Landing In The Grand Canyon

As Sam gulped down the water from the fountain, he felt his body cool down and his mind clear.

When Delilah was arrogant, it was fine, he liked her confidence; when she was spoilt, it was fine, he liked doting on her; even when she was superficial, it was fine, he admired her beauty. But why did he still love her when she was so selfish? Was it just a habit? Had he loved her for so long that he didn't know how to love another?

Sam held his head and continued to drink the water. His head was sore and throbbing and he didn't want to think anymore, so he tried to drown out the thoughts.

The truth was, he had drunk an entire bottle of red wine the previous night after he left the hospital, and he was now suffering from a bit of a hangover. New year's eve had always been tough on him. It meant he had spent another year without telling Delilah the truth. But this year was particularly tough because Delilah was determined to marry Lucas Lee.

When Delilah was admitted to the hospital and he knew it wasn't serious, he was actually a little happy; he thought she would have to cancel her blind date with Lucas. Who knew a twin sister would come out of nowhere and willingly help her.

Sam pitied Maya a little. In a way, they were in similar situations. They both cared about Delilah, but she never cared about them.

Maya continued to meet with Lucas even though she knew there was a potential for danger. Meanwhile, he had a hangover but he still woke up early to go line up and buy breakfast for the woman. Why were they both so stupid?

At that moment, a voice suddenly said behind him, "You do know that drinking too much water can kill you, right?"

Sam moved his lips away from the drinking fountain and took his finger off the button. He turned around in surprise and saw Dr. Mason Brown standing behind him with a teasing grin on his face.

Water intoxication was a real and serious condition whereby a person consumed too much water, causing an imbalance of electrolytes in their body and swelling of brain cells. This increased pressure on the brain could lead to serious and life-threatening complications. But, of course, Sam was far from that state; Dr. Brown was just teasing.

Sam held his head and furrowed his brows, "Sorry, was I taking too long? I have a bit of a hangover so I thought some water would help."

Dr. Brown chuckled, "You know what would really help? Some food. I saw you bought breakfast for your friend but you didn't buy anything for yourself. You should eat something if you want to feel better."

Sam frowned. Even the doctor noticed this small detail after entering the room for just a little while. Delilah, on the other hand, didn't even ask him once whether he had eaten.

The truth was, cafe food had never been his thing. Sure, it was trendy and looked good in photos, but he needed something hearty to feel satisfied, and there was nothing on the menu that fit that criteria.

"I'm actually on my way to the cafeteria right now. I haven't had any food either. Would you like to join me? Our chefs are surprisingly good," the young doctor offered.

Sam hesitated for a moment but nodded in the end; he was indeed hungry. Besides, he didn't want to return to Delilah's room yet.

Dr. Brown's eyes lit up. With a smile, he quickly led the way.


The benefit of riding a helicopter to the Grand Canyon wasn't just the time it took. Another huge benefit was the fact that the helicopter could land in an area where normal tourists couldn't access and they could enjoy an exclusive view.

As Maya and Lucas' helicopter officially entered the Grand Canyon National Park, the sweeping view that appeared in front of them was breathtaking. Maya couldn't believe that she had visited Vegas for business so many times in the past but never visited this place.

"Thank you for bringing me here," she couldn't help but say softly. If not for Lucas, she probably would have never 'made the time' to come. What a shame it would have been to miss out on something so spectacular.

Soon, the helicopter arrived at a plateau and slowly lowered. Maya looked at the man in surprise. "Are we landing?"

She had no idea what was planned. She simply thought they were flying past and returning to Vegas.

Lucas smiled and nodded his head.

As the engine turned off, the two pilots turned around, removed their headsets, and said to Lucas with a mysterious smile, "Everything's been prepared the way that you requested. We will return to Vegas in an hour."

Lucas nodded, stepped off the helicopter, and gestured for Maya to follow him.

As Maya stared at the vast expanse in front of them, she suddenly felt a little worried. "What are we doing? They're not coming with us?"

There was not a single person around and the pilots were staying in the helicopter. Where was Lucas taking her?

Maya suddenly had a thought: if something was to happen to her out here, no one would know. Hell, Lucas could even push her off the cliff and her body would be lost in the Grand Canyon forever...

"Can't I stay here?" she asked nervously.

With a smirk, Lucas turned around, grabbed her hand, and dragged her away with him.