Noah's Misunderstanding

Maya stared at Lucas and waited for a response. If his story was different from Noah's, then who was telling the truth?

"For 4 years, my father's been trying to convince me to return to Hong Kong. I don't know what gave him the idea, but he developed this belief that if I marry a woman, I will settle down, return to his side, and obediently take over the family business. So, ever since 4 years ago, he's been constantly arranging blind dates for me," Lucas began to explain.

"At first, I attended them out of respect for the women. Many of them traveled a long way to see me, so I thought they deserved a chance. But I quickly discovered that they were all superficial women who only wanted my money and status so I turned them away politely."

Maya listened quietly. Respect for women? Deserved a chance? Turned them away politely? She couldn't imagine that the arrogant playboy in front of her was once like that...

"Some of the women refused to give up and some called my father to complain. However, no woman went as far as Nova Thomas. Since she lived in the same city as me, she didn't have another country to return to, so she clung to me with all her life."

Maya furrowed her brows. She thought about the photo that Noah showed her. She couldn't imagine the woman being a clingy stalker. "Did you happen to give her the wrong idea? It couldn't have been that bad, right?" she asked.

Lucas shook his head and sighed, "Just like the previous women, I told her politely that I didn't like her, but she was convinced that I would eventually fall in love with her and she started following me everywhere. She would turn up at my office, at my favorite restaurant, and at my local bar. She even broke into my apartment one day...and waited for me in my bed with no clothes on!"

Maya opened her eyes wide in shock. No clothes on? Wow, she really tried hard. "Did you...sleep with her?" she asked with suspicion. Nova was quite beautiful. Could a man really resist a naked blond beauty on their bed?

Lucas raised an eyebrow, "Do I look like the type that would?"

Maya looked into the man's eyes with seriousness and nodded her head. Of course, he did.

Lucas smirked in amusement. What was running through this woman's mind? "I called the police and got a restraining order," he explained.

Maya looked at him with confusion. If he got a restraining order, that meant the woman couldn't get close to him, but Noah had told her that his sister was sent to the psychiatric hospital because of Lucas. So how did she end up there?

"Did that stop her?" she asked, expecting to hear more to the story.

Sure enough, Lucas shook his head. "She jumped in front of my car one day and threatened to kill herself with a knife if I didn't accept her..."

He then lowered his head and frowned, "That was when I realized she was mentally unstable. Soon after, she was arrested for breaking her restraining order, and she was admitted to the psychiatric hospital..."

Maya stared at the man in a daze, surprised by what she had heard. If this was the true story, then Noah had had a huge misunderstanding for four years!

"Every now and then, I think about her. If I had been harsher, or better yet, if I had made her reject me instead, perhaps she wouldn't have ended up like that. Because of her, I took a short break from blind dates after that and my father surprisingly understood. But it didn't last long. A couple of years later, he started arranging them again. So when he did, I decided to attend the dates with a completely different approach—"

"The kind of approach that I experienced?" Maya cut in, finally understanding why the man acted the way that he did. He had done his research and knew that he didn't like Delilah, so he wanted her to hate him and reject him instead. It was the only way to end things cleanly and not end up with another Nova.

But by doing this, wasn't he putting up a guard too early? Sometimes, there was more to a person than what was on the surface. If she had judged Lucas based on her first impression and left, she would have never discovered the real him that was hidden beneath his facade.

As Maya looked at Lucas, she couldn't help seeing him in a new light. He was actually a good man for her sister.

But the question now was, was her sister a good woman for Lucas? Was she actually genuine towards him?

At that moment, a voice interrupted her thoughts, "Mr. Lee, Miss Yeung, we are now flying over the infamous Hoover Dam. It sits on the border of Nevada and Arizona, and it is used for flood and silt control, hydroelectric power, agricultural irrigation, as well as domestic water supply. Can you believe this was built in the 1930's?"

While Maya was staring at Lucas, the man smirked, suddenly moved forward again, and returned his arms around her waist. "Why do you always have the better view on your side?" he asked cheekily as the woman gasped in surprise. This time, he wasn't hugging her from behind, but sideways, and her lips were almost touching his cheek!

Maya quickly turned her head toward the window and blushed. Slowly, a smile appeared on her face...