Lover's Tiff?

Noah gripped tightly to his phone as he checked the time on his watch. 3.5 hours! It had already been 3.5 hours since the helicopter carrying Maya and Lucas had left, and for these 3.5 hours, he had not been able to contact Maya at all.

A million possibilities ran through his head. A year ago, Lucas' ballet dancer date was found murdered in an alleyway with obvious signs of sexual assault.

What if Lucas had something similar planned for Maya?

He had paid his way out of trouble back then...

What if...Lucas paid the pilots and he was now having his way with Maya as well?! Inside that little cabin, there was no way to escape and no one to call for help.

Noah bit his nails anxiously and panicked as he blamed himself for not thinking of that possibility earlier. Now that they were up in the air, there was nothing he could do and it only made him more paranoid. Just like the way that he couldn't be there for his sister when Lucas was torturing her, had he failed to protect Maya as well?

While he was deep in thought, a loud rumbling noise suddenly brought him back to reality. He immediately lifted his head and saw a helicopter approaching in the distance. Squinting his eyes to get a better look at the helicopter, he noticed the name of the tour company on the side; it was the company that Lucas had booked. His instincts immediately told him that it was Maya and Lucas. It had to be. They were the first flight to leave that morning and no other helicopter had returned yet.

[They must be back. God, please let Maya return in one piece!]

Soon, the helicopter flew in above his head and started landing. Every second was torturous. Not only was he worried about Maya, but he also felt guilty for not protecting her.

After what seemed like forever, the helicopter blades finally stopped spinning, the engine turned off, and the passenger door swung open. First, a young man stepped out: it was Lucas Lee.

Noah watched anxiously and held his breath. It was really them!

But, from where he was standing, Lucas Lee appeared to have an evil grin on his face. This evil grin sent chills down his spine. Noah had a bad feeling about this. What had Lucas Lee done? Why did he have that expression on his face?

Noah continued to watch as the man turned around and stretched out his hand. A moment later, a young woman slapped away his hand and stepped out after him. [Maya! It's Maya!]

The young woman adjusted her shirt awkwardly and frowned as the two pilots also stepped off the helicopter and snickered. She then looked at Noah helplessly and started quickly walking towards him with an aggrieved expression.

Noah's heart began to race. Was his prediction right? Did Lucas do something to her in the helicopter? [That monster!!]

As soon as Maya reached his side, he asked worriedly, "What happened?"

He clenched his fists, ready to punch the man in the face if he had really done something.

But without answering, Maya jumped into the back seat and yelled, "Lock the back doors!"

Noah looked at the woman in surprise. That was not the answer he expected. Shouldn't she be telling him to call the police?

But before Noah could respond, Lucas caught up and tried to climb into the back seat as well. Noah's first reaction was to pull him back out, but before he managed to do anything, Maya quickly stuck out her foot and kicked the man out of the car. "You're sitting in the front seat! I'm not riding in the back with you!" she said with a pout.

Lucas held his chest in pain. The woman's kick was real. With a chuckle, he obediently walked around to the front and climbed into the front passenger seat. "Noah, drive Miss Yeung home so she can prepare for tonight," Lucas commanded.

Noah stared at the two with confusion. Tonight? Why did she need to prepare for tonight? What was he planning to do with her tonight? Noah peered into the backseat questioningly but Maya did not object. Was this consensual? Or did he blackmail her in some way?

Leaning over to close the door, he whispered into the woman's ear, "Do you want me to call the police? Did the b*stard do something to you?"

Just as he did this, Lucas turned around and glared at him threateningly.

Noah paused. He was sure he didn't hear him, but why did Lucas look like he wanted to strangle him? And why did it feel like he was the one that had done something wrong?

He didn't know how to react.

At that moment, to his surprise, Maya suddenly tugged on his tie, cupped her mouth, and whispered into his ear, "The police isn't necessary. Just do me a favor: pretend that I said something really funny and laugh."

Noah was completely confused. Why was Maya suddenly acting so affectionate with him and why did she tell him to laugh. He didn't know what was happening, but he quickly did as he was told and started laughing.

As he did so, he glanced at Lucas and noticed he had turned back around to face the front. "Noah, start the car! We don't have all day!" he growled. Even though he couldn't see his boss' face, he could tell that he was angry.

What was going on between these two?

Had he misunderstood? Why did it feel like...

...a lovers' tiff?!

As Noah started the car, he glanced at Maya through the rearview mirror and saw her gently lift her hand to touch her lips.

Maya frowned. [Stupid Lucas]

She couldn't believe what had happened in the helicopter. But when she thought about the way that she deliberately used Noah to get back at the man for what he did, she felt a little better and smiled. At least, they were even now.

Meanwhile, Lucas also touched his lips and smirked. Turning to glare at Noah again, he took a glance at his blond hair and frowned. All of a sudden, he demanded, "Leave the car with me tonight. I'll drive!"

In the back seat, Maya couldn't help but scoff.