Who Did I Leave The Club With Last Night?

By the time that Tiffany arrived at the hospital, Noah was already gone, but Delilah was left in a daze. Originally, she was planning to scare and threaten the man into leaving Maya alone and telling her that he was just being paranoid. But the man ended up scaring her instead.

"Why do you look like you're in a daze?" Tiffany chuckled awkwardly as she entered the room. Last night, Delilah had suddenly hung up on her halfway through their video call, so she was worried that her best friend was upset. When Delilah was mad, it was not a good idea to get on her bad side; she could be quite intimidating. So she had to make amends before things got worse.

But to her surprise, Delilah simply looked at her in a dazed expression and said, "Oh, it's you..."

Tiffany approached the bed cautiously and sat down beside Delilah. "Are you feeling alright?" she asked.

Delilah nodded lightly. It was like she had been traumatized by something and she was in shock.

After a short moment, she finally snapped back to reality and looked at Tiffany. "What about you? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you still be recovering from last night?" she asked with a slightly complaining tone.

Tiffany quickly raised her hands and replied, "I'm sorry if you were upset that we went to the club without you. We thought we'd surprise you with a live stream and you'd be ok with it."

Delilah saw that her friend was genuinely apologizing and her eyes softened a little. Sure, she was sad that she was left out, but the thing that truly upset her was the image of Sam with Dr. Brown and Dr. Brown's friend.

All of a sudden, as she was thinking about the video call from the previous night, she noticed something sparkling underneath Tiffany's tightly buttoned coat. [Wait a minute...Tiffany's never been this modest with her clothes...]

Stretching out her hands, she unbuttoned the top two buttons on Tiffany's coat and threw it open with a smirk. Underneath the coat was a glittery silver dress. The same one that she wore to the club the previous night!! Delilah recognized it from the video call.

"Babe, why are you still in yesterday's clothes?" Delilah asked with suspicion. "Didn't you go back to your hotel room?"

Tiffany had actually come from the other side of the Las Vegas Strip and decided to visit Delilah first.

Blushing a little, she fanned herself shyly and shook her head. "I had the most amazing night..." she said suggestively.

Delilah opened her eyes wide with interest. "You little sl*t! Did you sleep with someone from the club?"

Tiffany quickly held a finger to her lips and gestured for her best friend to be quiet. Slightly whispering, she giggled and answered, "He was so good in bed that I climaxed multiple times!"

"Multiple times?" Delilah was surprised. She had never experienced anything like that. "Was he handsome? Was he tall? Was he strong?" Delilah questioned nosily.

Tiffany quickly tried to calm her friend down. "I can't answer so many questions at once," she laughed.

She then glanced at the gift basket sitting on top of Delilah's bedside table. That wasn't there the previous day and she knew it couldn't have been from Sam.

"Enough about me..." she said, trying to change the subject. "Who brought you that gift basket?"

Delilah glanced at the basket and her expression suddenly changed. Furrowing her brows, she replied, "It was from Noah Thompson."

Tiffany raised an eyebrow. "The guy that saved you?" she asked.

Delilah pursed her lips. "Yes...and I think there's something seriously wrong with him..." she said cautiously.

At that very moment, Sam arrived as well and overheard their conversation. "Are you still trying to deny that you selfishly put your sister in danger by blaming Noah? Can't you just be grateful that he brought you a gift and he's concerned about your sister's safety?" he frowned from the doorway. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He thought the woman would reflect on her actions and realize she was wrong, but it seemed, he expected too much from her.

Delilah looked at the young man. He was neatly dressed as usual, but he looked exhausted like he had not slept all night. She knew he had been mad at her the previous day and she knew he went to the club with someone else. However, they had never fought for longer than 24 hours so she assumed he would eventually return to her side. Now that he was there, did this mean he had forgiven her?


Not only did Sam have an extremely cold tone, he was actually there to see Tiffany. He had a lot of questions about the previous night, and he thought she would be able to shed some light on the situation.

Looking innocently at Sam, Delilah replied, "I'm not denying anything. I'm simply saying that Noah is a bit strange. I spoke to him this morning. He is overly obsessed with the idea that Lucas ran me over, even though all the evidence says otherwise. And I swear, he even threatened me..."

"Why did he suddenly come this morning?" Sam questioned with suspicion.

Delilah glanced away guiltily; she knew the truth would make her look bad. "I told him to come."

Sam knew Delila well enough to know that she was up to something so he stared at her and waited for her to elaborate on her answer.

Surrendering, Delilah sighed and added in defeat, "I wanted him to convince Maya to continue helping me... Maya suddenly backed out from our deal so I thought he had something to do with it."

Sam rolled his eyes. "So, in other words, you think he's strange because he doesn't agree with you..."

"No...that's not..." Delilah wanted to explain further, but Sam held up his hand to stop her.

"That's enough, I don't want to hear anymore. Tiff, I actually came to see you today. I wanted to ask you something," Sam said.

Tiffany looked at the man in surprise and pointed to herself, "Me?"

"Yes..." Sam replied. Completely ignoring Delilah, he looked at the woman next to her and asked, "Who did I leave the club with last night?"

Tiffany's eyes darted a little and she replied, "I'm not sure..."