always admired them. So, she looked at her sister and gave a gentle nod.

"If you can help me with this favor, I can get you a job at Lotus…" Delilah said confidently, knowing that this was the push that her sister needed.

Maya held her breath in surprise. She saw the seriousness in her sister's eyes and remembered that she had just lost her job earlier that day. If she could get a job at Lotus, then that would be the ideal outcome. She could get a fresh start in the new year and return to chasing her dream! A new year, a new job, in a new location; this was exactly what she needed.

"Can you really do that?" she double-checked carefully before agreeing to anything.

Delilah nodded with certainty. If she married Lucas Lee, then anything was possible.

After seeing this response and hesitating for a few more minutes, Maya bit her lower lip nervously…and finally nodded her head. It was a win-win situation.

With a grin, Delilah looked at Sam and Tiffany and said, "You guys know what to do. Hurry and help her prepare for the blind date tomorrow! Make sure she looks exactly like me."

"OK!" Sam and Tiffany replied excitedly.

Before Maya noticed what was happening...she was dragged out of the hospital room to an awaiting car. The clock was ticking and they had no time to waste.

As soon as she sat down, Sam plopped down next to her, clicked his tongue, and scanned her from head to toe. "Let's start with getting you a wig…" he said. Sam was familiar with every inch of his best friend and knew exactly what needed changing. At first, the twins looked completely identical, but as he looked at the fine details, he noticed more and more differences. If he could notice them, then there was a risk that they would be exposed, so he scanned the woman carefully.

All of a sudden, his eyes paused on Maya's chest. He stared at it and rubbed his chin in deep thought.

Maya noticed this and subconsciously glared at the man. How dare he look at her like that! Just because he was her sister's best friend, it didn't mean he could act disrespectfully.

Tiffany saw the hostility in Maya's eyes and quickly nudged Sam. "Stop looking at her like that or she will misunderstand," she warned.

Sam snapped out of his daze when he realized what Tiffany meant. Raising his hands innocently, he quickly explained, "Sorry honey, I was getting carried away. But you don't have to worry..."

"...I'm not interested in women..."

Tiffany nodded, "I can vouch for that."

Maya's eyes slowly softened when she heard their explanation. She looked at Sam again and realized how stupid she had been. Now that it was brought to her attention, it seemed pretty obvious that Sam was gay. His blue palm tree suit, his neatly styled hair, his long curled lashes, and his flamboyant character... Why didn't she pick up on it earlier? Perhaps, she had been too distracted by everything that was happening around her.

But, it didn't explain why Sam was staring at her chest with such concentration.

"Then, why are you looking at me like that?" Maya asked straightforwardly as she covered her chest.

Sam furrowed his brows and looked at Tiffany. "Do you think he will notice that? Should we cover it up?" he asked as he stretched out a hand and pointed to a tiny mole under Maya's collarbone, just above her left breast. The mole was so tiny, it was barely noticeable.

Tiffany stared at the mole and furrowed her brows as well. [Lucas Lee wouldn't get so close that he'd notice a fine detail like that, right?]

Maya realized what they were talking about and quickly jumped in to defend herself, "I'm just substituting for my sister, not selling my body! I guarantee he won't get close enough to notice something as fine as that! If you want to cover that mole, then you might as well cover every little mole on my body. I have plenty more in places that you can't see. I even have a tattoo..."

"A tattoo?!" Sam exclaimed in shock.

Tiffany quickly tried to calm her friend down. "Forget about it. She must be joking. Maya's right, I'm sure he won't notice a thing," she said. The chances of Lucas Lee noticing something like that was very slim; they were overreacting. Besides, the man was rumored to be extremely ugly. Only someone like Delilah could stomach him. There was no reason why Maya would let him near her.

But...she had no idea that the rumors were extremely far from the truth...