The Blind Date

Fast forward 20 hours.

Maya glared at the man opposite her as he wrapped his arms around the two women on his lap and laughed flirtatiously like she didn't exist. His eyes curved like two crescent moons, his nose stood tall and his soft lips parted slightly to reveal his straight, white teeth.

Maya had been raised in New York since she was 7 and had never heard about Lee Corporation nor their infamous future heir, Lucas Lee, so she knew nothing about him and was oblivious to the rumor that he was ugly. But she was still surprised by the man's good looks and wondered whether her sister simply liked him because of his appearance. Little did she know that her sister had never actually seen Lucas Lee before, not even a photo, and she had absolutely no idea that the rumors were completely made up.

Maya stared at her outstretched hand and felt her head steam up in anger underneath the long brown curly wig on her head as Lucas Lee ignored her.

After Sam transformed her appearance the previous night, she had spent all morning with Tiffany, learning how to act like her sister. For the past 20 hours, she had been strewn with guilt over lying to an unsuspecting stranger. But now that she was sitting opposite the arrogant playboy, she no longer felt so guilty. Instead, she was curious as to why her sister liked this man so much that she insisted on marrying him.

Drawing her hand back, Maya stared at the man and wondered what her sister would do in a situation like this. She had always thought that she understood Delilah, but she realized at that moment, that she didn't know a thing!

Pulling out her phone and holding it under the table, she quickly sent her sister a message: "Are you sure you want to marry this disgusting guy? I don't think he's right for you."

As Maya waited for a response, Lucas Lee snuck a glance from the corner of his eye and furrowed his brows. She wasn't paying attention to him at all.

[What's wrong with this woman? Any other woman would have stormed out by now…]

He looked flirtatiously at the woman on his right and forcefully released another loud perverted laugh, but when he glanced back at Maya, her mind seemed to be elsewhere.

What was going on?

Over at the hospital, Delilah received her sister's message and frowned. "He must be so ugly that my sister can't stand it," she whispered to herself. At least, she didn't have to worry about her sister stealing her man from her.

She picked up the little handheld mirror that she had been checking all day and sighed, "I guess this beauty is destined to marry a beast..."

Without hesitation, she quickly replied, "100% sure. He may not seem that great on the surface, but I assure you, he is a great guy. Please Sis, you need to help me win him over."

Maya looked at the response and sighed. Since her sister was so persistent, she had no choice but to continue with their plan. Perhaps, there really was something more to Lucas Lee than met the eye.

Putting her phone away, she composed herself again and raised her head. That was when she realized Lucas Lee was staring straight at her. Their eyes met for the first time that night and Lucas Lee smirked. There was a sense of evilness in his eyes that sent shivers down her spine.

[Finally, she's looking at me.]

He wrapped his arms tighter around the two women on his lap, causing them to squeal and giggle in surprise, and said, "Your mind seems to be elsewhere. Are you upset?"

Maya laughed on the inside. Was her sister really sure that there was a great guy hiding underneath all this? But, regardless of whether her sister was right or not, if she wanted to discover the real Lucas Lee and make him marry her sister, there was one obstacle standing between the two of them. To be exact, there were two obstacles: the two women that were sitting on the man's lap.

Maya scanned her eyes across the two women and blinked indifferently.

As an expert in marketing and advertising, she immediately noticed their clothes and accessories and recognized the brands that they were wearing, but she also picked out some flaws. These two women had a mix of authentic and counterfeit items, and judging by their clear Cantonese, they were Hong Kong expats. Clearly, they were trying to keep up with the rich lifestyle in Vegas but they couldn't afford it. With a similarly evil smirk, Maya glanced down at her phone again and said, "You're right, my mind was elsewhere. wasn't because I was upset..."

She then waved her phone and said, "My friends were telling me about a brand name sale and I was getting a little distracted."

"A brand name sale?" the two women's eyes immediately lit up.

"Yes girls, VL and LSY are having a flash warehouse sale right here in Vegas!" Maya whispered in a gossip-like tone similar to her sister's.

The two girls quickly checked their phones excitedly but frowned when they couldn't find any details regarding the sale. "Why can't we find any information on their IG?" the woman on the left asked as she leaned forward with interest.

Maya flicked back her long brown hair and smiled. The two women had taken her bait. "Oh babes, it's a secret invite-only flash sale for loyal customers. VL and LSY are offering 50% off as a New Year Gift and the sale only runs for 2 hours! If I didn't have to attend this blind date, I would be heading over there right now. It's such a shame..."

The woman on the right pouted her lips and leaned forward as well, "I'm so jealous. I wish I was invited..."

Maya could already taste victory as she heard this. "Well...I could give you the details and you can hurry over there right now. You simply have to knock on the door three times and tell them Mr. Toidi invited you."

Lucas Lee leaned back quietly and watched with interest as Maya gave the two women an address and an interesting name. What was this woman doing?

Before he could react, the two women quickly jumped off his lap and turned towards the exit. "Thanks, babe," the woman on the left cheered excitedly.

Lucas Lee smirked and slowly leaned forward. What an interesting turn of events.

But...just as he was about to stop the two women, the woman on the right suddenly turned back around, returned to his side, and shoved some money into his hands, "Sorry Mr. Lee, but we can't keep our end of the deal. If you don't want to date the girl, you should just be honest with her. You didn't have to hire us to put on a show. We've got some shopping to do, bye!"

Lucas looked at the money in his hands, glanced at Maya awkwardly, and cleared his throat. This was not what he expected. If he knew this would happen, he would have said something earlier.

Maya looked at the man with an amused smile.

[ was all an act... Interesting...]

In frustration, Lucas shoved the money into his pocket, opened up the menu on the table, and quickly tried to change the subject: " you know what you want to order?"