Lucas Lee

Over at the hospital, Delilah waited anxiously to hear the results of the blind date.

Equally anxious, were her parents back in Hong Kong.

"How is the date going? Does he like you?" her mother messaged nosily.

A part of the reason why Delilah grew up obsessed with the upper-upper-class was because of her mother, Clarice Wong. From a young age, her mother had taught her the importance of social status and constantly reminded her of the 'tough times' she spent with her ex-husband who was just from the middle-class.

"If your father had been more successful, we wouldn't have gotten a divorce..." she often said. "Even if you don't marry someone from the upper-upper-class, at least find someone from the lower-upper-class like your stepfather. That way, you won't be depreciating yourself."

Delilah looked at her mother's message and sighed. She couldn't answer because she didn't know. But she couldn't tell her parents what was actually happening either.

The truth was, her parents had no idea that Maya was substituting for her, nor did they know that Delilah had gotten into an accident and was at the hospital.

Just as she was staring at her phone and wondering how to reply, there was a knock on her door. Delilah wasn't in the upper-upper-class yet, but she was rich enough to book her own private room in the hospital, so everyone that entered her room were people that she knew.

Thus, without hesitation, she called out, "Come in!"

However, the face that appeared from behind the door wasn't one that she had ever seen before.

"Are you a nurse?" she asked curiously.

The young blond-haired man that stepped into the room looked too young to be a doctor, but he wasn't wearing the hospital's uniform either, so Delilah could only assume that he was a nurse.

However, the young man shook his head, grabbed a chair, and sat down beside her bed. "Are you OK?" he asked as he pointed at her nose.

Delilah nodded blankly. "Who are you? I don't think I know you..."

The young man revealed a charming smile and stuck out his hand, "My name's Noah Thompson, I was the one that saved you yesterday."


Back at the restaurant, Maya sat up straight at the mention of food. "I thought you'd never ask," she said as she held onto the menu, nodded her head, and waved at the waiter. She had waited half an hour for the man to arrive, and now, they had already been sitting there for 20 minutes, so she was starving. "We're ready to order," she said excitedly with a clear American accent as the waiter approached. Lucas glanced at the woman momentarily in surprise but he didn't say a word.

[Wasn't she brought up in Hong Kong? Why does she sound American?]

Not taking her sister's accent into consideration, Maya pointed at the menu and began to order, "I would like to start with half a dozen freshly imported Speciales Gillardeau Oysters which I would like to pair with a Laurent Perrier Ultra Brut Champagne; for my main, I would like the Roasted Langoustine with Caviar paired with an Australian Yarra Valley Sauvignon Blanc; finally, for dessert, I would like the special New Year's Eve Parfait."

Lucas kept his eyes focused on the menu in front of him, but he couldn't hold back a curious smile. "Your English and French is not bad," he commented from behind his menu.

Maya almost choked when she heard this. She was so hungry that she had accidentally slipped up. With a flirtatious giggle, she quickly said in a British accent, "Hehe, I watch a lot of Netflix. Have you seen Chef's Table?"

As Hong Kong was once governed by the UK, they learned British English in school, so her sister had a slightly British accent.

Lucas' smile disappeared and he shook his head.

Of course, for Lucas Lee, this was not the first blind date he had ever attended. In fact, it was the 10th one that year! But every single woman had been the same spoiled, uneducated princess that was only looking to live a luxurious, carefree life, so he always found a way to scare them off. No date had ever lasted more than half an hour...

Before meeting with 'Delilah Yeung', he had asked his assistants to run a background check on her. From what he gathered, she was no different from the other women he had met in the past. He even browsed through her social media and saw how pretentious she was. "Ha! Attending a pool party in the middle of winter? That's as fake as it gets," he criticized when he saw her post the previous day.

For a short moment, he thought this woman was different from what he expected. But after hearing her response, he realized his initial impression was right.

"You're wasting your time here. I'm not looking for a serious relationship. If you leave right now, you might be able to make it to that sale you were talking about," Lucas tested. No woman could sacrifice a sale like that, especially if he made it clear that she was wasting her time with him.

But, to his surprise, Maya looked at him and laughed. She was still a little amused by what had happened earlier.

Channeling her sister, she flicked back her hair, fluttered her lashes, and said, "I have plenty of VL and LSY at home. I don't need more. I just want to be here with you."

Earlier that morning, Tiffany had told her that this was how her sister flirted...

"If you make the man feel like he's more important than your most favorite item, he will definitely fall for you," Tiffany said.

Lucas leaned back in his chair and raised an eyebrow. What a shameless woman. Women like this were the most difficult to deal with.

If one was watching this scene, they might wonder why Lucas Lee still attended these blind dates and why he didn't just walk out if he wasn't interested. The truth was, Lucas had already tried it in the past. In fact, he had tried avoiding these blind dates like the plague, but in the end, he realized that no method was better than making the woman leave on her own. It was the only way to prevent her from clinging to him, and it also sent his father a message to give up.

As Lucas sat there, he began to think about the two women that had just left. Normally, the playboy act worked perfectly; no woman could put up with the disrespectful and humiliating display. But what went wrong this time?

He looked at the woman opposite him again and saw her still fluttering her eyelashes at him.

With a frown, he glanced down at his watch. It had been exactly half an hour since he arrived.

This was officially his longest ever blind date...

How was he going to get rid of this woman now?