Warning Or Threat

Ryan Yoo? Why did that name seem so familiar?

Maya stared blankly at the man for a few seconds before she realized who he was. "Oh yes! You're Lucas' assistant! Can you take me to see him? I have something urgent to tell him."

Ryan looked the woman up and down. So this was the woman that had been lying to Lucas over the past few days. She did look exactly like Delilah Yeung, but he knew she wasn't.

"I thought Lucas made things clear with you last night. He doesn't want to see you anymore. If you keep clinging to him, I will have to call the police," Ryan warned. This scene reminded him a little of Nova Thomas. Was this woman another stalker? 

"I'm not clinging to him. I am here as a friend. I have something to tell him about Nova Thomas..." Maya said with sincerity.

Ryan's eyes opened wide at the mention of this name. "Nova? How do you know her?" he asked with suspicion.

Maya hesitated for a moment and finally replied, "Lucas told me about her and I did some investigating..."

Ryan raised an eyebrow. This woman actually investigated Lucas' stalker? Why would she do something like that? Was she genuinely concerned about him?

Relaxing a little, he picked up his phone, stepped to the side, and made a call.

Maya couldn't hear the complete conversation, but she could tell that he was talking to Lucas.

"Yes, she's here...

"She said she called...




Eventually, he hung up the phone, returned to Maya's side, and said, "Follow me."

He then led her to the elevator, scanned an access card, and pressed the button for the 15th floor. Lucas could easily afford the penthouse suite or presidential suite in this hotel, but he chose to stay in a normal suite with Ryan. Maya was quite surprised. [I guess that playboy isn't as spoilt as I thought.]

When they arrived at the door, Ryan quickly scanned his access card again and it beeped open.

The door opened up to a corridor with the bathroom on the left. As Maya stepped inside, she could smell the fragrance of men's cologne and there was a bit of steam coming from the open bathroom where someone had clearly just finished having a shower. As she headed into the main living area, a familiar man stepped out of one of the bedrooms with a towel around the bottom half of his body...and nothing on top!

Maya held her breath in surprise.

The man was confident with his body so he did not feel any awkwardness. But as Maya glanced at his toned muscles and abs, she felt herself blush a little. She wanted to ask him how he could walk around like that, but then she realized she was the one that had intruded into his private suite. This was his room, he could do whatever he pleased...

That was when she realized she had put herself in quite a dangerous position again. One woman, two men...and one of them was half-naked. Things could go south really easily.

"Ryan said you wanted to speak to me about Nova..." Lucas reminded when he saw the woman standing there blankly.

Maya quickly shook her head and snapped out of her daze. [What are you thinking, Maya?]

"Uhh, yes. I called her psychiatric hospital this morning..." she started explaining.

Lucas raised an eyebrow as he heard this. "You did?"

"Yes," Maya nodded and smiled reassuringly. "You don't have to worry about Nova. According to the hospital, she hasn't left and she doesn't even have a phone. In fact, she's almost fully recovered and will be taken off her medication soon. I don't think she's stalking you."

Lucas glanced at Ryan and Ryan furrowed his brows. "So you're saying she's still at the hospital? Which hospital is this?" Ryan asked with curiosity.

Maya looked at him innocently and replied, "Lakeside Angels Psychiatric Hospital in Los Angeles."

Lucas frowned. That was indeed the hospital where Nova was staying. But something wasn't right.

"That's impossible..." he said.

Maya tilted her head in confusion. What was impossible?

"Nova can't be at the hospital..." he continued.

"She escaped a year ago and she still hasn't been found..."


At this moment, over at Sunset Hospital, Noah arrived with a basket of snacks. Delilah had suddenly asked to speak to him so he didn't want to arrive empty-handed. After all...this was Maya's twin sister. He had to leave a good impression.

But, as soon as he arrived, the woman glared at him and said, "What have you been doing with my sister? Why did she suddenly back out of our deal? She said she's not helping me anymore!"

Noah looked at the woman in surprise and felt a little happy when he heard this. "She's not helping you anymore?" he exclaimed. Had he really influenced her to change her mind? 

Delilah eyed the man up and down. "Did you charm her with your good looks? I already confirmed that Lucas didn't hit me. Tiffany witnessed the scene and she clearly saw a woman driving. You should go clarify things with Maya so she can continue to help me," the woman whined.

Noah frowned. "You know nothing. Lucas is evil. He could have hired that woman to hit you. Do you know how much danger you're putting your sister in?" he said stubbornly.

Delilah scoffed, grabbed a packet of chocolate from the basket, and threw it at the man's head. "Are you an idiot? I've seen the messages from Lucas. He is completely smitten. He would never hurt my sister!" She didn't understand why everyone thought Lucas was dangerous and would hurt her sister. Above all, she couldn't understand why they all thought she was so cold-blooded as to throw her sister into danger. She had actually done a background check on Lucas: he volunteered at an orphanage every year and donated millions to charity. She wasn't stupid. Someone like that did not seem dangerous at all.

Also, she had analyzed the situation and clearly seen the messages from the man. Lucas was clearly attracted to 'her'. Besides, he had plenty of opportunities to hurt her sister but he never did. Why was this man still so adamant that Lucas was evil. He was completely ruining her chances with his paranoia! He had even caused her best friend to doubt her!

Noah froze and held his head in pain. The chocolate was hard and it dazed him for a moment.

Suddenly, the look in his eyes changed. Burning in anger, he lifted his head and glared at the woman. He then said with slight amusement in his eyes, "Delilah Yeung... You better be careful or your sister will end up just like you..."

Delilah didn't know why, but these words sent chills down her spine...

Was this a warning? Or a threat?